Game #1710354

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+35 X
+0 TS

80% | 1255 X | 1520 TS

+57 X
+14 TS

NEW | 1268 X | 1278 TS

+14 X
+2 TS

60% | 1194 X | 1360 TS

+29 X
+3 TS

38% | 1091 X | 1270 TS

-22 X
+12 TS

1% | 863 X | 938 TS

-54 X
-1 TS

94% | 1569 X | 1532 TS

-1 X
+0 TS

62% | 1216 X | 1359 TS

-11 X
-1 TS

31% | 986 X | 1320 TS

+2 X
-2 TS

14% | 972 X | 1122 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

7% | 895 X | 1096 TS

Chat log

00:00:09Forthedream god what a shitty pc
00:00:14Swagga stoneage Computer!
00:00:14Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:00:15Affliction -ii
00:00:16Nxtra -don
00:00:16VictoriaJrocks -bs
00:00:16Forthedream wood
00:00:16Affliction -don
00:00:16Nxtra pheonix
00:00:20Misha i solo bot then
00:00:35VictoriaJrocks :D 0 rages im suprised
00:00:35Nxtra go lion
00:00:41Dizney lo
00:00:42Forthedream im not wood
00:00:42Dizney l
00:00:47Dizney så fik du ham... igen :)
00:00:48Misha oh:D
00:00:49DeathScythe another ban?
00:00:53Jaikki phoenix
00:00:56Nxtra Pheonix is banned too
00:00:57Swagga i go ogre
00:00:58DeathScythe ok i see only bs
00:01:01Misha i go wood then
00:01:07Nxtra its obviosly bugged....
00:01:07Misha u want solo bot ftd?
00:01:10Nxtra shit iq on gc players <3
00:01:10Forthedream sure
00:01:11Nxtra who wants lion?
00:01:18DeathScythe i can take ogre
00:01:20Affliction -phoenix
00:01:24Dizney i swap u ogre...
00:01:26Nxtra pick me gondar
00:01:27VictoriaJrocks -phoenix
00:01:27Affliction try that pink
00:01:27Dizney if u want it..
00:01:27Affliction :D
00:01:28DeathScythe you want?
00:01:30Nxtra gondar
00:01:31Nxtra plx
00:01:33Forthedream gank around lvl 3-4
00:01:35Nxtra -swap 4
00:01:38Misha at 3
00:01:40DeathScythe dizney
00:01:41Jaikki i think i play this d:D
00:01:42Misha gonna have stun lvl 2
00:01:42Forthedream k
00:01:43Dizney ... i se what they take..
00:01:46Nxtra wtf
00:01:47DeathScythe k
00:01:47Dizney wait..
00:01:49Nxtra jaikki stop it ..
00:01:50Dizney :)
00:01:51Jaikki no
00:01:52Forthedream but it doesnt stun twice at lvl 3
00:01:56Jaikki dont want lion
00:01:59Nxtra jaikki
00:01:59Nxtra woods
00:01:59Dizney give me CK
00:02:01Nxtra and buy ch8icken
00:02:02Swagga fuck random
00:02:03Dizney chaos knight
00:02:03Misha sure it does
00:02:07Misha it last 4 sec
00:02:10Dizney above warcheif
00:02:11Forthedream k
00:02:14DeathScythe i know
00:02:16Jaikki im not lastpick
00:02:18Misha everu 2sec
00:02:19DeathScythe wtf
00:02:21DeathScythe WTF
00:02:22Nxtra go woods
00:02:22Nxtra then
00:02:22Dizney wtf ?
00:02:25Misha 2/4/4/6 sec lasts
00:02:25Jaikki kk
00:02:26Nxtra you dont have to buy chicken
00:02:26Dizney -swap 5
00:02:28Nxtra but you will go wood.
00:02:36DeathScythe i can play this
00:02:43Dizney u don't want ogre then ?
00:02:47Nxtra enemy woods
00:02:48DeathScythe ,swap 3
00:02:50Nxtra so you can gank bot
00:02:50DeathScythe -swap 3
00:02:54Jaikki lol
00:03:00Jaikki i die to creeps :D
00:03:06Nxtra go woods
00:03:07Nxtra or ur banned
00:03:09Jaikki i go mine
00:03:10Dizney who what ?
00:03:11Jaikki ban then
00:03:23Dizney aff is jungle ?
00:03:26Affliction ye
00:03:30VictoriaJrocks terrible lag .S
00:03:39VictoriaJrocks lastgme i didnt
00:04:47Nxtra crow asap ogre
00:04:49VictoriaJrocks lion top/rune
00:04:51Nxtra rune bot
00:04:53VictoriaJrocks re
00:05:20Nxtra ogre
00:05:21Nxtra u
00:05:21Nxtra must
00:05:22Nxtra support
00:05:24Nxtra krob needs items
00:05:26DeathScythe i know
00:06:29Misha kill now
00:06:31DeathScythe i do meka?
00:06:32Nxtra crow
00:06:36Nxtra you do crow and wards
00:06:45DeathScythe after that
00:06:54Nxtra antiwards
00:06:58DeathScythe k
00:07:04DeathScythe so i dont do items:D
00:07:07Dizney farm now if u can
00:07:10Dizney while i heal
00:07:19Forthedream np next time we kill
00:07:26Misha y
00:07:44VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:07:51Jaikki ss top
00:07:54VictoriaJrocks re
00:08:15Forthedream come
00:08:25Nxtra i plant np
00:08:38DeathScythe ?
00:08:43Dizney what ?
00:08:53DeathScythe i go plant
00:09:00Nxtra come kill mid too
00:09:06Misha bot miss 2
00:09:07DeathScythe k
00:09:19Nxtra care ns now
00:09:25Dizney y
00:09:29DeathScythe mid ss
00:09:43Dizney damnit..
00:09:43Nxtra care ns
00:09:44Nxtra PLEASE.
00:09:45Nxtra PLEASE.
00:09:46Nxtra PLEASE.
00:09:46Dizney I was !
00:09:49Nxtra no you werent
00:09:50Nxtra you died
00:09:53Dizney stfu
00:10:23DeathScythe ss
00:10:39Dizney NS going mid
00:10:48Forthedream come
00:10:54VictoriaJrocks mid miss lion
00:10:55VictoriaJrocks mid missl ion
00:11:13VictoriaJrocks mid still miss lion
00:11:14Jaikki top miss
00:11:16VictoriaJrocks re
00:11:22DeathScythe fuck
00:11:23Swagga top miss
00:11:26Misha gj
00:11:28Nxtra go
00:11:38DeathScythe enigma rape:(
00:11:53Dizney enigma/ns... kills instant
00:11:58Dizney they gang .. care
00:12:36Nxtra ward runes
00:12:38Nxtra and dont feed ns more
00:12:49DeathScythe there is ward
00:13:00Nxtra its ead in 2
00:13:12VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:13:15Nxtra cmon dizney
00:13:16Nxtra ..
00:13:20Jaikki omw top
00:13:21Nxtra dont feed evryone plx
00:13:33Nxtra ulti soon
00:13:34VictoriaJrocks mid miss
00:13:41VictoriaJrocks re
00:13:47DeathScythe gang
00:14:01Swagga care
00:14:04VictoriaJrocks 3 top
00:14:04Nxtra bl me
00:14:06Swagga b
00:14:06Swagga b
00:14:07VictoriaJrocks or 4
00:14:08Swagga b
00:14:23Nxtra b
00:14:54Nxtra new wards
00:15:03DeathScythe i go antiward 2
00:15:13Nxtra buy boots mate
00:15:14Jaikki go top
00:15:15Nxtra obviosly
00:15:15Nxtra ;P
00:15:19DeathScythe 400g need:D
00:15:19Nxtra care
00:15:29Nxtra even warded
00:15:30Nxtra you noob
00:15:35Jaikki def top?
00:15:36Nxtra still you die
00:15:36Nxtra lmao
00:15:41Nxtra could try
00:15:51Nxtra ff at 25
00:16:18Misha got dagger
00:16:24Swagga b
00:16:38Nxtra nice ulti dizney
00:16:50Swagga omw mid
00:16:50Dizney well din't know u were blind
00:17:15Jaikki wtf?
00:17:19Nxtra wtf?
00:17:19Nxtra wtf?
00:17:24Nxtra stfu you finnish mother fucking retard
00:17:26Nxtra stay garena
00:17:27Jaikki .dD
00:17:27Nxtra all of you
00:17:30Jaikki u suck
00:17:32Jaikki u know that?
00:17:33Nxtra ye
00:17:34Nxtra i know
00:17:36Nxtra are you on irc btw?
00:17:39Jaikki no
00:17:42Nxtra go irc
00:17:44Nxtra wanna chat with ya mate
00:17:44Jaikki nah
00:18:07Dizney lol
00:18:07Jaikki egoplug
00:18:07Dizney ego-quit
00:18:07Commmander GJ
00:18:07DeathScythe y
00:18:07Swagga ....
00:18:07Dizney he did it last time
00:18:07Dizney aswell
00:18:07Dizney Don't ppl get bans
00:18:07Dizney anymore?
00:18:07Commmander hes the one with the shitty computer
00:18:07DeathScythe who leaves?
00:18:07Commmander Stoneage failer
00:18:07Swagga Nxtra
00:18:07Dizney last time ego quit
00:18:07Dizney @ 15 min. 2 sec.
00:18:07Dizney hehe
00:18:07Swagga no ban?
00:18:07Jaikki just banreQ him
00:18:07Dizney not on irc..
00:18:07Forthedream omg
00:18:07Forthedream drop him
00:18:07Jaikki cant
00:18:07Jaikki 4 minutes waiting
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks theres 4min
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks reconnect
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks wait
00:18:07Dizney he can't be dropped... repel
00:18:07DeathScythe this take some time
00:18:07Forthedream what the fuck
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks only people
00:18:07Forthedream D:
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks who disc
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks for real
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks dont reconnect
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks I mean ego
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks ego
00:18:07Dizney well whos gonna
00:18:07Dizney balance ?
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks dunno yet
00:18:07Dizney :)
00:18:07Forthedream w
00:18:07Forthedream d
00:18:07DeathScythe roll?
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks ok
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks thought he was your friend :D
00:18:07Jaikki Dszx
00:18:07Forthedream nah
00:18:07Forthedream but its only logical
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks true
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks i would be number 1
00:18:07Dizney I think NS should
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks choice
00:18:07Dizney balance
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks but im first pick
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks so no way im
00:18:07VictoriaJrocks going
00:18:07DeathScythe yep
00:18:07DeathScythe :)
00:18:07Dizney most fair
00:18:07Forthedream its wd or spec both lvl 7
00:18:07Swagga haha
00:18:07DeathScythe we got no mid hero now
00:18:07Swagga u got krob
00:18:07Forthedream doggie stop running
00:18:07Jaikki just farm <.<
00:18:07DeathScythe we r losed
00:18:07Jaikki if u stop feeding ns could be winnable
00:18:07DeathScythe who?
00:18:07Jaikki ns
00:18:08VictoriaJrocks Wd goes
00:18:09Jaikki baalncea'
00:18:09Jaikki balancea
00:18:09Dizney y
00:18:09Commmander -roll
00:18:09Swagga haha
00:18:09Jaikki xD
00:18:09DeathScythe lol
00:18:09Dizney ogre keep warding so we can avoid NS
00:18:09VictoriaJrocks Wd goes
00:18:09Jaikki -roll
00:18:09Commmander still me
00:18:09Misha dont know whats thep point to have so many carrys
00:18:09Commmander ?
00:18:09DeathScythe we got wards
00:18:09VictoriaJrocks goo wd
00:18:09Swagga -roll
00:18:09DeathScythe go now
00:18:09Dizney yeah.. :) i say keep it up !
00:18:36Dizney can i have bottle ?
00:18:36DeathScythe i need you krob
00:18:39Misha lets push?
00:18:39DeathScythe anite ward
00:18:47DeathScythe lycan says
00:18:53DeathScythe what we do with items
00:18:57VictoriaJrocks i sell boots for blink you do what you want with rest
00:19:01DeathScythe hes cap now
00:19:07Forthedream i dont need
00:19:08Swagga sell
00:19:27Jaikki TAKE
00:19:59DeathScythe b
00:20:16DeathScythe come krob
00:20:37DeathScythe they got now ward
00:20:43DeathScythe no*
00:21:06DeathScythe gondar?
00:21:09Jaikki lol?
00:21:11Jaikki what can do
00:21:17Jaikki too overfeeded
00:21:17DeathScythe loed game
00:21:20DeathScythe losed*
00:21:22Dizney use lion to disable
00:21:45Swagga care
00:22:01DeathScythe no gondar
00:22:08DeathScythe ok
00:22:09Jaikki ?
00:22:10DeathScythe good
00:22:42Dizney help him
00:22:51DeathScythe ns now
00:23:14Dizney b
00:23:20DeathScythe luckys
00:23:38Misha lets go and finish?
00:23:44VictoriaJrocks sure but they spawn like creeps
00:23:55DeathScythe gj
00:24:01Swagga omw mid
00:24:05Forthedream i thought it was night
00:24:11VictoriaJrocks almost ;D
00:24:11Swagga now it is
00:24:14Forthedream yea
00:24:15Forthedream :D
00:24:25Swagga mid?
00:24:25Jaikki b
00:24:28Forthedream yea
00:24:36Forthedream i come in 10 seconds
00:24:48DeathScythe gj
00:25:36Dizney :/
00:25:39DeathScythe who fucking stupid use lion?
00:25:46Jaikki i didnt
00:25:48Dizney gondar help him
00:26:03Dizney gj lion !
00:26:06Forthedream ;d
00:26:17Forthedream get top tower and rosh then push
00:26:22Forthedream we too weak atm
00:26:25Swagga kk
00:26:35Swagga so dont go out and die guys
00:27:12Dizney ogre wards :)
00:27:29VictoriaJrocks all mid
00:27:30VictoriaJrocks enigma too
00:27:34DeathScythe care now
00:27:39Dizney don't fight him @ night
00:27:41Misha lets go
00:28:01DeathScythe thet
00:28:11DeathScythe b
00:28:16Affliction :d
00:28:19DeathScythe b fast
00:28:20Forthedream stronk
00:28:24Affliction i took rosh :D
00:28:30Affliction with wolvs :D
00:28:34Jaikki def base
00:28:52DeathScythe jepa
00:29:01DeathScythe DONT FEED HIM MORE
00:29:15DeathScythe car kron
00:30:05DeathScythe fucking huskar
00:30:09VictoriaJrocks bot
00:30:15DeathScythe lucky spectre
00:30:16VictoriaJrocks with enigma tnak
00:30:21VictoriaJrocks or not
00:30:35DeathScythe ff?
00:30:43Dizney nevah
00:30:48Dizney they only own @ night
00:30:59VictoriaJrocks droped items
00:31:32Dizney when day time comes get wards up and power gang
00:31:43Jaikki just farm
00:32:07Jaikki I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:32:17DeathScythe b
00:32:22Jaikki b
00:32:34Jaikki huskar got gem _.-
00:32:42DeathScythe kill him :D
00:32:43Dizney lets take it from him then :)
00:32:54Jaikki dont use lion
00:32:56Affliction get ghost septors
00:32:57DeathScythe y
00:33:23DeathScythe hex or ghost scepter
00:33:46Affliction lust all the time
00:33:46DeathScythe when does nigth en
00:33:47Affliction BH
00:33:50DeathScythe end wtf
00:34:04DeathScythe wtf
00:34:11DeathScythe nigth just dont end
00:34:16Jaikki e
00:34:25DeathScythe DONT USE LIUON
00:34:28DeathScythe wtf
00:34:30DeathScythe feed him more
00:34:51DeathScythe gem
00:34:59DeathScythe wtf again nigth
00:35:03DeathScythe WTF
00:35:04Dizney I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:35:06Affliction I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:35:10Affliction stopper for idag
00:35:10Dizney igen=
00:35:13Dizney k
00:35:17Affliction I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:35:29Dizney I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
00:36:30DeathScythe how he het ult in 20 sec
00:36:35DeathScythe get*
00:37:33Misha [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:37:33Misha [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:37:33Misha [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:37:33Misha [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:37:33DeathScythe I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
00:37:39Dizney ff'ed
00:37:46DeathScythe take it now fast
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