Game #1848131

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-23 X
-2 TS

98% | 1639 X | 1606 TS

-37 X
-4 TS

89% | 1452 X | 1541 TS

-20 X
-1 TS

84% | 1437 X | 1454 TS

-23 X
-2 TS

62% | 1261 X | 1341 TS

-5 X
-3 TS

52% | 1185 X | 1306 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

95% | 1585 X | 1616 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

83% | 1387 X | 1480 TS

+40 X
+3 TS

79% | 1394 X | 1389 TS

+16 X
+1 TS

76% | 1285 X | 1471 TS

-20 X
+2 TS

74% | 1307 X | 1428 TS

Chat log

00:00:18PETTR -
00:00:28mrk i could play tiny
00:00:32Terkill ban roof
00:00:33Terkill insane
00:00:35Herre no
00:00:35NoHankyPanky me too
00:00:36Herre we pick it
00:00:38Tompson btw viimekertainen viha johtui rajuista laskuista
00:00:45Terkill if not then ban it
00:00:57Tompson no hard feelings benjamin
00:01:04NotAHax mitä sä siel ny selität
00:01:04Herre XD
00:01:06Soulyah pick me imba
00:01:07Tompson :DDD
00:01:08Herre squelchia nyt peliin
00:01:09KredeC english1
00:01:09Soulyah i want imba
00:01:11NotAHax Servaan sut pelissä
00:01:14Herre :DDDD
00:01:17NotAHax olet outpicked son
00:01:20Terkill gief puck
00:01:21Tompson nyt jo?
00:01:23Terkill or krob
00:01:23NotAHax kyllä
00:01:26NotAHax näen jo mitä bännit
00:01:26Herre no, we get roof
00:01:33Terkill oh wait
00:01:33Tompson no sano
00:01:34Herre kai me pikataan eka
00:01:37Terkill we need 1 hero not 5 ?
00:01:39Terkill ..
00:01:41Herre no, we need one hero
00:01:42NotAHax no eiköhän me tiedetä
00:01:44NotAHax niin
00:01:46Herre there we go
00:01:48Tompson joo toi o se
00:01:50Tompson mitä aattelit
00:01:51Tompson :DD
00:01:54Soulyah pick me potm
00:01:59Tompson shuuure
00:01:59mrk tiny
00:02:04Herre lets make push strat
00:02:07Soulyah and mrk plays good tiny
00:02:09NotAHax ei vitus
00:02:11NotAHax ei oo heroil siihe
00:02:12Herre jaa?
00:02:14NotAHax taino panda krobe
00:02:15NoHankyPanky i play good razor :D
00:02:16Herre krobe panda?
00:02:20NotAHax mut tuskinpa se on kunno "push strag"
00:02:21NoHankyPanky vs a bad lion
00:02:21Soulyah u dont play good anything
00:02:22Tompson hmmm
00:02:27Terkill sven is strong
00:02:28NotAHax miksei vaa pickata ne molemmat ja silti oteta latecamee mukaa :D?
00:02:31NoHankyPanky no i am really bad at this game
00:02:31Tompson u want tiny?
00:02:33mrk ye
00:02:37Herre siis, voidaan tehdä semipusku
00:02:38Herre strat
00:02:42Herre mut joo
00:02:45NoHankyPanky ah me puck!
00:02:45Tompson what u guys want
00:02:46Herre puck krobe
00:02:46Herre ?
00:02:48NoHankyPanky puck or cent
00:02:50NotAHax ei tuo sitä ota lol
00:02:52NoHankyPanky what everu think is best
00:02:54Herre einiin
00:03:01Soulyah get morph for urself?
00:03:01KredeC silenceR?
00:03:04NotAHax nope
00:03:04Herre ottaa kyl puckin nyt
00:03:06mrk puck clock
00:03:07Soulyah i wana be lane/roamingng porm
00:03:14NoHankyPanky puck is good
00:03:16Terkill whats your lastpick ?
00:03:17NotAHax krobe sven o hyvä linja
00:03:20Tompson morph
00:03:21Tompson may be
00:03:21Herre niin on
00:03:26Soulyah yea get it for urself
00:03:26NoHankyPanky unless u want puck yourself?
00:03:29Tompson or krobe
00:03:30NoHankyPanky then get me razor
00:03:33NotAHax toma hei
00:03:37Tompson well ok
00:03:38NotAHax 21 sekunttia
00:03:38Tompson ill puck
00:03:44NotAHax gg
00:03:44Herre I play krobe
00:03:49NotAHax im shadowfiend middle
00:03:50NoHankyPanky what for last
00:03:53Terkill me sven
00:03:54Tompson dunno
00:03:54Tompson centy?
00:03:55nigulas void
00:03:56NoHankyPanky sd own sf
00:03:58Tompson void?
00:03:58NotAHax Krobelus sven bottom
00:03:59Soulyah kunkka?
00:04:00NotAHax panda lion top
00:04:03Tompson random
00:04:03PETTR im panda
00:04:04NotAHax panda, YOU NEED FARM AGHA FAST
00:04:04Tompson it is
00:04:04NoHankyPanky random
00:04:05Tompson :D:D
00:04:07Soulyah :D
00:04:10NoHankyPanky random wee
00:04:19Tompson i can play both
00:04:20Tompson which u want
00:04:21nigulas m2
00:04:23nigulas just pick
00:04:26NoHankyPanky take puck
00:04:28mrk lanes?
00:04:29NoHankyPanky nigulus good morhph
00:04:31Tompson ok
00:04:33Herre chicken.
00:04:35Tompson potm tiny bot
00:04:36Herre pettr
00:04:39PETTR fuuuuck
00:04:40Tompson oh shit
00:04:41Tompson cant
00:04:41PETTR i buy asap
00:04:42NoHankyPanky chicken
00:04:44Tompson potm razor top then
00:04:44Herre nice axe u got
00:04:45PETTR sorry
00:04:46Tompson i mean bot
00:04:46NotAHax lion should buy it tbh
00:04:47Tompson :DD
00:04:49NotAHax its np
00:04:49Tompson POTM RAZOR BOT
00:04:50mrk fuck sorry
00:04:52NotAHax panda are supposed to farm tbh
00:04:55NoHankyPanky chicken tiny
00:04:55NotAHax but i will need chicken fast
00:04:55Herre you will have to buy it asap
00:04:56NoHankyPanky we need
00:04:58KredeC yy but had to buy wards
00:05:00NoHankyPanky someoen buy chicken
00:05:02Soulyah puck can
00:05:05nigulas umid?
00:05:09PETTR so do i or lion buy?
00:05:09Herre noh, mää en saa farmia bottom kun tuo retardi osti axen
00:05:13NoHankyPanky -ma
00:05:13Tompson y im mid
00:05:16NoHankyPanky just own his sf
00:05:19Tompson soulyah
00:05:20NoHankyPanky we got shit gang for him
00:05:21Tompson can u gang sf
00:05:22Terkill come
00:05:23Terkill hit him
00:05:25Soulyah ofc
00:05:25NoHankyPanky oh yeah him
00:05:25Tompson alot
00:05:26Tompson cause
00:05:28Tompson puck
00:05:28Soulyah will do!
00:05:30Tompson cant lasthit against him
00:05:35NotAHax herre
00:05:36NotAHax vent?
00:05:41NoHankyPanky mirana u blind?
00:05:45NotAHax :D
00:05:46Herre popitan
00:05:47Soulyah okei
00:05:48NoHankyPanky u stood at sven 8 mins
00:05:49NotAHax okei
00:05:53Tompson u have leap?
00:05:55Soulyah alttabbed
00:06:00Herre you pull
00:06:00Soulyah no i took arrow for fb
00:06:00Soulyah :d
00:06:03Tompson XD
00:06:03NoHankyPanky alt tab in their woods
00:06:09Tompson ostin kanan
00:06:24NoHankyPanky oh herre
00:06:25mrk wardiid
00:06:37Herre oh
00:06:48Herre is it deja vu to you hanky?
00:06:51NoHankyPanky :d
00:06:55NoHankyPanky 0 3
00:07:06KredeC wtDF?
00:07:17NotAHax spikeileekö kellää muulla
00:07:40Herre I MAKE BASI
00:07:57NotAHax NEED CHICK
00:08:00Terkill its for soulring
00:08:00Herre we has
00:08:02Herre aah
00:08:02Herre ok
00:08:06Herre nvm
00:08:09Herre let me farm roh fast
00:08:11NotAHax lion
00:08:11Terkill got mana now
00:08:11NotAHax go gang
00:08:12Terkill btw
00:08:12Tompson miss
00:08:12Herre 250 short
00:08:12NotAHax panda
00:08:13NotAHax panda
00:08:13NotAHax ffs
00:08:24Terkill mirana
00:08:25NotAHax GO
00:08:25Terkill river
00:08:30Herre mirana coming mid
00:08:30Herre aro
00:08:32Herre varo
00:08:35Herre jaa
00:08:36Herre :D:DD
00:08:37Herre nvm
00:08:42NotAHax woot
00:08:44Soulyah oh
00:08:44Tompson wp
00:08:45Tompson nigyu
00:08:50Herre let me
00:08:50Tompson nice arrow
00:08:51Tompson :D
00:08:54PETTR put oput chick
00:08:56KredeC why go when we have a shit load of creeps`?
00:08:58Soulyah didnt know its illu:d
00:09:04Herre ACTIVATE
00:09:04Herre CHICKEN
00:09:05Herre vittu
00:09:08Herre ÄLYHOI
00:09:08NotAHax :D
00:10:08Herre BOT MISS
00:10:10Herre mirana
00:10:12Herre re
00:10:20Soulyah no rune
00:10:20Soulyah there
00:10:23Tompson raken
00:10:24Tompson talken
00:10:25Tompson taken
00:10:28Terkill lol
00:10:28Herre omg :DD
00:10:29NoHankyPanky 6
00:10:38Herre take
00:10:47Terkill ty
00:10:52Tompson btw
00:10:54Tompson miks lähit midist
00:10:55Tompson tääl freefarm
00:10:57Tompson sf vs puck
00:11:00NotAHax menin gangii vittu toppia :DD
00:11:01NotAHax mut oli fail
00:11:16NotAHax ottiko potmi runen
00:11:25Tompson got ulti
00:11:26Tompson coe gang
00:11:40mrk ss2ü
00:11:48NotAHax LION
00:11:49NotAHax ugprd chicken
00:11:50NotAHax ffs
00:11:52NotAHax and share
00:11:58NotAHax PUCK INC
00:11:58NoHankyPanky sf?
00:11:59NoHankyPanky or
00:12:04Tompson rune
00:12:07Herre BOT MISS 2
00:12:08Tompson taken
00:12:12NotAHax PUCK INC
00:12:12Herre care
00:12:17NoHankyPanky low hp
00:12:23NoHankyPanky invis sf?
00:12:24NoHankyPanky re
00:12:28nigulas ss2
00:12:28KredeC stop marking me!
00:12:30Herre mullon hyvät farmit
00:12:33NotAHax hyvä
00:12:34NotAHax mulla ei
00:12:40Herre ei tosine nää
00:12:41Herre xD
00:12:45Tompson gj
00:12:45Herre jaa
00:12:48NotAHax tarvii obs
00:12:49Herre luulin että se menee toppiin
00:12:49Herre :/
00:12:50Herre jep
00:12:51NoHankyPanky tahnx
00:12:51NotAHax :
00:12:54Tompson np
00:12:55NotAHax no se meni
00:12:55Tompson need room :D
00:12:58NotAHax mut meni varmaa kattoo rune ja b
00:13:01Herre jepjep
00:13:04NotAHax lion
00:13:05NotAHax we need obs
00:13:08Tompson dd sf
00:13:10mrk panda
00:13:28Herre :D:D:D
00:13:28Herre lion
00:13:30NoHankyPanky bird?
00:13:34nigulas AHHAHA
00:13:37Tompson do it
00:13:37Herre :D:D:D:
00:13:38Tompson soulyah
00:13:45Herre I couldnt rofl this much more :DD
00:13:50NotAHax vittu
00:13:51NotAHax huoh
00:13:54Tompson darn :D
00:13:54KredeC ss bot and mit?
00:13:57NotAHax WELL Y
00:13:57Herre yes
00:13:57Soulyah :d
00:13:59Tompson sf
00:14:00Tompson miss
00:14:01NotAHax FUCK SAKE
00:14:04NotAHax push
00:14:06Herre PLACE THEM
00:14:12NotAHax GO
00:14:12KredeC well i dont have money for it ffs !
00:14:12NotAHax stu
00:14:15Tompson b
00:14:25NotAHax push
00:14:27NoHankyPanky read to slow
00:14:50Herre :D:D
00:14:51Herre salee
00:14:57NotAHax sentinel too stronk
00:15:02NoHankyPanky -ma
00:15:11KredeC i go ward
00:15:18Herre push mid next
00:15:19Herre after my ulti
00:15:20NotAHax _
00:15:26PETTR need gank morp
00:15:36KredeC i get lvl 6 in 1 creep
00:15:36Herre .....
00:15:36NotAHax ..
00:15:37Tompson nice
00:15:37Tompson :D
00:15:38NotAHax JEE
00:15:40Soulyah :D
00:15:40Tompson mitä teet :DD
00:15:40NoHankyPanky gj
00:15:41Tompson ei vittu
00:15:42Tompson hajosin
00:15:43Tompson D::D
00:15:44NotAHax no m' en tii'
00:15:47NotAHax mä en tiiä
00:15:48Herre hohhoijaa
00:15:49Herre nyt solidisti
00:15:51KredeC english plz
00:15:52NotAHax sveni halus intoilla ja oli iha vitun tyhmää
00:15:57Tompson olin 100% kuollu
00:15:58KredeC dd tiny
00:15:59Tompson mut et tehny mitn :D:D
00:16:09NotAHax ??
00:16:17NotAHax ultis lanka?
00:16:22Tompson 30 hp ? 1 hitti riitti
00:16:25Herre :D
00:16:28Tompson koetit asettaa razea
00:16:31Tompson ja sit dööd
00:16:32Tompson XD
00:16:37Herre gather mid
00:17:01NotAHax :DD
00:17:02Tompson NICe
00:17:02mrk :D
00:17:03NotAHax yh
00:17:03NotAHax ff
00:17:03Herre joopajoo
00:17:03Tompson :D:D
00:17:11Soulyah too imba potm
00:17:13Soulyah xD
00:17:20Tompson thats why the 1st pick!
00:17:23Tompson =D
00:17:25NotAHax siel se razori puskee tornia
00:17:31NotAHax ei pusku takus oo järkee jos annetaa nillekki torneja
00:17:32Herre en muista taas yhtään peliä viime päivinä millon et olis fiidannu alussa
00:17:41KredeC english u fucking retard
00:17:42Herre noh, mää tässä midissä oottelin ultin kanssa
00:17:48nigulas why no fulying still
00:17:53Soulyah ahh
00:18:07Soulyah cdarrow
00:18:11NoHankyPanky reg
00:18:13Herre ja care bottom
00:18:16NoHankyPanky reg
00:18:20Herre lolol
00:18:20NoHankyPanky mirana
00:18:21Herre juked
00:18:24NoHankyPanky reg
00:18:28Herre puckl no ulti
00:18:29Herre GO IMD
00:18:33Soulyah thought i alrdy bottled it
00:18:34Soulyah lol
00:18:36NotAHax and panda teles
00:18:47NotAHax panda
00:18:50NotAHax you need farm agha
00:18:52Herre .............................
00:18:58Tompson gj
00:18:58NoHankyPanky remember that?
00:19:06Herre that my team sucks
00:19:07Herre yea
00:19:12Terkill no didn't ulti ..
00:19:12Herre I can remember this has happened in the past
00:19:15NoHankyPanky U HAVE NOTAHAX!" he imba shit
00:19:24mrk oom
00:19:26Herre sup, share chick
00:19:28NotAHax tää äijä on varmaa iha liekeissää vaikka ei oo tehny mitää
00:19:40NotAHax POTM
00:19:44KredeC then stop fucking marking me thats why i freaking die
00:19:45Tompson oom
00:20:36Herre ff
00:20:51Soulyah overpicked
00:20:52Soulyah i say
00:20:54NotAHax : - D
00:20:56Herre team sucks ass
00:20:56KredeC y
00:21:07NotAHax tää oli kyl iha vitun paska
00:21:09NotAHax tää puskutaku intoilu
00:21:11Herre hohhoijaa
00:21:13Herre ? D:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:21:13NotAHax ois vaa pitäny ottaa standart turtle pickit
00:21:16Herre ahhah
00:21:18KredeC dont get why so many caps get never mid when they cant play it
00:21:19NotAHax ei pusku takut toimi paskoil pelaajil
00:21:20NotAHax tajuutko
00:21:22Herre vittuko fiidaatte vaan
00:21:23NotAHax mäki oon kyl
00:21:24NotAHax no joo
00:21:26NotAHax oon pelannu paskasti
00:21:30Herre tässä oo kysymys puskutakusta
00:21:33NotAHax mut meillä pitäis olla jo kaikki t1 tornit puskettuna
00:21:34Herre vaan siitäe ttä kaikki pelaa päin vittua
00:21:34NotAHax :DD
00:21:45Herre noh, jokanen menee 1v4
00:22:03Herre .DA
00:22:07Herre can u plz
00:22:08Herre STUN HIM
00:22:17Tompson go mid
00:22:54Tompson gg
00:22:57Herre gg
00:23:03Terkill gg ?
00:23:04Terkill lol
00:23:08NotAHax get new obs
00:23:16KredeC on it but cant go alone
00:23:56Terkill did you even skill silencer krob +
00:23:58Herre no
00:24:04Terkill thats wise
00:24:05NotAHax HELP HIM
00:24:07Herre yes it is
00:24:13KredeC see?
00:24:15Tompson b
00:24:18KredeC cant even go plant wards..
00:24:35Tompson said b :/
00:24:37Herre get b
00:24:46Tompson care
00:24:50KredeC get tower
00:24:52NotAHax peli on ohi vasta kun lihava rouva laulaa
00:24:58KredeC sf
00:24:59mrk 3 times 2 creeps for boots
00:25:03nigulas a
00:25:04NoHankyPanky tiny carefull who u throw and when plz
00:25:06NoHankyPanky dont just go crazy
00:25:16Herre -ma
00:25:20Tompson lets go gang
00:25:21Tompson sf
00:25:25NoHankyPanky lets ward
00:25:25Tompson for the lulz
00:25:32Tompson someone
00:25:33Tompson take wards
00:25:34Soulyah suure
00:25:37NoHankyPanky tiny
00:25:55NotAHax morphilla ihan shit farm
00:26:05Herre se on kovin paska peluri
00:26:09NoHankyPanky nice
00:26:14Soulyah not nice
00:26:15Soulyah i died!
00:26:18NoHankyPanky yeah
00:26:19Herre b
00:26:28NotAHax DEF
00:26:28NotAHax FFS
00:26:29NotAHax no joo
00:26:30Herre tp
00:26:30NotAHax puskekaa si
00:27:09NotAHax panda
00:27:10NotAHax hows agha
00:27:18PETTR half
00:27:34NoHankyPanky no tp
00:27:36KredeC tiny
00:27:47Soulyah though u
00:28:03NoHankyPanky mana boots soon tiny?
00:28:09NotAHax b
00:28:09NotAHax b
00:28:10NotAHax b midd
00:28:20Tompson btw im glad the random was morph
00:28:24NoHankyPanky :D
00:28:28Soulyah gang sf
00:28:30Soulyah with smoke
00:28:31NoHankyPanky we a bit to much carry
00:28:33NoHankyPanky but it words¨'
00:28:35NoHankyPanky works
00:28:41NotAHax 900 bkb
00:28:42Tompson well
00:28:42Tompson potm
00:28:43Tompson is
00:28:44Tompson ganger
00:28:45Tompson this game
00:28:46Tompson so np
00:28:49Herre def mid
00:28:52NoHankyPanky im tank
00:28:53Tompson go mid
00:29:13NotAHax ..
00:29:19Herre can u use hex
00:29:27NotAHax GO
00:29:34Herre :D
00:29:42Tompson gj
00:29:45Tompson btw
00:29:45Herre paskempaa lionia saa hakea
00:29:47Tompson 18 assist
00:29:48Tompson WTF
00:29:49Tompson xD
00:29:50NotAHax no älä muuta sano
00:30:06Tompson i would be double holy shit if i would know how to steal ;/
00:30:14NotAHax pettr
00:30:17NotAHax you need use ur ultin team fight
00:30:20Tompson well i guess its good
00:30:22Tompson like this
00:30:25NoHankyPanky y
00:30:26PETTR y
00:30:29NoHankyPanky farm
00:30:32NotAHax try farm ur agha
00:30:38Soulyah 28 cs ftw
00:30:42NoHankyPanky :d
00:30:43Tompson btw cool arrow
00:30:45Soulyah :d
00:30:57NotAHax wait
00:30:59NotAHax 500 plz
00:31:02NoHankyPanky drop plz
00:31:04NoHankyPanky morph
00:31:07Herre lets wait for sf bkb
00:31:07NoHankyPanky bnefore
00:31:09Herre then do a timing push
00:31:11Soulyah here
00:31:12Soulyah i smoke
00:31:19Terkill cd stun
00:31:24Herre onko siellä
00:31:26Soulyah sf
00:31:28NotAHax b
00:31:30NotAHax ei tietoa
00:31:49Tompson b
00:31:49NoHankyPanky take
00:31:51Tompson very much b
00:31:52NotAHax ?
00:31:53KredeC raor
00:31:56Tompson dont even think about fighting
00:31:57NotAHax GO
00:32:04Tompson go
00:32:05Herre :D:DD
00:32:23NotAHax oot ded
00:32:27Herre y
00:32:34NotAHax mikset menny fog
00:32:39Tompson go rosh
00:32:43Herre olis pitäny mennä tonne
00:32:52Herre mut oli kriipit
00:33:03NotAHax me kustii tos sen takia et
00:33:07NotAHax tapeltii krobe ulti jäljkee
00:33:08NoHankyPanky not that big a tank
00:33:10NotAHax ois pitäny vaa b
00:33:18Tompson morph
00:33:19Tompson tank
00:33:27Tompson its ok
00:33:28NoHankyPanky u kost armor
00:33:29Tompson to lose
00:33:29NotAHax ja sit lion ei ollu
00:33:30Tompson all
00:33:31Tompson hp
00:33:38Tompson u take
00:33:39Tompson morph
00:33:39Herre noh, uskomatonta failurea koko ajan
00:34:07Herre go four
00:34:12Herre omg.
00:34:13Tompson EEI
00:34:13nigulas ah
00:34:14Tompson :D
00:34:15Soulyah ;D
00:34:20NotAHax Wastesitko ultin
00:34:25Tompson joo
00:34:28NotAHax : D
00:34:37NoHankyPanky no dust`?
00:34:37Herre sven
00:34:38Herre plz
00:34:42Soulyah dont use spells
00:34:44NotAHax oisko b?
00:34:47Herre ei
00:34:47NoHankyPanky i did?
00:34:52Herre tower
00:34:54Tompson ulti cd
00:35:00NoHankyPanky bkb sf
00:35:01Tompson mana
00:35:02NoHankyPanky target still
00:35:08NotAHax b
00:35:09NotAHax ei voida
00:35:11NotAHax liian riski
00:35:18NotAHax go
00:35:19Tompson i go b
00:35:21Tompson care mid
00:35:21NotAHax tapellaa
00:35:29Tompson omg
00:35:30NotAHax stunm
00:35:31NotAHax stun
00:35:31Tompson i told u
00:35:31NotAHax stun
00:35:31Herre NO SILENCE
00:35:32Tompson b mid
00:35:34Tompson and pinged
00:35:34Tompson there
00:35:35Herre HE
00:35:36Herre hex
00:35:38Herre a:;sd:asD
00:35:41Herre VITTU TUO ON PASKA
00:35:48NotAHax NIINKÖ?
00:35:49Tompson wtf
00:35:51Herre :DASD
00:35:52Tompson ghost
00:35:52Tompson :DD
00:35:54NoHankyPanky reuse
00:35:58Herre go b
00:35:58nigulas ,ome
00:36:01Herre now
00:36:02nigulas mine
00:36:04NotAHax jep b
00:36:12NoHankyPanky reuse chicken
00:36:16NotAHax on dagger ny
00:36:21Herre kk
00:36:22NoHankyPanky -ma
00:36:28Herre -ma
00:36:32PETTR my
00:36:38NotAHax smokel voitas
00:36:42Tompson might
00:36:43Tompson gang mid
00:36:44Tompson care
00:36:45Tompson go bot
00:36:46Tompson with 5
00:36:53NotAHax bACK
00:36:56NoHankyPanky they have wards
00:36:57NoHankyPanky from lion
00:36:58NotAHax BACK GUYS
00:37:03Terkill i know
00:37:09Tompson go mid
00:37:09Tompson then
00:37:09NoHankyPanky wtf
00:37:12Tompson push
00:37:22NotAHax MAN
00:37:22NotAHax MNO
00:37:24Herre :D:DD:D::DD:
00:37:26NotAHax WHY THE FUCK
00:37:28NotAHax YOU GO
00:37:33NotAHax WHY MAN
00:37:45NotAHax lets go fight
00:37:45NotAHax wait me
00:37:46KredeC su
00:37:53NoHankyPanky sf blink
00:37:53NotAHax "su"
00:37:53NoHankyPanky care
00:37:55NotAHax you saw
00:37:56NotAHax 5 our woods
00:37:57NotAHax you go plant ward
00:37:58NotAHax xD?
00:38:08KredeC u overrated prick
00:38:18KredeC nice ult
00:38:33Terkill krob where is you ulti ?
00:38:34Terkill ..
00:38:40NotAHax YEAA
00:38:42NotAHax tää lion
00:38:49NoHankyPanky he good
00:38:54Herre he the best
00:38:55NotAHax like you
00:38:58NoHankyPanky like me
00:39:03Herre this really is deja vu game
00:39:04NoHankyPanky and u
00:39:06Herre hankypanky sucks ass hard
00:39:08Herre still going to lose
00:39:15NoHankyPanky its weird ha?
00:39:19NoHankyPanky the math
00:39:21NotAHax jaha
00:39:21NotAHax :D
00:39:21Tompson wp sir
00:39:22KredeC gj
00:39:49Herre pand a:ASd
00:40:01Soulyah meme
00:40:02NoHankyPanky y
00:40:08NotAHax LION FARMAA
00:40:08Tompson help him
00:40:09NotAHax :DD
00:40:09Tompson GOGOGO
00:40:11Tompson HELP HIM
00:40:13Tompson nooo
00:40:18nigulas omg
00:40:19NotAHax BACK
00:40:20nigulas epic lion
00:40:20NotAHax BACK
00:40:20NotAHax BAC
00:40:21NotAHax ..
00:40:28NotAHax nää äijät
00:40:29NotAHax on jotain hirveetä
00:41:10NotAHax paskat pelaajat niin minkäs teet
00:41:12Soulyah lion got 5 sec
00:41:15Soulyah uu hunted panda:/
00:41:15NoHankyPanky ward if u ahve
00:41:19Tompson dont have
00:41:26Herre ei tää notahaxikaan kyl taas vakuuttanu
00:41:28Herre tbh
00:41:32NotAHax xd
00:41:48Tompson b
00:41:56Tompson get
00:41:57Tompson rege
00:42:01Tompson try gang
00:42:02Tompson if someone
00:42:02Tompson stays
00:42:03NoHankyPanky and lets go
00:42:15Herre need to win a fight
00:42:22NotAHax b..
00:42:27Herre we have wards
00:42:28NoHankyPanky no ulti?
00:42:33NotAHax gET BACK
00:42:34NoHankyPanky wow
00:42:34NotAHax sTAY BACK
00:42:35NotAHax STAY BACK
00:42:35Herre D:D:D:D:
00:42:36NotAHax :D:D
00:42:40NotAHax SUICIDE
00:42:40NotAHax !!
00:42:53Tompson im oom
00:42:55Tompson shiould go b
00:42:58mrk cd
00:43:01NoHankyPanky :D
00:43:04Tompson b
00:43:05NotAHax if lion you would just understand
00:43:05Tompson b
00:43:06Herre u got to be fucking kidding me
00:43:07NotAHax to stay fucking back
00:43:18NotAHax X:D:D
00:43:19NotAHax d:D:D
00:43:19KredeC well i cant play lion..
00:43:20NotAHax missclick
00:43:22KredeC never do..
00:43:23NotAHax LION?
00:43:25NotAHax you cant play anyhero
00:43:26KredeC y
00:43:27NotAHax if you dont understand
00:43:28NotAHax stay back
00:43:29KredeC no
00:43:31Tompson get top rzor?
00:43:35KredeC i dont
00:43:44Tompson lets get the roshan
00:43:58NotAHax ne mneee
00:44:02Herre jos tästä sais tankin niin ois mahkuja
00:44:08Tompson razor
00:44:11Tompson we are waiting for u
00:44:14Herre could use wards
00:44:17NoHankyPanky gogo
00:44:20NoHankyPanky smoke after
00:44:23Herre nice warding tho in this game
00:44:24NoHankyPanky -ms
00:44:25KredeC buy
00:44:25NoHankyPanky razor fast
00:44:26NoHankyPanky 500 mks
00:44:28NoHankyPanky ms
00:44:31Herre well, its your job
00:44:37Herre I have to build fat
00:44:41Terkill so much whine
00:44:54Herre well, your gaming has been disastrous thi sfar
00:44:56Tompson no room
00:44:56nigulas take stick
00:44:59Tompson ok guys
00:45:00nigulas kk ichick
00:45:01NoHankyPanky bird
00:45:03Tompson lets rege up
00:45:07Tompson and go mimd
00:45:08Tompson smoke gang
00:45:09KredeC well u 2
00:45:09Terkill my ?
00:45:10Terkill lol
00:45:12Tompson tiny could u get smokes?
00:45:13Herre all of you
00:45:14Soulyah lol that nota
00:45:16Soulyah sad farmer
00:45:16Terkill you cant even make a ulti
00:45:21Herre I once didnt
00:45:26Terkill nah
00:45:27Herre thats all
00:45:27mrk 3,3
00:45:29NoHankyPanky mass smoke wards
00:45:35Herre I was oom then
00:45:38NotAHax just just
00:45:44NotAHax get smoke
00:45:45NotAHax someone
00:45:45NotAHax srsly
00:45:48Tompson go smoke gang
00:45:59Tompson get em
00:46:00Tompson tiny
00:46:00NotAHax now gather and use it
00:46:23Tompson come here
00:46:23KredeC gatrher
00:46:24NotAHax mopol etheral
00:46:30NoHankyPanky nop hp
00:46:31NotAHax go here
00:46:36NotAHax panda sven first
00:46:37Tompson ok farm
00:46:38Tompson lanes
00:46:38NoHankyPanky wait my butteR?
00:46:38Tompson then
00:46:38NotAHax lion stay back
00:46:40NoHankyPanky almost done
00:46:41NoHankyPanky with bot
00:46:42Tompson ok
00:46:50Terkill por what ?
00:46:59NotAHax GO
00:47:11NoHankyPanky they smoke
00:47:22Terkill base man
00:47:23Herre go base
00:47:24Soulyah gj rao
00:47:27Soulyah that was obvious+
00:47:31NoHankyPanky then call it
00:47:43Herre lo l,_D
00:47:49Herre E
00:47:51Herre etheral instas mut
00:47:58NotAHax derp
00:48:05NoHankyPanky nice
00:48:05NotAHax miks ette ottanu
00:48:06NotAHax rax
00:48:06NotAHax ..
00:48:11KredeC -clear
00:48:11NotAHax siis
00:48:11NoHankyPanky see
00:48:12Tompson go mid
00:48:14Herre siis mut instattiin etheralilla
00:48:14NoHankyPanky razor dying is good for team
00:48:15NotAHax ei vittu ihan oikeesti
00:48:16NotAHax jaa
00:48:29NotAHax lion
00:48:30NotAHax listen me
00:48:31Herre mut siis nää 2 muuta meni suikkaan tonne suklaajunassa
00:48:31NotAHax FOCUS MORPH
00:48:33Herre d:D:D
00:48:38KredeC i did
00:48:38Herre siis sun perään
00:48:41Tompson maybe we get tower
00:48:44Tompson who knows
00:48:45KredeC used ult on him
00:48:45Soulyah 2 7 sf
00:48:46Soulyah ..
00:48:51NotAHax ..
00:49:01NoHankyPanky he has 5 assist
00:49:01NotAHax Y fail
00:49:18Tompson b
00:49:25Tompson ffo
00:49:25Tompson gio
00:49:45Herre :DD
00:49:50Tompson go
00:49:50Tompson mid
00:50:10Tompson B
00:50:11Tompson GO TOp
00:50:12Tompson plz
00:50:21Soulyah im low i go b
00:50:25Tompson y
00:50:27Tompson now we go b
00:50:34Soulyah -aa
00:50:35Soulyah stats
00:50:37Soulyah -stats
00:50:37KredeC f
00:50:39KredeC f
00:50:42nigulas -stats
00:50:52Tompson 30 assist
00:50:52Tompson wtf
00:50:56Tompson never had this much on puck
00:50:57Tompson =D
00:51:09NoHankyPanky illu
00:51:12Tompson take
00:51:18NotAHax se mopo on yl vitun heikko
00:51:21Herre o
00:51:28nigulas -cs
00:51:28Herre mun yks ghostirundi tappaa siltä puolet
00:51:29Herre :D
00:51:32mrk 59
00:51:34Tompson got hex
00:51:37NotAHax joo mut ketää muut ei kiinosta nukee sitä
00:51:43NotAHax jos ois parempi lion ja sven voitettais
00:51:43Herre niin, saisin silencen ja kaikki
00:51:46Herre niin.
00:51:55Herre ja sääki voisit lopettaa sen alkufeedaamisen
00:52:20NotAHax WHY
00:52:20NotAHax PUCK
00:52:21NotAHax :D:D
00:52:28NotAHax jos ois parempi lion ja sven voitettais
00:52:29Herre vittu
00:52:35Tompson katoku voittasitte
00:52:40Tompson 50 20
00:52:43Herre :D:D
00:52:53NotAHax helposti
00:52:59Herre kuin vitun pitkä tuo syklone on
00:53:17PETTR I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:53:18Herre itekin focusin vahingossa puckia tossa
00:53:18Herre huoh
00:53:30NotAHax lion ois ultannu mopo oisitte voittanu fite
00:53:31Tompson sul iha liikaa mid heroja
00:53:32NotAHax mut ei väkisin
00:53:32Tompson su lineupis
00:53:38Herre :DD
00:53:40Herre vitut
00:53:42NotAHax tää ei siihen kyl kussu :DD
00:53:42Herre pelkkää failurea
00:53:47Herre uskomatonta paskaa
00:53:48NotAHax ja sulla 5 mid heroa
00:53:51NotAHax et turpasinäkiini
00:53:52Soulyah wtf at evade
00:53:52Tompson joo
00:53:55Tompson mopo o mid hero
00:53:55Tompson joo
00:53:56Tompson joo
00:53:57Tompson joo
00:54:00NotAHax on
00:54:04Tompson on joo
00:54:06Tompson ehkä gceel
00:54:07Soulyah did u see that arrow terkill?
00:54:08NotAHax trollaatkai sä?
00:54:11Tompson ??
00:54:19Terkill lol it case from across the base ofc
00:54:20Tompson ootko kattonu yhtäkää competive replayta
00:54:21Tompson sä trollaat
00:54:27Soulyah few of here notice this:D
00:54:29NotAHax tää ei ole comptetive
00:54:30Herre mikä tuo rinkula on
00:54:32Tompson kertaakaa nähny mopoa
00:54:34Tompson no sitä meinasin
00:54:38Tompson gceel ehkä o mid hero
00:54:40Tompson muual eio
00:54:54Herre tuo mopo oli aivan paska
00:54:56Herre samoten kuin razor
00:54:58NotAHax niin oli
00:54:59NotAHax :D
00:55:00Herre mun omat oli vaan liian paskoja
00:55:14NotAHax menin liian agresiiviseksi liian ajoissa täl sfl
00:55:32NotAHax ajattelin silo lv 3 et lähen gangii top et auttais pandaa nopeemmi
00:55:34NotAHax sit vain fail fail
00:55:38nigulas NO
00:55:42Soulyah overpicked
00:55:48NotAHax no..
00:55:51Herre yeah fp soulyah
00:55:58Soulyah mai potm!
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