Game #1746006

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-30 X
-3 TS

45% | 1039 X | 1397 TS

-41 X
-1 TS

38% | 1055 X | 1304 TS

-31 X
-2 TS

37% | 975 X | 1379 TS

-45 X
-24 TS

NEW | 1056 X | 1127 TS

-58 X
-23 TS

NEW | 934 X | 1032 TS

+60 X
+3 TS

60% | 1233 X | 1348 TS

+40 X
+2 TS

36% | 1016 X | 1319 TS

+65 X
+44 TS

NEW | 1083 X | 1210 TS

+14 X
+80 TS

NEW | 992 X | 1025 TS

+36 X
+7 TS

8% | 936 X | 1088 TS

Chat log

00:00:21Davvelito tele
00:00:21Davvelito with gf
00:00:21Davvelito martin
00:00:21Zajeb ill go bane...
00:00:21Zajeb robably
00:00:21Zajeb probably
00:00:21svents najk u gonna carry?
00:00:21Ole_Wedel im calling
00:00:21edgarass bans???
00:00:21najk oh
00:00:21najk was afk
00:00:21najk svents
00:00:21najk u better help over here
00:00:21Zajeb bs?
00:00:21Zajeb naga?
00:00:21svents hmm
00:00:21Zajeb specter
00:00:21svents ban weaver
00:00:21Ole_Wedel david
00:00:21najk and i ain carrying
00:00:21Davvelito what you want
00:00:21Davvelito sup
00:00:21Zajeb or weaver :D
00:00:21svents ban wevae
00:00:21svents ban weaver
00:00:21Ole_Wedel go skype
00:00:21svents i take carry
00:00:21Davvelito im talking to my gf
00:00:21Nickless u cemu je problem
00:00:21Davvelito on phone
00:00:21Ole_Wedel kk
00:00:21Chinaski ban dogovaraju
00:00:21najk -weaver
00:00:21Ole_Wedel give me rhatsa or sk
00:00:21Davvelito you want anything_
00:00:21najk shall i pick for u?
00:00:21Davvelito ban doom_
00:00:21Davvelito or stryg_
00:00:21svents w8 lets see what they gonna ban
00:00:21edgarass doom
00:00:21Ole_Wedel hmm what do yu want to play ?
00:00:21PinaryB stryg
00:00:21Davvelito dunno
00:00:21edgarass ;D
00:00:21Ole_Wedel bs go
00:00:21Davvelito -doom
00:00:21Benefactor they ban zeus
00:00:21edgarass toss a coin
00:00:21svents ok take bs
00:00:21Benefactor :x
00:00:21Nickless sk
00:00:21svents for me
00:00:39edgarass dont die too much from struyg pls
00:00:42svents what u want?
00:00:47najk sk i think
00:00:51najk ; (
00:00:52Davvelito im
00:00:54Zajeb go bane
00:00:54Ole_Wedel you play ?
00:00:57Zajeb ill go
00:00:58Davvelito pick me sniper
00:00:59najk gief bara
00:01:04Nickless k
00:01:04Davvelito dont pick mor carrys now
00:01:06Davvelito guys
00:01:08najk -swap 2
00:01:08Davvelito im swapping with ole
00:01:10svents -swap 1
00:01:12Nickless sniper is carry
00:01:13najk -cear
00:01:14Davvelito yes
00:01:16Davvelito im playin g it
00:01:17Davvelito mid
00:01:17svents -clear
00:01:20Ole_Wedel -swap 1
00:01:22najk -clear
00:01:22svents i go mid
00:01:26edgarass what to take?
00:01:27Davvelito get roof nd rhastsa
00:01:28Davvelito roof and rhasta
00:01:29edgarass pugna?
00:01:31Chinaski mind if i pugna?
00:01:31Ole_Wedel swap 1
00:01:33svents and pls buy wards
00:01:33Davvelito rhasta
00:01:34Davvelito -swap 3
00:01:38svents yeah take pugna
00:01:43Benefactor DARK SEER OR URSA
00:01:43Nickless im up
00:01:46Davvelito martin
00:01:47Nickless ok?
00:01:49Davvelito can you haer me now
00:01:50Davvelito noo sk
00:01:50svents dark seer
00:01:51najk ds
00:01:53Davvelito ok
00:01:54svents ffs
00:01:54Davvelito you are up
00:01:55Davvelito sk rhasta
00:01:56Davvelito bot
00:01:58svents why ursa ffs
00:02:00najk why ursa
00:02:00Ole_Wedel im calling
00:02:01najk why
00:02:01Chinaski ...
00:02:01najk why
00:02:02najk why
00:02:10Benefactor its imba why he left tho
00:02:10Ole_Wedel better
00:02:11Ole_Wedel if
00:02:12Ole_Wedel im
00:02:13Ole_Wedel top
00:02:13Davvelito y
00:02:14Ole_Wedel with
00:02:14Davvelito ole
00:02:16Davvelito desised lanes
00:02:18Ole_Wedel rhasta
00:02:21Davvelito rhasta
00:02:22Davvelito and sk
00:02:23Davvelito op
00:02:25svents and bane or pugna buy wards pls
00:02:28Zajeb who what lane?
00:02:29Ole_Wedel luna
00:02:30Ole_Wedel bot
00:02:30Benefactor so i dotn ened to buy carrier
00:02:31Ole_Wedel cuz
00:02:31svents so i can take runes and gank
00:02:31Ole_Wedel of
00:02:32Ole_Wedel lon
00:02:33najk hmm
00:02:34Ole_Wedel long
00:02:35Ole_Wedel lane
00:02:35edgarass what to make with rhasta?
00:02:39Ole_Wedel no darkness
00:02:42Davvelito edgar just make
00:02:42Nickless where i go??
00:02:44Chinaski idc
00:02:45Davvelito boots and 2 bracers
00:02:46Davvelito then wards
00:02:47Chinaski u decide
00:02:47najk atro bane top
00:02:48najk ?
00:02:49Ole_Wedel rhasta
00:02:51Davvelito and if you get good farm
00:02:53Davvelito you go agha
00:02:54Ole_Wedel roof
00:02:54Ole_Wedel bot
00:02:56Ole_Wedel amor
00:02:57najk or atro pugna
00:02:58Ole_Wedel lua
00:03:00Ole_Wedel alot
00:03:00najk oh
00:03:03Nickless jesus say t earlier
00:03:03najk bara pugna*
00:03:04Nickless ..
00:03:07Zajeb let ursa bot so he can woods
00:03:12edgarass yeah, nice start
00:03:23Davvelito just ake iit
00:04:35Zajeb mb
00:05:38Zajeb ss 23
00:05:39Zajeb 2
00:06:29Davvelito :D
00:06:31svents :D:D
00:06:46svents ss
00:07:26najk sk going mid
00:07:57najk gj
00:08:00edgarass skeleton
00:08:00Zajeb iu2
00:08:04edgarass sand
00:08:06edgarass sry
00:08:45Davvelito take
00:08:46Davvelito haste bot
00:08:53edgarass care
00:09:06Davvelito miss
00:09:06Davvelito stryg
00:09:09Nickless b
00:09:09Nickless b
00:09:23Zajeb eat
00:09:25Zajeb bara
00:09:32edgarass sniper..\
00:09:39svents ss
00:09:40svents re
00:09:42najk ty
00:09:45Zajeb np
00:09:48Zajeb ss 2
00:09:52svents bara be rdy charge mid
00:09:58Ole_Wedel rasta
00:09:58svents itp
00:09:59Ole_Wedel go
00:09:59Ole_Wedel to
00:10:00Ole_Wedel lane
00:10:01Ole_Wedel mof
00:10:12najk oh
00:10:16Davvelito 1h
00:10:28Davvelito fmjsaifnsagg nsmdk,
00:10:29svents gj
00:10:32edgarass be more carefull!!!
00:10:33najk gjj
00:10:36Davvelito get
00:10:37Davvelito wards
00:10:38Davvelito and
00:10:38Davvelito fucking
00:10:40Davvelito call misses
00:10:41Davvelito and im fine
00:10:45svents ss
00:10:52Davvelito rhasta get wards
00:10:53Davvelito 200
00:11:00Zajeb ss 2
00:11:01Zajeb care
00:11:14svents say faster ffs
00:11:16najk need wards
00:11:20svents and buy wards pls
00:11:27svents ward rune
00:11:48svents ss
00:11:51svents re
00:11:54Zajeb ss 2
00:12:04Nickless b
00:12:27svents my bad
00:12:33najk ouch
00:12:37Davvelito where
00:12:39Davvelito is my glove
00:12:40Davvelito of haste+
00:12:41najk fu
00:12:54svents pugna wtf
00:12:55najk need wards
00:12:56svents u noob
00:13:07Chinaski ?
00:13:12svents decre lvl 3???
00:13:14Nickless ss
00:13:59Chinaski btm gang pls
00:15:01svents rly
00:15:11svents wtf
00:15:14svents ursa and pugna
00:15:16svents wtdf
00:15:22Davvelito wait
00:15:23Davvelito i port mid
00:15:23svents what items u gonna amke
00:15:23Davvelito wait me
00:15:24Davvelito roof
00:15:27svents and skillbuild
00:15:29Davvelito ah
00:15:32Davvelito you haven o mana
00:15:34Chinaski meka
00:15:44svents ur skillbuild ftw
00:15:58Chinaski u got owned by snip
00:16:02svents obv
00:16:06najk stryg
00:16:06svents if u dont say misses
00:16:08najk top
00:16:25najk awökdjwlkawjdwöal
00:16:50Chinaski great skill build
00:16:53Chinaski gr8
00:17:06svents u fcking decre
00:17:08edgarass gj
00:17:08svents fck u
00:17:15svents why u decred him
00:17:19edgarass what to make now?
00:17:20svents i cant hit him then
00:17:23svents u fcking cunt
00:17:30Davvelito wards
00:17:30Davvelito man
00:17:31Davvelito get wards
00:17:37Chinaski u dont have 3rd spell upg enough
00:17:47svents fck off
00:17:48svents rly
00:17:52Chinaski fine
00:17:56svents u suck
00:18:00edgarass take them
00:18:05Davvelito martin
00:18:05Nickless bird not upgraded??
00:18:06Nickless ..
00:18:08Davvelito upgrade chick
00:18:09Davvelito aswell
00:18:11Davvelito you are support hero
00:18:32edgarass 1.3 k
00:18:35Davvelito y
00:18:38Davvelito upgrade to flying
00:18:41Davvelito try to get aghanim
00:18:42Nickless ypls
00:18:44Davvelito but keep wards up
00:19:17Chinaski cae
00:19:25Chinaski ...
00:19:30Ole_Wedel *zz
00:19:40svents rly no wards gg
00:19:42Zajeb u had hi,m
00:19:46Zajeb on minimap
00:19:49Zajeb and i bought wards
00:19:53svents i said in the beginning buy wards
00:20:09svents and ur misses were too late
00:20:58svents ff
00:21:04Benefactor ff
00:21:05svents ursa and pugna gg
00:21:15svents ursa first item ring of health nice
00:21:21Chinaski ony pt in 16 min
00:21:24Benefactor nope stout
00:21:29Chinaski solo mid
00:21:30Ole_Wedel haha plz svents
00:21:32Davvelito :)
00:21:34Nickless pugna did good job at his lane?
00:21:37Benefactor we laned you fed simple
00:21:39svents and pugna lvl 6 have only blast and decre
00:21:53svents but he skilled only decre and blast
00:22:11edgarass low hp..
00:22:31svents gg wp
00:22:33svents wp sak
00:22:34Zajeb so obviouse
00:22:39svents wp sk
00:22:43Davvelito safe
00:22:46Davvelito the wards
00:22:47Davvelito for next tower
00:22:48Davvelito noobie :D
00:23:20edgarass me b
00:23:39edgarass push mid
00:23:40edgarass fast
00:23:43svents dont deff pls
00:24:09Nickless me b
00:24:10Nickless oom
00:24:33Davvelito dont take all the fun
00:24:34Davvelito luna :(
00:24:40PinaryB sry but its too fun
00:25:15Nickless closer
00:25:52Benefactor ff pls
00:25:59Zajeb need min 25
00:27:29Zajeb ursa afk
00:27:34svents and now all ff
00:27:38Zajeb -afk
00:27:42svents -afk
00:27:51Nickless -afk
00:28:07Zajeb I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:09svents I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:09Zajeb I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:13najk I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:14svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:27svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:28svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:29svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:30svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:31svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:32svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:34svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:35svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:36svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:36Davvelito cunt :D
00:28:38svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:41PinaryB :D:D
00:28:49PinaryB brb sleeping
00:29:02najk bg
00:29:04najk wp sk
00:29:08svents gg
00:29:10svents I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
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