Game #1841180

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+12 X
+1 TS

95% | 1567 X | 1625 TS

+47 X
+0 TS

79% | 1287 X | 1524 TS

+37 X
+1 TS

58% | 1129 X | 1424 TS

+57 X
+0 TS

57% | 1142 X | 1396 TS

+19 X
+2 TS

44% | 1097 X | 1320 TS

-34 X
-1 TS

94% | 1513 X | 1626 TS

+0 X
-1 TS

77% | 1340 X | 1442 TS

-48 X
-1 TS

72% | 1353 X | 1333 TS

-37 X
-2 TS

60% | 1256 X | 1292 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

31% | 1044 X | 1262 TS

Chat log

00:00:06ESA_93 vittu mitkä jatot XD
00:00:16ESA_93 curdi hibalunt devian
00:00:16atte any wishes ?
00:00:16atte omni ?
00:00:16BT -aa
00:00:16Herre huhhuh
00:00:16ESA_93 veno
00:00:16Milky linaaa
00:00:16Herre kerranki en joutunu bt:n tiimiin
00:00:16atte haluuks joku omnin
00:00:16atte omni
00:00:25Herre vedän imbaa
00:00:29hibalunt abith
00:00:31atte eli ?
00:00:31ESA_93 Herre
00:00:34BT ?
00:00:36Milky lina
00:00:38hibalunt hah, knew it
00:00:39Milky pls
00:00:41atte otanko jollekki lionin
00:00:41curdi shocking pick
00:00:42ESA_93 lues #alphaasfuck
00:00:46Herre dxDD
00:00:46Milky lina
00:00:48Milky mielummin
00:00:49Milky mulle
00:00:58hibalunt get me veno
00:01:08ESA_93 fag
00:01:08Herre hmm, aika jännä juu
00:01:09curdi ill swap then..
00:01:10atte get dazzle
00:01:23ESA_93 olin ottamaski
00:01:25atte esa93 minä top
00:01:26hibalunt y but i wont pick u some shit, a good hero tell me
00:01:26atte lich mid
00:01:33Milky voinko tulla sun kaa atte
00:01:34hibalunt bb, necro, lion
00:01:35hibalunt cent
00:01:36Milky ni lihoot jopa
00:01:38atte osta basi
00:01:38hibalunt na
00:01:40curdi hmmm
00:01:41atte ei
00:01:42atte dazzle
00:01:42Milky ei toi dazzle kuitenkaa oasaa
00:01:45ESA_93 XD
00:01:45atte osaa
00:01:46curdi get me lion then
00:01:51curdi gotta have some suppo :s
00:01:54hibalunt -swap 3
00:01:57curdi -swap 4
00:02:01Milky jaa
00:02:03Herre chicken elderi
00:02:05Milky no gl
00:02:13curdi bt mid?
00:02:16BT y
00:02:18ESA_93 o.o
00:02:18Herre DDDDDx
00:02:20Herre täyttä laatua
00:02:20MATi maybe veno bot?
00:02:20curdi necro top
00:02:21ESA_93 D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
00:02:22MATi and lion necro top
00:02:23MATi better
00:02:28ESA_93 mitä täällä TAPAHTUU
00:02:49hibalunt i will so kill em bot
00:03:03atte meijä äskene solomid noil lastpickin
00:03:11Herre :DD
00:03:12Herre demian
00:03:15Herre the true player
00:03:19ESA_93 vittu se oli paska XD
00:03:21Herre xD
00:03:24atte regen bot
00:04:08ESA_93 huoh nöitö
00:04:12Milky pudge noob
00:04:13Milky :D
00:04:42hibalunt this pudge
00:04:46MATi :D:D
00:04:46hibalunt lol
00:06:25Herre clock going bot
00:06:33hibalunt kl
00:06:47atte heal
00:06:53BT up chick
00:07:09ESA_93 ota se tango
00:07:29Herre mid miss
00:07:32Milky trust me
00:07:35Milky these pudge
00:07:35Herre care
00:07:36Milky :DDDDD
00:07:38Milky hahahaa
00:07:42ESA_93 oom
00:07:44BT SICK
00:07:46hibalunt ss lina
00:08:08hibalunt ss 2 care
00:08:12Milky pudge
00:08:13atte brb
00:08:15Milky hook
00:08:30Elderi llvl2hook
00:08:30curdi ss pl
00:08:34Milky lvl 2 noob
00:08:35Milky u are
00:08:57ESA_93 cs?
00:08:59Elderi ...
00:09:01atte 15 vaan
00:09:03Elderi lina
00:09:05Elderi ffs
00:09:08Milky gtfo
00:09:09Milky and l2op
00:09:09BT ss
00:09:13hibalunt ppl, this pudge will sickfeed
00:09:15Herre mid miss
00:09:16Herre going bot
00:09:16ESA_93 sry
00:09:17Herre care
00:09:18Herre re
00:09:20hibalunt he is soooo bad
00:09:42Herre going tp
00:09:47ESA_93 no mana
00:09:51Milky ok
00:09:58Milky pudge owned bottom
00:10:02Milky now hes coming to own top
00:10:08hibalunt need 1 creeep
00:10:18Herre sick
00:10:22BT how pro you
00:10:23BT are
00:10:24BT srsly
00:10:25Herre very
00:10:28BT BEST FUCKING player
00:10:30Herre ty
00:10:42ESA_93 XD
00:10:53MATi bot miss 2
00:10:57ESA_93 ei vittu
00:10:59ESA_93 HAHAH : DDD
00:11:11Herre MID MISS
00:11:19Milky bot fat
00:11:20Milky hahahaha
00:11:53Milky miss bottom venom
00:12:13Herre dis elderi :D:DD
00:12:24Milky f12
00:12:25Milky read
00:12:26Milky :D
00:12:51ESA_93 oom
00:12:57Herre MID MISS
00:12:59Herre re
00:13:01ESA_93 homot
00:13:04ESA_93 katoin aten ownausta
00:13:38ESA_93 ei oo rahaa tpseen
00:14:00Herre d::D
00:14:00ESA_93 XDD
00:14:01BT sick
00:14:01BT :DDDDD
00:14:05ESA_93 sick dmh
00:14:11atte heal
00:14:18Milky booohohohohohooo
00:14:19hibalunt gj necro
00:14:20Milky toi elderi
00:14:25Milky on niin solmussa
00:14:26Milky :DDDD
00:14:28DeMiaN u2
00:14:38Milky ja sa ffat
00:14:41Milky evvk
00:14:44ESA_93 ok
00:14:48ESA_93 saat ny farmata
00:14:53Milky lich wardei
00:14:54Milky pls
00:14:56Milky olit midis
00:15:36Herre :DDDD
00:15:38Herre important
00:15:44Milky kato
00:15:48Milky pl
00:15:49ESA_93 elderi
00:15:51ESA_93 leave please
00:15:51Milky voidaa ff
00:15:53Milky jos et tappele
00:16:00Milky koska ollaa 3v5 tääl
00:16:05ESA_93 we can win this if u leave...
00:16:09curdi pl needs gangs soon
00:16:09ESA_93 u will get the x and ts
00:16:22Milky pl tänne
00:16:22curdi oh
00:16:22Milky t
00:16:33Milky pl
00:16:34Milky tänne
00:16:35atte en telee kuolee
00:16:36Milky ....
00:16:38Milky olisit
00:16:40Milky tappanu
00:16:41Milky kato ny
00:16:42Milky :Dåklmgpkmgå
00:16:45Herre :D:D
00:16:48Herre d:DDDDDDDDDD
00:16:49Milky wowler cake
00:16:55curdi fuck that fucking dick tower focusing m e
00:17:10Milky siis
00:17:11curdi bt gang that pl alot
00:17:14ESA_93 elderi
00:17:14Milky mä oon ilonen
00:17:16Milky vika peli
00:17:18ESA_93 ole kiltti
00:17:21Milky ajattelin et voi s olla rentoo
00:17:32atte 2top
00:17:35atte ne gangii mua
00:17:36Milky 2 bot
00:17:39Milky sa bot
00:17:43atte 3top
00:17:50atte tp
00:17:51Milky sa vanguard PT
00:17:51atte help
00:18:26atte could someone mb come
00:18:38curdi damn mana
00:18:42ESA_93 vitun turhauttavaa pelata tätä peliö
00:18:44ESA_93 Elderi
00:18:48ESA_93 Voisitko nyt olla kiltti
00:19:02ESA_93 Vedät tän laivan mukanas muuten
00:19:32Herre b
00:19:54Milky jos et tappele meijän kaa
00:19:55Milky peli ohi
00:19:59Milky pl
00:20:03ESA_93 eikä ole
00:20:03Herre no ei oo :D
00:20:07ESA_93 ootko idiootti
00:20:11Milky tää on 3v5
00:20:13Herre jos pduge lopettais feedaamisen
00:20:16Milky ku toi pudge ei tajuu
00:20:21Milky no veikkaatko et lopettaa?
00:20:22Milky mä en
00:20:23Milky :D
00:20:43DeMiaN kill
00:21:16ESA_93 herrel menee ainaki iha ok
00:21:19Herre y
00:21:25atte i farm bot
00:21:32Herre get dust
00:21:33ESA_93 meikäl ei nyt nii hyvin ku piti sitata
00:21:44ESA_93 entä pl?
00:21:48Elderi lina...
00:21:59Milky what?
00:22:10ESA_93 wtf are u doin pudge
00:22:14hibalunt havent seen so much sucking since "Backdoor sluts "
00:22:21Milky rot farming
00:22:23Milky pls lane
00:22:24Milky why not?
00:22:28curdi clever...
00:23:22atte 600
00:23:37ESA_93 warded probably
00:23:50Milky warding my anal
00:24:04ESA_93 ulti
00:24:17MATi damn i was late :D:D:D:D
00:24:17Herre D::D
00:24:20MATi all that my bad :D
00:24:22Herre gg relix
00:24:30ESA_93 nive
00:24:31curdi pl was invisi there i guess :s
00:24:37atte i take bot
00:24:42atte care mid
00:24:43MATi well i should'nt had let lich ulti
00:24:50atte b
00:25:12hibalunt rocket rosh
00:25:13DeMiaN rocker rosh
00:25:16ESA_93 varos lina
00:25:17curdi why on earth
00:25:21Herre ??
00:25:24Herre share on
00:25:26Milky wtf?
00:25:32Elderi joku hookkaa
00:25:33Elderi mun herol
00:25:43Milky ei kiinnosta anna sharet
00:26:02atte omw mid
00:26:47Milky :D
00:26:49Milky pewpew
00:26:53Milky elderi
00:26:54Milky siinä
00:26:57Milky ku näit 3 heroa
00:27:00Milky tos ylämäes
00:27:00Herre hah
00:27:01Milky vasemmalla
00:27:01Herre :D:DD
00:27:02ESA_93 mikset voinu hookata
00:27:04Milky miks et hookannu
00:27:04Herre jep :D:DD
00:27:07Milky tai muutenvaan
00:27:09ESA_93 vittu oot tyhmin sankari ikinä
00:27:11Milky painanu alt qq
00:27:18Milky ja menny vetää lisää sitä kamaa
00:27:21Milky ku oot niin sekasion
00:27:27Milky et ees yrittäny
00:27:31Milky oot ihan pihalla
00:27:46ESA_93 herre banni toi ees kanavalta XD
00:27:50atte ei
00:27:50Milky ei tarvi
00:27:53Milky pitää olla näit
00:27:55Milky mut
00:28:01Milky haluisin joskus tavata livenä
00:28:03Milky ja keskustella
00:28:06Milky täömmösten kaa
00:28:12Milky "kauan oot pelannu dotaa"
00:28:15Herre päihtyneiden kanssa ei pidä keskustella
00:28:17curdi gem soon?
00:28:20Milky "onko 2+2 paljon?
00:28:22Herre ellei itsein ole
00:28:24Herre itsekin
00:28:49ESA_93 huoh
00:28:51Milky I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:29:13ESA_93 just turtle ffs
00:29:16Herre y
00:29:20Milky ei riitä
00:29:20ESA_93 niin kuin riki vie pl
00:29:25Herre finishaatko esn vankun että saat hp
00:29:28Milky vie helposti
00:29:30MATi with venos wards
00:29:30Milky noitten ulteilla
00:29:30MATi easy
00:29:31Milky necro
00:29:36Milky venom agha
00:29:39BT ward
00:29:44ESA_93 josnei saa oikeeta pllää kii
00:29:48ESA_93 lisäks
00:29:55ESA_93 meil o aika kovat supot sille
00:29:56Milky share
00:29:58Milky pudge
00:30:12Herre se on gone
00:30:22Milky alan farmaa
00:30:27Milky katotaa jos kuolen ni kuolen
00:30:27Herre just turtle
00:30:29Milky ei enää ikiinnosta
00:30:37BT ward
00:30:56Herre löl
00:31:21atte gemi
00:31:22atte :DDDDDDDDDD
00:31:29Milky ;DDDD
00:31:31atte meil ei oo ees dustii
00:31:31Milky ootte kaikki
00:31:33Milky vitun paskoja
00:31:36Milky ei vbitussa
00:31:37atte ja lina suikkailee huviksee
00:31:39Milky en osta mitään teille
00:31:42Milky jep
00:32:26Herre sain täydellisen ultin
00:32:29Herre ja tehny yhtään kipeää
00:32:30Herre :DD
00:32:36BT herre best playe
00:32:37BT r
00:32:40Herre y
00:32:45Milky vedän loppupelin tasan solo
00:32:45Herre shame that my team isnt
00:33:07Herre ::::::::D
00:33:13Milky mun aivot ylikuormittuu
00:33:13atte I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:33:15Herre I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:33:20Milky voisin melkee ottaa saikkuu tän pelin takii
00:33:22Milky et selviin
00:33:22ESA_93 en oo pilves ja silti silence
00:33:30curdi bot twr gogo
00:33:30Milky vittu elderi on pilve
00:33:33Milky pilves
00:33:35ESA_93 wp bot
00:33:42BT wp mud
00:33:44BT mid*
00:33:46ESA_93 XD
00:33:56atte every game i wont solo
00:33:57atte i loose
00:34:11Herre lol
00:34:16Herre pieksin sen midissä
00:34:24MATi gg
00:34:27Herre eiköhän se ollu kaveris joka pelin ratkas
00:34:29curdi urn pls
00:34:41Herre forfeit it
00:35:38ESA_93 vitun salee sul on toi kokoajan valmis
00:36:09ESA_93 saleen saan aina joko sventsin belefactorin tai elderin tiimiini
00:36:45ESA_93 pitää ruveta ite saatana taas carryyn
00:37:30ESA_93 bg
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