Game #1835753

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+18 X
+2 TS

97% | 1672 X | 1586 TS

+66 X
+2 TS

95% | 1614 X | 1587 TS

+22 X
+2 TS

51% | 1129 X | 1349 TS

+42 X
+9 TS

47% | 1169 X | 1275 TS

+64 X
+71 TS

NEW | 957 X | 935 TS

-67 X
-1 TS

90% | 1532 X | 1489 TS

-31 X
-2 TS

75% | 1225 X | 1513 TS

-63 X
-2 TS

68% | 1265 X | 1390 TS

-38 X
-2 TS

64% | 1235 X | 1396 TS

-12 X
-2 TS

45% | 1100 X | 1333 TS

Chat log

00:00:05NotAHax HEROS?
00:00:05Netukka wd cebt ba
00:00:06aRkker drow pugna tc
00:00:07NotAHax bs, DK , TINKER
00:00:07hibalunt ogre panda bh
00:00:08Netukka wd cent na
00:00:10NotAHax ANYONE SLARK?
00:00:13Netukka :D
00:00:13Netukka :D
00:00:14Netukka :D
00:00:15Netukka so op
00:00:16iBiT admiral, batman, naga
00:00:16dhgf clock zeus venge
00:00:22Netukka any1 wd?
00:00:25Netukka wd cent na
00:00:27NotAHax voisin pelata
00:00:28hibalunt if any1 has new hero i want -.-
00:00:28NotAHax bat
00:00:29WANKmaster lion ta tiny
00:00:30NotAHax netukka haluutko dk tai bs?
00:00:32dhgf same here
00:00:34Netukka dk voisin
00:00:35Netukka kanske
00:00:35hibalunt give tini
00:00:38NotAHax mitä slla on
00:00:39NotAHax netukka
00:00:42Netukka wd cent na
00:00:45Netukka melko tylsät
00:00:49hibalunt ogre panda bh
00:00:55NotAHax na
00:00:59dhgf hmm
00:01:01NotAHax -swap 1
00:01:02Netukka -swap 2
00:01:03NotAHax -swap 5
00:01:07iBiT -swap 2
00:01:09dhgf pelan clocki vist
00:01:10hibalunt annad tini v6i ei?
00:01:14WANKmaster oot
00:01:17hibalunt ei oot
00:01:19hibalunt 10 sek
00:01:22IceMal ogre me
00:01:24WANKmaster hmm
00:01:28WANKmaster oot
00:01:30WANKmaster sul oli
00:01:31Netukka vittu
00:01:31IceMal bane tuskar troll
00:01:32WANKmaster ogre tiny bh?
00:01:34Netukka meikän streak meni :(
00:01:34hibalunt y
00:01:35NotAHax take ur sf and edears
00:01:36dhgf GUMME
00:01:36Netukka 11 voittoa
00:01:37NotAHax And icemal take ur pas
00:01:37dhgf TUSKAR
00:01:39dhgf uskar
00:01:40dhgf tuskar
00:01:46dhgf clock
00:01:46dhgf venge
00:01:47dhgf zeus
00:01:52IceMal zeus
00:01:54Netukka arkker?
00:01:56IceMal -swap 2
00:01:56dhgf -swpa 3
00:01:57Netukka nvm
00:01:58dhgf -swap 3
00:01:58aRkker mietin et mitä pickaan
00:02:16Netukka na pull
00:02:17WANKmaster bh mine bot
00:02:26dhgf me axe
00:02:28dhgf peaksime omam
00:03:13hibalunt harras let me lasthit zeus om
00:04:28dhgf tule võtame
00:04:33dhgf pugna
00:04:41dhgf sa eestlane ikka
00:04:42dhgf ?
00:05:09WANKmaster :D:D:D
00:05:44NotAHax MID MISS
00:07:10Netukka zue
00:07:19NotAHax bat
00:07:20NotAHax bait
00:07:22NotAHax goi
00:07:23NotAHax tide
00:08:14hibalunt bird plz
00:08:15NotAHax netukka
00:08:16NotAHax oon ihan vitun fat
00:08:17NotAHax ja farmed
00:08:18NotAHax :DD
00:08:19NotAHax vanguard ms
00:08:20NotAHax 6 min
00:08:20NotAHax gg
00:08:38hibalunt bird plz
00:08:53IceMal go woods
00:08:55IceMal axe
00:09:06Netukka zeusmiss
00:09:10aRkker he came top
00:09:20Netukka roger
00:09:35NotAHax cool manadrain mate
00:09:42FeelMyCrime ss2
00:10:43Netukka kinda oom
00:11:05WANKmaster ff @ 25
00:11:13dhgf nota
00:11:15dhgf why u so pro
00:11:15NotAHax ?
00:11:15IceMal someon leave
00:11:16WANKmaster i was taking a shit so y that lost the game :d
00:11:19NotAHax Why no
00:11:28Netukka 2miss
00:11:31NotAHax why you so strom skilled
00:11:49Netukka no mitä vittua
00:11:50Netukka :d
00:11:51NotAHax nice gang
00:11:54WANKmaster y
00:11:55WANKmaster imba
00:12:20NotAHax be rdy
00:12:31aRkker TIDE???
00:13:21NotAHax tide
00:13:22NotAHax come
00:13:23NotAHax eat tree
00:14:46Netukka koska joku mahtaa quitata
00:15:14dhgf FUCK YOU NIGGER
00:15:22NotAHax banrequested
00:15:28dhgf :(
00:15:52Netukka pitäiskö mun liikkuu täält
00:15:54Netukka en jaksais
00:16:32WANKmaster almost got away
00:16:35Netukka wankmaster on varmaa ilonen
00:16:39NotAHax on se
00:16:42NotAHax koht kattoo "AI SIEL ON DK"
00:16:43NotAHax :DD
00:18:23NotAHax kusul on bkb
00:18:23Netukka voitais jo endaa
00:18:24NotAHax mennää midd
00:18:25NotAHax niin
00:18:26NotAHax no joo
00:18:27NotAHax mennää
00:18:31NotAHax ALL MIDD
00:18:49NotAHax -.-
00:19:11IceMal thx?
00:19:14aRkker you came, you saw, you conqured?
00:19:19WANKmaster allmost
00:19:30IceMal he spread them legs
00:19:37NotAHax just let us finish
00:19:38NotAHax : )
00:19:43NotAHax so we can stop ur pain
00:19:48aRkker IT IS GAMERUINING
00:20:31Netukka onks niil axeki
00:20:32Netukka :D
00:20:37IceMal 4 games of the same story
00:20:43IceMal in a row
00:21:08Netukka ((
00:21:09WANKmaster :D
00:21:15NotAHax ..
00:21:16NotAHax fuck you
00:21:17dhgf NOOB
00:21:21WANKmaster REQUESTED!
00:21:25aRkker !!!!
00:21:27aRkker !
00:21:48NotAHax all bot now
00:22:08NotAHax tide
00:22:08NotAHax tele bot
00:22:23Netukka buy a tele
00:22:24Netukka and tele
00:22:25Netukka -.-
00:22:43dhgf ibit
00:22:46dhgf partypooper
00:23:00dhgf DIE ARKKER
00:23:01dhgf DIE
00:23:08dhgf BOOM
00:23:18dhgf noob waner
00:23:20dhgf wanker
00:23:27aRkker wankmaster? moar liek NOOBMASTER
00:23:33WANKmaster WOWOWOOWWO
00:23:40WANKmaster ARKKER HAS SPOKE!
00:23:42WANKmaster SPOKEN
00:23:46aRkker :(
00:23:51aRkker ok ._.
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