Game #1806604

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+26 X
-5 TS

84% | 1456 X | 1440 TS

+19 X
-7 TS

70% | 1491 X | 1159 TS

+16 X
-2 TS

65% | 1295 X | 1333 TS

-11 X
-1 TS

54% | 1187 X | 1303 TS

+3 X
-7 TS

52% | 1196 X | 1280 TS

+8 X
+1 TS

85% | 1429 X | 1494 TS

-31 X
+1 TS

79% | 1355 X | 1453 TS

-12 X
+2 TS

76% | 1285 X | 1470 TS

-12 X
+1 TS

59% | 1202 X | 1370 TS

+8 X
+16 TS

15% | 957 X | 1160 TS

Chat log

00:00:16Affliction /dps
00:00:16Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:00:16Affliction -ii
00:00:16Affliction don
00:00:16Affliction -don
00:00:16Affliction -hhn
00:00:16McNabb nå grønland skal vi lige vinde
00:00:16junglejonte -alchemist
00:00:16Affliction ja
00:00:16Luza i ban your potm
00:00:16Luza hehehehehahahah
00:00:16Milky jungle
00:00:17Euforia what will you pick
00:00:19Milky otaks ton wispin
00:00:21Milky mulle
00:00:23Kanki meeks midii luza
00:00:24Milky ni voitetaa
00:00:28Euforia otaks mulle wispin
00:00:30Kanki osaaks wispil?
00:00:33Euforia ni voitetaa
00:00:35Euforia ja oon lane
00:00:35Milky mul on paras wisp =)
00:00:36Luza gc:n paras wispi olen
00:00:39Kanki someone wisp?
00:00:41Euforia ei oo parempi ku mun
00:00:43Euforia !
00:00:44Milky haha
00:00:46Kanki pelaa se sit
00:00:48Milky kato statsit
00:00:54Luza no en
00:00:54Milky ja kysy noilt top pelaajilta
00:00:57Luza varmal pelaa ku oon fp
00:00:59Luza -clear
00:01:10Luza mul o paras winratio sil
00:01:10Kanki toi on niin perseest toi hero
00:01:20Euforia 20-10
00:01:22Nickless tank
00:01:23Euforia mulla 6-2
00:01:26McNabb veno
00:01:32Euforia ollaan yhtä hyvii siis
00:01:39Milky :D
00:01:42Kanki meitsi midii?
00:01:44Milky i dare you
00:01:44McNabb veno or pit
00:01:45Euforia ^^
00:01:51Kanki enigma good also
00:01:52Euforia no laske! sama %
00:01:52Milky mut
00:01:53McNabb or dazzle
00:01:58Milky meijät on nyt outpickattu
00:02:03Kanki mjoo
00:02:07Milky officially
00:02:07Euforia lolllll
00:02:11Kanki tuskar top
00:02:17Milky share
00:02:23Milky carry seer
00:02:24Nickless isnt luza cap?
00:02:29Euforia teen wardi venon
00:02:34Euforia niinku kännis ja läpäö
00:02:36Euforia l
00:02:36Kanki kuka noil meinas kärryy? :D
00:02:36McNabb he is
00:02:43Luza rhasta
00:02:49Kanki tai enigma
00:02:56Luza meil o iha jees lanet
00:03:01Euforia let me mid pls
00:03:02Luza ds on kyl midis
00:03:03Luza tbh
00:03:09Milky seer pullaaks kiitti ni tapetaa lvl 2
00:03:10McNabb fb grønland?
00:03:16Affliction nah
00:03:23Kanki voin tehä piipun
00:03:28Kanki tuskar u pull
00:03:42Milky jonte?
00:03:50Nickless nxt
00:05:21McNabb nej
00:05:51Affliction remove that
00:05:54Milky bot miss
00:05:55Milky care mid
00:06:02Affliction red shit on top of my screen
00:06:04Nickless nxt pull
00:06:24Luza rhasta top
00:06:26Luza nvm
00:06:28Luza got rgen
00:07:25Affliction kill whisp ?
00:07:30Milky seer
00:07:45Milky tarvis tappaa
00:08:14McNabb ss bot
00:08:14Milky ts
00:08:24Affliction -refresh
00:08:36McNabb y
00:08:38Milky bot miss
00:08:39Milky care mid
00:08:49Milky go
00:08:58Luza rhasta missing
00:09:00Luza bot inc
00:09:01Luza re
00:09:22McNabb :D
00:09:25Nickless eat
00:09:43Affliction ss bot
00:09:44Affliction 2
00:09:58Milky b
00:09:59Milky top
00:10:04Milky b'
00:10:04Milky top
00:10:39McNabb ss bot
00:11:04Milky wake up`???
00:11:07Luza ss mid
00:11:13Affliction kiil whisp ?
00:11:14junglejonte you really think
00:11:15junglejonte we could kill
00:11:16junglejonte them,?=
00:11:18Milky y
00:11:19Milky ck
00:11:20Milky :D
00:11:21Milky 300 hp
00:11:23junglejonte y ck have stun.
00:11:28junglejonte som im never gonna get close
00:11:30Milky and i have aswell
00:11:31McNabb ss
00:11:33junglejonte if he doesnt waste it
00:11:40Milky hes nob its np
00:11:59Affliction sry
00:11:59Milky fucking hard stuff
00:12:00Affliction :/
00:12:00Milky +
00:12:01McNabb hva fuck var det grønland
00:12:05Euforia gj
00:12:05Milky we missed like 10 lkills
00:12:06Milky alrdy
00:12:27Milky rhasta go mid
00:12:30Milky we come with seer
00:13:03Milky rjasta
00:13:09Milky ty
00:13:15Nickless man...
00:13:17Kanki lol
00:13:23Nickless go in and do first magic..
00:13:47Nickless help up?
00:14:12Milky need void kill
00:14:39Euforia so much for rambo veno
00:14:45Milky :D
00:15:00Nickless go wheni come
00:15:04Milky come
00:15:07Euforia im omw
00:15:08Luza let me
00:15:10Milky go mid
00:15:15Milky go
00:15:16Milky rjasta
00:15:17Milky we come
00:16:15Kanki toi wispi on niin hanurista
00:16:20Luza te ootte hanurista
00:16:35Euforia we dont need agi we got rhasta
00:16:38Milky tt
00:16:51Luza gj tuskarr :D
00:17:04Nickless u2
00:17:09Kanki vittu mil munkil
00:17:12Milky taxi
00:17:17Milky def mid
00:17:38Milky enigma
00:17:40Milky they got wards
00:17:45Milky nop
00:17:47Milky wait
00:17:47Milky enigma
00:18:22Kanki omw
00:18:23Luza care
00:18:24Euforia omw
00:18:26Luza we need
00:18:26Luza all
00:18:55Luza ck starts with a stun
00:18:57Luza lesh follows
00:18:57Luza ez
00:19:05Euforia no voi vittu
00:19:57McNabb b
00:20:09Nickless b
00:20:11Nickless B????
00:20:15Nickless 3v2
00:20:15Nickless ..
00:20:49McNabb carry rhasta is carry
00:21:11Milky tower
00:22:00Nickless so lame...
00:22:26Milky .-.
00:22:33Milky otan veniksemn sit
00:22:40Luza my lane
00:22:43McNabb yy
00:22:55h2star_- :dd
00:23:01Milky range
00:23:01Milky pls
00:23:03Milky so i can blinkl
00:23:26McNabb def mid
00:23:45Kanki on noilla tota puskuvoimaa kyl
00:24:01Nickless god
00:24:03Luza w0t
00:24:16Milky wait
00:24:17Milky wait
00:24:17Nickless go in turn ulti and kill him..
00:24:24Milky baaa
00:24:25Milky :D
00:24:34Nickless finally..
00:25:10McNabb jesus
00:25:48Euforia go rosh?
00:25:53junglejonte no vision
00:26:02Milky hug me we go with smoke
00:26:10Milky group
00:26:27Nickless b
00:26:28Luza SMOKE
00:26:30Luza USED
00:26:31Euforia enigma creeps
00:26:55Euforia ??
00:26:58McNabb why tusk
00:27:09Milky so stupid
00:27:10Milky :D
00:27:13Milky haha
00:27:14Nickless so what do u suggest us to do
00:27:17Euforia so worth it
00:27:20McNabb turtle
00:27:24Nickless k
00:27:24Luza just turtle
00:27:30Luza and dont aggro ds
00:27:35Luza kill all papers
00:27:45Luza wisp veno rhasta
00:27:48Kanki kill wisp and enigma first
00:27:56Milky mid
00:27:57Milky ..
00:27:58Kanki if u can kill enigma before ulti
00:27:58McNabb hvorfor grønlanmd?
00:28:04Luza every1 else but ds
00:28:12Kanki he has below 900 hp
00:28:40Luza they going for top
00:28:47McNabb wanna def it?
00:28:47Kanki lets go to our woods now?
00:28:56Milky wtf they doing
00:28:57Kanki tusk come top
00:29:00Nickless got tp
00:29:00Luza we
00:29:00junglejonte turtling
00:29:00McNabb b
00:29:01Luza need all
00:29:04McNabb cant def 4
00:29:04Luza dont def it
00:29:05Luza we cant
00:29:14Milky spooning in base
00:29:30Luza follow my ulti
00:29:31junglejonte w8
00:29:31junglejonte guinsoo
00:29:55Nickless void i think u need bkb
00:29:55Milky dont dive in
00:29:56Luza fuck
00:29:56Milky enigma
00:29:58Luza hex on ds
00:30:00Milky stay at back
00:30:01Milky !!!
00:30:03Milky let void ulti
00:30:06Milky and u uklti in edge
00:30:39Milky noov
00:31:02Euforia RAX
00:31:24Euforia eii ds
00:31:29Affliction DANM
00:31:36Affliction almost killed enigma
00:31:38Kanki kinda easy to ulti with enigma if we are all in that snowball
00:31:42Milky luza meijän kombo olis vieny 15 min
00:31:53Luza ?
00:32:11McNabb care bot
00:32:16Nickless b
00:32:20Milky Void wisp
00:32:34Luza nii
00:32:38McNabb dont
00:32:39Kanki go
00:32:39Milky got smoke
00:32:42Milky ds tuutko alas
00:32:46McNabb b
00:32:47McNabb b
00:32:49Milky hug
00:32:58Milky void not here
00:33:10Milky then mid
00:33:13McNabb new wards got 0 gold
00:33:29Luza DONT
00:33:35McNabb b
00:33:36McNabb b
00:33:36McNabb b
00:33:41Luza b
00:33:53Kanki lol ultasin jonku venon :D
00:33:53McNabb why oh why
00:33:56Euforia itkettää
00:33:57Luza gj :D
00:33:58Affliction nice ulti kanki
00:34:02Kanki y i know
00:34:04Euforia so bad
00:34:04Affliction fucking retard
00:34:14Affliction no
00:34:15Luza lesh
00:34:17Luza follow my
00:34:18Luza ukti
00:34:25Kanki hgaha
00:34:52Kanki jos noi ei osaa puskee ni tää voitetaa kyl
00:35:08Luza kuha saan 5 ultii tai pari nii
00:35:28Milky i took it
00:35:32Milky lol
00:35:34Luza meil 1 torni
00:35:36Luza iha jees
00:35:48Luza siis eihä nuo ees saa mua tapettii
00:36:12Milky b
00:36:12Milky b
00:36:12Milky b
00:36:14Milky b
00:36:16Milky venom
00:36:57Kanki take mid
00:36:59Euforia tää ei oo enää kivaa
00:37:07Luza y qwe cuold
00:37:13Nickless b
00:37:15McNabb b
00:37:16McNabb b
00:37:16Luza Go
00:37:16McNabb b
00:37:20Nickless b
00:37:47Luza mid and back
00:37:50Luza OR
00:37:51Nickless y
00:37:51Luza RAX
00:37:51McNabb roshj
00:37:52Luza ACUTALLY
00:37:53Kanki rax
00:38:13Luza rax and back
00:38:24Luza both rax and back to def
00:38:30Affliction b
00:38:30Affliction b
00:38:30Affliction bb
00:38:31Affliction b
00:38:31Affliction b
00:38:34Luza lol
00:38:39Nickless HAHAHA
00:38:40Nickless GJ
00:38:41Nickless b
00:38:43Luza wHAT
00:38:44Milky they go roshan
00:38:46Luza :DD
00:38:47Nickless :D
00:38:55Milky hug i smoke go roshan
00:38:55Milky !
00:38:55Luza whateverrr
00:38:56Euforia ho
00:39:01Nickless all in all
00:39:03Kanki teen shivan
00:39:03Nickless gj team
00:39:05Affliction ward plz
00:39:17Nickless il go bkb?
00:39:24Nickless ornot?
00:39:28McNabb rosh
00:39:29Affliction do it
00:39:29McNabb check
00:39:36Affliction or
00:39:39Affliction vladimirs
00:39:40Luza no dont
00:39:42Luza b
00:39:49Kanki b
00:39:49Kanki b
00:39:51Nickless b
00:39:52Affliction TARD
00:39:54Affliction :d
00:39:55McNabb TOLD U FFS
00:40:11Affliction TOLD US WHAT YOU SIUICIDE ?
00:40:11McNabb u just gave them free rosh
00:40:18Affliction ^^
00:40:26Luza lol no
00:40:40Milky enigma
00:40:41Affliction LOOOOL !"
00:40:44Luza wait for lesh
00:40:44Milky stay back
00:40:46Milky and blackhole
00:40:47Milky void ulti
00:40:48Milky ty
00:40:51Milky dont get in
00:40:58Milky game is up to u
00:40:58Affliction jump befor wards and stuff ?
00:40:59Luza follow my ulti again
00:41:08Affliction GO now
00:42:16h2star_- GG
00:42:18Luza :DD
00:42:20Affliction OUT OFF LUCK CUNT !
00:42:26Nickless hehehe
00:42:28Affliction :D
00:42:39Nickless bkb ready
00:42:52Luza well this is stupid
00:43:07Affliction b
00:43:09Affliction imo
00:43:20Affliction tuskarr
00:43:24Euforia siel on low rosh
00:43:25Affliction make vladimirs
00:43:26Euforia loppu mana kesken
00:43:27Nickless k
00:43:33Affliction need lifesteall
00:43:37Affliction me and void
00:43:42Nickless sure
00:43:42Luza got myself
00:43:44Affliction +10% dmg to all :D
00:43:48Luza wtf
00:43:49Affliction then you have more
00:44:21h2star_- go ff
00:44:22Euforia I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:23h2star_- stop wasting time
00:44:24junglejonte I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:24h2star_- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:27NoX I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:33Euforia ff pls
00:44:34Euforia :)
00:44:37h2star_- I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:37h2star_- f
00:44:38h2star_- f
00:44:39Euforia I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:49Affliction enigma played well
00:44:52Affliction for scourge
00:44:53McNabb [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:44:53McNabb [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:44:53McNabb [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:44:53McNabb [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:44:53Milky I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:44:56Milky y
00:44:56Luza Gg
00:44:57Milky indeed
00:44:58NoX =)
00:45:00Kanki gg
00:45:05NoX your welcome
00:45:09Milky he delivered
00:45:09Kanki ei noil heroil :P
00:45:12Luza tuskarr why no 3rd skill
00:45:13Luza :DDDD
00:45:21Luza best skill u have later
00:45:22Kanki lol :D
00:45:22Nickless dont need for them
00:45:24Affliction well they have much magic
00:45:24Luza and u dont skill it
00:45:32Nickless they dont have carry
00:45:36Luza soo?
00:45:38Luza it slows them???
00:45:45Nickless i catch them without slow
00:45:50Luza :DDD
00:45:51Luza yea
00:45:52Nickless :DD
00:46:20Kanki banned
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