Game #1930530

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-26 X
-2 TS

94% | 1641 X | 1568 TS

-26 X
-2 TS

60% | 1208 X | 1378 TS

-49 X
-3 TS

59% | 1204 X | 1380 TS

-2 X
-2 TS

59% | 1204 X | 1371 TS

+28 X
-4 TS

54% | 1150 X | 1364 TS

-5 X
+3 TS

87% | 1510 X | 1416 TS

-16 X
+3 TS

66% | 1251 X | 1402 TS

+52 X
+3 TS

65% | 1215 X | 1428 TS

+45 X
+2 TS

64% | 1253 X | 1379 TS

+10 X
+3 TS

63% | 1223 X | 1389 TS

Chat log

00:00:10Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:20Dota.m i can es or lesh
00:00:21Timu hmm
00:00:21Timu i can es
00:00:21wodrock no youcantr
00:00:21wodrock you suck
00:00:21TOo_LaZy valiante u carry
00:00:21TOo_LaZy ?
00:00:21valiante ill see
00:00:21valiante hmm
00:00:21wodrock i carry
00:00:21TOo_LaZy u suck
00:00:21TOo_LaZy cock
00:00:21TOo_LaZy always
00:00:21valiante lol
00:00:21valiante guys
00:00:21valiante can u guys talk nicely to each other
00:00:21TOo_LaZy if u take carry ill take carry too
00:00:21valiante we just begun
00:00:21TOo_LaZy im just saying wodrock should not carry
00:00:21TOo_LaZy ;)
00:00:21TOo_LaZy u should
00:00:21valiante yeah because that solves the problem right too lazy
00:00:21Timu sup?
00:00:21Dota.m i can lina es or lesh
00:00:21TOo_LaZy if u ake a decent carry i can take a hero like lina
00:00:21wodrock we win if i carry
00:00:21Timu sup?
00:00:21Gevomancer seljanka
00:00:21valiante i ban gondar
00:00:21Kastrup i ban Void.
00:00:31NoHankyPanky get bs
00:00:40TOo_LaZy luna fp
00:00:41TOo_LaZy very wise
00:00:42TOo_LaZy :D
00:00:49NoHankyPanky get me bs someone?
00:00:50valiante dont give a fuck
00:00:54valiante i carry and clean this
00:01:03valiante get pugna
00:01:05valiante now
00:01:06valiante and we win
00:01:07wodrock i wont
00:01:09TOo_LaZy i was planning
00:01:09valiante please
00:01:10TOo_LaZy i will
00:01:11valiante for someone else
00:01:11wodrock i ate it
00:01:11TOo_LaZy take it
00:01:13Kastrup get sladar
00:01:14Kastrup korb
00:01:16valiante goodie
00:01:17Kastrup and magnus
00:01:17TOo_LaZy what u want
00:01:17Kastrup imo
00:01:18wodrock :D
00:01:19TOo_LaZy wodrock
00:01:21TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:01:21TOo_LaZy -di
00:01:22wodrock em
00:01:23Timu want bs?
00:01:26valiante watd owns es and lina
00:01:27wodrock qop or kunkka
00:01:30Kastrup u aren't comming mid with bs
00:01:30NoHankyPanky hmm
00:01:33NoHankyPanky i know
00:01:34NoHankyPanky take
00:01:43wodrock -swap 4
00:01:43TOo_LaZy -swap
00:01:48TOo_LaZy -swap 3
00:01:49wodrock havent played qop more than once :d
00:01:52NoHankyPanky -ma
00:01:55TOo_LaZy so why u
00:01:56TOo_LaZy ask it?
00:01:58TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:01:58TOo_LaZy -di
00:01:59wodrock i want to try it
00:01:59valiante ok
00:02:04valiante lesh pugna top
00:02:06Kastrup es
00:02:07valiante akasha bs bot
00:02:09Zajeb ?
00:02:09Kastrup u need to gank alot..
00:02:11NoHankyPanky wards
00:02:13NoHankyPanky timu
00:02:14NoHankyPanky for bot
00:02:18NoHankyPanky -ma
00:02:19wodrock lol
00:02:27valiante pugna
00:02:27valiante wards
00:02:30Kastrup share chicken courier
00:02:30valiante for anti pull
00:02:32valiante -.-
00:02:37valiante why dont people think this for themselves
00:02:39Kastrup share
00:02:40TOo_LaZy late
00:02:46valiante just think
00:02:48valiante ur top
00:02:49valiante get wards
00:02:53valiante makes ur lanes 100% times easier
00:02:55Gevomancer es block
00:02:57valiante -ms
00:02:57Kastrup gl & hf ² all
00:03:00TOo_LaZy we will push
00:03:01TOo_LaZy that lane
00:03:02NoHankyPanky gay
00:03:03TOo_LaZy in 10 min
00:03:16Gevomancer fb
00:03:35Dota.m pugna lvl 3 kill
00:03:37Dota.m b
00:04:49TOo_LaZy justp ush it
00:04:55TOo_LaZy and go roam push other
00:05:07NoHankyPanky stun?
00:05:15Timu havent taken
00:05:32NoHankyPanky u take now plz?
00:06:12Dota.m ss krob
00:06:17TOo_LaZy she pulled
00:06:17TOo_LaZy dobule
00:06:30Dota.m she or he :D
00:06:55Kastrup miss luna
00:06:56Kastrup comming top
00:07:13Dota.m ss es
00:07:13Dota.m care
00:07:16Dota.m re
00:08:14NoHankyPanky wait
00:08:19Timu k k
00:08:28Gevomancer nvm
00:08:35Gevomancer -ms
00:08:41NoHankyPanky dpho
00:08:42NoHankyPanky fail
00:08:53Kastrup miss
00:08:59NoHankyPanky gj
00:08:59wodrock ffs
00:09:00Zajeb ss 2
00:09:01wodrock pay attention
00:09:03Timu :D
00:09:09Kastrup luna ging top
00:09:20Timu :D:D
00:09:22TOo_LaZy ok w/e
00:09:23Timu :DD
00:09:30TOo_LaZy pro bambi
00:09:47wodrock FUCK U IDIOT
00:09:56NoHankyPanky b
00:09:57NoHankyPanky vison
00:09:57wodrock fucking noob
00:10:01NoHankyPanky he can see uy
00:10:02valiante MISS
00:10:08TOo_LaZy ss top
00:10:19Dota.m es
00:10:20wodrock this idiot ruined this game for me
00:10:38NoHankyPanky he got ulti
00:10:41Zajeb ss top
00:10:41Kastrup miss luna
00:10:44NoHankyPanky b
00:10:46Kastrup re
00:10:53NoHankyPanky tp vs bs
00:11:03Kastrup miss luna
00:11:04Dota.m ss top
00:11:05Kastrup going for bot
00:11:06Kastrup rune
00:11:08Kastrup B bot
00:11:09Dota.m re 1
00:11:13valiante GO
00:11:36NoHankyPanky bs got ulti
00:11:39Timu no
00:11:41Timu used on me
00:11:42NoHankyPanky no then
00:11:43NoHankyPanky k
00:11:44NoHankyPanky but soon
00:11:55Gevomancer -ma
00:12:00Dota.m i go reg and gank bot
00:12:49NoHankyPanky stun em?
00:12:56Dota.m silence es
00:13:02Kastrup i come
00:13:04NoHankyPanky rdy
00:13:08Kastrup g
00:13:08TOo_LaZy keep on ous imo
00:13:12TOo_LaZy mid
00:13:14valiante miss
00:13:15valiante lina
00:13:26valiante he died before
00:13:41TOo_LaZy kill them
00:14:19Dota.m ffs
00:14:20Dota.m silence
00:14:24NoHankyPanky luna coming
00:14:24Dota.m din fucking noob
00:14:25NoHankyPanky re
00:14:30Kastrup no hes mid
00:14:30Kastrup ffs
00:15:15wodrock BAMBI
00:15:19wodrock YOU FUCKING MORON
00:15:44NoHankyPanky nop hp
00:15:47valiante ok
00:15:49valiante come mid
00:16:01Timu -ii
00:16:08Dota.m w8 me mid
00:16:09Dota.m omw
00:16:51Dota.m omfg
00:16:51valiante ur all a joke to mankind
00:16:56Kastrup my rune
00:16:59Kastrup if it comes
00:17:02Kastrup stay
00:17:03Kastrup and
00:17:10Kastrup i take
00:17:21Dota.m lina hasted
00:17:49Dota.m twr
00:18:07Kastrup hvordan
00:18:08Kastrup hvordan
00:18:11Kastrup kan du ikke have fået boots?
00:18:18NoHankyPanky fordi en tog bird fra mig
00:18:26Bambi cap ?
00:18:27NoHankyPanky plz dont tud, det hjælper ikke
00:18:28valiante y
00:18:33Bambi 500 for relic
00:18:33Kastrup det da bare elendigt
00:18:38valiante gj
00:18:39NoHankyPanky ?
00:18:40NoHankyPanky hvorfor
00:18:41TOo_LaZy :D:D:D:D
00:18:42NoHankyPanky de var påp bird
00:18:44TOo_LaZy gj ryan
00:18:45NoHankyPanky en fjernede den
00:18:46Kastrup 15 min
00:18:55valiante 3 bot
00:18:57Dota.m b
00:19:00NoHankyPanky har købt wards til dig og bird
00:19:14Dota.m come
00:19:28valiante how come
00:19:31valiante everytime u come pugna
00:19:33valiante when they are there
00:19:34valiante u are not
00:19:37valiante its every single not time
00:19:39NoHankyPanky care bs
00:19:44NoHankyPanky he mid nm
00:19:54Dota.m omfg
00:19:59TOo_LaZy lol
00:20:00Dota.m akasha
00:20:00TOo_LaZy this wodrock
00:20:02TOo_LaZy CARRY
00:20:03Kastrup gj
00:20:03TOo_LaZy OMFG
00:20:03valiante and he attacks reeps
00:20:04Dota.m u suck so much
00:20:07wodrock what fucking carry
00:20:07TOo_LaZy u suck so hard
00:20:10TOo_LaZy even ur momma sucks better
00:20:14TOo_LaZy akasha not carry ?
00:20:16wodrock no
00:20:19valiante i think we know now
00:20:19TOo_LaZy ok
00:20:21valiante its 1 v 5
00:20:21TOo_LaZy :DDDDDD
00:20:24TOo_LaZy gg
00:20:25TOo_LaZy ff
00:20:27TOo_LaZy thius shitty game
00:20:28TOo_LaZy luna fp
00:20:28Dota.m ff
00:20:32TOo_LaZy imo only that
00:20:34TOo_LaZy bambi can carry us
00:20:52Dota.m b
00:20:52Dota.m b
00:20:52Dota.m b
00:20:53Dota.m b
00:21:39NoHankyPanky gj
00:21:43NoHankyPanky tower
00:22:23TOo_LaZy wow
00:22:25TOo_LaZy he illed?
00:22:27TOo_LaZy u kileld?
00:22:32TOo_LaZy oh u died
00:22:32Kastrup gj
00:22:33TOo_LaZy sorry
00:22:46NoHankyPanky wards someone
00:22:47valiante can we have fucking wrads anyday now?
00:23:41NoHankyPanky use bird
00:24:16valiante bait
00:25:07valiante god the day wodrock learns to play doat
00:25:16Kastrup help
00:25:17Timu :D
00:25:33Timu bkb or deso?
00:25:36Kastrup bkb
00:25:40Timu ai ai
00:25:42valiante fuck u guys
00:25:47valiante leshrac hasnt hit a stun yet and pugna afk
00:25:51valiante i farm
00:25:52valiante for 30
00:26:15NoHankyPanky radi on bs
00:26:17NoHankyPanky wtf
00:26:17Kastrup true
00:26:18TOo_LaZy stop
00:26:19TOo_LaZy dieing
00:26:21TOo_LaZy atleast u have blink
00:26:21TOo_LaZy ?
00:26:28NoHankyPanky er det evoxx`?
00:26:30TOo_LaZy could u wodrock ?
00:26:30Kastrup ye
00:26:32TOo_LaZy maybe stay at base
00:26:54Dota.m b
00:26:54Dota.m b
00:27:03NoHankyPanky nice
00:27:12NoHankyPanky d
00:27:14NoHankyPanky 11
00:27:39NoHankyPanky just get that dagger es
00:27:41NoHankyPanky farm
00:27:57Kastrup just go bot
00:28:12TOo_LaZy bot
00:28:13TOo_LaZy go def?
00:28:21TOo_LaZy no ?
00:28:26TOo_LaZy no tp
00:28:27TOo_LaZy no nothing
00:28:33NoHankyPanky b
00:28:47valiante dagon and phase?
00:28:48NoHankyPanky wardsd someone
00:28:50NoHankyPanky we need to gang
00:28:52Kastrup true
00:28:55Kastrup krob push mid
00:28:57Kastrup we stay out here
00:28:57TOo_LaZy dominator?
00:28:58Kastrup ok?
00:28:58TOo_LaZy :DDDDDDDDDD
00:28:59Kastrup okay?
00:29:02Gevomancer yea
00:29:04Kastrup STAY here
00:29:05Kastrup krob push
00:29:07valiante are u serious?
00:29:10TOo_LaZy u?
00:29:11valiante u dont think i should do dominator?
00:29:15TOo_LaZy i think
00:29:16Kastrup well b
00:29:18TOo_LaZy u shoud have gotten
00:29:21TOo_LaZy eaglehorn
00:29:22TOo_LaZy domi
00:29:23TOo_LaZy etc
00:29:26Timu push
00:29:32TOo_LaZy b
00:29:33TOo_LaZy def mid
00:29:46TOo_LaZy coming sec
00:29:50NoHankyPanky wait 190
00:29:52NoHankyPanky 10
00:30:25Kastrup why tp?
00:30:27Kastrup vi er der ALLE
00:30:28Timu my bad
00:30:36NoHankyPanky havde 10 hp
00:31:03Kastrup why?
00:31:07Kastrup why not fucking go back
00:31:10Kastrup u see them comming ages away
00:31:19Timu whats that ms on lesh?
00:31:21NoHankyPanky he got ulti
00:31:22NoHankyPanky ...
00:31:23NoHankyPanky y
00:31:44NoHankyPanky u need that dagger es
00:31:45Dota.m -ms
00:31:50Zajeb know
00:31:51Dota.m 375
00:31:53valiante du går bkb ik
00:31:58Timu -ms
00:31:59Dota.m hvem ?
00:32:00Dota.m mid
00:32:02Dota.m mif
00:32:04valiante blood
00:32:04Dota.m mig *
00:32:21Kastrup b
00:32:27valiante b
00:32:28valiante b
00:32:28valiante b
00:32:57NoHankyPanky beautiful
00:33:02Dota.m keep feeding akasha
00:33:05Dota.m good
00:33:15Bambi he is so fucking nooooooooob
00:33:17Bambi woodrock
00:33:20Bambi kick u self
00:33:26wodrock you ruined our lane
00:33:28wodrock so i dont care
00:33:33TOo_LaZy u dont care so u get banned
00:33:34TOo_LaZy 11
00:33:38wodrock i dont
00:33:40NoHankyPanky care
00:33:40NoHankyPanky top
00:33:40TOo_LaZy u do
00:33:41wodrock becausei play my best
00:33:42wodrock still
00:33:43Gevomancer go
00:33:43valiante haha
00:33:44Gevomancer i tp
00:33:45valiante no u dont
00:33:49valiante 2 - 12 with akasha
00:33:57Dota.m def
00:33:59wodrock i said this is the secnd time i play it
00:34:12NoHankyPanky not there
00:34:26Dota.m ffs
00:34:39Dota.m too_lazy depcrify me
00:34:54Dota.m ¨
00:34:54NoHankyPanky guess ud odnt need raozr
00:35:11Bambi har bkb snart cap
00:35:14NoHankyPanky we copuld rast roshan with slardar
00:35:19NoHankyPanky and medalion
00:35:20valiante tror ik det nok
00:35:27Bambi vi skal nok vinde
00:35:29Kastrup nah
00:35:31Bambi gør mit bedste
00:35:36Kastrup lets not drop this on the floor
00:35:43NoHankyPanky start ward then someone
00:35:48Zajeb gather
00:35:50Zajeb got smoke
00:36:16NoHankyPanky bot then
00:36:16Dota.m care
00:36:25NoHankyPanky b
00:36:32Kastrup all come bot
00:36:41NoHankyPanky b
00:36:48NoHankyPanky u dont want bs ulti
00:36:48Dota.m b
00:37:03wodrock someone use the chick
00:37:03NoHankyPanky mana
00:37:03valiante go get mana
00:37:03Bambi 300 for bkb
00:37:04NoHankyPanky plz
00:37:05valiante akasha
00:37:07Zajeb cd
00:37:15Timu blink in
00:37:20Kastrup razor and krob first
00:37:29NoHankyPanky b
00:37:45NoHankyPanky i hate this es
00:37:46Kastrup WHY
00:37:50Kastrup why dont u fucking just do as i say
00:38:14Kastrup next time
00:38:17Kastrup razor go in first
00:38:18Kastrup with krob
00:38:22Kastrup sladar come stun when they come
00:38:25Kastrup and es come with ulti aswell
00:38:31Kastrup then it should be GG
00:38:32Kastrup dont hunt
00:38:32valiante FFS
00:38:35Kastrup we dont need long battles
00:38:38Kastrup we need towers and raxes
00:39:00Kastrup kay?
00:39:01NoHankyPanky es stay back always
00:39:08Kastrup razor go fast heal
00:39:09Kastrup and come
00:39:35Kastrup b
00:40:03Kastrup go mid
00:40:08TOo_LaZy :D
00:40:09valiante def here
00:40:10Kastrup i come
00:40:25Kastrup gj
00:40:26NoHankyPanky gj
00:40:32NoHankyPanky all the way
00:40:32NoHankyPanky rax
00:40:34NoHankyPanky dotn cahse
00:40:47Kastrup razor first
00:40:51NoHankyPanky when bs out leave
00:40:52valiante guys
00:40:53valiante seriously?
00:41:07Timu fuck
00:41:09Kastrup b
00:41:47NoHankyPanky tp eight seconds ago
00:41:48NoHankyPanky es
00:41:54Zajeb cant
00:41:55Bambi stop useing my hero
00:41:56Zajeb radiance
00:41:59NoHankyPanky ?
00:42:00NoHankyPanky u cant tp?
00:42:01NoHankyPanky wtf
00:42:05NoHankyPanky new skill radiancE?
00:42:05Kastrup kriob
00:42:12Zajeb cant jump
00:42:13NoHankyPanky -ma
00:42:15NoHankyPanky i said tp
00:42:15Dota.m det var mig du skal altid huske og silence
00:42:23Dota.m hele tiden
00:42:29Zajeb have1k hp dead in 3 hits
00:42:46Gevomancer -ms
00:42:51NoHankyPanky start war
00:42:51valiante b'
00:43:03Kastrup gj
00:43:03Kastrup go mid
00:43:07valiante how is lina kill worth dieing for?
00:43:07NoHankyPanky ¨roshan
00:43:07NoHankyPanky fast
00:43:08NoHankyPanky ?
00:43:09Kastrup ok
00:43:10Kastrup fast
00:43:10Kastrup ros
00:43:11NoHankyPanky we
00:43:12Kastrup for krob or sladar
00:43:15NoHankyPanky for slardar
00:43:15Kastrup krob
00:43:15Kastrup fast
00:43:16Kastrup fast
00:43:16Kastrup fast
00:43:22valiante and dont stack up now
00:43:25valiante fucking dont be in a bunch
00:43:32NoHankyPanky ulti again
00:43:33Kastrup ulti now
00:43:34NoHankyPanky need twice
00:43:42NoHankyPanky let slardar take`?
00:43:46NoHankyPanky someoen start ward plz
00:44:43NoHankyPanky -ma
00:44:50valiante push bot
00:44:55Gevomancer -ms
00:44:55NoHankyPanky just bait
00:45:03Gevomancer -ms
00:45:17TOo_LaZy gg
00:45:17TOo_LaZy I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:25NoHankyPanky haha
00:45:30valiante gg
00:45:31valiante I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:41TOo_LaZy actually not yet maybe\
00:45:53NoHankyPanky nice krob and slardar
00:45:54NoHankyPanky wp
00:45:55TOo_LaZy give
00:45:56TOo_LaZy this side
00:45:56Kastrup gj guys
00:45:59NoHankyPanky es not so much
00:46:01NoHankyPanky :D
00:46:02valiante its
00:46:02valiante over
00:46:08valiante cause of u and wodrocks horrible play
00:46:12Bambi yes
00:46:13TOo_LaZy lol
00:46:14TOo_LaZy u shithead
00:46:15TOo_LaZy cant
00:46:17TOo_LaZy famr anything
00:46:27wodrock bambi was horrible
00:46:28wodrock on lane
00:46:31wodrock ruined my game
00:46:31Bambi lol
00:46:32Bambi fu
00:46:54TOo_LaZy carry luan gogo
00:47:09valiante just ff
00:47:14TOo_LaZy just suck my cokc
00:48:24TOo_LaZy I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:25TOo_LaZy wp
00:48:26TOo_LaZy wp
00:48:28valiante I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:31TOo_LaZy I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:32TOo_LaZy I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:38TOo_LaZy luna lost it
00:48:39TOo_LaZy sad
00:48:52Bambi u and qop lost it
00:48:53NoHankyPanky ff all?
00:49:07wodrock ofc im not gonna do well
00:49:08TOo_LaZy how did i loose it?
00:49:20wodrock if instead of 3 - 0, i get 0 - 3 cause bs doesnt watch the game
00:49:26wodrock in like 5 mins
00:50:28Dota.m I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:50:39Bambi I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:50:44Dota.m I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
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