Game #1734726

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-56 X
-3 TS

93% | 1504 X | 1579 TS

-25 X
-2 TS

58% | 1172 X | 1390 TS

-20 X
-16 TS

55% | 1160 X | 1372 TS

-28 X
-28 TS

NEW | 1239 X | 1217 TS

-43 X
-12 TS

24% | 1040 X | 1171 TS

+2 X
+6 TS

99% | 1839 X | 1595 TS

+31 X
+2 TS

79% | 1389 X | 1414 TS

+43 X
+4 TS

32% | 991 X | 1326 TS

+56 X
+2 TS

25% | 982 X | 1264 TS

+48 X
+131 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:15New_Guy kj storm
00:00:16New_Guy :D
00:00:19KING-_-JOHN could be
00:00:22KING-_-JOHN shitty pool
00:00:22New_Guy ban am
00:00:22New_Guy !
00:00:22Strom I'll go storm np
00:00:22Strom am / ns <- most annoying two
00:00:22iNsaNe- ban sylla?
00:00:22New_Guy no fun heroes
00:00:22New_Guy xcept lesh
00:00:22New_Guy and stormer
00:00:22livingde4th hmm
00:00:22sebralane h2rra strom 1 kysimus veel
00:00:22livingde4th ban ns
00:00:22KING-_-JOHN magina
00:00:24New_Guy sweet
00:00:24sebralane kui kaugel on see penalty asi, kui ei joini m2ngu
00:00:29New_Guy :DDD
00:00:31Strom sebralane, suht kaugel
00:00:32Strom :D
00:00:36sebralane aus vastus :D
00:00:39New_Guy ey
00:00:42iNsaNe- -clear
00:00:43sebralane pick me tide
00:00:46iNsaNe- livingdeath
00:00:49Strom k
00:01:00livingde4th what
00:01:05iNsaNe- well
00:01:13livingde4th get ud
00:01:16livingde4th some supports
00:01:19sebralane mida vastu
00:01:20livingde4th 3 carrys enough
00:01:21iNsaNe- i could magnus/chen
00:01:22sebralane sven?
00:01:23Strom gief sven
00:01:29Strom -swap 4
00:01:30sebralane -swap 2
00:01:31wodrock magnus then rather
00:01:32iNsaNe- shall i chen?
00:01:33livingde4th ud would be needed
00:01:33sebralane -clear
00:01:34iNsaNe- okay
00:01:41iNsaNe- ud?
00:01:44livingde4th undyibng
00:01:48iNsaNe- cant play him
00:01:54livingde4th he is easy
00:01:56karm i can wood if anyone wants top solo :p
00:01:58sebralane i should solo?
00:02:00iNsaNe- still cant play him well
00:02:00iNsaNe- xD
00:02:01New_Guy ill wood
00:02:10iNsaNe- me and seer lane?
00:02:24livingde4th dunno :)
00:02:29iNsaNe- seer
00:02:32New_Guy hf
00:02:37karm strom kui ma pooleldi metsas olen saad hakkama? :p
00:02:39iNsaNe- sylla freakin imba
00:02:40GiveMeYourSoul i woods
00:02:40Strom wait
00:02:42Strom tide solo?
00:02:45Strom I could solo top
00:02:48iNsaNe- so nessaj up?
00:02:49sebralane me too
00:02:51sebralane fast go
00:02:51wodrock top woods?
00:02:52sebralane for win
00:02:53wodrock our our woods
00:02:56wodrock or
00:02:58sebralane fast 6
00:03:00karm saad all ka pool solo
00:03:00sebralane for win
00:03:01wodrock k
00:03:08Strom king_john, I'm not happy with your lanes! :8
00:03:17KING-_-JOHN did i make them?
00:03:19New_Guy :D
00:03:20Strom yes
00:03:22Strom by silently agreeing
00:03:22sebralane :d
00:03:30Strom it's decision by indecision
00:05:01iNsaNe- go
00:05:16iNsaNe- -_-
00:06:15New_Guy ;/
00:06:25livingde4th ss
00:06:25livingde4th mid
00:07:04Strom my bad
00:07:14livingde4th need obs badly
00:07:18livingde4th mid hard
00:07:23KING-_-JOHN omw
00:07:25KING-_-JOHN go
00:07:27KING-_-JOHN he not 6
00:07:32rtg800 ss
00:07:47livingde4th gg
00:07:50livingde4th can u help plz
00:07:53livingde4th this is hard
00:08:15New_Guy ill come at lvl 5
00:08:23iNsaNe- i can buy wars
00:08:26livingde4th do it
00:08:31iNsaNe- 10 gold
00:08:37iNsaNe- sylla needs gang
00:08:54wodrock ok
00:09:04iNsaNe- wtf
00:09:07rtg800 seer gonna gang?
00:09:09rtg800 some day?
00:09:09sebralane i misscliked
00:09:10sebralane ulti
00:09:11sebralane :D
00:09:13New_Guy its ok
00:09:14sebralane like
00:09:18sebralane miss skjilled
00:09:19sebralane :d
00:09:22iNsaNe- in chickl
00:09:34livingde4th ls
00:09:35iNsaNe- we need gang tide and sylla top
00:09:36iNsaNe- soon men
00:09:41iNsaNe- top is lost
00:09:44iNsaNe- sylla freefarms
00:09:46livingde4th gg
00:09:49livingde4th mid is lost
00:09:58New_Guy push?
00:10:02KING-_-JOHN ken do
00:10:03livingde4th ff
00:10:28sebralane come gank now
00:10:30sebralane skilled ulti
00:10:31sebralane :d
00:10:51livingde4th ss
00:10:56livingde4th b guys
00:11:08sebralane faking hell
00:11:17KING-_-JOHN omw bot
00:11:19livingde4th go sylla
00:11:25karm oom
00:11:25iNsaNe- k
00:11:51New_Guy ey johnie
00:11:53New_Guy where miss
00:12:05Strom tread switching survival!
00:12:05New_Guy 3 top
00:12:06New_Guy ;/
00:12:08livingde4th go levi?
00:12:20rtg800 seer 0 gangs bot
00:12:23iNsaNe- ss mid
00:12:37KING-_-JOHN bait
00:12:51iNsaNe- woods
00:12:57rtg800 ss bot
00:13:01sebralane 20 sek
00:13:02sebralane to ulti
00:13:05wodrock donty blink
00:13:06wodrock so much
00:13:08sebralane 10
00:13:30iNsaNe- gg
00:13:37Strom :D
00:13:49livingde4th all lanes lost gg
00:13:50New_Guy blocked like a pro
00:13:50livingde4th ff
00:13:54sebralane lesh let me get dagger? :D
00:13:57iNsaNe- try get sven middle
00:15:11iNsaNe- omw tide
00:15:15iNsaNe- go
00:15:35KING-_-JOHN omw top
00:15:37iNsaNe- all my stuff ^^+
00:16:18iNsaNe- sven
00:16:27iNsaNe- b
00:16:27iNsaNe- b
00:16:27wodrock b
00:16:38sebralane sk farms
00:17:31iNsaNe- ward pls
00:18:02iNsaNe- care
00:18:11wodrock thanks
00:18:46livingde4th LOl
00:18:56iNsaNe- OMFG
00:18:58iNsaNe- bad ult
00:18:59livingde4th dude
00:19:01livingde4th ..
00:19:03iNsaNe- i saw
00:19:04iNsaNe- dont say it
00:19:05iNsaNe- xD
00:19:05sebralane ofc 4 sek
00:19:08iNsaNe- i know myself
00:19:12iNsaNe- was stunned soo long
00:19:15livingde4th man it was like 2s later
00:19:18iNsaNe- yes
00:19:24iNsaNe- i clicked B$ stun
00:19:25iNsaNe- b4
00:19:29iNsaNe- then it triggered
00:19:30iNsaNe- :-\
00:19:33iNsaNe- :-\
00:19:38wodrock s button
00:19:42wodrock to cancel it
00:19:42iNsaNe- yep
00:19:47iNsaNe- wont miss next time
00:20:15iNsaNe- wow
00:20:20iNsaNe- shit sry
00:20:28iNsaNe- both dagger already
00:20:30iNsaNe- sven and tide
00:20:49livingde4th why it takes so long
00:20:53livingde4th cant u move straight?
00:21:18sebralane this game sucks
00:21:19sebralane no tps
00:21:19sebralane :S
00:21:42wodrock ill do vlad
00:21:56rtg800 i approve
00:22:16KING-_-JOHN push bot?
00:22:32sebralane my ceeps
00:22:34sebralane i killed them
00:22:44wodrock 19min shiva
00:22:47iNsaNe- yes
00:22:49rtg800 o_O
00:22:49iNsaNe- crazy
00:23:01wodrock care for blink
00:23:03sebralane ulti in 10
00:23:09rtg800 def base
00:23:10livingde4th need 5
00:23:11rtg800 we cant win this
00:23:13iNsaNe- yep
00:23:29Strom mid?
00:23:31Strom we have bear + lesh
00:23:34Strom should take all towers
00:23:37livingde4th they rosh
00:23:38livingde4th goggo
00:23:39wodrock dont be together :D
00:23:39KING-_-JOHN go then
00:23:53livingde4th na mid
00:23:55livingde4th kill mid?
00:24:03rtg800 why ulti
00:24:09wodrock yea
00:24:14rtg800 for the loev of god
00:24:14iNsaNe- better not?
00:24:15iNsaNe- or what?
00:24:21livingde4th better run after u ulti
00:24:23livingde4th u all stay ffs
00:24:25New_Guy wat en john
00:24:38rtg800 use all spells on one ench
00:24:40Strom rax
00:24:55Strom or at least this tower
00:25:05Strom b
00:25:27New_Guy :D
00:25:28iNsaNe- :-\
00:25:31KING-_-JOHN wtf he doing?
00:25:35Strom dunno
00:27:03iNsaNe- fnially blink
00:27:06New_Guy i go rosh
00:27:10Strom lets go take mid raxes?
00:27:13Strom after rosh then
00:27:18iNsaNe- gonna empower leo mass
00:27:36iNsaNe- rosh
00:27:36iNsaNe- now?
00:27:55sebralane sterom
00:27:57sebralane cmmon
00:27:58iNsaNe- check rosh?
00:27:59sebralane mida sa teed
00:28:01wodrock -ma
00:28:01sebralane ac?
00:28:02livingde4th no
00:28:06Strom mby
00:28:11livingde4th we just die there
00:28:13livingde4th better try dedf
00:28:17KING-_-JOHN lol
00:28:18KING-_-JOHN u take
00:28:21New_Guy me tank
00:28:22New_Guy like man
00:28:23New_Guy now
00:28:25iNsaNe- what next
00:28:25livingde4th well we lose no matter what we do
00:28:25iNsaNe- ?!
00:28:29rtg800 100 for armlet
00:28:31iNsaNe- think so too
00:28:40rtg800 can anyone buy salve?
00:28:40Strom sebralane, sa võid ac teha
00:28:43livingde4th leo sell tangos
00:28:44Strom ma võin jätta lihtsalt hyperi
00:28:44sebralane omg
00:28:45livingde4th on hawk
00:28:45sebralane hilja
00:28:51livingde4th pile em up
00:28:53sebralane ostin glovesid just
00:28:54sebralane :D
00:28:55livingde4th and waöll etc
00:28:57Strom einoh
00:28:58Strom tee mis tahad
00:29:00Strom see pela won
00:29:29iNsaNe- bang
00:29:30rtg800 i dont get it
00:29:30iNsaNe- XD
00:29:31New_Guy tanked
00:29:32rtg800 some go
00:29:34rtg800 some stay back
00:29:35GiveMeYourSoul I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:37iNsaNe- yes
00:29:39iNsaNe- I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:40livingde4th well ck went alone
00:29:42iNsaNe- was confusing
00:29:43livingde4th should wait magna start
00:29:53livingde4th doesnt really matter
00:29:56livingde4th we would die anyway
00:29:58KING-_-JOHN haha tide
00:30:06wodrock I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:31sebralane omg
00:30:31sebralane :d
00:30:34sebralane too slow
00:31:22New_Guy sup johnm
00:31:26KING-_-JOHN aint no thang
00:32:24karm -cs
00:32:43karm -ms
00:33:09rtg800 def base only
00:33:12rtg800 tho it doesnt matter
00:33:20sebralane we mmight win it
00:33:21karm dd
00:33:47Strom wait
00:33:50Strom I'm bringing item with chick
00:33:52Strom then we go in base
00:34:00livingde4th magna start
00:34:03livingde4th sty behind twr
00:34:06livingde4th thehy got blinks
00:34:12Strom coming
00:34:12sebralane need me?
00:34:27New_Guy wait wall
00:34:28Strom lets go in after wall
00:34:47iNsaNe- wow
00:34:54iNsaNe- cant even press v before i die
00:35:05KING-_-JOHN G_G
00:35:10iNsaNe- gg ;))
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