Game #1801851

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-22 X
-2 TS

98% | 1622 X | 1648 TS

-54 X
-2 TS

85% | 1451 X | 1465 TS

-61 X
-1 TS

82% | 1371 X | 1486 TS

-28 X
-1 TS

78% | 1364 X | 1406 TS

-7 X
-3 TS

56% | 1237 X | 1288 TS

+16 X
+1 TS

97% | 1617 X | 1617 TS

+31 X
+2 TS

94% | 1541 X | 1577 TS

+41 X
+1 TS

74% | 1260 X | 1455 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

72% | 1264 X | 1436 TS

+45 X
+2 TS

59% | 1163 X | 1401 TS

Chat log

00:00:10Timu again teamed up with herr Herre
00:00:12Timu np
00:00:17ESA_93 olli, mennäänkö sepon venttiin?
00:00:21Timu i can clock
00:00:21Solisluu strom
00:00:21Solisluu gotta get food from oven
00:00:21Solisluu in 15 min
00:00:21Solisluu okay if i pause for 2 min then?
00:00:21jakkihirki pl
00:00:21huutopussi snpier
00:00:21huutopussi sniper
00:00:21Strom food isn't a good excuse really
00:00:21hibalunt U are n4ps
00:00:21Solisluu it is!8
00:00:25Solisluu it will burn otherwise
00:00:31KIH swappaakko ton vai mitä meinaat tehä
00:00:36jakkihirki swapin tolle
00:00:39Timu what u watn
00:00:41KIH otakko carryn
00:00:41Timu want*
00:00:44jakkihirki e varmaa
00:00:48jakkihirki gimme puck
00:00:54Herre JAHAS
00:00:55hibalunt puck is shit
00:00:57ESA_93 YLLÄTYS
00:00:57Herre medusa time
00:00:58Herre caps*
00:01:02Timu -swap 1
00:01:03Solisluu yllatuuuus
00:01:05jakkihirki -swap 3
00:01:09ESA_93 venttiin?
00:01:14Solisluu skypeen?
00:01:14KIH get sd
00:01:16ESA_93 ok
00:01:20hibalunt jakki puck is shithero, u get 0 kills with it
00:01:25huutopussi get brisle?
00:01:25Herre Xd
00:01:31Herre hibalunt =d
00:01:34KIH :-D
00:01:34hibalunt -.-
00:01:41huutopussi warlock last good
00:01:48WANKmaster ogre u mid ?
00:01:52ESA_93 hmmm
00:01:52huutopussi y
00:01:54KIH onko tulinen zeus clock
00:01:55KIH linja
00:01:57jakkihirki noh sun pitää varmaa sitten
00:01:58jakkihirki tuhota
00:01:59ESA_93 minkä ota
00:02:02jakkihirki jos halutaa endissä viedä
00:02:08huutopussi wl
00:02:16KIH me mennään kymmenessä minuutissa läpi
00:02:20KIH vihuil on esa 93
00:02:22ESA_93 warlock otettiin jo
00:02:26Herre se on kuolematon
00:02:28Herre sillä on sk
00:02:40huutopussi kana
00:02:41Solisluu hieno pick hermann
00:02:54Timu lol going somewhere, necro?
00:02:56ESA_93 oli joo...
00:02:56Herre horny porny
00:02:57Herre xD
00:02:59hibalunt what means this word 'vihun'
00:03:01Herre dis timu
00:03:05Herre enemys
00:03:06ESA_93 tuus ny skypeen
00:03:08Strom shafre
00:03:09ESA_93 läskipää
00:03:11Herre enemy's
00:03:19KIH enemys potm
00:03:21KIH vihun potm
00:03:27hibalunt mkay
00:03:29Timu cog and gg
00:03:33Herre gg
00:03:57Herre Fuu
00:04:03Timu :D
00:04:14Solisluu Ai juna
00:04:18Timu 2c
00:04:24Timu 3cs
00:04:30Herre 1
00:04:34Timu (Y)
00:04:37Timu 5
00:04:41Timu 4*
00:04:47Timu 5
00:04:57Solisluu miks pause : ((
00:05:05Timu wat
00:05:31Timu gettin basilius like a boss
00:05:35huutopussi miss mid
00:05:57KIH let me the cs
00:06:00Herre xD
00:06:01hibalunt i need some
00:06:33KIH there u go
00:06:34Timu gj
00:07:01hibalunt i own this lane lol
00:07:07jakkihirki ogre inc top
00:09:03jakkihirki tuun vaikka toppiin
00:09:05hibalunt necro now
00:09:07huutopussi miss puck
00:09:07Timu lol
00:09:12huutopussi with rune
00:10:01WANKmaster ff
00:10:16KIH :D:D:
00:10:18jakkihirki shiiet
00:10:25KIH vittuku en kerenny stikkaa vissii
00:10:39jakkihirki paska puckk
00:10:41KIH :D
00:10:46jakkihirki ei ole dedun vissii
00:10:53KIH kantsis ottaa dedusta mallia
00:10:53Timu fuckl
00:10:55KIH ja tee ne phasebootsit
00:11:00Herre gg
00:11:02Herre clocki o npaska
00:11:12Herre :--D
00:11:14ESA_93 2mana
00:11:16ESA_93 2fuckken mana
00:11:56WANKmaster can i have mid
00:11:56WANKmaster plz
00:12:07huutopussi y
00:12:15Timu gj
00:12:19Timu admins killing admins
00:12:23Herre the usual
00:13:00Herre ez
00:13:15Timu np
00:13:44Herre ez
00:13:54Timu ult in 23
00:14:17hibalunt ulti
00:14:29KIH x-D
00:14:43KIH tää on viidessätoista raxit
00:14:47Herre wlock meka
00:15:00hibalunt lothar mjolnir
00:15:04Herre meka*
00:15:13Solisluu we need wards
00:15:15jakkihirki mana
00:15:18Herre ez
00:15:47Herre :DDd
00:16:07Timu -ii
00:16:07hibalunt lotto
00:16:08jakkihirki why stay
00:16:20hibalunt cause im lastpick
00:16:26hibalunt or is it the oter way around
00:16:35Herre ez
00:16:46ESA_93 salee vittu
00:16:51hibalunt ogre stop lotto
00:16:59Timu aint even mad lol
00:17:05jakkihirki leave
00:17:06jakkihirki gg
00:17:15jakkihirki dis wl
00:17:16Herre gg
00:18:06Herre esa the kuolematon
00:18:24Timu man
00:18:27jakkihirki heals
00:18:28jakkihirki mana
00:18:28KIH :DD
00:18:35Timu mana
00:18:41Herre cd
00:18:43Herre half
00:18:44jakkihirki b
00:18:48Solisluu kunkka lothars
00:19:24hibalunt now u die
00:19:46Herre tultiin farmaan
00:19:57KIH heal
00:20:02jakkihirki heal
00:20:04jakkihirki kunkka
00:20:10Herre he so healy
00:20:11hibalunt i am wl
00:20:14hibalunt not kunkka
00:20:42KIH raxit go get
00:20:49Strom defing too advanced tactics
00:21:05huutopussi 4 carry imba tactics too
00:21:10Solisluu yeah
00:21:10KIH herrelle vaan
00:21:10WANKmaster ye
00:21:59Herre höhö
00:21:59Herre xD
00:22:04jakkihirki hotti puckki
00:22:07KIH ownattii vaa
00:22:09jakkihirki kunno santtu huuruissa vaa
00:22:15Herre XDD
00:22:22Herre vai että pehmeää santtua
00:22:57ESA_93 care bot
00:23:07Timu mad torrent :O
00:24:03Herre Xd
00:24:09Herre lol
00:24:10Herre salee
00:24:14jakkihirki dis hibalunt
00:24:16Herre osuko se ees
00:24:19Herre salama
00:24:20Solisluu os
00:24:23Solisluu osu
00:24:25jakkihirki lets go with five
00:24:48Solisluu mut meikä oli morphannu
00:24:54Herre mitä sitten
00:25:37Herre go mid
00:25:40jakkihirki again
00:25:43jakkihirki why take runes
00:25:48KIH yea fukin nigger
00:25:49KIH s
00:25:52Herre yea, manners
00:26:11KIH tuun
00:26:15Herre kiva
00:26:16hibalunt ulti 30
00:26:38Herre DDDx
00:27:02Timu ze tower
00:27:49Herre b
00:28:06Herre xD
00:28:32Herre gg
00:28:34WANKmaster I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:38huutopussi I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:43KIH oonkohan missannu yhtäkään torrenttia
00:28:47jakkihirki et
00:28:48jakkihirki imba
00:28:50KIH parempi kun dedu
00:28:54jakkihirki y
00:29:01KIH herre sick
00:29:04KIH as fuk
00:29:08Herre ass fuck
00:29:30Solisluu I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:32Strom I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:40Solisluu next time lets not pick 4 carries and place em all on side lanes
00:29:41Herre Xd
00:29:47Herre punished
00:30:08hibalunt huagh
00:30:39jakkihirki hyvä dagger
00:30:44jakkihirki muistanut käyttää ollenkaan
00:30:45KIH gg
00:30:45jakkihirki gg
00:30:48hibalunt does ogre have 87,5% chans to multicast at lvl 16 yes?
00:30:56KIH no
00:30:56jakkihirki go al
00:30:57Solisluu who hasnt ff:eD?
00:31:07Herre olis kyl mielenkiintoista tietää miten tuo multicasti toimii
00:31:07WANKmaster [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:31:07WANKmaster [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:31:07WANKmaster [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:31:07WANKmaster [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:31:07ESA_93 I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:09Herre Gg
00:31:21KIH vähän matikkaa vaan
00:31:25ESA_93 -cs
00:31:27Herre ei se sillä selviä
00:31:31hibalunt rosh?
00:31:34Herre pitää tietää miten se toimii
00:31:34KIH mitä meinaat
00:31:38KIH niin no
00:31:39Herre että... miten se toimii
00:31:45Herre miten se on tehty
00:32:08KIH ??+
00:32:11KIH saako näist liivaa nykyään
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