Game #1802586
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Chat log
00:00:08 | Tamme ap |
00:00:08 | tanelli ap same heroes? |
00:00:08 | Usires yeah ap |
00:00:08 | Tompson -ap[] |
00:00:08 | Usires and pick the hero |
00:00:08 | tanelli or just rmk?:D |
00:00:12 | Herre same heroes |
00:00:15 | Herre as picked |
00:00:22 | Tompson go necro |
00:00:24 | Tompson snuck |
00:00:29 | Usires snuck, necrolyte |
00:00:31 | SnUcK gg |
00:00:33 | Forthedream herre u want mid? |
00:00:35 | SnUcK :D |
00:00:36 | Forthedream prolly vs pugna |
00:00:37 | Tompson *gg* sano :DD |
00:00:38 | wodrock -swap |
00:00:39 | Herre yea |
00:00:39 | Tompson jostai syyst |
00:00:41 | Forthedream k |
00:00:48 | Herre WHAT WAS MY HERO |
00:00:49 | Forthedream tanelli dont forget chick |
00:00:51 | Tompson vähä jänskättää |
00:00:52 | Herre I cant remember |
00:00:53 | Tompson minkä se ottaa |
00:00:53 | Herre ogre |
00:00:53 | Tompson :DD |
00:00:54 | Forthedream ogre |
00:00:58 | Momdsiw se ei löydä varmaa sitä |
00:00:59 | wodrock -swap 2 |
00:01:00 | Jaikki miksei voitu vittu korvata sitä |
00:01:02 | Herre -swap 4 |
00:01:04 | Jaikki kuinka vitun vaikeaa se on |
00:01:08 | Herre ei sitä voi |
00:01:12 | Tompson get chick |
00:01:13 | Tompson snuck |
00:01:13 | Jaikki no voi jos sanoo adminille |
00:01:15 | Tompson ei vedä kanaa |
00:01:15 | Tompson salee |
00:01:16 | Tamme chicken |
00:01:19 | Tompson CHICKLEN |
00:01:20 | Herre olen admin |
00:01:23 | Tompson NECRO |
00:01:24 | Jaikki no mikset sit voi |
00:01:26 | Tompson CHIIIIIIIIIIIIICKEN |
00:01:29 | Tompson no chicken |
00:01:30 | Herre sanopa se |
00:01:30 | Tompson GG |
00:01:31 | Tompson XD |
00:01:32 | Momdsiw :< |
00:01:32 | Herre gg |
00:01:33 | wodrock -ma |
00:01:37 | Herre :DD |
00:01:38 | Herre eik |
00:01:40 | Herre XXXXD |
00:01:40 | Jaikki mikset vaa bannaa sitä |
00:01:42 | Jaikki ei osta chickeniä |
00:01:42 | Tamme jaikki osta sit kana |
00:01:43 | Forthedream mb he is pro |
00:01:45 | Herre mää bannaan tän jälkeen |
00:01:46 | Jaikki en osta |
00:01:47 | Forthedream at least he didnt pick mort |
00:01:50 | Tompson osta |
00:01:50 | Tompson vittu |
00:01:53 | Momdsiw osta ku otin wardit |
00:01:53 | Jaikki haistakaa vittu |
00:01:56 | Tompson ei täs oo järkee |
00:01:57 | Tompson muute |
00:02:03 | Tompson ty |
00:02:04 | Jaikki herre ois bannannu sen |
00:02:04 | Usires vittu mikä intti tiimi |
00:02:04 | Tamme -water red |
00:02:06 | Usires niillä |
00:02:07 | Jaikki sit ois ollu järkeö |
00:02:10 | Tamme -weather moonlight |
00:02:10 | Tamme -hhn |
00:02:11 | Tompson no en haluu hävii |
00:02:11 | Usires onneks on rhastan wardit |
00:02:22 | Jaikki onneks tuli vitun iso jytky |
00:02:25 | Momdsiw elä anna sille sharei xD |
00:02:29 | Forthedream storm attack him |
00:02:31 | Jaikki kohta ei pääse venäläiset meidä internettii |
00:02:32 | Forthedream vs just wait |
00:02:33 | Tamme momdsiw pullaaa |
00:03:03 | Herre V'ÄÄRÄ PIKANÄPPÄIN |
00:03:11 | Herre wrong hotkey.. |
00:03:19 | Herre väärä pikanäppäin |
00:03:21 | Tamme LOL |
00:03:22 | Herre ennoo liikaa tällä pelannu |
00:03:38 | Forthedream pul |
00:03:46 | Momdsiw ota 1 silence nopee |
00:03:48 | Momdsiw saat shacle pois |
00:04:21 | Momdsiw mikshä mä sen toho laitoin :D |
00:04:31 | Tompson aa |
00:04:31 | Tompson lvl |
00:04:31 | Herre XD |
00:04:32 | Tompson :D:D:D |
00:04:36 | Herre vittu oon pask atällä |
00:04:41 | Herre pelannu varmaan 2 peliä |
00:04:44 | Tompson :DD |
00:04:47 | Tompson huomaa |
00:04:49 | Tompson ei pahal |
00:05:06 | Herre mid miss |
00:05:12 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:13 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:13 | Forthedream ;? |
00:05:13 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:14 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:14 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:15 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:16 | Jaikki ff |
00:05:16 | SnUcK ?? ???? ?????? ???? |
00:05:16 | Jaikki Ff |
00:05:23 | Forthedream up chick pls |
00:05:24 | Jaikki tuhotkaa tätä necroa |
00:05:26 | Jaikki sit se egoo |
00:05:28 | Jaikki ja päästään pois |
00:05:30 | Jaikki ok? |
00:05:31 | Usires after pull |
00:05:35 | Usires if i get mony |
00:05:38 | Momdsiw missasit sen sun eka skill? |
00:06:19 | Momdsiw miks wastesit |
00:06:22 | Momdsiw manat |
00:06:28 | Tompson häh |
00:06:32 | Tompson en tienny et tuut |
00:06:40 | Momdsiw telesin siihe otin hastenki |
00:06:48 | Herre pro |
00:06:49 | Tompson gg :D |
00:07:02 | Herre terve |
00:07:03 | Forthedream up |
00:07:06 | Momdsiw paljo jäi |
00:07:07 | Herre hatea |
00:07:08 | Herre 5 |
00:07:09 | Herre xDDD |
00:07:11 | Momdsiw k :D |
00:07:14 | Tompson LET ME TAKE MY CHICK |
00:07:15 | Tompson wtf |
00:07:15 | Jaikki void farming top |
00:07:19 | Herre what to build ! |
00:07:22 | Herre to panda |
00:07:31 | Tompson ok |
00:07:32 | Tompson use it |
00:07:39 | SnUcK we farming down |
00:07:45 | Herre MID MISS |
00:07:50 | Jaikki seems so :D |
00:08:02 | Forthedream kill fenix |
00:08:03 | SnUcK fuck |
00:08:04 | Usires y |
00:08:07 | Momdsiw onneks puck nukkuu |
00:08:10 | SnUcK noobs team |
00:08:10 | Usires sec |
00:08:19 | Jaikki Quit |
00:08:19 | Usires go |
00:08:29 | Usires ah |
00:08:30 | Usires my bad |
00:08:36 | Usires forgot that gay spell |
00:08:43 | Herre JOO VITTU |
00:08:45 | Tompson yähj |
00:08:45 | Herre MITÄ ON TÄMÄ |
00:08:47 | Momdsiw sori :D |
00:08:47 | Tompson mitä mä teen |
00:08:49 | Herre gg |
00:08:49 | Tompson voi vittujen vittu |
00:08:52 | Herre raping mid |
00:08:54 | Tompson no ei ollu sun vika |
00:08:57 | Tompson etten osaa decree itteeni |
00:08:58 | Tompson huoh |
00:09:00 | wodrock dont attack right away |
00:09:30 | Herre MID MISS |
00:09:42 | Forthedream dude |
00:09:57 | SnUcK push |
00:09:58 | Tamme b |
00:09:58 | Tamme oom |
00:10:11 | Usires tower |
00:10:11 | Usires go |
00:10:18 | SnUcK all go |
00:10:25 | Tompson give |
00:10:26 | Tompson clarity |
00:10:27 | Tompson ty |
00:10:31 | SnUcK wait |
00:10:36 | Tompson for what |
00:10:38 | Momdsiw :D |
00:10:40 | SnUcK goo |
00:10:41 | SnUcK al |
00:10:43 | SnUcK all |
00:10:48 | wodrock b |
00:10:49 | Herre b |
00:10:52 | Forthedream gank now vs |
00:10:54 | Usires y |
00:11:04 | Tompson tower |
00:11:09 | Jaikki oom as duck |
00:11:13 | Jaikki void farming top wtf |
00:11:18 | Jaikki btw |
00:11:22 | Momdsiw atuoi attack |
00:11:22 | Jaikki 0 ganks |
00:11:29 | SnUcK fuck |
00:11:31 | Momdsiw ei vittu toi necro |
00:11:32 | SnUcK noobs all |
00:11:32 | Herre D:D |
00:11:34 | Jaikki XD |
00:11:34 | SnUcK fuck you |
00:11:36 | Usires :DD |
00:11:37 | SnUcK noobs |
00:11:38 | Momdsiw vittu toiu necro on käsi |
00:11:44 | Jaikki Quit necro? |
00:11:49 | Momdsiw why you didnt auto attack that venge |
00:11:51 | Momdsiw he had 50 hp |
00:11:54 | Herre tuo on bannable myös |
00:11:54 | Momdsiw and you try to hit with spell |
00:11:55 | SnUcK noob |
00:11:59 | Jaikki ai mikä |
00:12:00 | SnUcK farming top void |
00:12:04 | Jaikki se et kannustan venäläistä Quittii |
00:12:04 | SnUcK nobbs all |
00:12:06 | Herre kyllä |
00:12:07 | Usires avunanto quittiin |
00:12:14 | Jaikki avunanto D:D::D.dD: |
00:12:18 | Herre XD |
00:12:18 | Jaikki nyt vittu rotia |
00:12:19 | Usires lakitermi |
00:12:26 | Tompson WTF U WANT |
00:12:26 | Momdsiw stop späm |
00:12:28 | SnUcK ok |
00:12:28 | Jaikki lakitermi |
00:12:30 | Herre usires on vanhan koulun juristi |
00:12:31 | Forthedream come |
00:12:37 | Forthedream pugna |
00:12:39 | wodrock k |
00:12:39 | Usires elämän koulu käyty |
00:12:40 | Usires :D |
00:12:42 | Tompson u think we can catch him? |
00:12:53 | Jaikki kohta se Quittii |
00:13:01 | Jaikki ja odotan sitä |
00:13:01 | SnUcK oke |
00:13:05 | Momdsiw Se spämmää mapin täytee |
00:13:06 | SnUcK i don`t play |
00:13:09 | Momdsiw signaali |
00:13:24 | tanelli this system autobans if you are afk or idle |
00:14:02 | SnUcK hahah noob |
00:14:03 | Jaikki mee pois |
00:14:22 | Forthedream deny |
00:14:31 | Jaikki XDDDD |
00:14:32 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:14:32 | Jaikki XDD |
00:14:33 | Jaikki XDD |
00:14:48 | Herre which skills to build |
00:14:49 | Herre Xd |
00:14:49 | Jaikki täl ei oo ees kenkiä |
00:14:57 | SnUcK ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |
00:15:01 | SnUcK noob |
00:15:04 | SnUcK team |
00:15:34 | Forthedream :() |
00:15:39 | Tompson we so lost this :DDDDDDDD |
00:15:40 | SnUcK ) |
00:15:42 | SnUcK pro |
00:15:43 | Herre how to skillbuild storm? |
00:15:45 | Jaikki true D:D:d |
00:15:47 | Herre I have no idea |
00:15:48 | Forthedream max 1 |
00:15:50 | Jaikki ei vittu taas |
00:15:50 | Forthedream and 2 |
00:15:52 | Jaikki ekana |
00:15:54 | Herre yea |
00:15:56 | Jaikki ois peli voitetti helposti |
00:15:57 | Forthedream 1 lvl of 3 |
00:15:58 | Herre that what I did |
00:16:00 | Herre y |
00:16:01 | Usires herre |
00:16:02 | Usires swappaan |
00:16:03 | Jaikki sit firstpick egopluggaa enne 10 min |
00:16:06 | Usires eiku |
00:16:09 | Jaikki toine peli täyttä naalin paskaa |
00:16:13 | Jaikki ja kolmannes pelis venäläinen |
00:16:18 | Jaikki nyt vittu taas |
00:16:37 | Jaikki -ma |
00:16:40 | Jaikki oon lvl 5 |
00:16:43 | SnUcK please write in english |
00:16:48 | Herre HJAKO<M |
00:17:05 | Herre SWAP |
00:17:10 | Herre b |
00:17:20 | Jaikki dont cotnrol my hero |
00:17:29 | Usires mistä toi necro |
00:17:29 | Herre vittu menee aina sekasin vortex ja ulti |
00:17:29 | Usires tuli |
00:17:30 | Herre :D:DD:D: |
00:17:33 | Herre joo mut failasin |
00:17:37 | Momdsiw blah meni hyvät expat |
00:17:40 | Herre painan aina g:tä |
00:17:43 | Herre kun pitäs painaa e |
00:17:46 | Forthedream GO |
00:17:50 | Herre painoin siinä vitun midissäkn geetä |
00:17:52 | Herre huoh |
00:17:58 | wodrock taneli you shoudlnt really max your shock |
00:18:00 | wodrock first |
00:18:07 | Herre you should? |
00:18:08 | Forthedream STUN |
00:18:11 | wodrock no |
00:18:22 | Herre yes |
00:18:25 | Forthedream i meant bash |
00:18:26 | Tompson jaikki |
00:18:28 | Tompson messis |
00:18:30 | Tompson pitäs8men8viidel |
00:18:32 | Tompson et8jotai8toivoo |
00:18:32 | Jaikki nyt ollaa |
00:18:34 | SnUcK we must goo together |
00:18:36 | Jaikki farmasin hituse |
00:18:40 | Herre ofc you should max ur shock |
00:18:42 | Jaikki pari levua |
00:18:43 | Momdsiw 8-22 :D |
00:18:50 | Forthedream not as support |
00:18:50 | wodrock not with lasthitting purposes |
00:19:03 | Herre :D:DD |
00:19:05 | Momdsiw Zeus ulti |
00:19:09 | Herre XD |
00:19:15 | Herre yea depends ofc on which purposes |
00:19:16 | Tompson russian |
00:19:17 | Tompson farm bot |
00:19:20 | Tompson oh u have no tp |
00:19:20 | Jaikki xDd |
00:19:20 | Tompson :&/ |
00:19:26 | Jaikki i go |
00:19:28 | Momdsiw Mont teit livisti |
00:19:32 | Momdsiw low hp:lla |
00:19:32 | Herre 1 |
00:19:48 | wodrock go necro |
00:19:49 | Herre go |
00:20:07 | Tompson go mid |
00:20:08 | Tompson with 5 |
00:20:14 | Herre gogo |
00:20:19 | Momdsiw toi venaa et utlee |
00:20:34 | Forthedream rofl pro ult by me |
00:20:40 | Momdsiw voin heal |
00:20:41 | Momdsiw huoh |
00:20:44 | Tompson :DD |
00:20:47 | Herre :D:D |
00:20:48 | Forthedream :D |
00:20:50 | Herre d:DD |
00:20:50 | Herre :DDDDDDDD |
00:20:50 | Tamme :DD:D:D:D:D: |
00:20:52 | Tamme :D:D:DD |
00:20:52 | SnUcK e???????? |
00:20:53 | SnUcK 111 |
00:20:54 | Herre this snuck |
00:20:55 | Tamme well |
00:20:56 | Herre plz |
00:20:59 | SnUcK 11 ?? |
00:21:02 | SnUcK 11 hp |
00:21:06 | Herre yea |
00:21:07 | Herre you 0 |
00:21:08 | Herre XDD |
00:21:11 | Tamme herre toi jätkä ei ostanu kanaa joka tarkoitaa että se saa bannit? |
00:21:12 | Herre feel the difference |
00:21:12 | Jaikki onks gcees enää skillbanneja |
00:21:19 | Herre kyllä, sitä se tarkottaa |
00:21:20 | Forthedream storm |
00:21:23 | Forthedream bloodstone |
00:21:27 | Tamme hyvä |
00:21:28 | Herre ?? |
00:21:32 | Tamme kuinka pitkät? |
00:21:33 | Herre -ma |
00:21:35 | Forthedream get bloodstone |
00:21:38 | Herre riippuu |
00:21:38 | Momdsiw 1-2d eiks se oo |
00:21:43 | Momdsiw abouttiarallaa yleensä |
00:21:51 | Herre ekasta about tommost |
00:21:57 | Tompson :DD |
00:21:58 | SnUcK all mid |
00:21:59 | Tompson go ping em |
00:21:59 | Tompson gogo |
00:22:01 | Tamme tapetaa |
00:22:06 | Forthedream rhasta obs |
00:22:11 | Usires i just bought |
00:22:15 | SnUcK go void |
00:22:25 | Forthedream -ii |
00:23:11 | Forthedream veng place wards from rhasta |
00:23:21 | SnUcK lak veng |
00:23:30 | Usires what wards? |
00:23:31 | Tamme not talking eniglish |
00:23:32 | Forthedream i need sfarm |
00:23:32 | Tamme ban |
00:23:33 | Usires where are they |
00:23:35 | Forthedream let me bot |
00:23:35 | Usires i bought these |
00:23:38 | Usires rhasta bought too? |
00:23:42 | Jaikki english & finnish allowed language |
00:23:44 | SnUcK what? |
00:23:49 | tanelli storm have them |
00:24:53 | Tamme hiukan sekava peli |
00:24:54 | Tompson use |
00:24:54 | Tompson again |
00:24:55 | Tompson chicken |
00:24:59 | Jaikki ju |
00:25:09 | Herre bloodstone it is then |
00:25:17 | Momdsiw kunno tankki nec |
00:25:27 | Herre o mg |
00:25:29 | Momdsiw aih |
00:25:36 | Tompson mid |
00:25:45 | Jaikki nice |
00:26:15 | Forthedream lets just turtle |
00:26:22 | Forthedream def even with rhasta ult |
00:26:52 | wodrock fgaösldkf |
00:26:57 | Herre vittu tää on härö hero tää storm |
00:26:59 | Tamme b |
00:27:19 | Tompson go mid again |
00:27:20 | Jaikki hienoo olla 4v5 :/ |
00:27:21 | Tompson just push |
00:27:30 | Momdsiw necro vaanii viel pusikossa |
00:27:47 | Jaikki ja se spämmii vitusti mappia |
00:27:48 | Momdsiw onks se ultannu kertaakaa |
00:27:51 | Jaikki voiko siitä antaa bannia |
00:27:53 | Herre voi |
00:27:55 | Jaikki ja et se feedas |
00:28:02 | tanelli mid? |
00:28:06 | Jaikki banni tosta spämmistä ja siitä ettei se osta kanaa |
00:28:09 | Tompson go mid |
00:28:09 | Forthedream no mana |
00:28:10 | Tompson again |
00:28:15 | Jaikki ostanu siis |
00:28:21 | Forthedream just turtle |
00:28:21 | Forthedream def |
00:28:39 | Herre def at base |
00:29:07 | Herre :F |
00:29:29 | Herre Xd |
00:29:30 | Tompson phase |
00:29:30 | Tompson boots |
00:29:31 | Tompson wtf |
00:29:43 | Jaikki onko ultannu kertaakaa |
00:29:48 | Jaikki :DDDDDDD |
00:29:50 | Jaikki :DDDDD |
00:29:50 | Jaikki D:D |
00:29:51 | Tompson push top |
00:29:57 | Forthedream I LAIK |
00:30:03 | Jaikki srsly |
00:30:04 | SnUcK why don`t dead? |
00:30:07 | Momdsiw eiks tää oo 30 minsa forfeitti |
00:30:14 | Forthedream i pro |
00:30:14 | Tamme 25 |
00:30:15 | Usires coz alive |
00:30:15 | Forthedream no die |
00:30:16 | Usires lol |
00:30:18 | Momdsiw backtrack |
00:30:21 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:30:23 | Jaikki u pro |
00:30:25 | Forthedream ITZ SKILLZ |
00:30:25 | Herre arent you from russia |
00:30:29 | Jaikki we no |
00:30:33 | SnUcK fuck |
00:30:34 | Forthedream yea so? |
00:30:37 | Usires herre |
00:30:38 | SnUcK on ??? |
00:30:38 | Herre he is too |
00:30:42 | Forthedream good for him |
00:30:43 | SnUcK fuuuuuuuuuuck |
00:30:47 | Usires def top |
00:30:48 | Usires 2 |
00:30:53 | Jaikki need mana :o |
00:30:54 | wodrock go |
00:30:57 | Forthedream he is a bit tardy ;P |
00:31:08 | Jaikki oom |
00:31:18 | Tompson Hater |
00:31:18 | wodrock f |
00:31:19 | Tompson Really |
00:31:19 | wodrock pü |
00:31:20 | wodrock dfpasdkf |
00:31:28 | Herre ffffffffuu |
00:31:41 | Herre mun storm ei oo liian vahva |
00:31:54 | Jaikki tuleeko voittajafiilis ku voitatte 4v5 |
00:31:55 | SnUcK for me |
00:31:58 | Herre joo |
00:32:14 | Jaikki ULTI |
00:32:14 | Momdsiw back track king |
00:32:15 | Jaikki UTLIT |
00:32:19 | Jaikki XDDDD |
00:32:19 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:32:19 | Usires voitto on siitä hyvä että antaa yleensä voittajafiiliksen |
00:32:20 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:32:21 | Jaikki XDd |
00:32:23 | SnUcK fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck |
00:32:27 | Forthedream HE PRO DUDE |
00:32:28 | Jaikki why u didnt ulti void |
00:32:29 | Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel] |
00:32:29 | Jaikki -.- |
00:32:33 | SnUcK )))) |
00:32:39 | Tompson go mid |
00:32:40 | Tompson with 5 |
00:32:41 | Tompson gogo |
00:32:42 | Tompson x-D |
00:32:43 | Momdsiw void lvl 21 |
00:32:44 | Tompson got mecha |
00:32:46 | Tompson who cares |
00:32:50 | Forthedream lets rosh |
00:32:53 | Tamme he's paper |
00:32:56 | Jaikki true |
00:32:56 | Usires i get obs |
00:32:56 | Usires sec |
00:32:59 | Forthedream k |
00:32:59 | SnUcK batlfuri |
00:33:04 | Forthedream uhu |
00:33:21 | Forthedream b |
00:33:25 | Jaikki olipas failure |
00:33:30 | Forthedream just def |
00:33:33 | Forthedream they cant push inn |
00:33:35 | Herre rhast |
00:33:37 | Tompson no void ulti |
00:33:38 | Herre ur items rock |
00:33:38 | Tompson gogo mid |
00:33:41 | Tamme y |
00:33:47 | Tompson what is this |
00:33:48 | Tompson we have 5 |
00:33:49 | Tompson woot |
00:33:49 | Herre rhasta first item bot |
00:33:52 | Herre ?==?????????=========D |
00:33:53 | SnUcK push |
00:33:56 | Forthedream def with ult rhasta |
00:34:29 | Forthedream swap |
00:34:41 | Usires yeah |
00:34:44 | Usires fucking swap tehre |
00:34:53 | Herre :D:D |
00:35:05 | Tamme b |
00:35:06 | SnUcK fuck |
00:35:08 | SnUcK lags |
00:35:10 | SnUcK fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck |
00:35:22 | Herre Xd |
00:35:27 | Herre gg |
00:35:29 | Jaikki srsly |
00:35:31 | Jaikki dont move me |
00:35:32 | Tompson XD |
00:35:37 | Tompson en ollu mä |
00:35:41 | Tompson toi xd oli siihe et tää o perseestä |
00:35:44 | Jaikki veikkaan että venäjö |
00:35:44 | Tompson ja en keksi muuta |
00:35:45 | Tompson sanottavaa |
00:35:50 | Tompson go mid again |
00:35:51 | Jaikki otin siltä sharet pois |
00:35:55 | Jaikki ostakoot oman kanansa vittu |
00:36:04 | Tompson nice glyph |
00:36:06 | Tompson =D |
00:36:15 | Tompson go mid again |
00:36:18 | Tompson dont falter men! |
00:36:29 | Jaikki sais ton |
00:36:49 | Tamme b |
00:36:53 | SnUcK fuck all |
00:36:55 | Tompson hater |
00:36:55 | Tompson really |
00:37:03 | Tompson ALLWAYS ulti me |
00:37:18 | Herre xD |
00:37:18 | Forthedream :( |
00:37:21 | Forthedream help |
00:37:32 | Jaikki :) |
00:37:56 | Forthedream go |
00:37:57 | Tompson go mid |
00:37:58 | Tompson get mana |
00:38:00 | Tompson etc |
00:38:03 | tanelli b? |
00:38:07 | Forthedream n |
00:38:08 | Momdsiw osta salve |
00:38:09 | Herre n |
00:38:10 | Momdsiw mulle |
00:38:11 | Momdsiw saan bkb |
00:38:15 | Jaikki tos o |
00:38:22 | Momdsiw ty |
00:38:25 | Tompson ehh |
00:38:31 | Herre gg |
00:38:43 | wodrock :D |
00:38:44 | Tompson gg |
00:38:44 | Herre :Dd |
00:38:45 | Forthedream omg |
00:38:46 | Jaikki go mid |
00:38:47 | Forthedream so fial :P |
00:38:47 | SnUcK ??????????? |
00:38:49 | Momdsiw 95 sec |
00:38:51 | Momdsiw he has rebuy? |
00:38:54 | Momdsiw money |
00:38:54 | Tompson ofc |
00:38:54 | Herre omat päätti sit imeä persettä |
00:38:55 | Momdsiw what you think |
00:38:56 | Herre vaikka oli gg |
00:39:02 | SnUcK push |
00:39:04 | Tompson he got triple kill |
00:39:05 | SnUcK push |
00:39:05 | Tompson 2x towers |
00:39:06 | SnUcK push |
00:39:09 | SnUcK push |
00:39:13 | Tompson gg storm kyl |
00:39:14 | Tompson :D:D:D |
00:39:14 | Herre D:D:D |
00:39:17 | Jaikki hienosti pelattu |
00:39:19 | SnUcK fastom push |
00:39:20 | SnUcK noob |
00:39:21 | Herre noh! |
00:39:25 | Jaikki :) |
00:39:27 | Herre Olis voinu toimia |
00:39:31 | Jaikki mutue ois voinu |
00:39:33 | Herre ehkei kuitenkaa näillä farmeilla |
00:39:33 | Jaikki mut mul ulti |
00:39:48 | Herre no sit hakkaan sen tohjoksi |
00:39:55 | Tompson get rax |
00:39:56 | SnUcK baraks |
00:39:57 | Tompson wait a sec |
00:40:21 | Momdsiw xD |
00:40:23 | Tompson XDDDD |
00:40:35 | Tompson tuskasin peli mitä oon pelannu vähää aikaa |
00:40:37 | Herre go mid |
00:40:41 | Jaikki vituttaa |
00:40:46 | Tompson mua ei... |
00:40:48 | Tompson oon siinä |
00:40:49 | Jaikki jos ois ollu vaikka bollebolle venäläisen sijasta |
00:40:50 | Momdsiw kyl toi void vaa tuhoo nyyppä peleis |
00:40:51 | Tompson evvk transsissa |
00:40:52 | Jaikki ois ollu helppo |
00:40:54 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:40:56 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:40:56 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:40:57 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:40:58 | Forthedream get rax |
00:40:59 | SnUcK -ff |
00:41:01 | SnUcK ))) |
00:41:03 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:41:04 | SnUcK I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] |
00:41:07 | Tompson evvk transsi tuntuu höpöltä |
00:41:13 | Tompson tuijottaa vaa ja huomaa et oma hero o kuollu |
00:41:15 | Tompson hupsista |
00:41:17 | Jaikki xD |
00:41:27 | SnUcK fast |
00:41:28 | SnUcK fast |
00:41:29 | SnUcK fast |
00:41:38 | Herre :FFFFFFff |
00:41:41 | Herre need bubble |
00:41:41 | Forthedream wtf |
00:41:42 | Herre or wards |
00:41:43 | Herre or both |
00:41:47 | Jaikki push |
00:41:48 | Jaikki and win |
00:41:49 | SnUcK fuck |
00:41:50 | Momdsiw now void |
00:41:55 | Momdsiw has nbo rebuy |
00:41:55 | Tompson no buyout |
00:41:57 | tanelli i had cd |
00:41:58 | Tompson miten te kusette noita |
00:41:59 | Tompson :D:D: |
00:42:00 | Forthedream buyback cd |
00:42:01 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:42:05 | Herre noh |
00:42:05 | Jaikki oon liia stronk |
00:42:09 | Herre onhan teillä phoenix |
00:42:14 | Tompson totta |
00:42:24 | Forthedream dont try to kill puck leave him to the end |
00:42:27 | Momdsiw Onneks tää necro neuvoo meit miljoonal blingil mihi pitää mennä |
00:42:28 | Tompson throne |
00:42:29 | SnUcK backdor |
00:42:38 | SnUcK push |
00:42:39 | Forthedream win some time |
00:43:01 | wodrock fsmlpd |
00:43:03 | Forthedream b |
00:43:10 | Tamme b |
00:43:14 | Forthedream :D |
00:43:20 | Jaikki XDD |
00:43:20 | Jaikki XDD |
00:43:25 | SnUcK fuuuuuuuuuuuuck |
00:43:27 | Herre Xd |
00:43:36 | SnUcK fuck you |
00:43:47 | Jaikki do we got hex? |
00:43:51 | SnUcK void you are very nice noob |
00:43:54 | Momdsiw no |
00:43:54 | Herre xD |
00:43:56 | Usires :D:D |
00:43:57 | Jaikki xD |
00:43:58 | Forthedream I know L:( |
00:44:07 | Herre go mid. |
00:44:08 | Jaikki puck buying? |
00:44:09 | Momdsiw tamme goes hex? |
00:44:10 | Usires so lets wait all? |
00:44:13 | Tamme y |
00:44:13 | Herre yes |
00:44:17 | Jaikki good |
00:44:27 | Forthedream dont focus puck |
00:44:37 | Jaikki jos tän venäläisen kans voittaa ni sanon että lol |
00:44:44 | Tamme can buy out |
00:44:46 | Tamme easy now |
00:44:46 | Jaikki buyout |
00:44:47 | Herre go mid |
00:44:47 | Jaikki y |
00:44:47 | Tamme def mid |
00:44:49 | Herre void ulti soon rdy |
00:44:50 | Jaikki need u |
00:44:52 | Forthedream y |
00:44:54 | Momdsiw miks et menny phasee ja blink pois |
00:44:56 | Herre :FF |
00:44:58 | Herre he so buy backy |
00:45:02 | Jaikki DONT |
00:45:03 | Jaikki stop |
00:45:04 | Jaikki ffs |
00:45:16 | Usires FUCK THOSE SETSADASD |
00:45:18 | Herre fuck this im instaed all the time |
00:45:18 | Usires cant do shit |
00:45:26 | Usires b |
00:45:29 | Tompson wtf only me |
00:45:30 | Tompson allways |
00:45:31 | Tompson jesus |
00:45:37 | Herre teillä on ihan vitun turtlepaskat |
00:45:38 | Tompson whats the cd |
00:45:40 | Forthedream cause you can decrypt me |
00:45:40 | Tompson on that shit |
00:45:47 | Tompson with agha |
00:45:49 | Forthedream 75 |
00:45:57 | Forthedream its like 80 without :( |
00:45:58 | Tamme -ii |
00:46:02 | Usires that phoenix |
00:46:02 | Herre :( |
00:46:05 | Usires needs to be ganged |
00:46:07 | wodrock what does agha do to that anyway |
00:46:08 | Usires or swapped or kileld |
00:46:10 | wodrock bigger circle? |
00:46:10 | Usires or smth |
00:46:11 | Jaikki should i go shiva |
00:46:16 | Forthedream 1 sec longer |
00:46:18 | Tompson no |
00:46:24 | SnUcK push top |
00:46:24 | Tamme yes you should |
00:46:26 | Jaikki mitä teen sitte |
00:46:26 | SnUcK push top |
00:46:28 | Tompson guinsoo? |
00:46:34 | Herre gone soon |
00:46:34 | Tompson tai emt shivaki iha jees |
00:46:36 | Tompson mut |
00:46:37 | Tompson guinsoo |
00:46:39 | Tompson paras itemi |
00:46:40 | Tompson täs pelis |
00:46:42 | Momdsiw voidii vastaa |
00:46:43 | Momdsiw arvitaa |
00:46:45 | Momdsiw kaikki |
00:46:47 | Momdsiw apu |
00:46:50 | Tompson go kil |
00:46:52 | Tompson roshan |
00:47:11 | Forthedream b |
00:47:18 | Tompson wait |
00:47:18 | Tompson here |
00:47:18 | Jaikki XDD |
00:47:18 | Momdsiw oom :< |
00:47:29 | Forthedream get vladi or something for aura for me |
00:47:36 | tanelli is there limit of aghas? |
00:47:38 | Herre nope |
00:48:21 | Tompson rosh |
00:48:22 | Herre im so useless |
00:48:23 | Tamme b |
00:48:30 | SnUcK i |
00:48:33 | Forthedream need rosh |
00:48:33 | Tompson ok not rosh |
00:48:33 | SnUcK i go |
00:48:34 | Tompson we cant |
00:48:47 | Momdsiw prkl ku en kerenny malee aikasemmi |
00:48:51 | Tompson je |
00:48:52 | Tompson ois ollu voitto |
00:48:53 | Momdsiw voidi ois kaatunu |
00:48:53 | Tompson :D |
00:48:58 | Forthedream i think i just go rapier |
00:49:01 | Forthedream they cant carry it |
00:49:01 | Momdsiw mut stunnasin eka et pääsen rangelle |
00:49:06 | Forthedream and we cant win without it it seems |
00:49:11 | Momdsiw malen jälkee kellää ei nukee |
00:49:12 | Forthedream -_- |
00:49:12 | Tompson go top |
00:49:12 | Forthedream :D |
00:49:13 | Tompson guys |
00:49:14 | Usires we can |
00:49:15 | Forthedream go mid |
00:49:15 | Herre h |
00:49:16 | Herre y |
00:49:17 | Herre actually |
00:49:19 | Usires if we kill phoenix |
00:49:20 | Herre that is a good idea |
00:49:22 | Herre with that agha |
00:49:26 | Tompson necro |
00:49:28 | Tompson why would u go agha |
00:49:30 | Tompson i mean |
00:49:30 | Forthedream aga is pretty shit |
00:49:31 | Forthedream :9 |
00:49:32 | Tompson dagon |
00:49:33 | Tompson jesus |
00:49:33 | Herre 1sec |
00:49:36 | Herre with reaper |
00:49:37 | Herre against those |
00:49:37 | Tompson worst item i can think of |
00:49:41 | Forthedream yeah |
00:49:41 | Tompson agha guinsoo |
00:49:43 | Tompson much better |
00:49:44 | Jaikki dagon xDD |
00:49:46 | Forthedream gank top |
00:49:47 | SnUcK void |
00:49:50 | Tompson go top |
00:49:55 | SnUcK don`t backdor please |
00:50:00 | Forthedream I will |
00:50:03 | SnUcK )) |
00:50:10 | Forthedream FIGHT |
00:50:10 | Tompson ?? |
00:50:15 | Tompson wtf |
00:50:16 | Herre :D:D |
00:50:16 | SnUcK oke)) |
00:50:19 | Momdsiw aegis then |
00:50:21 | Forthedream why u run :( |
00:50:45 | Tompson hmm |
00:50:48 | Usires go mid? |
00:50:49 | Herre gg |
00:50:51 | Herre go mid |
00:50:51 | Forthedream y |
00:50:51 | SnUcK ?????????? |
00:50:51 | Herre yes |
00:50:55 | Jaikki kyllähän se vituttaa ku tää buildaa dagonin 48 min |
00:50:55 | Tompson on tää ny vähä aikaa ollu jo gg |
00:50:57 | Tompson mut te kusette |
00:50:59 | Herre ei kyl |
00:51:01 | Herre niin |
00:51:06 | Usires no siis kohtuu vaikeeta |
00:51:07 | Forthedream dont make aga on this hero |
00:51:08 | Forthedream its shit |
00:51:10 | Usires noihin setteihin |
00:51:11 | Usires Puskea |
00:51:23 | Jaikki hei meil on necro xD |
00:51:24 | SnUcK ???? ?? ??????? |
00:51:25 | Tompson what are u doing there |
00:51:25 | Tompson wtf |
00:51:33 | Jaikki DDDD |
00:51:35 | Jaikki XDDD |
00:51:37 | Jaikki ei luoja |
00:51:49 | Tompson go mid |
00:51:49 | Tompson def |
00:51:53 | Tompson :D:D: |
00:51:56 | Jaikki disable void i ulti |
00:51:59 | Forthedream top |
00:52:29 | Jaikki XDD |
00:52:44 | Forthedream i get rapier |
00:52:46 | Herre or |
00:52:48 | Herre just buriza |
00:53:02 | Herre this should be a win t ous |
00:53:04 | Herre to us |
00:53:09 | Jaikki b |
00:53:14 | Tamme b |
00:53:17 | Forthedream nah |
00:53:19 | Forthedream waste of time |
00:53:24 | Forthedream they dont have rapier carrier |
00:53:37 | Forthedream just make vladi |
00:53:39 | Tompson go mid |
00:53:40 | Forthedream so i dont die |
00:53:46 | Tompson or |
00:53:47 | Tompson top |
00:53:52 | Forthedream come all top |
00:53:53 | Momdsiw vai onks se down |
00:53:55 | Forthedream and get throne |
00:53:55 | Momdsiw roshan |
00:53:57 | Tompson down imo |
00:53:58 | Tamme down |
00:53:59 | Forthedream or mid to throne |
00:54:02 | Forthedream go from mid |
00:54:03 | Herre y |
00:54:04 | Forthedream take top throne |
00:54:13 | Forthedream bait them |
00:54:15 | Tompson go mid |
00:54:15 | Forthedream then i go in |
00:54:16 | Tompson guys |
00:54:20 | Tompson gang |
00:54:21 | Tompson gang |
00:54:22 | Tompson gang |
00:54:29 | Herre go mid |
00:54:40 | Herre gg |
00:54:41 | Tompson jaa |
00:54:43 | Tompson oliki ansa |
00:54:49 | Tompson hitsi vieköö |
00:54:50 | Jaikki u mad? |
00:54:54 | Forthedream uhu |
00:54:59 | Forthedream throne |
00:55:04 | Jaikki XD |
00:55:05 | Tompson he has rapier |
00:55:05 | wodrock -mc |
00:55:07 | Tompson btw |
00:55:10 | Herre np |
00:55:12 | Tompson tamme tee se |
00:55:14 | Tompson =D |
00:55:27 | Jaikki XDD |
00:55:27 | SnUcK ???????? |
00:55:32 | SnUcK rapira |
00:55:35 | Jaikki gg noob necro :< |
00:55:40 | Forthedream rapika |