Game #1907045

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+12 X
+1 TS

97% | 1635 X | 1605 TS

+42 X
+1 TS

91% | 1439 X | 1592 TS

+24 X
+1 TS

84% | 1427 X | 1447 TS

+59 X
+2 TS

65% | 1209 X | 1428 TS

+30 X
+2 TS

33% | 1060 X | 1272 TS

-15 X
-3 TS

97% | 1705 X | 1523 TS

-50 X
-1 TS

90% | 1493 X | 1515 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

79% | 1428 X | 1374 TS

-46 X
-5 TS

70% | 1433 X | 1235 TS

-7 X
-1 TS

35% | 1016 X | 1341 TS

Chat log

00:00:04SlikposeN -ii
00:00:06NotAHax mitä haluat atte
00:00:16Seppo13 atte vent
00:00:17Herre trololol
00:00:31atte mijkä vent
00:00:31atte emt
00:00:33atte morphin
00:00:39atte brb
00:00:42Seppo13 pistän irc
00:01:10NotAHax : - D
00:01:18Herre hmm
00:01:18ESA_93 I could play lina
00:01:20Herre vois supottaaa
00:01:20ESA_93 or that gyr
00:01:20ESA_93 gyro
00:01:21SlikposeN me gyro
00:01:25ESA_93 M'kay.
00:01:26Herre en pelaa wd
00:01:35NotAHax mulla on taku
00:01:40Herre ota sieltä thd tai lina
00:01:46NotAHax vois triple imo
00:01:48NotAHax baralle freefarm
00:02:04Herre thd ogre?
00:02:07ESA_93 olli, vedätkö tuskarin
00:02:08sebralane herre
00:02:12NotAHax jos tehää tirple voi dusaa ottaa
00:02:12sebralane wadap
00:02:13Herre yes?
00:02:18Herre being cool, the usual
00:02:21sebralane nice
00:02:25NotAHax tai tiny
00:02:27NotAHax kattoo mitä tuo pickkaa
00:02:28karm get me ogre :p
00:02:29Herre avsm haluan thd
00:02:31NotAHax jos tulee joku paska heikko otan tiny
00:02:33sebralane tiny thd gogo
00:02:35sebralane or panda
00:02:40NotAHax hmm
00:02:42sebralane i can pandarape them in azz
00:02:44NotAHax panda option y, but i think not so good
00:02:46NotAHax ..
00:02:49karm or panda =D
00:02:57NotAHax jaha
00:02:58Herre hmm
00:02:59NotAHax kuka pelaa baran?
00:03:02Solisluu ehm
00:03:04Solisluu me od
00:03:06Herre not me
00:03:09Seppo13 brb
00:03:11Seppo13 afk 2min
00:03:11NotAHax seppo
00:03:11atte mitäs tääl
00:03:12NotAHax pelaat baran
00:03:13ESA_93 me lina
00:03:15NotAHax atte sulle o mopo
00:03:16Seppo13 j
00:03:16NotAHax niinku halusit
00:03:17atte vihul vähä vittumaiset herot :DD
00:03:21atte joo
00:03:23NotAHax nyt on tulossa tiny tdh
00:03:25NotAHax oletko tyytyväinen
00:03:28SlikposeN dest solo top
00:03:29NotAHax vai pitäiskö ottaa razor tai dusa
00:03:30sebralane pick ds
00:03:30SlikposeN gyro mid
00:03:31SlikposeN tri lane bot
00:03:32eD_gEin im dest
00:03:33NotAHax dusaki ois imo iha hyvä
00:03:33Herre xxd
00:03:35atte pit on kovis
00:03:36sebralane hell run fast fast
00:03:38atte ei mitää dusaa
00:03:38Solisluu ?
00:03:40NotAHax no nii o mut
00:03:40Solisluu yooo sure
00:03:40NotAHax mm
00:03:41NotAHax tiny raiskaa
00:03:43NotAHax nuo kaikki herot
00:03:44atte jep
00:03:44SlikposeN yeeeeeeeees
00:03:45Herre yy
00:03:45NotAHax imo otan tinyn
00:03:47karm get ogre last :p
00:03:49Solisluu well i bet you guys cant play trilane for shit
00:03:50NotAHax mut sit mietin et
00:03:51Solisluu so ill go there
00:03:53NotAHax triple vai 2x duel vaa
00:03:54Herre voinin kyp pelaa tinykni
00:03:56NotAHax tiny voi sooloo kyl
00:03:59atte 2x dualei
00:04:02NotAHax pistetää bara midii ja mopo triplelle?
00:04:05NotAHax mopolla ois freefarm
00:04:06Solisluu get thd or sile or razort
00:04:06NotAHax :D
00:04:10Solisluu for that tri
00:04:13Solisluu no melee
00:04:13Herre u so tactics
00:04:15atte mielluummin dualit
00:04:18NotAHax no joo k
00:04:21sebralane im pro herre
00:04:21Solisluu 2x melee trilane is faillane
00:04:23sebralane im 33%
00:04:26Herre I see
00:04:29eD_gEin u are very clever sir
00:04:29Solisluu kk im razor
00:04:30NotAHax me tiny bot
00:04:34sebralane i thd?
00:04:34sebralane or mprph?
00:04:36NotAHax with wd i guess
00:04:36Herre hmm
00:04:38Herre you can has thd
00:04:38NotAHax ur thd lol
00:04:40Herre if I can mid
00:04:47NotAHax ai midis wdl?
00:04:49Herre ai säkö oot tidi
00:04:49NotAHax et vitus :D
00:04:51Herre tiny
00:04:53atte siis kelasin etten mä' ois midis
00:04:53karm lina get wards
00:04:54sebralane ai vittus herre
00:04:54NotAHax joo
00:04:54karm for bot
00:04:55karm :p
00:04:55atte ??
00:04:55Herre no sit
00:04:57sebralane homofoobi
00:04:57atte vai mitä
00:04:59sebralane -swap
00:05:01NotAHax siis atte
00:05:02NotAHax sä oot midis
00:05:04Herre nah, I play this
00:05:05atte ok
00:05:06NotAHax herre höpöttää omiansa
00:05:10Herre jep
00:05:13sebralane fu i will feed this shit
00:05:14Solisluu fast
00:05:14karm taking shards first? :p
00:05:16Solisluu slow bobs
00:05:16sebralane i cant play it
00:05:18atte mut toi od on iha perseestä
00:05:19Herre nah, U will own
00:05:19Solisluu y
00:05:24NotAHax afker
00:05:24sebralane i go id?
00:05:24Herre perus seppo afkit
00:05:24sebralane fast lvl 6 for win
00:05:24Herre :DDDDDDDDDDDD
00:05:24atte jos bara ois midissä
00:05:24NotAHax nii-i
00:05:24atte ja mä oisin jonku kans alhaal
00:05:24ESA_93 Naurettavaa NotA. Kun sun vastustajiilla on afker, niin sä resumeet. : D
00:05:24atte emt
00:05:24Solisluu pistin queryy
00:05:24Solisluu jep
00:05:24NotAHax en oikeestaa
00:05:24Herre joka vitun kerta
00:05:24ESA_93 Ihan vitun naurettavaa paskaa.
00:05:24Herre :DD
00:05:24Solisluu : D
00:05:24NotAHax jos o afk annan olla pause mut jos tulee pause vaikka on tääl
00:05:24atte kyl tää on tällee parempi mut pitää gangii tota vitun odta
00:05:24NotAHax jostain turhasta syystä
00:05:24NotAHax et vittu puhelin brb
00:05:24atte niin rasittava hero
00:05:24NotAHax kinosted
00:05:24ESA_93 Huoh NotA.
00:05:24ESA_93 Hyvä selitys.
00:05:24Herre perusseppo
00:05:24Herre lähtee aina afk
00:05:24Herre huoh
00:05:24Herre teen basin
00:05:24Herre btw
00:05:24NotAHax herre venttii
00:05:24NotAHax tule
00:05:24Herre emmää
00:05:24Solisluu peruskeppo
00:05:24atte herre osta wardeja eka
00:05:24Herre popitan
00:05:24NotAHax tuutko linjalle mun kanssa herre?
00:05:24Solisluu eiköhä se tuu kohta
00:05:24Solisluu ku spämmin
00:05:24Herre voin ostaa joo
00:05:24Seppo13 b
00:05:24sebralane notanigger what went u in
00:05:24sebralane ?
00:05:26NotAHax wd bara top
00:05:29sebralane danzerõ s?
00:05:30ESA_93 Pitäs oikeesti pistää pitkätikku sun anukseen, ja kypsentää sut ja sitte antaa lowlifejen nussia sut hengiltä.
00:05:32NotAHax seppo pelatkaa pasiivisesti
00:05:36Herre take the wards
00:05:45ESA_93 Jos jäit henkiin kuumennuksen jälk.
00:05:45NotAHax lal 4 wards
00:05:50Herre xD
00:05:58sebralane welcome to public nota
00:06:04Herre dis sebra so cool
00:06:12NotAHax siel mopoauto jonne vaa heittää settiä
00:06:14NotAHax ilmeeni
00:06:17ESA_93 : D
00:06:17Herre :DD
00:06:18sebralane im hardcore support
00:06:18Solisluu go fetch that regen sometime
00:06:20ESA_93 Served
00:06:29atte joku gyro
00:06:31atte XDDDDD
00:06:33SlikposeN -orc music 3
00:06:35NotAHax :DD
00:06:50NotAHax seppo sulla parempi sit olla freefarm ny
00:06:51NotAHax triple bot
00:06:53NotAHax varo herre
00:06:53NotAHax ne voi
00:06:54NotAHax rape
00:06:55NotAHax lv 1
00:06:58NotAHax HULLUMIES
00:07:01Herre ?
00:07:32NotAHax lv 2
00:07:33NotAHax rapetaa lina
00:07:37NotAHax ttai lv 3
00:07:40NotAHax lv3 paree varmaa
00:07:45Herre aika ärsyttävä tuo lina tuskar
00:07:48NotAHax nii o
00:07:54NotAHax 1 hyvä muuri = gg
00:07:57Herre yy
00:08:03NotAHax kill koht?
00:08:05Seppo13 go 3
00:08:06Herre lvl3
00:08:21NotAHax SERVED
00:08:31atte voinko pausee sekunniks
00:08:34atte waret pääl
00:08:37ESA_93 : DDD
00:08:37sebralane gj seppo
00:08:37Solisluu jo toinen teille
00:08:37Solisluu derp
00:08:37sebralane ur my hero
00:08:38sebralane .D
00:08:38Seppo13 lol
00:08:48atte jaa updatet
00:09:00ESA_93 hooo
00:09:03NotAHax älä plz blocki
00:09:07Herre en blokkinu
00:09:08Herre karkasin
00:09:09ESA_93 vähä yritin liian noppeeta comboa
00:09:10NotAHax ens kerral ku linal on aivot stunnia kuoln
00:09:30NotAHax wd
00:09:32Seppo13 let me
00:09:34NotAHax you can come bot
00:09:36NotAHax i think
00:09:37NotAHax if you want
00:09:40ESA_93 lvl 3
00:09:55Herre tiny
00:09:56SlikposeN take it
00:09:56Herre DDX
00:09:58NotAHax ffs
00:10:02NotAHax tossi range ei rittäny
00:10:04ESA_93 joo
00:10:06ESA_93 kiva
00:10:08ESA_93 vitun kiva
00:10:13ESA_93 kiitos lagi
00:10:18NotAHax let me farm
00:10:19ESA_93 otin fiery soulia
00:10:32Solisluu lag doesnt dooo that
00:10:33Seppo13 gang top
00:10:34Seppo13 Wd
00:10:36eD_gEin ss wD
00:10:38Herre :DD
00:10:43Herre :DDDDD
00:10:45Herre :DDDD
00:10:49Herre nauran ihan liikaa
00:10:54atte wtf
00:10:57Herre lina osunu visisin yhelläkään stunnilla :D:D
00:11:02Solisluu kuolit
00:11:02ESA_93 :>
00:11:02atte siis kui pitkä stunni tol on??
00:11:04Solisluu "nauran"
00:11:05Herre niin kuolin
00:11:07atte kui pitkä stunni?
00:11:10atte tol gyrol on
00:11:11Herre mut kuolin koska nauroin :;DD
00:11:11atte wtf
00:11:13NotAHax mitä kauemmin juokset atte
00:11:16NotAHax etkö sä tiiä miten se toimii lol
00:11:17NotAHax siis
00:11:19Seppo13 WD top..
00:11:19atte ;:DD
00:11:19sebralane how da fck there no runes
00:11:20sebralane wtf
00:11:21atte no en
00:11:22NotAHax mitä kauemmaksi juokset siitä raketista
00:11:24NotAHax sitä pitempi stun
00:11:25SlikposeN maybe talk english and stop spam the chat
00:11:34karm miss tiny
00:11:41Seppo13 liian helppo tappo topista..
00:11:42Seppo13 mut ei kiinnosta
00:11:43Seppo13 huoh
00:12:01atte ss
00:12:02atte re
00:12:08Herre tapetaan nyt bot lol
00:12:10Herre omg
00:12:37Herre CAN U PULL
00:12:39karm bot miss
00:12:39karm care
00:12:43NotAHax wd can you upgrd chicken?
00:12:51sebralane nop
00:12:56NotAHax tuun tappaa
00:13:02Seppo13 jo
00:13:06Seppo13 setit o
00:13:07Seppo13 go?
00:13:09NotAHax wd could you do it when you got money?
00:13:14atte ss
00:13:15atte care top
00:13:22ESA_93 ....
00:13:34ESA_93 bara has freearm
00:13:34NotAHax obsil varmaa alkaa keittää
00:13:42ESA_93 :/
00:13:42eD_gEin you noticed something huh
00:13:48NotAHax älä intoile seppo
00:13:49NotAHax mee vaa farm
00:13:55Solisluu you can go
00:14:00Solisluu dun need you here
00:14:08ESA_93 stun
00:14:11Herre I pull
00:14:12NotAHax rapetaa?
00:14:22atte y
00:14:27NotAHax wd jakiro
00:14:34Herre wd
00:14:34Herre sup
00:14:34Seppo13 atte topå
00:14:34NotAHax varo
00:14:44NotAHax go
00:14:45NotAHax jakiro
00:15:02ESA_93 kaikki 3 stunnissa
00:15:08Herre !
00:15:09ESA_93 so op lina
00:15:14Herre gang rzor too
00:15:19NotAHax tuun tiop
00:15:24Seppo13 oom
00:15:26atte wd
00:15:36Seppo13 atte
00:15:36Seppo13 tuu
00:15:41Seppo13 chargeenv aan
00:15:44NotAHax chargee
00:15:44Seppo13 jo
00:15:46atte wd mee vittuu
00:15:51Seppo13 naittan
00:15:53sebralane relax
00:16:07NotAHax ultaa
00:16:10atte jee
00:16:15atte nörtit iskee
00:16:22eD_gEin now u want to come top?
00:16:23Herre come kill bot
00:16:25Seppo13 vankku o
00:16:28eD_gEin after u wanked off in mid for 3 whole minutes
00:16:30NotAHax tarviit
00:16:31atte noit ei muute hirvee helpol pääse karkuu
00:16:34NotAHax mom ei mitää turhaa vanku
00:16:38NotAHax MENE B
00:16:38NotAHax ..
00:16:42NotAHax seppo
00:16:44NotAHax mitä vittua
00:16:45NotAHax sä teet
00:16:47NotAHax ???
00:16:49NotAHax näit et ne oli tulos
00:16:51Seppo13 :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:
00:16:52Seppo13 katoin
00:16:54NotAHax ...
00:16:54Seppo13 et lina meidän ZXC:_AS:D
00:16:58NotAHax ¨derp
00:16:59Herre dis seppo
00:17:00Seppo13 np saan silti vanku
00:17:00ESA_93 wtf was he doin?
00:17:00Solisluu now you want to stop feeding?
00:17:01NotAHax ja miks teet vankun
00:17:03NotAHax no miks vitus?
00:17:04Herre xD
00:17:05Solisluu stop picking heroes to friends
00:17:07Solisluu who cant play em
00:17:07eD_gEin HAH
00:17:12Seppo13 koska imba madneses
00:17:13Solisluu essence level 2
00:17:16Solisluu lelve 7
00:17:19Solisluu no wonder youre losing
00:17:20sebralane i make manaboots?
00:17:20Herre wd
00:17:23Solisluu it should be 4
00:17:25Herre yea
00:17:27eD_gEin because I would survive
00:17:28Herre u do dat
00:17:31eD_gEin if I had levle 4 essence
00:17:33Herre ez
00:17:33NotAHax YLLÄTYYSSH
00:17:33ESA_93 joo terve
00:17:35eD_gEin against tiny and bara stuns
00:17:37eD_gEin stfu u newb
00:17:45Herre just come
00:17:50Seppo13 atte
00:17:51Herre nvm
00:17:52Seppo13 tuun mid kohta
00:17:54Seppo13 tapetaa
00:17:55ESA_93 Salee istuit siell
00:17:59sebralane this wave
00:17:59Herre kill now
00:18:13Herre :DD
00:18:13Herre plz
00:18:39NotAHax Salee
00:18:53NotAHax ota
00:18:54NotAHax haste
00:18:55NotAHax ja mee rape
00:18:55NotAHax osi
00:18:56sebralane no mana
00:18:56NotAHax -.-
00:18:57sebralane xd
00:19:01NotAHax atte
00:19:05atte go
00:19:14ESA_93 ompa notahax paska pelaan
00:19:17Herre xDD
00:19:50ESA_93 olli
00:19:52Herre care
00:19:56Seppo13 atte
00:19:57Seppo13 gyro
00:19:58Solisluu oom
00:20:12ESA_93 imba fiery soul
00:20:13ESA_93 xD
00:20:14NotAHax lhaen roamaa ny
00:20:24NotAHax chargee
00:20:25NotAHax bara
00:20:27NotAHax thd wd tele
00:20:31NotAHax bara
00:20:32NotAHax sinne vaa
00:20:37Seppo13 ainii
00:20:41Seppo13 tää menee kaikkien käpi
00:20:42Seppo13 läoi
00:20:47ESA_93 b olli
00:20:51Seppo13 ei
00:20:52Herre jea
00:20:55Solisluu ?
00:20:57NotAHax ?
00:20:58Solisluu tuu ilman tinyy
00:21:00Solisluu nii teleen pois
00:21:01Solisluu derp herp
00:21:03sebralane i make dagon? :D
00:21:05NotAHax no..
00:21:06sebralane or meka?`:d
00:21:06Herre no? :D
00:21:08Herre I meka meka
00:21:10NotAHax you make wards
00:21:14NotAHax and gang
00:21:21atte 3sec stun mul
00:21:24NotAHax served
00:21:32karm gg
00:21:34Herre gg
00:21:35karm :-)
00:21:37Solisluu hienoo et bara outlevelaa ja outfarmaa od:n
00:21:39NotAHax rape
00:21:39Solisluu depr herp
00:21:48ESA_93 oiskoha paskin od ikinä
00:22:03Herre gg
00:22:13NotAHax tää o vaa outpicked
00:22:16Solisluu jep
00:22:16NotAHax outlaned
00:22:22Solisluu joku slikposen siel pikkaa kavereilleen heroja
00:22:23sebralane herre plant also
00:22:25NotAHax Xd
00:22:25sebralane i regen
00:22:40NotAHax tossaan
00:22:42SlikposeN razor 0-4 no items on a tri now stfu
00:22:42NotAHax nvm
00:22:43Herre et
00:22:43NotAHax :D
00:22:49Solisluu derp
00:22:52Solisluu i had sick farm
00:22:53Solisluu But no
00:22:56Solisluu you feed bara
00:23:08Solisluu i died not once on lane
00:23:10NotAHax xd
00:23:11Herre sup bara
00:23:18eD_gEin ¨stun lina?
00:23:21Solisluu and btw
00:23:24Solisluu razor tri is shit
00:23:27Herre olihan se nyt ihan selvä että se väistää
00:23:29Herre missä oli bara
00:23:33eD_gEin you were the one asking for razor
00:23:35eD_gEin lmao
00:23:36Solisluu gyro oughto have been there
00:23:41Solisluu out of what was left
00:23:46Solisluu razor was the only choice
00:24:00sebralane fak u tiny
00:24:01sebralane why toss
00:24:02sebralane ffs
00:24:05NotAHax ATTE
00:24:06karm nice punishment
00:24:07karm really nice :D
00:24:08atte ?
00:24:08sebralane die now noob
00:24:11sebralane moron
00:24:11NotAHax AUTA
00:24:13atte jaa
00:24:20NotAHax served
00:24:22Solisluu served
00:24:23Solisluu :D
00:24:31Herre gg
00:24:31ESA_93 ff
00:24:32Solisluu joo miks tulin pelii ku cd
00:24:32Seppo13 moro paskoille
00:24:33eD_gEin ff
00:24:35karm ff
00:24:36Solisluu ja kapteenina slikposen
00:24:38NotAHax xdd
00:24:39Herre xDD
00:24:53NotAHax dagger
00:24:54Seppo13 tää uus bara on op
00:24:55NotAHax uuh yea
00:25:05Solisluu eikai
00:25:06NotAHax kapteeni slikposen pickit meni ny vähä vantaalle kyl
00:25:29eD_gEin notahax er så forfærdelig sej på hans eget sprog at det næsten er umuligt at lave et comeback :D:D
00:25:54Herre dis jakiro
00:25:55Solisluu hei
00:25:56ESA_93 SALEE
00:25:56Solisluu katoin midii
00:25:56Herre so gut
00:25:58ESA_93 ETTE
00:26:00ESA_93 VOI
00:26:01Solisluu ei sillon saa tulla
00:26:02ESA_93 T
00:26:17Seppo13 hyppää
00:26:20ESA_93 Olli
00:26:24Solisluu ?
00:26:25ESA_93 Voisitko ruveta perkele pelaamaan
00:26:31Solisluu ei voi enää
00:26:36Seppo13 farmaan ton paskan endii
00:26:39Solisluu tää od kusi tän nii pahasti et ei voi olla millää linjalla
00:26:44Seppo13 sit vaan raxeista
00:26:54NotAHax KUKKUU
00:26:54ESA_93 VOI VITu
00:26:55ESA_93 arjhnp
00:26:55ESA_93 qerjgp
00:26:55ESA_93 qerjhb
00:27:08NotAHax *:DD
00:27:17NotAHax faill
00:27:36ESA_93 wp od
00:27:37Solisluu od using atral
00:27:39Solisluu on own guys
00:27:41Solisluu ban
00:27:42Solisluu pl0x
00:27:51Solisluu again
00:27:54Solisluu herre pistä bannia
00:27:54NotAHax siikaa tulossa
00:27:59Solisluu tää heittää mua kokoajan tääl astralii
00:27:59eD_gEin lick my hard penis Mr LiqVid
00:28:01Seppo13 ay bkb
00:28:08NotAHax ..
00:28:16NotAHax SURVIVER
00:28:19ESA_93 jep jep
00:28:22NotAHax wd
00:28:23NotAHax hiil
00:28:25NotAHax :3
00:28:27ESA_93 b
00:28:27ESA_93 b
00:28:28ESA_93 b
00:28:28ESA_93 b
00:28:28ESA_93 b
00:28:37Herre np meka
00:28:50Seppo13 JAA
00:28:55Seppo13 menee bkbsta läpi
00:28:56NotAHax healaa minua
00:28:58NotAHax kiitän
00:28:59ESA_93 tottakai?
00:29:13Herre niin mikä menee bkbsta
00:29:13NotAHax rape like a bawz
00:29:19Herre gather now and push
00:29:19Herre plz
00:29:39NotAHax le served
00:29:54eD_gEin I assume you are a tennis fan
00:29:58eD_gEin Mr server
00:30:03NotAHax no im not :DD
00:30:12Herre push twres plz
00:30:21Seppo13 hi
00:30:34Seppo13 :)
00:30:44Herre plz go mid
00:30:46NotAHax LAL
00:30:55Herre :D:D
00:30:56Herre esa
00:31:01ESA_93 kerro
00:31:01Solisluu tylsää
00:31:02NotAHax le served
00:31:08Solisluu ei voi tankkaa muka wardii vs
00:31:09Solisluu : d
00:31:11Solisluu ilma itemii
00:31:23karm I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:31:26ESA_93 I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:31:26Solisluu I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:31:39eD_gEin I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:32:00NotAHax fuu
00:32:10ESA_93 huoh
00:32:17ESA_93 miksi miksi miksgasdgjohnqeh
00:32:22Herre esa sun stunnit <3
00:32:26ESA_93 herre sun jutut
00:32:30atte uypsaasdas
00:32:31Herre xD
00:32:35ESA_93 veä vittu päähäs ja kuole
00:32:38ESA_93 on siinäki admini
00:32:42Herre :DD
00:32:51Herre aika hatea
00:32:53sebralane omfg
00:33:26Seppo13 LOL
00:33:43ESA_93 niin?
00:33:47NotAHax slickposen
00:33:52NotAHax why the fucking hell you didnt put obsi midd
00:33:54NotAHax kenot understand
00:34:02SlikposeN did i own mid?
00:34:03SlikposeN yes
00:34:07SlikposeN why would i put him on mid then
00:34:08NotAHax did obsi got farm? no
00:34:12Solisluu why didnt you put razor top
00:34:12SlikposeN he failed
00:34:13SlikposeN top
00:34:14Solisluu obsi mid
00:34:14SlikposeN to hard
00:34:16NotAHax Becouse obsi would counter every hero from us at middle?
00:34:18Solisluu gyro bot with others
00:34:21Seppo13 WP SEPPO13 TRUE DAT
00:34:25SlikposeN i won the mid
00:34:28SlikposeN he try to go 2v1 top
00:34:29SlikposeN at level 3
00:34:31SlikposeN ofc we lose
00:34:31NotAHax niin fail
00:34:33Solisluu SERVED
00:34:35Seppo13 :D
00:34:42Herre finish now plz
00:34:43Herre gather
00:34:54Herre go top then
00:35:33NotAHax ei lo
00:35:33Herre hakkaa raxia seppo
00:35:34Herre iso poika
00:35:38ESA_93 wp
00:36:02Seppo13 ihmettelinki ketä siinä kutittelee
00:36:02atte :_DD
00:36:03Herre noin
00:36:04atte ULTI
00:36:04atte WTF?=
00:36:05atte :DD
00:36:19atte ei morffannu
00:36:19Herre go top now.
00:36:28NotAHax Saatana
00:36:35NotAHax EII
00:36:36NotAHax homo
00:36:37NotAHax kostan
00:36:39ESA_93 servered
00:36:46sebralane i think wd won game
00:37:00Herre finiiiiiish
00:37:40atte wtf
00:37:43atte you were charge
00:37:44atte d
00:37:56atte baraaki nerffarttu
00:38:00Seppo13 y
00:38:08Herre finish nyt
00:38:18Herre hei me farmataan
00:38:45eD_gEin brown
00:38:47eD_gEin you can fuck urself
00:38:54NotAHax just outpicked
00:39:03atte lastpick razor imo won
00:39:04eD_gEin you stated it 5 times
00:39:08eD_gEin You got alzheimers?
00:39:12NotAHax y
00:39:16Solisluu nah
00:39:17ESA_93 :DD
00:39:18Solisluu Assburgers
00:39:18ESA_93 : DDDD
00:39:23eD_gEin Going in for the kILL
00:39:27Herre -ms
00:40:02Seppo13 imba esa!!!
00:40:49NotAHax jos ny mentäs endaa vaa
00:40:50NotAHax :D
00:40:54Seppo13 JOOO XD
00:41:07karm :D
00:41:31ESA_93 mul on nota sulle yllatuuuus
00:41:37atte höh
00:41:54ESA_93 wp noob
00:41:59Solisluu nerf charge pl0x!!!!!!
00:41:59NotAHax Dagon
00:42:00NotAHax lool
00:42:02ESA_93 XD
00:42:07NotAHax tuu tappele
00:42:08NotAHax : D
00:42:12Seppo13 ;p
00:42:16ESA_93 :(
00:42:20ESA_93 u bastards
00:42:30ESA_93 : D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
00:42:34ESA_93 :D :WD:D:D:D:D;DD; D;
00:42:40ESA_93 od got served
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