Game #1872052

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-15 X
+1 TS

93% | 1480 X | 1553 TS

-12 X
+2 TS

91% | 1438 X | 1568 TS

+49 X
+1 TS

41% | 1010 X | 1393 TS

+18 X
+4 TS

25% | 1078 X | 1182 TS

+4 X
+48 TS

NEW | 984 X | 1092 TS

-6 X
-1 TS

76% | 1375 X | 1389 TS

-8 X
-2 TS

73% | 1238 X | 1457 TS

-20 X
-1 TS

61% | 1175 X | 1390 TS

-3 X
-1 TS

55% | 1102 X | 1432 TS

+8 X
-1 TS

22% | 939 X | 1309 TS

Chat log

00:00:18creeeeeee -clear
00:00:18-.- -spiritbreaker
00:00:18-.- or was it you who had to start
00:00:18PinaryB budby take me the new mofo
00:00:18-.- w/e :P
00:00:18-.- tuskar?
00:00:18BoNeshaw leoric
00:00:18PinaryB budby anna mulle rubick
00:00:19PinaryB magus
00:00:20-.- oh
00:00:21-.- magus
00:00:29BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on
00:00:29BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:00:31-.- didnt even c that
00:00:32-.- blah
00:00:35BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed n, q, x, z
00:00:53extremewaari some1 want this?
00:01:04PinaryB i could
00:01:06PinaryB but
00:01:09extremewaari but?
00:01:16PinaryB what do you want
00:01:17livingde4th pa u mid?=
00:01:18-.- hästi cre
00:01:20-.- =)
00:01:21Balbii bud
00:01:24Balbii what do we need?
00:01:28Balbii tc?
00:01:28-.- umm
00:01:29Balbii thd?
00:01:30-.- y
00:01:31creeeeeee :D
00:01:31-.- tc
00:01:33creeeeeee igav on ju
00:01:38BoNeshaw puck?
00:01:39extremewaari pick morph for me
00:01:41-.- now veno
00:01:44-.- would be nice
00:01:47livingde4th pa go mid
00:01:50BoNeshaw veno tuskarr jakiroo
00:01:52livingde4th me bone down
00:01:54-.- or u can go morph
00:01:56-.- if u like
00:02:02extremewaari -swap 5
00:02:04PinaryB -swap 2
00:02:09Balbii me top?
00:02:14-.- does that magus have some spam spell?
00:02:19Balbii y
00:02:24-.- how much mana
00:02:25-.- it takes
00:02:28Balbii dunno
00:02:31PinaryB 120 imo
00:02:32teh_re not that much
00:02:35teh_re ya
00:02:36Balbii i spam alot i think
00:02:37teh_re around that
00:02:41Balbii like zeus arc
00:02:42-.- k
00:02:43Balbii almost like that
00:02:44BoNeshaw chicken
00:02:46BoNeshaw !
00:02:48BoNeshaw remembeer
00:02:51LukeSkywalker shit
00:02:54LukeSkywalker omg
00:02:57LukeSkywalker sry me noob
00:03:04LukeSkywalker i buy soon as possible
00:03:13Balbii he can use
00:03:15Balbii potm arrow
00:03:21-.- k
00:03:27-.- its mort mid
00:03:27-.- wat
00:03:29Balbii or any of ure spells
00:03:32extremewaari upull
00:04:59PinaryB where is mort?
00:05:08-.- mid
00:06:38teh_re rubick miss
00:07:00livingde4th buy chicken
00:07:01livingde4th or ban
00:07:02livingde4th ffs
00:07:03livingde4th idipot
00:07:13LukeSkywalker stop flame
00:07:20PinaryB reg
00:07:20LukeSkywalker was bought 2 mins ago
00:07:26livingde4th es miss
00:08:02teh_re sk miss
00:08:54-.- share
00:09:22teh_re -ma
00:09:23LukeSkywalker damn tc
00:09:27DSoul miss otop
00:09:28DSoul 2
00:09:31DSoul care mid
00:09:38DSoul re 1
00:10:23BoNeshaw ss
00:10:23BoNeshaw 2
00:11:28creeeeeee tiop care
00:11:29creeeeeee 3 mid miss
00:11:32creeeeeee 2 miss mid
00:12:11-.- mhmhmhm
00:12:11BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:12:18BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed e, q, x, z
00:12:19BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:12:23BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, e, x, z
00:12:26-.- wards
00:12:28-.- to runes
00:12:29-.- now
00:12:37Balbii inc
00:12:46livingde4th obs hawk needed
00:12:50livingde4th tuu check
00:13:18PinaryB lol gj
00:13:19Balbii rly gj
00:13:22extremewaari gj
00:13:23DSoul fucking lag
00:13:23DSoul -.-
00:13:48livingde4th daggeeeer
00:13:58LukeSkywalker ss bot
00:14:18Balbii morph
00:14:18Balbii b
00:14:19Balbii b
00:14:19Balbii b
00:14:19Balbii b
00:14:20Balbii b
00:14:26Balbii blue and teal inc
00:14:29extremewaari k
00:14:37extremewaari ty
00:15:14Balbii reg
00:15:17-.- me
00:15:41DSoul gank morph
00:15:47DSoul sk
00:15:51-.- no tp
00:15:51livingde4th kidna impossible
00:15:54livingde4th u fed him alrdy
00:15:58DSoul not from river
00:15:59livingde4th 1,1k hp
00:16:16-.- tower
00:16:16Balbii shit
00:16:17-.- from bot
00:16:19livingde4th ff
00:16:28Balbii mort
00:16:29Balbii needs
00:16:30Balbii gank
00:16:35-.- take tower
00:16:41Balbii 4 top
00:16:43-.- spam reeps
00:17:06extremewaari 4 top
00:17:08-.- guys
00:17:08-.- take tower
00:17:12teh_re cant wo creeps
00:17:13teh_re at this lvl
00:17:18-.- we can
00:17:20-.- kill him
00:17:35extremewaari need mana
00:17:48-.- right
00:18:13-.- i mean
00:18:16-.- mort freefarm mid :P
00:18:19-.- not good
00:19:26livingde4th buy vanguard
00:19:29livingde4th pa
00:19:33livingde4th best item for ur hero
00:19:34creeeeeee mkay
00:19:54creeeeeee whaaa
00:20:06Balbii gj
00:20:06BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:20:14BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed f, q, x, z
00:20:15BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:20:20BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, f, x, z
00:20:43livingde4th pa dissemble ur perseverance
00:20:43livingde4th now
00:20:46livingde4th in circle
00:20:48livingde4th to make vanguard
00:20:55LukeSkywalker me b
00:22:11Balbii omfg
00:22:15DSoul fu
00:22:21-.- :))
00:22:26-.- owned i suppose
00:22:34DSoul luck i suppose
00:22:39-.- how come
00:22:41-.- was that luck
00:22:54DSoul fog saved you 2 times
00:22:59Balbii had cd ulti;(
00:23:01-.- thats why i went there?
00:23:01DSoul 1 ms to actually firing at you
00:23:48teh_re -ma
00:24:29Balbii oh dear
00:24:31livingde4th twr gogo
00:24:31Balbii 5-1 mort
00:24:34BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:24:41BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, c, x, z
00:25:22livingde4th sven we need blinks
00:26:00BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:26:05BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, w, x, z
00:26:32Balbii potm
00:27:01Balbii omg
00:27:13Balbii CRRY
00:27:17LukeSkywalker om
00:27:24Balbii haste
00:27:25Balbii bot
00:29:02DSoul ffws
00:29:03DSoul dfgõfhj
00:29:03DSoul g
00:29:10DSoul this fucking alg
00:29:10DSoul lag
00:29:17livingde4th man u cant blame lag everytime
00:29:29DSoul but if i die because of it
00:29:30DSoul i can
00:29:34livingde4th buy em tp
00:29:35livingde4th plz
00:30:18LukeSkywalker walked in straight :D
00:30:41DSoul too far
00:30:45DSoul with orb
00:31:19-.- top tower
00:31:19-.- mby
00:31:48BoNeshaw es got blink
00:31:56PinaryB fuck dagger hotkey not working
00:32:04DSoul this fucking emt net
00:32:04-.- top tower
00:32:15DSoul it's not normal
00:32:18DSoul but on emt it is
00:32:22livingde4th puck u first then me?
00:32:23DSoul EMT
00:32:23DSoul not even once
00:32:24livingde4th u ult then me?
00:32:29livingde4th def top all
00:32:30livingde4th come
00:32:42creeeeeee FFS
00:32:47Balbii FU PUCk
00:32:47-.- o cmon
00:32:47livingde4th pause plz
00:32:47creeeeeee CMOON
00:32:47livingde4th this guy is afk
00:32:48livingde4th or cant move
00:32:49DSoul i'm not
00:32:55teh_re can cast it seems
00:32:56livingde4th puck ult em?
00:32:56livingde4th and i go?
00:32:56DSoul w8 plz
00:32:56livingde4th yea fps 1?
00:32:56livingde4th elä sano ventis
00:32:56teh_re bad computer?
00:32:56livingde4th ne lähtee b
00:32:56DSoul lets try
00:32:56DSoul 3
00:32:56DSoul 21
00:32:57livingde4th pa come in last?
00:33:02livingde4th we tank spells?
00:33:32livingde4th go ult puck
00:33:40livingde4th so 5 on ur ult
00:33:41livingde4th so i go
00:33:46-.- help me out here
00:33:48-.- eat a tree
00:33:54-.- :D
00:33:55Balbii haha
00:34:15-.- guys
00:34:17-.- blahg
00:34:20-.- i got puck so good
00:34:50-.- like mah arrows puck?
00:34:59livingde4th np we got urns
00:35:06-.- :)
00:35:06livingde4th puck why didnt u start :O
00:35:07DSoul gotta love em
00:35:09livingde4th so i did
00:35:14DSoul sry
00:35:16livingde4th it would be better
00:35:17BoNeshaw puck u should get blink
00:35:18livingde4th if u ult em
00:35:21livingde4th so they cant escape
00:35:35DSoul got arrowed
00:35:37teh_re tc
00:35:40teh_re take those wards in base
00:35:42teh_re as well
00:35:50DSoul farm
00:37:00creeeeeee aagain
00:37:04-.- morph
00:37:04-.- wtf
00:37:04creeeeeee i got male on me :/
00:37:17extremewaari WRONG BUTTOM
00:37:19extremewaari caps :/
00:37:32-.- no mana
00:37:32-.- on sk
00:38:38DSoul oom
00:38:56creeeeeee why it takes so long for all of u to come
00:39:03creeeeeee i run from base
00:39:06creeeeeee and get there first
00:40:38-.- GO MAGUS
00:40:53livingde4th need dust
00:41:17-.- we cant push into base
00:41:21livingde4th tak edust
00:41:22BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:41:23livingde4th 1
00:41:25livingde4th im full
00:41:28-.- go top
00:41:28BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, c, x, z
00:41:28-.- tower
00:41:32livingde4th puck
00:41:55livingde4th joo
00:41:56livingde4th def
00:42:13-.- w8 my arrow
00:42:31livingde4th care es
00:42:37-.- blah
00:42:50livingde4th go nyt?
00:42:52livingde4th cd ont hem
00:44:14DSoul w8
00:44:15DSoul sk
00:44:21DSoul dust
00:44:35teh_re I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:44:38-.- I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:44:43DSoul dust
00:46:05teh_re yah
00:46:06teh_re bkb
00:46:08teh_re just ff
00:46:10DSoul is it me
00:46:12PinaryB I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:46:14DSoul or is it a bug
00:46:20DSoul doesnt show kills
00:46:25teh_re that was 4th fight we lost on row
00:47:32Balbii I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:47:58DSoul thx
00:48:59DSoul w8 others
00:49:03BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:49:08BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed q, e, x, z
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