Game #1738332

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-14 X
-2 TS

99% | 1738 X | 1580 TS

-52 X
-1 TS

77% | 1336 X | 1412 TS

-31 X
-1 TS

54% | 1132 X | 1384 TS

-32 X
-5 TS

46% | 1207 X | 1207 TS

-4 X
-2 TS

38% | 993 X | 1369 TS

+12 X
+1 TS

97% | 1607 X | 1625 TS

+33 X
+1 TS

66% | 1214 X | 1419 TS

+42 X
+2 TS

59% | 1179 X | 1385 TS

+19 X
+1 TS

55% | 1185 X | 1332 TS

+37 X
+19 TS

45% | 1094 X | 1333 TS

Chat log

00:00:10NotAHax [14:03:51] <+Tompson> sain trollikaksikon
00:00:10curdi techies!
00:00:23curdi =D jaa cd
00:00:26NotAHax =)
00:00:38curdi techietä ja meepoo ois poolis
00:01:01Y4KUZA ?u guys know that i have 100% wn ratio with spectre
00:01:05creeeeeee ban riki
00:01:09curdi and like 1 game or?
00:01:12Tompson ill get him if i can
00:01:14Y4KUZA yes:D
00:01:51ESA_93 crixa, tide, zeus, lesh, jakiro, pugna.
00:01:52Tompson ill facking fb it
00:01:54NotAHax yy
00:01:55NotAHax ok
00:01:56ESA_93 ja tietysti carryt
00:01:58curdi ehm
00:01:59Y4KUZA :D:D
00:01:59Tompson or not
00:02:16creeeeeee get lesh for me
00:02:24Y4KUZA oujee:D:D
00:02:30Tompson tärkee riki :DDDDDDDD
00:02:32creeeeeee waaaaat
00:02:32NotAHax =)
00:02:33curdi could go zeus
00:02:42NotAHax tiesin et nielaset spectre syötin
00:02:52Tompson XDXDXDXD
00:02:56creeeeeee get me lesh pleaaase :)
00:02:58curdi toi pugna kyl ois tuhonnu :(
00:03:01Tompson nii ois
00:03:01curdi ny se ottaa sen
00:03:01Tompson evvk
00:03:06Tompson ota pugna hyvä mies
00:03:07Tompson Wardi tuhoo
00:03:08NotAHax riki lesh bot
00:03:11NotAHax sk bat top
00:03:20curdi MUN ZEUS!?
00:03:23Tompson EI?
00:03:25ESA_93 D:D:D
00:03:26NotAHax yakuza..
00:03:26curdi no vid
00:03:27NotAHax spectre...
00:03:29NotAHax mitä??`?
00:03:30NotAHax ::D:?D?:D??
00:03:34wodrock -ma
00:03:43Tompson E_V_V_K
00:03:44ESA_93 bat
00:03:45Tompson oikeesti
00:03:48NotAHax nonii
00:03:49Y4KUZA u know i have 100% win ratio with it???
00:03:50NotAHax tuu feedaa mua sit
00:03:51ESA_93 ostanko kanan
00:03:53NotAHax niin päästää nopemmmi
00:03:55NotAHax HAHAAHHA
00:03:56NotAHax RLY?
00:03:59NotAHax well ur winratio gonna end now
00:04:00Y4KUZA yeah:D
00:04:03Tompson nigma
00:04:04Tompson u tard
00:04:07Tompson dont go forest
00:04:08Tompson >.<
00:04:08Y4KUZA it goes down to 50:D
00:04:12NotAHax :D:D:D
00:04:15NotAHax so you have won 1 game
00:04:16NotAHax rofl
00:04:25Tompson gah
00:04:26Tompson i dont care
00:04:28curdi could've said it a little bit earlier
00:04:28Tompson do what u want
00:04:37Y4KUZA nigma go woods
00:04:37Tompson no miten spectre voi soloo?
00:04:41NotAHax guys focus spectre = win
00:04:41Y4KUZA i ninja em dead
00:04:43curdi helposti
00:04:57creeeeeee say misses and its win :)
00:05:02creeeeeee zuus gang is way too bad :D
00:05:20makkara -ms
00:05:22NotAHax touche
00:05:22Tompson HUisaa
00:05:24curdi play passive
00:05:53Tompson hurja mies
00:06:41NotAHax mid mis
00:06:45NotAHax re
00:07:01NotAHax wards pl
00:07:15ESA_93 lvl 3 kill
00:07:55ESA_93 u
00:07:56ESA_93 ju
00:08:13curdi top ss
00:08:20Y4KUZA ss
00:08:23Y4KUZA sskk
00:09:13Y4KUZA re
00:09:23Tompson AHAHAH
00:09:28NotAHax dee
00:09:32curdi :dee
00:09:46ESA_93 spec miss
00:10:14ESA_93 ju
00:10:37ESA_93 ju
00:10:38Tompson *gang ,mid Ä*:_D_D_D
00:10:55Tompson auta
00:10:56Tompson tuu
00:11:08NotAHax AHAHAH
00:11:09Tompson EI SITÄ
00:11:11Tompson :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
00:11:17makkara botm i
00:11:19NotAHax AHAHHAAH
00:11:20makkara bot mis
00:11:21Tompson EI SITÄ
00:11:23Tompson MIKS STUNNAAT SEN
00:11:23makkara re
00:11:25Tompson :D;:D:D:D:D
00:11:26Tompson etkä tuu
00:11:27ESA_93 :D
00:11:28Tompson ku kysyn
00:11:29Tompson vittu
00:11:31Tompson vammakasa
00:11:40Tompson sanoin
00:11:42Tompson tuu auttaa
00:11:43Tompson sit afkaat
00:11:44curdi tulin
00:11:56NotAHax vittuako tuut pullistelee
00:12:02Tompson tuu midii sanoo
00:12:02Tompson XDD
00:12:06NotAHax ja kuka käyttää neekeriä avatarina
00:12:07curdi pää vaa pelaa darras niin nopeesti
00:12:10Tompson minä
00:12:13Tompson big ass nigga
00:12:21makkara bot mis
00:12:25NotAHax onko sulla jotain ongelmia
00:12:28NotAHax ootko niitä poikia
00:12:30Tompson oon
00:12:33NotAHax tiesin
00:12:38NotAHax oot dedun salainen poikaystävä
00:12:39Tompson ss mid
00:12:40makkara -ms
00:12:43Tompson nii oon
00:12:53NotAHax MID MIS
00:13:00creeeeeee already bot
00:13:08NotAHax lesh
00:13:08NotAHax wards
00:13:11NotAHax or bait
00:13:13Tompson wards
00:13:15Tompson new wards
00:13:16Tompson gogogogo
00:13:22NotAHax plant to runes
00:13:44wodrock dfk
00:13:46wodrock WTF
00:13:49makkara bot mis
00:13:49wodrock are my hotkeyts doing
00:13:52rtg800 care
00:13:58creeeeeee 2ss bit
00:14:18NotAHax omw
00:14:20NotAHax go
00:14:25NotAHax GO
00:14:27NotAHax ,.,,
00:14:30Tompson ss
00:14:57NotAHax '
00:14:58NotAHax lol ulti
00:15:03Tompson HOMO
00:15:04Tompson XDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:15:06ESA_93 wtf are u doing
00:15:13NotAHax dont feed
00:15:14NotAHax spctre
00:15:14NotAHax plz
00:15:28Y4KUZA oom
00:17:07Tompson CARE
00:17:09Tompson DD STORM
00:17:10Tompson full mana
00:17:15Tompson he kills u
00:17:20Y4KUZA :D
00:17:44Tompson go mid
00:17:45Tompson gang
00:18:18creeeeeee gang spec
00:18:21creeeeeee freefarming bot
00:18:48rtg800 lesh
00:18:48ESA_93 tarvitaan spectreen gänkkiä
00:18:52NotAHax y
00:18:54NotAHax gang spectre
00:18:54NotAHax guiys
00:19:05Tompson curdi
00:19:05Tompson go
00:19:09NotAHax bait
00:19:10NotAHax we come
00:19:29Tompson :D:D
00:19:30Tompson sori
00:19:44curdi jaa et sitte tuu
00:19:47Tompson :DD
00:19:54Tompson telesin
00:19:56Tompson tappaa rikii
00:20:00curdi näköjään
00:20:21wodrock ifucked this game up :D
00:20:24wodrock sorry
00:20:30wodrock didnt choose toplay bat though
00:20:32Tompson :D
00:20:38wodrock i thought why my hotkey wasnt owrking :d
00:20:46wodrock chose flamebreak instead of that firefly
00:20:54Tompson bot
00:21:00rtg800 dust
00:22:03Tompson new runewrads
00:22:03Tompson plz
00:22:08NotAHax bat lesh
00:22:12NotAHax you are supposed to rape spectre
00:22:15NotAHax how it can be that hard
00:22:20creeeeeee i was bot
00:23:01Tompson go bot
00:23:58NotAHax kauheeta hikoilua
00:24:07Tompson sanot sinä
00:24:11Tompson pahin hikoilija gceel mitä tiiän
00:24:14NotAHax :DD:
00:24:27Tompson go mid tower
00:24:38Y4KUZA should i farm for radi
00:24:40Tompson yes
00:24:42curdi y
00:24:42Y4KUZA or go diffu
00:24:44Tompson radi
00:24:45curdi radiradi
00:24:49Y4KUZA kk
00:25:01Tompson go top
00:25:03Tompson spectre
00:25:04Tompson radi
00:25:10Tompson rest mid
00:25:23Tompson come with ur ulti
00:25:24Tompson to fight
00:25:25Tompson with us
00:25:32Y4KUZA cd atm
00:25:37Y4KUZA soon have
00:25:53NotAHax BAT
00:26:05NotAHax lesh bat
00:26:05ESA_93 wtf bat and lesh
00:26:06NotAHax you are useless
00:26:15creeeeeee ult just for me
00:26:19NotAHax wow
00:26:24NotAHax vittu tää bätti ja lesh
00:26:32Tompson nice curdi xD
00:26:34Tompson and all
00:26:35rtg800 bat also got hit with ult
00:26:42NotAHax oh rly
00:26:56Tompson b
00:27:34NotAHax ur lesh is useless cree
00:27:43creeeeeee as i see yep
00:27:52creeeeeee havnt played it for looong time
00:27:57Tompson get smokes
00:27:58creeeeeee just wanted to play it :/
00:27:59Tompson jakiro
00:27:59Tompson all
00:28:01Tompson and go gang
00:28:09teh_re no money
00:28:11NotAHax well last time i listen you
00:28:21creeeeeee what was more useful there?
00:28:23creeeeeee in pool
00:28:24creeeeeee tell me
00:28:40Tompson use
00:28:41Y4KUZA why so much h8
00:28:44ESA_93 :
00:28:45ESA_93 :D
00:28:46Tompson here
00:28:56ESA_93 dd
00:29:02creeeeeee AJHAHAHA
00:29:10Tompson go roshan
00:29:13Tompson with eidolons
00:29:23NotAHax wodrock could you even
00:29:25NotAHax try
00:29:28wodrock :D
00:29:31wodrock saw only one
00:29:36NotAHax you sohuld jhave like
00:29:37NotAHax 10-0
00:29:40NotAHax against those heros
00:29:43wodrock i told you :D what happened
00:29:45Tompson come spectre
00:29:46Tompson take
00:29:49NotAHax you shouldnt play bat
00:29:51NotAHax if you dont know how to play it
00:29:54wodrock i didnt choose it
00:29:57wodrock it was the last one there
00:29:57Tompson ok i take
00:30:01Tompson too slow
00:30:05NotAHax smokeja
00:30:06NotAHax voi vittu
00:30:07NotAHax :DD
00:30:07creeeeeee bat against kinda 0 stun
00:30:13Tompson parempi
00:30:15creeeeeee u should really be 10-0 :/
00:30:16Tompson roshan
00:30:17Tompson go smoke
00:30:27wodrock you could of picked it yourself then
00:30:37NotAHax :D:DD
00:30:39Tompson :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:30:44Tompson go mid
00:30:51Y4KUZA go bot
00:30:54Tompson ok
00:30:55Tompson y
00:30:56Tompson better
00:30:56Tompson bot
00:30:58creeeeeee i told...wanted to play lesh
00:31:02creeeeeee even tho i cant play it :D
00:31:11NotAHax ..
00:31:16Tompson tärkee
00:31:16Tompson Ragesit sille
00:31:16Tompson plugin
00:31:16NotAHax :D;DD:
00:31:16NotAHax mistä arvasit
00:31:16Tompson no tiiän sut
00:31:16Tompson LEAVAA NII SAADAA 4ON4
00:31:16NotAHax no se sano et
00:31:16NotAHax voi pelata
00:31:16Tompson OOT TURHA
00:31:16NotAHax lesh
00:31:16Tompson :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
00:31:16NotAHax en mä niin sanonu
00:31:16NotAHax ku se sano alus et
00:31:16NotAHax haluu
00:31:16NotAHax lesh
00:31:16NotAHax sit ragesin et miks vitus halusit sen jos oot paska
00:31:16Tompson tide wp
00:31:16Tompson ill play u
00:31:16Tompson dont sell
00:31:16Tompson items
00:31:16NotAHax ei oo
00:31:16NotAHax munaa
00:31:16NotAHax Balancee spectr
00:31:16ESA_93 :D
00:31:16Tompson on
00:31:16Tompson voitetaa
00:31:16Tompson E-z
00:31:16NotAHax oke balancee si
00:31:16NotAHax Spectre
00:31:16Tompson e
00:31:16NotAHax nonii
00:31:16NotAHax no balls
00:31:16Tompson iha turhaa tekisin sen
00:31:16NotAHax NO BALLS
00:31:16Tompson vaa koska *no balls* :D
00:31:16Tompson ei riitä
00:31:16Tompson :D:D:D
00:31:16NotAHax NO BALLS
00:31:16curdi nii kuka balancee si
00:31:16Tompson no balls.
00:31:16Tompson tide
00:31:16NotAHax olet siis
00:31:16curdi koo
00:31:16NotAHax munaton dedu
00:31:16Tompson kyllä.
00:31:16NotAHax joka vääntää paskaa hikisissä dotissa.
00:31:16Tompson no_balls.
00:31:16NotAHax noballs_paskahätä deduxserxs
00:31:16rtg800 i go?
00:31:16NotAHax ois kova nick
00:31:16Tompson yeah
00:31:16Tompson tide
00:31:16Tompson wp
00:31:16rtg800 kk
00:31:16Tompson ok rule is
00:31:16Tompson the 1
00:31:17Tompson who dies
00:31:18Tompson uses tide
00:31:21Tompson rest its me
00:31:21rtg800 gl
00:31:21NotAHax i take lesh items
00:31:25NotAHax Balance
00:31:43Tompson b
00:32:16Tompson go top
00:32:32ESA_93 let me
00:33:29Tompson DONT
00:33:31Tompson wtf
00:33:37Tompson oh ur dead
00:33:45Y4KUZA now alive
00:33:48Y4KUZA take over
00:33:48NotAHax -afk
00:34:01Tompson dont move my blink plz
00:34:03Tompson from tide
00:34:05Tompson its hotkey spot
00:34:05Y4KUZA oki
00:34:06NotAHax bat try grab someone
00:34:11Y4KUZA i have the other:D
00:34:13Tompson :P
00:34:13Y4KUZA sry
00:34:21Tompson yakuza
00:34:21Tompson farm
00:34:22Tompson bot
00:34:23Tompson gopgo
00:34:24Tompson asap
00:34:25curdi i dont even have hotkeys
00:34:25Tompson u die mid
00:34:28Tompson i knew it
00:34:40Tompson use tide
00:34:47Y4KUZA oki then
00:35:06Tompson invis
00:35:38teh_re gogo
00:35:51Tompson ill take over
00:36:09Tompson b
00:36:16curdi i can use
00:36:19Tompson y
00:36:27NotAHax GO
00:36:27Tompson b mid
00:36:31Tompson lets rge
00:36:33Tompson take new roshan
00:36:34Tompson and go mid
00:37:25Tompson 3 mins of farming now
00:37:27Tompson then roshan
00:37:31Tompson and i think we have radi then
00:37:53curdi i try to get pipe
00:38:19teh_re mid now?
00:38:21Tompson yes
00:38:38Tompson use chick
00:38:38Tompson again
00:38:40NotAHax BACK
00:38:41NotAHax man
00:38:41ESA_93 bat
00:38:42NotAHax enigma got blink
00:38:43NotAHax dont risk
00:38:43teh_re used
00:38:44ESA_93 buy me teleports
00:38:46ESA_93 4
00:38:50NotAHax yh bat
00:38:51NotAHax do it
00:39:27Tompson :D
00:39:31NotAHax ..
00:39:37ESA_93 vitun homo : D
00:39:51NotAHax GRAB
00:39:55NotAHax ..
00:39:57Tompson b
00:39:58ESA_93 bat?!7
00:40:00NotAHax GO
00:40:00Tompson oir
00:40:00NotAHax GRAB
00:40:01Tompson no
00:40:02NotAHax BAT
00:40:05Tompson get
00:40:17Tompson gj
00:40:25Tompson go rosh
00:40:34Tompson b
00:40:52NotAHax Hyviä pelejä
00:40:56Tompson go rosh
00:40:57NotAHax med worddrock imba bat
00:41:09Y4KUZA 100% win ratio still:D:D
00:41:13NotAHax y
00:41:37Tompson after go bot
00:41:40Tompson farm spectre
00:41:46Tompson or
00:41:47Tompson base
00:41:48Tompson ur low
00:42:12NotAHax all midd
00:42:12Y4KUZA diffu now?
00:42:19Tompson y
00:42:19curdi y
00:42:28curdi i farm 200 for pipe
00:42:42Tompson curdi
00:42:45Tompson after that
00:42:46Tompson asap bot
00:43:02teh_re got gem
00:43:21NotAHax :D:D
00:43:23NotAHax ei auta ei
00:43:23NotAHax I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:43:36NotAHax mistä tompson tiesit blinkata
00:43:43Tompson katoin mappii
00:43:46makkara I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:43:47ESA_93 I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:43:48NotAHax :D:D:D???
00:43:49ESA_93 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:43:49ESA_93 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:43:49ESA_93 [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:43:49ESA_93 [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:43:49wodrock I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:43:50Tompson oli liia obvious
00:43:53NotAHax ootte wardittanu teidän ancientit?
00:43:56Tompson näin batin
00:44:00NotAHax jaa
00:44:01Tompson sit kelasin oho se tulee takaa
00:44:03NotAHax yllätys
00:44:03Tompson eli gang
00:44:05ESA_93 yllatuuuus
00:44:09Tompson gogo mid
00:44:11Tompson gg guys
00:44:20NotAHax oli kyl vittu paskin bätti mitä oon nähny elämäni aikana
00:44:34ESA_93 tuline bat
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