Game #1840188
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Chat log
00:00:08 | Momdsiw moi herre |
00:00:17 | Netukka ban thrall |
00:00:17 | jakkihirki spectre |
00:00:21 | Momdsiw en kuule netua :< |
00:00:24 | Netukka :( |
00:00:27 | jakkihirki anyone want tide? |
00:00:27 | N2xy tide anyone? |
00:00:28 | Momdsiw tai nää |
00:00:30 | Netukka harvoin ketään kuulee |
00:00:32 | Netukka tai näkee |
00:00:34 | curdi boaring her0 |
00:00:40 | Herre ootteko puheohjelmassa |
00:00:41 | jakkihirki wodrock? |
00:00:44 | Momdsiw ei |
00:00:44 | wodrock nah |
00:00:47 | jakkihirki veno |
00:00:48 | Momdsiw vaa ku en nähny sen bannia |
00:00:48 | jakkihirki someone? |
00:00:48 | Netukka veno wd |
00:00:50 | ESA_93 vois pelaa shadow demon |
00:00:50 | Netukka /tide |
00:00:52 | N2xy fuck it |
00:00:52 | Momdsiw nyt nään taas |
00:01:00 | ESA_93 mulle veno |
00:01:01 | ESA_93 olli |
00:01:04 | Herre mulle rufion |
00:01:12 | Netukka oisko veno tai wd |
00:01:12 | Momdsiw ollita ota mulle veno |
00:01:12 | FeelMyCrime ... |
00:01:12 | Momdsiw olli* |
00:01:12 | Netukka kolaolli |
00:01:16 | N2xy they gonna gank mid a lot |
00:01:17 | Netukka jaaha |
00:01:19 | ESA_93 homo |
00:01:20 | Solisluu olin siirtää rahaa |
00:01:22 | curdi QUIT LAG |
00:01:26 | Solisluu ja 3 sec aikaa |
00:01:27 | Solisluu : D |
00:01:30 | Solisluu kiitos esa |
00:01:30 | ESA_93 curdit hiljaa |
00:01:33 | Solisluu muuten oisin randomannu |
00:01:40 | curdi curdinet |
00:01:45 | Netukka axe spinmaster |
00:01:46 | Herre mitä esa teki |
00:01:49 | Herre axe y |
00:01:50 | Herre omfGGg |
00:01:55 | Herre mitä erska teki olli |
00:01:55 | FeelMyCrime -clear |
00:02:00 | Solisluu lagas |
00:02:00 | curdi get more wards |
00:02:01 | Solisluu xD |
00:02:04 | Herre :Ddd |
00:02:05 | curdi so we can ward mid for sf |
00:02:06 | Solisluu veno toppii |
00:02:08 | Herre XD |
00:02:09 | Herre n oei |
00:02:09 | Solisluu JA MEIKÄ FARMAA |
00:02:11 | Herre vaan bottom |
00:02:11 | Solisluu kärry esa |
00:02:14 | ESA_93 paskan marjat |
00:02:15 | Herre huoh |
00:02:16 | N2xy furi gonna tp anyway |
00:02:17 | Herre huoran penikka |
00:02:19 | N2xy :S |
00:02:22 | FeelMyCrime this "banned" will be here whole game? |
00:02:22 | Netukka ole puskuesa |
00:02:24 | Netukka wardi esa |
00:02:26 | Momdsiw oon aina herren linja toveri |
00:02:26 | curdi no |
00:02:27 | ESA_93 vitut |
00:02:30 | N2xy lanes? |
00:02:32 | N2xy i am with eza bot? |
00:02:35 | Momdsiw miks näin |
00:02:39 | N2xy or witb wd |
00:02:40 | curdi jakki haluutko midiwardei vai mite laitetaa |
00:02:41 | N2xy with |
00:02:42 | Momdsiw tuhotaaki kyl aina |
00:02:45 | curdi i go top |
00:02:48 | ESA_93 miks gyro |
00:02:49 | curdi with razor |
00:02:50 | ESA_93 miks |
00:02:50 | Momdsiw emt |
00:02:52 | Momdsiw jaksa sd |
00:02:53 | Solisluu herre aina fail |
00:02:55 | Solisluu furi |
00:02:55 | Momdsiw eikä dazzle tai aba |
00:02:58 | Solisluu jotai dagoneit xDD |
00:02:59 | Momdsiw ei se mun kaa failaa |
00:03:02 | ESA_93 ... |
00:03:05 | Herre dagon rulez |
00:03:05 | FeelMyCrime try fb wd |
00:03:07 | N2xy we can do nice combo |
00:03:09 | curdi y |
00:03:11 | N2xy gosh + nuke |
00:03:11 | ESA_93 meikä näkee tappion |
00:03:16 | FeelMyCrime care |
00:03:17 | FeelMyCrime midd |
00:03:18 | Momdsiw jos saat alle 15 min dagonin nii tee |
00:03:22 | FeelMyCrime potm with dd |
00:03:22 | Herre mää nään pillun ja karvat sen ympärillä |
00:03:25 | Momdsiw jos näyttää pahalt elä tee |
00:03:27 | Solisluu herre 30 min ks dagon |
00:03:29 | Herre xDD |
00:03:32 | Netukka missmid |
00:03:39 | Momdsiw bull |
00:03:43 | Momdsiw iik |
00:03:51 | Momdsiw roipelit metässä |
00:03:56 | Momdsiw trilane |
00:03:57 | Momdsiw hikoilua |
00:04:18 | Solisluu hienot lasthitit hermanni |
00:04:21 | Momdsiw tuhotkaa top sit |
00:04:22 | Solisluu miksköhän häviit pelejä |
00:04:23 | ESA_93 ? |
00:04:34 | ESA_93 miksiköhän sä trollaat |
00:04:34 | Solisluu ei razorii voi tuhoo |
00:05:03 | ESA_93 hienoja lasthittejä sulki |
00:05:04 | ESA_93 XD |
00:05:08 | Solisluu eivaa |
00:05:11 | Solisluu älä ota lasthittejä |
00:05:12 | N2xy ? |
00:05:13 | Solisluu juu know? |
00:05:25 | Momdsiw menin piiloo |
00:05:28 | N2xy tp |
00:06:04 | Momdsiw olinpas ovela |
00:06:04 | N2xy mana |
00:06:17 | Herre seivasin sut sir |
00:06:19 | ESA_93 vei mun puun |
00:06:21 | Herre buy flting |
00:06:23 | Herre flying |
00:06:28 | Momdsiw ostan tossut ja lähen maailmalle |
00:06:38 | Herre jeejee |
00:06:39 | Momdsiw helposti sooloot trilane |
00:06:50 | Solisluu miss wd |
00:06:53 | Netukka missmid |
00:06:58 | Momdsiw onks jakil razeton sf taas xD |
00:07:12 | ESA_93 kohta |
00:07:16 | ESA_93 oles valmiinad |
00:07:30 | jakkihirki mid miss |
00:07:31 | jakkihirki care top |
00:07:37 | Herre vittuko nää vaan suikkaa mut tänne |
00:07:43 | Momdsiw farmaa |
00:07:52 | Momdsiw pelotan vaa |
00:08:00 | ESA_93 huoh |
00:08:05 | N2xy mana |
00:08:07 | N2xy if |
00:08:08 | N2xy yo uy cna |
00:08:09 | Solisluu fogas |
00:08:13 | ESA_93 .... |
00:08:14 | Solisluu fogi pitäis kyll poistaa pelistä |
00:08:30 | curdi ff |
00:08:40 | Momdsiw tuun top |
00:08:42 | curdi this game is so fucking shit alrdy |
00:08:44 | Momdsiw pilkkoo |
00:09:06 | N2xy put nuke . i insta gosh i try |
00:09:09 | N2xy then it hits |
00:09:12 | Netukka missmid |
00:09:13 | Herre siistiä miten vikkelä |
00:09:13 | Netukka care top |
00:09:14 | N2xy ss |
00:09:27 | Netukka sf with haste |
00:09:36 | Momdsiw gj |
00:09:38 | curdi ................................ |
00:09:38 | Netukka sf inc top |
00:09:39 | Netukka care |
00:09:42 | Momdsiw olin kuolla kuitenkin |
00:09:43 | Momdsiw tulni taistelee |
00:09:44 | Netukka SFMISS |
00:09:46 | Netukka INC TOP |
00:10:08 | Solisluu gj |
00:10:22 | FeelMyCrime tp midd |
00:10:38 | ESA_93 hommaan ny sen uurann |
00:10:38 | Momdsiw oho |
00:10:45 | Netukka jaa |
00:10:48 | Momdsiw oisit kuollu wd:lle :< |
00:10:51 | Netukka hommatkaa wardeja |
00:11:02 | Netukka no en nähny razorii |
00:11:16 | FeelMyCrime care |
00:11:27 | Herre :D:D:DD: |
00:11:28 | N2xy 3 hp |
00:11:29 | N2xy :D:D |
00:11:47 | Herre nauroinko vitusti vai aivan vitusti |
00:11:50 | Momdsiw ^^ |
00:11:53 | Momdsiw aivan |
00:11:58 | Netukka aa |
00:11:59 | Netukka otit |
00:12:00 | Momdsiw vähä sitä varmaa kismitti |
00:12:01 | ESA_93 jep |
00:12:07 | Momdsiw tai niitä |
00:12:11 | Momdsiw ku imba mommy telee ja tuhoo |
00:12:16 | Solisluu teen mekan |
00:12:19 | ESA_93 jees |
00:12:20 | curdi tide roam with me |
00:12:26 | N2xy gonna get lvl 6 |
00:12:28 | ESA_93 ostan wardit nyt ku saan massit |
00:12:30 | Momdsiw tuun mid |
00:12:37 | ESA_93 otetaan sf |
00:12:41 | Momdsiw joo |
00:12:42 | Momdsiw ulti on |
00:12:49 | Netukka sf |
00:12:58 | Herre jaa lol |
00:12:59 | Herre vittu mitä vihaa |
00:12:59 | Netukka joo |
00:13:09 | N2xy ok |
00:13:12 | Momdsiw meni b |
00:13:12 | N2xy lets go mid? |
00:13:15 | Momdsiw ettii runee botista |
00:13:16 | Netukka wardit |
00:13:19 | curdi come |
00:13:21 | curdi got smoke |
00:13:32 | Herre no lol |
00:13:45 | Netukka mjaha |
00:13:47 | Netukka oisko wardit |
00:13:47 | Momdsiw no voi sun perkele |
00:13:48 | Netukka ehkä |
00:13:49 | N2xy :D |
00:13:50 | Netukka jo pikkuhiljaa |
00:13:54 | N2xy insta |
00:14:05 | Netukka top |
00:14:06 | Netukka care |
00:14:09 | ESA_93 mitehhän sain sählättyy ton ultin siihen XD |
00:14:11 | Herre wardt |
00:14:12 | curdi necro farming |
00:14:16 | curdi need gang him next |
00:14:17 | ESA_93 heti kun on rahaa |
00:14:19 | N2xy ok |
00:15:28 | Momdsiw triple dwsiwi |
00:15:35 | ESA_93 anna mun |
00:15:40 | Momdsiw anna potm? |
00:15:50 | ESA_93 nyt mid |
00:16:00 | curdi buy smoke |
00:16:03 | curdi they got wards |
00:16:15 | N2xy so. |
00:16:17 | N2xy got ulti |
00:16:18 | N2xy top? |
00:16:26 | ESA_93 missä se niide wd luistelee |
00:16:46 | Momdsiw taistelu jaska |
00:16:49 | N2xy w8 |
00:17:06 | Herre no vittu jaa |
00:17:15 | Herre :D:D |
00:17:31 | Momdsiw dd |
00:17:31 | Momdsiw bot |
00:17:46 | curdi b |
00:17:49 | curdi all inc |
00:17:53 | N2xy yep |
00:18:19 | N2xy mana |
00:18:23 | FeelMyCrime get ihm |
00:18:25 | Momdsiw bot torni? |
00:18:41 | Momdsiw ASd |
00:18:46 | Momdsiw herre |
00:18:49 | Momdsiw nvm |
00:18:50 | ESA_93 gankkivat aika rumalla voimalla |
00:18:52 | Herre ja ne ei suojelekaan sitä |
00:18:58 | Momdsiw hp wd? |
00:18:59 | N2xy mid? |
00:19:00 | ESA_93 olli |
00:19:01 | FeelMyCrime y |
00:19:02 | curdi 5 |
00:19:09 | Momdsiw k |
00:19:30 | ESA_93 mitä vittua furi ja muut |
00:19:32 | Herre joo vittu uniden gangitiimiä :DD |
00:19:35 | Herre no mitä tossa voi tehä |
00:19:35 | ESA_93 huoh |
00:19:39 | Herre ei yhtän mitään |
00:19:41 | jakkihirki eza make meka |
00:19:42 | ESA_93 iha sama |
00:19:46 | FeelMyCrime gj |
00:19:47 | FeelMyCrime -clear |
00:19:47 | Solisluu no "huoh" |
00:19:54 | Solisluu jos vihut tulee 4:jällä tuolta meijä metästä |
00:20:00 | curdi mana |
00:20:02 | Solisluu ei siin voinu tehä mitää ku juosta |
00:20:06 | N2xy got uilt |
00:20:06 | ESA_93 farmasit niitte metäs |
00:20:06 | Herre y |
00:20:10 | ESA_93 kun ne oli viel botissa |
00:20:16 | ESA_93 oltais saatu sf easily |
00:20:25 | N2xy omg |
00:20:27 | N2xy max mana :D |
00:20:29 | N2xy or atleast lvl 3 |
00:20:35 | wodrock 2 |
00:20:38 | N2xy ye |
00:20:38 | N2xy saw |
00:20:39 | Netukka herre |
00:20:40 | Netukka kill top |
00:20:41 | N2xy that sux |
00:20:42 | N2xy :S |
00:20:43 | Herre y |
00:20:44 | Netukka jaa |
00:20:45 | wodrock why |
00:20:45 | Netukka wd |
00:20:45 | Netukka inc |
00:20:48 | curdi its best |
00:20:51 | curdi support skill |
00:20:57 | curdi leak pwns too |
00:21:01 | N2xy yep |
00:21:05 | N2xy you nuke |
00:21:08 | N2xy just take kills |
00:21:09 | N2xy cs |
00:21:15 | N2xy and you just farm |
00:21:15 | Momdsiw käytä sitä armorii? |
00:21:17 | N2xy no point |
00:21:25 | Momdsiw necce? |
00:21:37 | N2xy need smoke |
00:21:53 | Momdsiw 5 mid i bet |
00:22:25 | Momdsiw im not tank :< |
00:22:36 | ESA_93 kuka vittu ohjaa |
00:22:38 | N2xy come |
00:22:39 | N2xy wd |
00:22:40 | N2xy lets go |
00:22:40 | Momdsiw vaihnko |
00:22:48 | jakkihirki ups |
00:22:50 | jakkihirki wrong recipe |
00:22:51 | curdi gotta ward new bot |
00:22:56 | N2xy top |
00:23:03 | curdi can tp |
00:23:04 | FeelMyCrime hot? |
00:23:05 | FeelMyCrime D: |
00:23:52 | curdi people.. |
00:23:54 | curdi wake up :s |
00:23:59 | N2xy np |
00:24:05 | N2xy won i |
00:24:06 | N2xy it |
00:24:10 | curdi y but |
00:24:14 | curdi u didnt need to die rly |
00:24:18 | Momdsiw aika napakka ulti veno ^^ |
00:24:18 | curdi if more of us there |
00:24:19 | Netukka def |
00:24:55 | ESA_93 just : D |
00:25:03 | Herre torn |
00:25:07 | Herre otan bottomista |
00:25:18 | ESA_93 käyn wardaa |
00:25:18 | N2xy :S |
00:25:19 | N2xy no ult |
00:25:31 | ESA_93 HUI SAATANA |
00:25:32 | ESA_93 :D:D:D |
00:25:44 | Solisluu höh |
00:25:57 | Solisluu furin puut denytessään ei anna sadistia |
00:26:10 | jakkihirki let me have souls |
00:26:23 | N2xy top? |
00:26:26 | curdi wardin woods a bit |
00:26:33 | ESA_93 NOPEE |
00:26:36 | ESA_93 enne ku wardaa |
00:26:54 | N2xy xD |
00:27:16 | ESA_93 ola |
00:27:23 | Solisluu ? |
00:27:23 | ESA_93 olitko short of mana? |
00:27:24 | Momdsiw huoh |
00:27:27 | Momdsiw ku ei koskaa mennä viidel |
00:27:28 | Solisluu kylli |
00:27:32 | ESA_93 jeesh |
00:27:45 | Solisluu vikahan oli siin et juoksin tosta missä niiden wardi oli |
00:28:10 | curdi gang herre a bit |
00:28:10 | Solisluu meill on 3 stunnia |
00:28:12 | Solisluu yks vaikee |
00:28:16 | Solisluu yks kauheel delaylla |
00:28:18 | Solisluu ja ulti |
00:28:20 | N2xy he got hex |
00:28:21 | N2xy :S |
00:28:22 | N2xy soon |
00:28:32 | Herre guinsoo |
00:28:40 | Herre ez |
00:28:45 | Herre not |
00:28:45 | Solisluu idd |
00:28:46 | Netukka 3 |
00:28:47 | Momdsiw bkb |
00:28:47 | Solisluu siks teenki |
00:28:49 | Netukka 4 |
00:28:51 | Netukka 4top |
00:28:58 | Momdsiw sf:llä |
00:29:04 | Herre :D:D |
00:29:05 | Herre WADF |
00:29:08 | Herre MIKSEI CANCELLANNU |
00:29:11 | Herre vissiin lags kivasti |
00:29:37 | ESA_93 AUCH |
00:29:44 | curdi b |
00:29:50 | N2xy fuck ye |
00:29:52 | jakkihirki oh no razor |
00:30:01 | Solisluu pamahti vähäC |
00:30:05 | Momdsiw tuleepas selkään |
00:30:06 | ESA_93 pikkasen joo XD |
00:30:08 | Netukka no melko paha ku ei mitää stunia |
00:30:12 | Momdsiw -ii |
00:30:25 | Solisluu nytki piti ultaa toi sf bkb:lla |
00:30:30 | jakkihirki make ac tide |
00:30:36 | N2xy dagger first |
00:30:45 | N2xy then yes |
00:31:00 | Netukka uus rune |
00:31:01 | ESA_93 toi eza pitää saada btw pois |
00:31:08 | Momdsiw wd |
00:31:14 | ESA_93 sen meka ja illu tappaa aika kovaa wdn kaa |
00:31:15 | Momdsiw tekee läpsyä |
00:31:21 | wodrock wtf |
00:31:27 | wodrock ffs |
00:31:34 | Herre lol |
00:31:40 | N2xy -11 arm |
00:31:41 | N2xy yeye |
00:31:42 | N2xy :D |
00:31:43 | ESA_93 ne liikkuu aina 4stään : D |
00:31:45 | Herre jep |
00:31:48 | Herre kunnon huorat |
00:31:54 | Herre mistähän tälle damagea |
00:31:57 | Herre vissiin manta |
00:32:01 | Herre tarttee hptakin |
00:32:02 | Solisluu -ii |
00:32:07 | Solisluu joo |
00:32:12 | Momdsiw tee lothu xD |
00:32:13 | wodrock what cd does sprout have |
00:32:14 | Herre jokasta tappoa kohti saan yhen kuoleman |
00:32:15 | Momdsiw voit telee invinä |
00:32:18 | curdi not much |
00:32:19 | jakkihirki shirt |
00:32:19 | Herre mmää sitä enää tee |
00:32:22 | jakkihirki short* |
00:32:25 | N2xy :D |
00:32:26 | Herre ku ei ne ees kulje yksikseen |
00:32:28 | Herre niin ei voi hunttaa |
00:32:42 | Herre wardia vaan |
00:32:49 | ESA_93 tulos |
00:32:51 | Solisluu ja smokee |
00:33:02 | N2xy lets push or farm some more? |
00:33:09 | jakkihirki fight? |
00:33:10 | jakkihirki get smoke |
00:33:13 | Momdsiw go with 5? |
00:33:14 | curdi kill that herre fucker |
00:33:21 | curdi fucking ego shit player |
00:33:22 | Netukka y |
00:33:26 | Momdsiw just potm ulti before fight |
00:33:30 | N2xy take |
00:33:31 | N2xy wd |
00:33:32 | N2xy smoke |
00:33:33 | Momdsiw if tide ultis we all are invi |
00:33:42 | Solisluu esa |
00:33:46 | Solisluu täs vaihees tarvitaa rosha visionii |
00:33:54 | Solisluu föör further noticfe |
00:34:28 | ESA_93 siinäs ne |
00:34:58 | N2xy mana |
00:35:02 | jakkihirki we have lots of minus |
00:35:06 | jakkihirki use |
00:35:10 | jakkihirki relic him |
00:35:13 | jakkihirki i mean medal |
00:35:16 | Herre onko ne roosalla |
00:35:18 | Solisluu y |
00:35:24 | N2xy both |
00:35:34 | N2xy need regen |
00:35:42 | curdi mind if i get another jango? |
00:35:42 | Momdsiw voitasko mennä viidel |
00:35:47 | Herre siis |
00:35:49 | ESA_93 turtle |
00:35:49 | Herre te meette neljästään |
00:35:50 | Herre mää pusken |
00:35:54 | Solisluu itseasias |
00:35:57 | Solisluu ei me voida oikee teamfitee |
00:35:59 | jakkihirki make pipe someone |
00:36:01 | Momdsiw sul hex sun muut |
00:36:02 | N2xy make sceptre? |
00:36:03 | Momdsiw tarvcittava |
00:36:05 | Herre pitää jekuttaa |
00:36:09 | Herre joo, mutkun tiimifaitit on aikavaikeita |
00:36:21 | curdi smoke |
00:36:36 | Solisluu b |
00:37:03 | Herre aika hurjat setit |
00:37:08 | Netukka aha |
00:37:11 | Herre :DD |
00:37:23 | curdi why did razor go alone there |
00:37:24 | curdi btw |
00:37:25 | Solisluu gj |
00:37:27 | Solisluu just on hex |
00:37:43 | Herre eikö kukaan kuollu |
00:37:43 | Solisluu puuttuu 300 |
00:37:46 | Solisluu eiu |
00:37:46 | Netukka ei |
00:37:48 | ESA_93 mietin vain, tuota piippua |
00:37:48 | Solisluu ja saatii 3? |
00:37:48 | FeelMyCrime didnt see them |
00:37:50 | FeelMyCrime there all |
00:37:51 | FeelMyCrime S: |
00:37:51 | Momdsiw 2 |
00:37:52 | Momdsiw ? |
00:37:53 | Solisluu piippu needed |
00:37:57 | ESA_93 ligu |
00:38:22 | Herre :DD |
00:38:30 | Herre unohin daggerin |
00:38:36 | Herre aika perseestä |
00:38:38 | Herre olis pitäny suoraa hexaa |
00:38:46 | Netukka mmh |
00:38:55 | ESA_93 olli ja furi |
00:39:00 | N2xy 35 sec :S |
00:39:05 | ESA_93 furion go |
00:39:05 | Solisluu se on jo b |
00:39:09 | ESA_93 .... |
00:39:11 | Herre täh |
00:39:24 | N2xy ward |
00:39:25 | N2xy here |
00:39:29 | Herre manta olemas |
00:39:30 | jakkihirki andhere |
00:39:44 | Herre use |
00:39:46 | jakkihirki get |
00:39:47 | jakkihirki dust |
00:39:50 | FeelMyCrime i have |
00:39:56 | wodrock show the ward places again |
00:40:10 | curdi we need sentries |
00:40:11 | Momdsiw fighht? |
00:40:16 | Solisluu vaan tornilla |
00:40:18 | Solisluu jos siinäkään |
00:40:21 | Solisluu teen sen piipun |
00:40:25 | Solisluu hp:t vaa vähä olemattomat |
00:40:30 | curdi wodrock |
00:40:30 | Momdsiw ke |
00:40:32 | Momdsiw je |
00:40:33 | curdi they have wards there |
00:40:39 | ESA_93 tulevat |
00:40:40 | Herre tuleekohan mid |
00:40:40 | ESA_93 b |
00:40:40 | curdi i guess that's what ppl ment.. |
00:40:41 | ESA_93 b |
00:40:51 | ESA_93 tarviin manat full |
00:40:54 | FeelMyCrime b |
00:41:03 | Netukka go in with my ult |
00:41:06 | Netukka gather |
00:41:06 | Netukka all |
00:41:37 | ESA_93 kaikissa supoissa ulti |
00:41:40 | ESA_93 ja gale |
00:41:57 | ESA_93 hittovieköö |
00:41:59 | FeelMyCrime u blocked me |
00:42:04 | Herre np |
00:42:05 | Momdsiw eikä vie |
00:42:05 | Solisluu sf:fällä oli harmiks aegis |
00:42:09 | Solisluu muuten oltais saatu kaikki |
00:42:22 | jakkihirki well that was bad fight |
00:42:27 | ESA_93 :<... oispa saatu netukan starfall noihin suppoihin tuol forestissa |
00:42:27 | curdi true |
00:42:33 | ESA_93 se olis ollu aika gg |
00:42:45 | Momdsiw tai gf |
00:42:48 | Netukka fast |
00:42:59 | Herre gg |
00:42:59 | N2xy fuck |
00:42:59 | Solisluu TULKAA |
00:43:05 | ESA_93 kivat lagi |
00:43:23 | N2xy fuckt that veno |
00:43:23 | ESA_93 vittu mikä timing |
00:43:28 | jakkihirki I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge] |
00:43:30 | Herre gg |
00:43:35 | ESA_93 XD |
00:43:36 | Netukka nopeempaa herre |
00:43:37 | Netukka :D |
00:43:52 | jakkihirki cathering of retard |
00:43:53 | jakkihirki s |
00:45:15 | Netukka b imo |
00:45:17 | Netukka oom |
00:45:36 | Momdsiw mun ulti ei osunu kehekkää xD |
00:45:44 | Momdsiw otetaako roshani |
00:45:49 | ESA_93 ei voida vi |
00:46:02 | Herre ottavat roshanin |
00:46:11 | Momdsiw herre scouti se |
00:46:12 | Momdsiw puillas |
00:46:25 | Netukka voiko joku ostaa yhe salven |
00:46:27 | Solisluu siel ne on |
00:46:35 | Herre b |
00:46:45 | Netukka they go rosh |
00:46:45 | Netukka now |
00:46:50 | N2xy or? |
00:46:52 | curdi b |
00:46:53 | Netukka go in with ult? |
00:46:58 | curdi veno got his ulti on us |
00:47:09 | jakkihirki b |
00:47:11 | ESA_93 ottavat sen ny |
00:47:16 | FeelMyCrime furion is there |
00:47:49 | ESA_93 tulos |
00:47:52 | ESA_93 tsemppikää |
00:47:58 | jakkihirki razor that agha is so useles item |
00:48:06 | curdi :D no kidding |
00:48:11 | Solisluu rosh low |
00:48:13 | Solisluu mut pusketaan eka |
00:48:14 | Netukka yeah |
00:48:33 | curdi hood + vguard so much better :s |
00:48:34 | Momdsiw oonpas pikku levu |
00:48:49 | Herre no voi perse |
00:48:54 | Netukka hm |
00:48:55 | Netukka rosh then |
00:48:58 | Herre vauhtia |
00:49:00 | Netukka fast |
00:49:04 | Solisluu ei keritä |
00:49:05 | ESA_93 vetää tiukille.. |
00:49:08 | jakkihirki go |
00:49:15 | ESA_93 EI |
00:49:16 | curdi necro almost oom |
00:49:17 | Momdsiw potmil ulti koht |
00:49:20 | Netukka ni io |
00:49:35 | Solisluu SWEER |
00:49:36 | ESA_93 XD |
00:49:52 | Momdsiw kuolen aina eka :< |
00:49:57 | Momdsiw saa exp |
00:49:58 | Momdsiw tappeluist |
00:49:59 | jakkihirki go ff |
00:50:03 | curdi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge] |
00:50:09 | wodrock I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge] |
00:50:12 | FeelMyCrime !ff |
00:50:12 | Momdsiw bot |
00:50:20 | jakkihirki only ff |
00:50:22 | N2xy I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:50:24 | N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:50:24 | N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:50:24 | N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel! |
00:50:24 | N2xy [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne. |
00:50:24 | FeelMyCrime I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge] |
00:50:26 | jakkihirki I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge] |
00:50:27 | Herre Gg |
00:50:27 | Netukka gg |
00:50:30 | jakkihirki Vbg |
00:50:30 | curdi gg |
00:50:44 | Herre taas liqvidin ja herren duo vei hirkeä |
00:50:44 | Herre XDD |
00:50:48 | Herre pro rufion |
00:50:48 | Solisluu : ) |
00:50:54 | Solisluu pro_necro |
00:50:57 | Momdsiw naxy quittaa koht |
00:51:04 | Herre jaa |
00:51:04 | curdi anto razor jokseenki hyvin tasotusta |
00:51:18 | Momdsiw ehk |
00:51:25 | Momdsiw jos silver peli on alkamas |