Game #1707030

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+9 X
+2 TS

97% | 1616 X | 1613 TS

+22 X
+2 TS

94% | 1493 X | 1544 TS

+44 X
+2 TS

76% | 1304 X | 1400 TS

+54 X
+4 TS

39% | 1041 X | 1311 TS

+31 X
+9 TS

15% | 982 X | 1121 TS

-38 X
-5 TS

85% | 1392 X | 1492 TS

-28 X
-4 TS

75% | 1313 X | 1424 TS

-28 X
-6 TS

76% | 1338 X | 1384 TS

-13 X
-2 TS

66% | 1258 X | 1349 TS

-44 X
-4 TS

52% | 1147 X | 1325 TS

Chat log

00:00:12valiante now u will see how it is to team with these sepe
00:00:15valiante custy and jaikki
00:00:18Lynge -clear
00:00:18Sepetos well now they are in my team
00:00:18KredeC -clear
00:00:18Sepetos so they wont get owned
00:00:18valiante lol
00:00:18valiante :D
00:00:18custy :D
00:00:18Kastrup ^^
00:00:18custy :D
00:00:18Sepetos -aa
00:00:18KredeC ud
00:00:18Skinkemaden -undy
00:00:20Sepetos u want some?
00:00:21Sepetos venom?
00:00:24valiante hmm
00:00:25valiante void
00:00:30Kastrup i might meepo
00:00:32Kastrup in this pool
00:00:33valiante k
00:01:09Skinkemaden lock
00:01:12Sepetos take enigma
00:01:14Skinkemaden engima
00:01:16Skinkemaden and abba ?
00:01:23Jonnija no carry?
00:01:25Skinkemaden axe
00:01:31valiante so can i mid?
00:01:34Sepetos jaikki custy
00:01:35KredeC we dont need carry?'
00:01:35Sepetos want this?
00:01:38Milky should i storm ?
00:01:38Sepetos give me storm
00:01:42Lynge no
00:01:43Jonnija who mid?
00:01:47Skinkemaden strong aoe team
00:01:47Lynge enigma Will be nice
00:01:47custy get storm
00:01:51Sepetos -swap 5
00:01:52Lynge enigma
00:01:53Jaikki -swap 1
00:01:54Lynge TC
00:01:55Jaikki -clear
00:01:57Lynge or tc
00:01:57Skinkemaden + vacuum
00:02:01valiante hmm
00:02:09Milky we need to play early then
00:02:10KredeC lanes?
00:02:11Lynge i go Woods
00:02:14Milky warlock meka
00:02:14valiante lanes epe?
00:02:15valiante sepe?
00:02:18Sepetos u bot
00:02:20Jonnija ill solo top
00:02:21Jonnija then...
00:02:22Sepetos ck venom top
00:02:26Sepetos meepo pulls
00:02:26Milky let me solo top
00:02:27Skinkemaden warlock mid
00:02:29KredeC k
00:02:33Sepetos and meepo takes lvl
00:02:35Sepetos not lasthits
00:02:35Lynge DS
00:02:37Lynge bot
00:02:39Jonnija no
00:02:42Sepetos cause u got terrible lasthit anyway
00:02:44Lynge listen to captain dude
00:02:46Sepetos u would just ruin voids
00:02:47Jonnija captain
00:02:48valiante :D
00:02:48Jonnija hasnt
00:02:50Jonnija spoken
00:02:51Jonnija btw
00:02:55Sepetos meepo has
00:02:55Sepetos not u
00:02:58Lynge good boy
00:03:02custy meepo wood
00:03:09Kastrup ok custy
00:03:10Kastrup :D
00:03:16Skinkemaden this is fine btw
00:03:29Skinkemaden w eneed a crazy early push btw
00:03:34Skinkemaden beware of that
00:03:52Jonnija carp
00:03:54Jonnija veno top
00:04:19Sepetos fuckin warlock imbalasthit
00:04:24Milky axe go line
00:04:28Milky SPIKEEEN =(
00:04:28Sepetos get flying and wards venom
00:04:29Lynge no Way'
00:04:29Jonnija no
00:04:32Sepetos when can
00:04:34KredeC ss
00:04:34KredeC care
00:04:34Jaikki hei
00:04:34KredeC jm8iss mi
00:04:35Jaikki ei oo reilu
00:05:06Skinkemaden cs seer ?
00:05:14Jonnija 5
00:05:52KredeC ss
00:05:52Lynge gj
00:06:06Sepetos stun?
00:06:12KredeC ss
00:06:17custy no mana
00:06:21KredeC ss
00:06:28Jonnija AXE
00:06:36Jonnija axe
00:06:37Jonnija u killed
00:06:37Jonnija me
00:06:41Jonnija noobshit
00:06:48Sepetos gj
00:06:51Lynge Why dont u tp When i hold them retard
00:06:52Jonnija fucking dont help
00:06:54Jonnija if u fucking
00:06:55Lynge su bob
00:06:55Jonnija cant do shit
00:07:04Jonnija u blocked
00:07:05Jonnija me
00:07:05Lynge just tp When i hold
00:07:05Milky wait
00:07:05Jonnija for
00:07:05Milky wait
00:07:06Milky go
00:07:07Milky go
00:07:07Jonnija fucking
00:07:07Milky go
00:07:07Lynge su tard
00:07:08Jonnija 3 sec
00:07:08Milky go
00:07:10Milky go
00:07:22Jonnija back 2 bnet for u
00:07:23Milky why u waited with stun
00:07:28Skinkemaden oom
00:07:31Milky k
00:07:44Milky wards
00:07:55Lynge go?
00:08:10Sepetos wards?
00:08:11Sepetos flying?
00:08:16Jaikki 10 sekkaa lentävä
00:08:18Jaikki än
00:08:21Kastrup -cs
00:08:32Jonnija axe
00:08:32Jonnija gang
00:08:35valiante MNISS
00:08:35valiante VENGE
00:08:48Lynge omW
00:08:57Sepetos 1xp to lvl 6
00:08:58Sepetos gg
00:09:07Lynge sek ds
00:09:18Lynge focus?
00:09:20Skinkemaden venop
00:09:28Sepetos midmiss
00:09:40KredeC ss
00:09:50Sepetos ward it up
00:09:54KredeC ss
00:09:59KredeC care
00:10:05KredeC care
00:10:06KredeC top
00:10:10Milky bot gang
00:10:20Sepetos midmiss
00:10:23Kastrup can i use chick?
00:10:28Sepetos y
00:10:28KredeC ss
00:10:28Skinkemaden lol
00:10:34Skinkemaden veno
00:10:48Milky bot gang
00:10:52KredeC omw no ult
00:11:01Jonnija asfdhsad
00:11:01Jonnija df
00:11:02Jonnija df
00:11:02Jonnija sad
00:11:05Milky =)
00:11:06Milky gh
00:11:06KredeC omg said muiss
00:11:09custy gj
00:11:10valiante 2 miss bot
00:11:19Jonnija 0o storm isnt mid?
00:11:22Jonnija ah
00:11:25Jonnija 4th pick
00:11:25Jonnija is mid
00:11:31Sepetos wards
00:11:33Sepetos botrune check
00:11:55KredeC omw bot
00:11:59KredeC got ult
00:12:02Lynge sek
00:12:03Sepetos warlock miss mid
00:12:04Sepetos care
00:12:04Lynge inc boots
00:12:30Sepetos ill come top
00:12:31Sepetos lets kill
00:12:44Jonnija storm
00:12:45Jonnija again
00:12:47Milky nice inferno
00:12:49Milky nice wards
00:12:50Milky gg
00:12:51Sepetos gj
00:13:03Jonnija permaganged top
00:13:09Skinkemaden perma ?
00:13:09Skinkemaden ..
00:13:09Jonnija fucking veno and ck lane
00:13:10Jonnija and then
00:13:11Milky well perma wards
00:13:12Jonnija fucking
00:13:13Jonnija storm
00:13:14Milky would help ;D
00:13:17Jonnija storm has been
00:13:19valiante 2 miss bot
00:13:19Jonnija like 3-4 times
00:13:20Jonnija top
00:13:26custy gj
00:13:26Milky wards
00:13:29KredeC well u expect me to outlane their firstpick and get wards?
00:13:29Milky and stfu
00:13:30Sepetos wards now
00:13:34custy i have 0 kills :(
00:13:48Sepetos oom
00:13:57Kastrup wait
00:13:58Kastrup wait
00:13:58Lynge go
00:14:12Kastrup well dont :d
00:14:14Jaikki waiting is overrated
00:14:39Milky skinke
00:14:42Milky i know you can play
00:14:44Milky just why bno wards
00:14:53custy gj
00:14:59Jonnija we can
00:14:59Jonnija ff
00:15:00Sepetos easybeasy
00:15:02custy am i so noob?
00:15:06Milky u can quit
00:15:07Milky no wards
00:15:10Sepetos nah wp
00:15:22custy last game i got so criticism
00:15:26Milky u got 545 buy wards
00:15:29Skinkemaden cus their lineup
00:15:29Milky and no storm kills
00:15:30Milky :D
00:15:32Milky no
00:15:35Milky its cos no wards
00:15:36Milky u know it
00:15:37Milky wtf
00:15:37Skinkemaden is no gank ..
00:15:37Sepetos gangtop
00:15:39Skinkemaden no use
00:15:39Milky and ur venge
00:15:45Skinkemaden yes i am ..
00:15:51valiante 2 miss bot
00:16:00Milky wards would know that dd
00:16:01Milky etc
00:16:07Skinkemaden well
00:16:07Jonnija yaaaay
00:16:09custy gj
00:16:09Skinkemaden he is top
00:16:09Lynge miss storm?
00:16:10Milky miks tää mun tiimi on tämmönen
00:16:11Skinkemaden all the time ..
00:16:12Milky :(
00:16:17Skinkemaden i will get wards
00:16:18Skinkemaden ..
00:16:22Sepetos vai miks mä oon tämmöne
00:16:23Skinkemaden but now its late
00:16:24Skinkemaden anyway
00:16:28Milky wards 10 min late =)
00:16:29Milky but gg
00:16:31Sepetos b
00:16:44Jaikki mennää boty
00:16:47custy low hp
00:16:48custy and mana
00:16:54valiante dont come
00:16:56valiante just farm
00:16:56Milky check top rune
00:16:56Skinkemaden well
00:16:57Milky warlock
00:16:58Skinkemaden try something
00:16:59valiante i have freefarm
00:16:59Skinkemaden all go mid
00:16:59Milky rune in 5 sec
00:17:03Milky dont be noobs guys
00:17:11Milky fu
00:17:14Sepetos osta venom wardit runeille
00:17:30Jaikki se kuolee
00:17:33Jaikki ei kuollaa
00:17:35Jaikki kuolekkaa
00:17:36Kastrup oom :/
00:17:36Jaikki asd
00:17:43Skinkemaden come mid
00:17:46Lynge 100 mana
00:17:47Skinkemaden HASTED
00:18:10Skinkemaden tc
00:18:11Skinkemaden come
00:18:21Lynge We need to gang void assWell
00:18:22Milky and free tower
00:18:24Milky void?
00:18:25Milky no rty
00:18:32Jonnija WTF
00:18:34Skinkemaden void got farm anyway
00:18:38Jonnija are
00:18:38Lynge go
00:18:39Jonnija u ppl
00:18:39Jonnija afk?
00:18:46Skinkemaden why go there
00:18:50Jonnija because
00:18:51Jonnija easy
00:18:52Jonnija double
00:19:07Milky easy easy
00:19:11Milky as easy as buying wards
00:19:12Milky ?
00:19:19Milky :D
00:19:22Milky gosh
00:19:25Milky i always play support
00:19:27Kastrup omw
00:19:33Milky i alwaus upg chick or ward
00:19:34Kastrup nah gone
00:19:36Milky and that causes wins
00:19:38Milky for the team
00:19:41Milky 30 %
00:19:43Jonnija well
00:19:47Milky rest is for players and heroes
00:19:50Jonnija wl is a bitch
00:19:57Jonnija picks suck
00:20:02Jonnija firstpick
00:20:03Milky terror
00:20:04Jonnija should never
00:20:05Jonnija play
00:20:07Jonnija venge
00:20:10Jaikki joo vois osta ahp
00:20:15Jonnija in bronze
00:20:16Jonnija games
00:20:22Sepetos how much cs void
00:20:26valiante 100
00:20:27Skinkemaden PUSH MID
00:20:28valiante and a tower
00:20:28Sepetos gj
00:20:30Skinkemaden with lock ulti
00:20:31Skinkemaden ..
00:20:31Jonnija ff
00:20:32Sepetos got 28
00:20:33Sepetos :D
00:20:33Skinkemaden we have to do
00:20:35Skinkemaden something
00:20:42Jonnija farm and
00:20:43Skinkemaden so stop complain
00:20:43Jonnija ff
00:20:45Jonnija at 25
00:20:51Milky so stupid
00:20:58Jaikki w8
00:20:59Jaikki got ulti
00:20:59Milky to push with nothing
00:21:04Jaikki go
00:21:20Sepetos nice roll
00:21:42Milky like pushing head on wall
00:21:46Milky well venge
00:21:49Jaikki basically 4v5 and we own still
00:21:49Milky next time u go suppo
00:21:52Milky get wards
00:21:52Jaikki pr0blems?
00:21:57Milky was lesson game for u )(
00:21:58Milky =)
00:22:00Skinkemaden stop complain about wards
00:22:02Skinkemaden rly ..
00:22:04Milky worth time
00:22:10Skinkemaden you didn't get a single gank
00:22:11Milky but you know it was main reason
00:22:14Milky u went roam venge
00:22:17Jonnija i got 6 of them
00:22:18Milky at level 4
00:22:20Sepetos lets get toptower
00:22:21Milky and 0 wards
00:22:25Milky 0 rune checks
00:22:28Lynge " not really gang void"
00:22:30Skinkemaden so succesfull gank ?
00:22:32Lynge he got fucking battle fury u noob
00:22:38custy what should i buy??
00:22:45Lynge and 2 toWers
00:22:49custy manta?
00:22:52Jaikki bf?
00:22:58Sepetos vanguard
00:22:59custy ok
00:23:23Milky important glyph
00:23:24Milky so noob team
00:23:37Lynge Whos the 52% bob?
00:23:37Skinkemaden nice farm as a solo lane ..
00:23:40Sepetos gang
00:23:40Sepetos all
00:23:43Milky as solo :D
00:23:48Milky dude
00:24:26KredeC all ff at 25?
00:24:27Milky only reason why i dont have 85%
00:24:32Milky is becouse i play support
00:24:37Milky in cws and fws
00:24:37KredeC lol
00:24:39Skinkemaden i do play support
00:24:39Milky and i like it
00:24:40Skinkemaden all the time
00:24:45Milky as support you cant clime high
00:24:46Sepetos gj
00:24:47custy gj
00:24:50Milky u get so litlle TS
00:24:53Milky X
00:24:53Skinkemaden so rly you should stop complain about shit wards
00:24:57Skinkemaden they are useless
00:25:00Milky :D
00:25:03Milky wards useless
00:25:04Skinkemaden against a full carry team ..
00:25:06Milky ok sure
00:25:09Jonnija storm
00:25:11Jonnija ganged
00:25:12Jonnija constantly
00:25:13Jonnija top
00:25:14Jonnija ....
00:25:18Sepetos dont
00:25:19Sepetos i need
00:25:20Sepetos disbmle
00:25:22Jonnija a ward preventing that
00:25:28Jonnija would have saved me from 6 deaths
00:25:29Jaikki ?
00:25:37Milky no no
00:25:40Milky wards dont help
00:25:43Kastrup ck
00:25:44Kastrup GO WATY
00:25:45Kastrup ffs
00:25:46Kastrup LEAVe
00:25:47Kastrup FSF
00:25:50Milky tells about the team if captain says so
00:25:59Skinkemaden sure
00:26:00KredeC cant we just ff at25?
00:26:00Milky and no, wards dont help with us ganking
00:26:00Kastrup now they fgucking know im here
00:26:02Milky or runeing
00:26:15KredeC well tc can be played ass support aswell
00:26:36Milky kredec stfu
00:26:38Milky lol
00:26:39Milky :D
00:26:45Milky u cant even control infernal
00:26:57Kastrup weee full team
00:26:58Milky u ultied 2 times so that u moved and left infernal standing
00:27:03Milky doing nothing
00:27:04Milky and btw
00:27:14Milky you can have even spectre playing as support
00:27:16Milky its not the point
00:27:16Lynge GO C
00:27:18Milky any hero can
00:27:20Lynge go c
00:27:21Lynge tc
00:27:59Lynge u are so fucking sloW u little noob
00:28:07Milky slow
00:28:09Milky and ur noob
00:28:09Milky :D
00:28:10Skinkemaden I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:10custy gg
00:28:11KredeC I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:12Lynge u feed void
00:28:13Sepetos helppoo ku heinän teko
00:28:18Milky yes for sure
00:28:18KredeC plz ff all
00:28:21Lynge and said that We did need to gang hi
00:28:22Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:23Milky näil jengeil
00:28:26Milky siis semmost jengii
00:28:33Milky kapteeni sano "ei tarvita noob wardei"
00:28:35Milky :D:DDDD
00:28:41Jaikki perus
00:28:43Milky ei niil tee mitää
00:28:47Jaikki ei nii
00:28:48KredeC can we ff?
00:28:49custy lets finish
00:28:50valiante got dd
00:28:51KredeC guys?=
00:28:52valiante and hyper
00:28:56valiante lets go
00:28:57valiante sepe
00:29:02Milky sit kysyn, no mites noi runet et näkiskö niitä ja sitä kautta gankkii
00:29:05Milky eieiei
00:29:08Milky wards for noobs
00:29:11Milky woooooo
00:29:11Milky :D
00:29:18KredeC come on there is no chance winning this
00:29:29Milky i think very good chanse
00:29:41Jonnija fucking fag hero :D
00:29:55Sepetos bot
00:30:01Lynge nice feed on void u little milky noob
00:30:05Milky ye
00:30:08Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:30:09Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:30:09Milky 2 noob
00:30:10Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:30:10Milky for u
00:30:11Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:30:12Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:30:12Jonnija f
00:30:14Jonnija I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:31:24Sepetos g-g
00:31:28Jonnija lol
00:31:29Jonnija :D
00:31:38Skinkemaden freewin
00:31:47custy gg
00:31:49Kastrup gg
00:31:52Jaikki D:D
00:31:53Milky gg
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