Game #1681422

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-54 X
-1 TS

95% | 1596 X | 1486 TS

-6 X
-2 TS

91% | 1464 X | 1536 TS

+7 X
-1 TS

78% | 1345 X | 1399 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

70% | 1292 X | 1407 TS

-31 X
-1 TS

52% | 1083 X | 1404 TS

+51 X
+2 TS

98% | 1602 X | 1604 TS

+35 X
+1 TS

97% | 1537 X | 1607 TS

+33 X
+2 TS

77% | 1299 X | 1415 TS

+7 X
+1 TS

55% | 1190 X | 1361 TS

+10 X
+1 TS

54% | 1129 X | 1364 TS

Chat log

00:00:10jakkihirki siellä olis verkottaja
00:00:17DeduXserS toi vitun lucky o vitu kova pelaa
00:00:19DeduXserS silencer
00:00:19Usires eihän ole
00:00:19Strom :D :D
00:00:19DeduXserS oha
00:00:19Usires no ei se kyl aina
00:00:19Usires joskus ehkä
00:00:19Allistysmies nyt on
00:00:19DeduXserS haluatteko
00:00:19Usires mä olen
00:00:19DeduXserS jotaa
00:00:19Usires muuta tehny ku voittanu
00:00:19Usires kokopäivän
00:00:19Lucky ban stormi
00:00:19jakkihirki nääh
00:00:19Allistysmies noni, alkaa kääntyä yöks
00:00:19Usires rikimaru666
00:00:19Allistysmies tai jopa aamuyöks
00:00:19jakkihirki ota joku hyvä soolo
00:00:19DeduXserS ei tuol oikee oo
00:00:19WANKmaster morph
00:00:19jakkihirki panda?
00:00:19jakkihirki lion
00:00:19Usires wr
00:00:19Usires wr
00:00:22jakkihirki potm
00:00:22Lucky gogo stormi
00:00:24Allistysmies stormi
00:00:30jakkihirki potm vois olla paree
00:00:35WANKmaster lion isnice
00:00:37WANKmaster against
00:00:38WANKmaster him
00:00:41Herre I can play
00:00:43Herre lion
00:00:48Lucky can any1
00:00:49Momdsiw sain toimii sen mouse capturen
00:00:50Lucky get a wood hero?
00:00:53Usires haluaako allistys rexxari
00:00:56jakkihirki usi ethää
00:00:56Usires ite en jaksaisi
00:00:57jakkihirki carryy
00:00:59Lucky there is non :D
00:00:59Allistysmies no en ny taas jaksaasi sitä
00:01:01WANKmaster why wont u mid ?
00:01:01Usires en kai mä
00:01:05Lucky u want me mid?
00:01:08Lucky i rather
00:01:10Strom there is non? chen in pool
00:01:10Lucky solo on bot
00:01:11Lucky lane
00:01:11Herre tb? with 35% winratio >.<
00:01:12Lucky -clear
00:01:13Strom can't get any more wood
00:01:17jakkihirki tupla midi?
00:01:17Momdsiw noh
00:01:18Herre whatya want from me
00:01:21WANKmaster hmm
00:01:21DeduXserS oo nagal midis
00:01:23DeduXserS se voittaa
00:01:23WANKmaster take me
00:01:25DeduXserS iha 100.-0
00:01:28jakkihirki :D
00:01:31DeduXserS nopee roh
00:01:32DeduXserS vaa
00:01:32jakkihirki minkä noista
00:01:32WANKmaster wd
00:01:33Allistysmies voi hohtimet
00:01:33DeduXserS ja np
00:01:33Momdsiw mun w
00:01:33Lucky wr again strom :D
00:01:34Allistysmies vai wd
00:01:36Usires tuun toppi pullimaan
00:01:36Momdsiw wd
00:01:36WANKmaster whit
00:01:37Momdsiw asd
00:01:38Strom yeah
00:01:39Momdsiw mikä
00:01:40Usires ja gäng
00:01:41Lucky u take mid
00:01:42Herre -swap 1
00:01:42Lucky wank?
00:01:48Momdsiw mikä hero
00:01:49WANKmaster if i play lion
00:01:51WANKmaster then i take mid
00:01:52jakkihirki eza
00:01:54Herre ??
00:01:56jakkihirki antipush
00:01:56Strom win this and I'll be in the rankings with 100% win ratio for windrunner
00:01:57WANKmaster ur ok with that herre ?
00:02:00Herre no
00:02:04Herre wth
00:02:07WANKmaster -swap 4
00:02:12jakkihirki olisko lion mid
00:02:13Lucky take
00:02:14Lucky mid
00:02:14Usires voitte puskea ala
00:02:15Lucky storm
00:02:16Lucky me wd
00:02:16Lucky bot
00:02:16jakkihirki tuuks ck testaa
00:02:18Usires hiiliä ja manaa piisaa
00:02:19jakkihirki midistä fb
00:02:23Herre shares
00:02:27Usires jos joku hyvä runez
00:02:28jakkihirki eza vois tulla kans
00:02:28Momdsiw popsin mun himo leivän
00:02:29jakkihirki ampuu
00:02:34Momdsiw juu
00:02:39Momdsiw tein kunno voi leivän
00:02:43jakkihirki hyvä voikku
00:02:46Herre so
00:02:47Herre whos mid
00:02:49DeduXserS jakki lopeta jo :D
00:02:51Rotkiv -ms
00:02:52Allistysmies voi leipä, se on voileipä
00:02:52jakkihirki ?
00:02:52Lucky storm
00:02:53Lucky is
00:02:57Herre _from_us_
00:02:58Momdsiw voita juustoo kanan munaa kirsikka tomaattia metukkaa kinkkua kurkkua
00:03:05Strom strom
00:03:05Allistysmies kananmuna
00:03:09Herre oh
00:03:10Herre strom
00:03:11Herre :DDDDDDDD
00:03:14Allistysmies netukkaa
00:03:16Rotkiv invick mid
00:03:25Rotkiv care storm
00:03:26Herre strom versus storm
00:03:27Herre cool
00:03:31Momdsiw potm bustas
00:03:40jakkihirki :D
00:03:47Lucky let me farm?
00:04:01Strom mis ck
00:04:29Strom ck sitll mis
00:04:35jakkihirki share
00:04:57DeduXserS tapetaa
00:05:00DeduXserS kierrä
00:05:02Rotkiv ck top
00:05:10Usires lion
00:05:10Usires vai
00:05:13DeduXserS jo
00:05:41Lucky tt
00:05:42Lucky wank
00:05:43WANKmaster my heal
00:05:44WANKmaster just
00:05:46Momdsiw hyvvee paskoo
00:05:47WANKmaster dissapeared :D::D
00:05:52Allistysmies juujuu
00:05:54Allistysmies läästpikit ounaa
00:05:55jakkihirki oota sen kanssa
00:06:05Momdsiw first picks vs last pics xD
00:06:13Strom mis mid
00:06:18Strom re
00:06:26Lucky SEIRUSLY
00:06:28Herre use that hawk
00:06:29Herre sir
00:06:32Momdsiw ?
00:06:39Usires serius bob
00:06:49Momdsiw tykkää mun waveista
00:06:50jakkihirki lentävä
00:07:00Momdsiw aih
00:07:10DeduXserS huoh ku koodaat
00:07:14Herre mwahaha
00:07:19jakkihirki ruine
00:07:24jakkihirki rune
00:08:04Lucky go roam
00:08:04Lucky wd
00:08:07Strom naga going top
00:08:25Herre roam naga stronk
00:08:40Momdsiw grave?
00:08:43Allistysmies oli tulos=?
00:08:48DeduXserS tapetaa mid
00:08:49Momdsiw ok
00:08:49DeduXserS jakki
00:08:53jakkihirki k
00:09:05Strom mis mid naga
00:09:07DeduXserS down rune
00:09:14Herre bot miss 2
00:09:18Usires miss 2
00:09:18Herre top*
00:09:18Usires top
00:09:26Strom storm was mid invi
00:09:26DeduXserS strom pelas viime pelis
00:09:27DeduXserS jonku
00:09:29DeduXserS 14-3
00:09:30DeduXserS wr
00:09:35Herre put that above the rune
00:09:38DeduXserS kotl
00:09:39DeduXserS anna manaa
00:09:56Strom bottom chicken user
00:10:00Strom if you loose my glove
00:10:08DeduXserS MANAA
00:10:10Herre top still miss 2
00:10:12Momdsiw cd
00:10:19Herre gj
00:10:34Lucky nice
00:10:34Lucky wp
00:10:38Lucky kill me with 1 hp next time
00:10:42Lucky did he have reg?
00:11:11jakkihirki oota
00:11:12DeduXserS paskoi runei
00:11:12jakkihirki 10s
00:11:25Herre need 1 creep
00:11:26Momdsiw torni meni jo
00:11:31Rotkiv k
00:11:34Herre for exp
00:11:35Herre I mean
00:11:35DeduXserS manaa kotl
00:11:43Herre ok 2
00:11:49WANKmaster fuck it
00:11:55Allistysmies kyllä torni on tornille torin
00:11:56Momdsiw tarviin ite ens manat
00:12:05DeduXserS anna sit
00:12:06DeduXserS mulle
00:12:11Herre omfg
00:12:26DeduXserS kiitos
00:12:36DeduXserS :D
00:12:39Herre hetkinen...
00:12:41jakkihirki vai että sellasta
00:12:44jakkihirki herre ulti
00:12:57Herre plz
00:13:40DeduXserS :D:D
00:13:53Momdsiw skillaanko ultia lvl 6
00:13:58DeduXserS älä
00:14:03DeduXserS vast lvl 9
00:14:09Usires m,idiii
00:14:10Momdsiw otanko yhe toho manaleak
00:14:10Usires teleä
00:14:17DeduXserS ota lvl 10 mana leak
00:14:20Momdsiw k
00:14:25Momdsiw teenkö mekan
00:14:25Allistysmies eikö se mee vaan neloseen asti
00:14:28Allistysmies aahhaha, aahhahah
00:14:32Herre go farm
00:14:33Allistysmies hahhhaahhahaha
00:14:35Lucky omw to
00:14:41Allistysmies oho
00:14:41Momdsiw teen mekan dazzle
00:14:47Allistysmies vittu ku naureskelin omaa hauskuuttani
00:14:50Allistysmies jäi sitte paska käteen
00:15:08Allistysmies mitä, oonko ignores, hei kaverit
00:15:22DeduXserS :D
00:15:37Usires ain laulain työtäs teee
00:15:39Usires tralalala
00:15:55Usires sanoinhan jakki että 85% parin päivän sisällä
00:15:58Usires ei paljo puutu eää
00:16:09WANKmaster ff
00:16:16DeduXserS meen farmaa
00:16:19DeduXserS on enemmä tappoi
00:16:20DeduXserS ku cs
00:16:20DeduXserS :D
00:16:25Momdsiw eisk gangi stormi innosta
00:16:27jakkihirki manaa
00:16:29Momdsiw ^^
00:16:30DeduXserS :D
00:16:38Momdsiw momdsiw the mana machine
00:16:45Lucky did i hit
00:16:46Lucky right 1?
00:16:49jakkihirki yeap
00:16:49Strom y
00:16:51jakkihirki boom
00:16:53jakkihirki head shot
00:16:53Lucky random :D
00:17:02Lucky was just a im going b arrow
00:17:06Lucky let me reg
00:17:07Allistysmies nojoo
00:17:36Momdsiw asd
00:17:42jakkihirki ota potm
00:18:00Allistysmies :()
00:18:03jakkihirki meen defuun
00:18:07Momdsiw regeni lal
00:18:23Momdsiw dedu manalle
00:18:42Lucky nice ulti :)
00:18:45Rotkiv cd
00:18:53Herre these wankmaster's nonfarmable heroes are always so fun to watch
00:19:05DeduXserS :XAXAXA
00:19:05Lucky wp
00:19:06Lucky strom
00:19:14Herre :<
00:19:16Momdsiw voitas puskee
00:19:17Herre I played it well too!
00:19:18Momdsiw mun wavel
00:19:20Herre I... hexed!
00:19:28jakkihirki tees braserimestri yks jango meille
00:19:33jakkihirki mestari
00:19:34Strom yea gj
00:19:44Lucky kill
00:19:45Lucky kotl
00:19:45Lucky first
00:19:47Lucky hes
00:20:00DeduXserS voitko
00:20:01DeduXserS sponnssaa
00:20:02DeduXserS tp
00:20:03DeduXserS kotl
00:20:06Allistysmies k
00:20:08Usires go top
00:20:09Usires kaikki
00:20:11Usires torni ja muuta
00:20:14Usires eza dazzzzz
00:20:15Usires go
00:20:22Allistysmies k
00:20:28DeduXserS go potm
00:20:33Lucky wards :D
00:21:13Strom a bit too many crits :8
00:21:34Lucky ff
00:21:35Lucky at
00:21:36Lucky 25
00:21:41Strom nah
00:21:43Strom need to win this
00:21:44jakkihirki eipä noi voi deffaaa mitenkää
00:21:47Herre :-----D
00:21:47Lucky its over
00:21:49Lucky somehow
00:21:51Lucky storm
00:21:51Lucky manged
00:21:52Lucky to rape
00:21:53Lucky all
00:21:55Lucky before 10 min
00:22:01Strom well he had invi rune vs. me
00:22:35jakkihirki tosin ehkä mekan tarttee
00:22:37DeduXserS kotl
00:22:38DeduXserS tleee mut
00:22:40Momdsiw redi
00:22:44jakkihirki että basee pääsee
00:22:55jakkihirki mid
00:22:56jakkihirki tulee tappoja
00:23:02DeduXserS kotl telee mut ku spawnaan
00:23:03DeduXserS nyt
00:23:07Momdsiw alas?
00:23:12DeduXserS juu
00:23:16Allistysmies kotl, tee sitä ja tätä
00:23:29Herre SALEE
00:23:29DeduXserS :DD
00:23:31Usires ^:DDD
00:23:32Herre VITUN HUORA
00:23:32Allistysmies aahhaha
00:23:32Momdsiw kotl hommaa assistit vaa
00:23:36jakkihirki jaah
00:23:38jakkihirki viis siinä
00:23:41Usires ;DDD
00:23:43Herre oli kyllä hyvin perso kritikaali
00:23:46Herre vittu soikoon
00:23:49Usires repes kyl
00:23:55Herre ei paljon kutitellu kun yks riipasu riitti
00:24:22Momdsiw :<
00:24:32Lucky GG
00:24:42Lucky FF
00:24:44DeduXserS grave :(/
00:24:48Lucky well
00:24:50Lucky from 0.000
00:24:52Lucky fail game
00:24:59Momdsiw too hard botlane
00:25:02Lucky + naga free win
00:25:06Lucky just a lame bot lane
00:25:10Momdsiw 2 last picks vs 2 first picks and you had line adventage
00:25:16Herre siistiä kun nää farmimestarit vetää hupsuja wd:tä
00:25:22Lucky seriusly?
00:25:25Lucky momdsiw
00:25:26WANKmaster how did we have that advantage? :D:D
00:25:28Momdsiw :DDDDDDDDDD
00:25:31Momdsiw kohta tulee settiä
00:25:38Momdsiw tai sit ei
00:25:48Usires midii dedu
00:25:48jakkihirki manaa
00:25:51Allistysmies cd
00:25:52Lucky i hate when u nuubs like u feel good :)
00:25:53Allistysmies vielä piiitkään
00:25:56Momdsiw minulta saa
00:26:02DeduXserS telee mut koht
00:26:03DeduXserS ostan
00:26:04DeduXserS itemi
00:26:05Allistysmies varmasti saa, mutta nyt oli kyse manasta
00:26:08Usires i hate racism and niggers
00:26:17Momdsiw nyt?
00:26:20DeduXserS vaikka
00:26:24Momdsiw arrow hit
00:26:51Herre iltaa
00:27:09jakkihirki vitun gg caski
00:27:36Usires melki
00:27:53Momdsiw silence?
00:28:03DeduXserS siin on 150 manacost
00:28:08Momdsiw mite se silence tekee dmg muute
00:28:25WANKmaster ofc
00:28:27WANKmaster regen :D
00:28:31DeduXserS :SS
00:28:39DeduXserS I knew it was there!
00:28:47WANKmaster well i didnt :D
00:29:05Lucky rexar
00:29:09Rotkiv i know
00:29:16Lucky U see rexar ulti when i put 5 sec stun ?
00:29:17Lucky Gg
00:29:27jakkihirki telee mut
00:29:27Herre dont be so hard on him
00:29:30Herre he knows
00:29:40Lucky hih
00:29:41jakkihirki jaah
00:29:44jakkihirki et telennyt
00:29:49Momdsiw ?
00:29:51Momdsiw nukuin
00:29:52Allistysmies we heard you like gg so we put gg on your gg
00:30:00Momdsiw saatta olla cdki
00:30:00Herre tere
00:30:05DeduXserS ei ollu omat messis
00:30:14Allistysmies ei aivan pysyny stormin peräs
00:30:25DeduXserS jakki tuhoo roosa
00:30:26Allistysmies vaikka manabuutseilla aika haipakkaa pääseeki
00:30:26DeduXserS koht
00:30:31DeduXserS :DDDDDDD
00:30:33Lucky jakki u need to farm all game?
00:30:43Herre playing versus ai is fun
00:30:54Herre dont you think jakkihirki
00:30:58jakkihirki silti enemmän ollu mukana tappeluissa kun sinä
00:31:02jakkihirki gutted
00:31:02DeduXserS :DDDD
00:31:03Herre ohhoh
00:31:15DeduXserS ILLU
00:31:32DeduXserS PUSSY
00:31:36Lucky Feeed
00:31:38Lucky Ed
00:31:50Rotkiv dd top
00:32:14Momdsiw tää on outoo pelaa windowed
00:32:15Lucky If he stand still
00:32:17Lucky arrow succes
00:32:26Lucky !ff
00:32:28Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:32Lucky I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:34DeduXserS aa?
00:32:34WANKmaster I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:36DeduXserS 10?
00:32:38Lucky -aa
00:32:45Lucky 27 out of 23
00:32:49DeduXserS :D
00:32:50Momdsiw :D
00:32:52Lucky i mean
00:32:54Lucky 17
00:32:56Lucky hk
00:33:19Herre ? :D
00:33:28Lucky wahaha
00:34:55Herre ompas tämä vihaa
00:34:58Herre I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:02Rotkiv I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:13Momdsiw meka koht
00:35:14Momdsiw nyt o
00:35:16Usires lähinnä vihaa disableja kohtaa
00:35:22Herre viha kun viha
00:35:27Usires kyl
00:35:28Herre ei kato väriä eikä kikkelin kokoa
00:35:33Usires sanoinhan ett'ä vihaan neekereitä
00:35:45Lucky I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:48Lucky i gotta go to work
00:36:18Allistysmies go and be a family man
00:36:20Allistysmies gg
00:36:26Usires :::::::D
00:36:39Herre miksi minua siunataan farmimestareilla
00:36:40Lucky another aa
00:37:16Lucky [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:16Lucky [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:16Lucky [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:16Lucky [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:37:16Strom I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:20Herre finish the tree
00:37:34Lucky Rdy for my arrow?
00:37:37DeduXserS dagon 3 vaa pwn
00:37:37jakkihirki ok
00:37:46Momdsiw Eza vaa tuhos
00:38:02jakkihirki sori
00:38:02Lucky Not invis?
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