Game #1682084

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+12 X
+4 TS

87% | 1387 X | 1534 TS

+43 X
+11 TS

77% | 1305 X | 1455 TS

+50 X
+5 TS

58% | 1132 X | 1421 TS

+44 X
+9 TS

46% | 1114 X | 1303 TS

+51 X
+3 TS

22% | 954 X | 1244 TS

-30 X
-4 TS

95% | 1451 X | 1661 TS

-43 X
-3 TS

84% | 1404 X | 1461 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

53% | 1089 X | 1405 TS

-44 X
-6 TS

42% | 1057 X | 1339 TS

-44 X
-33 TS

NEW | 928 X | 1055 TS

Chat log

00:00:07atte ap
00:00:07Lavos ap
00:00:07fUNCh what hero i had ?
00:00:07Lavos -ap
00:00:07DeMiaN ap
00:00:08sebralane let me go bitch lina
00:00:09EyeforanEye DK
00:00:09DeMiaN dk
00:00:14DeMiaN no
00:00:34Lowbob wl
00:00:38Lowbob make basi
00:00:40Lowbob with me top
00:00:44fUNCh i'm bot with void
00:00:49DeMiaN no
00:00:50Lavos no
00:00:51EyeforanEye 2 melee? why?
00:00:54DeMiaN both of u needs farm
00:00:55Lowbob ring of protetion
00:00:57DeMiaN i let u farm top
00:00:58DeMiaN no worries
00:00:59atte get wards
00:01:03Lavos go
00:01:05Lavos check
00:01:06DeMiaN i'll harras and denie
00:01:15atte and report when lina missing
00:01:19DeMiaN go slow creeps
00:01:23DeMiaN i ward
00:01:29Lavos nice, wards
00:01:30sebralane demina
00:01:34makkara -ha
00:01:35sebralane demian
00:01:37DeMiaN y ?
00:01:40fUNCh 90% games with void are lost
00:01:46sebralane u like cock meat sandwich?
00:01:51EyeforanEye lets change that shall we
00:02:00makkara -ms
00:02:02DeMiaN sebralane one more like this i report u
00:02:02makkara -apm
00:02:04makkara -ii
00:02:06fUNCh :D
00:02:11sebralane 3 2 1 hjuuston ve have a problem
00:02:13DeMiaN rune bottom
00:02:18sebralane regenni
00:02:24makkara -ms
00:02:25atte lol
00:02:29baron what?
00:02:41baron oh up here u mean..
00:02:48atte y
00:02:53EyeforanEye imba nice farm lane :s
00:03:03Lowbob wl
00:03:04Lowbob pull
00:03:07Lowbob not farm
00:04:28EyeforanEye gj
00:04:52DeMiaN sry
00:05:09Lavos mid miss
00:05:25que2stress use hook
00:05:42Lowbob pff
00:05:58EyeforanEye gj
00:06:11sebralane that void is nab
00:06:16EyeforanEye ty
00:06:21sebralane not void
00:06:24sebralane pudge
00:06:24sebralane :D
00:06:26DeMiaN gj dk
00:06:29fUNCh :)
00:06:36Lowbob -ms
00:06:44Lavos mid miss
00:06:46Lavos bot care
00:06:49EyeforanEye rgr
00:06:50DeMiaN just farm now
00:06:52DeMiaN coz i'm oom
00:06:53Lavos re
00:06:58Lowbob wl
00:07:02Lowbob go bot or something
00:07:03Lavos lina gang mid
00:07:05atte ss
00:07:09DeMiaN okay
00:07:11baron why?
00:07:12DeMiaN sec lvl 5
00:07:15DeMiaN ok comin
00:07:27atte re
00:07:36Lavos go
00:07:48Lowbob dont push
00:08:01DeMiaN wow
00:08:03DeMiaN almost failed
00:08:08DeMiaN hard
00:08:10Lavos gj
00:08:14DeMiaN yeah
00:08:15DeMiaN u 2
00:08:18makkara -ms
00:08:29que2stress pudge
00:08:32baron pff
00:08:38makkara wtf is dis slow -.-
00:08:38atte why cant you do 2 things
00:08:39atte buy wards
00:08:44atte and tell when lina is missing
00:08:49Lavos get
00:08:50Lavos flyin
00:08:50DeMiaN gang top zeus
00:08:53DeMiaN i'm coming
00:08:57Lavos get flyin
00:09:01DeMiaN can't
00:09:02DeMiaN no g
00:09:12EyeforanEye checking rune
00:09:27que2stress ha 0%
00:09:38Lavos get wards
00:09:42Lavos gang sf
00:09:46que2stress s
00:09:49Lowbob ss 3
00:09:50EyeforanEye inc top
00:09:51sebralane void come ulti
00:09:51fUNCh kill
00:09:53EyeforanEye sf
00:09:56EyeforanEye sec
00:09:57Lavos b
00:10:16EyeforanEye rdy?
00:10:23EyeforanEye let them push
00:10:38Lowbob b
00:10:52atte ok
00:10:52makkara useless silencer they attack me and you just stand doing nothing
00:10:56que2stress ehm
00:11:00que2stress when i am in chrono
00:11:02que2stress i cannot
00:11:03que2stress attack
00:11:10makkara wastn first time
00:11:19DeMiaN zeus
00:11:21que2stress well
00:11:23Lavos y?
00:11:23DeMiaN do they have wards ?
00:11:24que2stress how shall i save u
00:11:26que2stress if u miss hooks
00:11:27Lavos no idea
00:11:28que2stress ?
00:11:30baron ss
00:11:32EyeforanEye ss 2 bot
00:11:35makkara you can still attack them
00:11:37DeMiaN ok if u think so tell me where i'll unward
00:11:38Lavos i got ulti
00:11:41que2stress and then
00:11:42que2stress i die too
00:11:43Lavos sure
00:11:54makkara no when they focus you yoy b
00:11:59Lavos dk
00:12:00Lavos come
00:12:06que2stress learn dota
00:12:06que2stress plz
00:12:16DeMiaN b
00:12:19makkara 5 year expierience
00:12:27atte ff
00:12:35Lavos im ok
00:12:36DeMiaN denie ?
00:12:36DeMiaN k
00:13:06EyeforanEye ss bot
00:13:28EyeforanEye ss 2 bot
00:13:33Lavos i come
00:13:34baron ss
00:13:40makkara -ha
00:13:50Lowbob spellS?
00:13:56Lowbob fucking silencer
00:13:57que2stress he has wards
00:14:18Lavos mist sä tulit
00:14:35atte vittu et on paska jengi
00:14:36fUNCh rofl
00:14:37fUNCh :D
00:14:51atte buy
00:14:54atte observer wards
00:15:40makkara -ha
00:15:40Lowbob zeus
00:16:16DeMiaN dk care
00:16:16Lavos sf inc
00:16:19Lowbob MOVE
00:16:23Lowbob u fucking retards
00:16:32Lavos now they have wards
00:16:32fUNCh he cant kill me
00:16:33Lavos sf bought
00:16:34Lavos lol
00:17:34que2stress i wan their luck
00:18:23EyeforanEye oom
00:18:34atte gj wl
00:18:44que2stress well he has no slow
00:19:12atte sentry there
00:19:35fUNCh :D ?
00:19:36DeMiaN b
00:19:37DeMiaN omfg
00:20:15fUNCh zeus , get mana for ult :D
00:20:21Lavos no
00:20:25Lavos need 70
00:21:23DeMiaN hmm
00:21:26DeMiaN wasn't watching
00:21:59Lavos haha
00:22:34sebralane funts
00:22:36sebralane m2ssib
00:22:38sebralane m2ssiv
00:22:45sebralane pro geymer 2k11
00:22:47sebralane :D
00:22:51fUNCh mhm
00:23:26EyeforanEye omw
00:23:32que2stress have already hit a hook?
00:23:35sebralane sa sured kah
00:23:36makkara -ha
00:23:40makkara 46%
00:24:33sebralane oi vittu see ulti
00:24:34sebralane persse
00:24:40sebralane dd
00:24:54DeMiaN void
00:24:55DeMiaN bo
00:24:57DeMiaN use
00:24:57DeMiaN in
00:24:58sebralane u just got voided biaatsh
00:24:59DeMiaN my bottly
00:25:08DeMiaN oops
00:25:11EyeforanEye gief
00:25:12EyeforanEye item
00:25:21EyeforanEye not bottle:P
00:25:31EyeforanEye ty:P
00:25:33DeMiaN tought u wanted mana
00:26:13Lowbob heal me man
00:26:13EyeforanEye classic
00:26:13que2stress well i didnt mean
00:26:13makkara or deny
00:26:13que2stress if u have hit creeps
00:26:13EyeforanEye *tripple kill inc :D
00:26:13sebralane yeah
00:26:13que2stress i meant heros
00:26:13sebralane :d
00:26:13sebralane who balances?
00:26:13DeMiaN capt
00:26:13DeMiaN who balance ?
00:26:13EyeforanEye lets w8 n see he might come b
00:26:13DeMiaN captain ?
00:26:13Lavos what
00:26:17DeMiaN love you
00:26:29Lavos i know
00:26:57atte why no wards?
00:27:02atte how hard to buy
00:27:04DeMiaN go mid
00:27:05DeMiaN tower
00:27:11EyeforanEye omw
00:27:13que2stress this question is like
00:27:25que2stress why dont they stop sucking
00:28:01atte I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:10que2stress pff
00:28:11Lavos hehe
00:28:11fUNCh :D
00:28:12atte just go ff
00:28:13Lavos both
00:28:14que2stress I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:28:15makkara I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:28:20que2stress 6th game
00:28:25EyeforanEye gg
00:28:26que2stress in a row that runs like that
00:28:28DeMiaN wicked shit
00:28:33que2stress dont understand dota anymore :D
00:28:33baron I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:28:37sebralane must be team que?
00:28:38sebralane or what?
00:28:43que2stress ye
00:28:49atte can you just finish it
00:28:50atte I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:28:53que2stress if everyone gots 0:4 after 5 min
00:28:55atte who hasn't ff'd
00:29:01que2stress brown hasnt
00:29:05makkara -ha
00:29:09atte baron
00:29:11atte type: ff
00:29:13baron i did
00:29:24makkara I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:29:35makkara low ff?
00:30:18DeMiaN mh
00:30:21EyeforanEye hah a:)
00:30:50Lavos go top
00:30:50Lavos 5
00:31:09atte no sentry
00:31:10atte go ff
00:31:19baron who's left?
00:31:28atte YOU
00:31:31baron I did
00:31:33baron read chat
00:31:36que2stress do it again
00:31:40baron I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:32:09Lavos [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:09Lavos [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:09Lavos [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:32:09Lavos [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:32:09Lowbob I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:32:10atte lowbob go ff
00:32:13EyeforanEye gg
00:32:15DeMiaN gg
00:32:25Lowbob such crappy team
00:32:37makkara wheres chick ? :d
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