Game #1624317

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-17 X
-1 TS

92% | 1512 X | 1494 TS

-24 X
-2 TS

57% | 1158 X | 1358 TS

-17 X
-2 TS

27% | 944 X | 1255 TS

+16 X
-1 TS

16% | 896 X | 1245 TS

-30 X
-7 TS

NEW | 852 X | 890 TS

+53 X
+1 TS

62% | 1165 X | 1441 TS

+0 X
+1 TS

62% | 1154 X | 1418 TS

+36 X
+3 TS

28% | 1003 X | 1277 TS

+0 X
+23 TS
27% | 1046 X | 1146 TS

-9 X
+8 TS

7% | 856 X | 1132 TS

Chat log

00:00:09MariahCarry WTF?
00:00:25MariahCarry get tuskar
00:00:25MariahCarry someone
00:00:31aRkker -AP? :D
00:00:35MariahCarry tuskar and weaver
00:00:36MariahCarry gogo fast
00:00:41sandii ap or wtf is this
00:00:42sandii =D
00:00:45BEAR_TRAP it's ap
00:00:47Lag_Duck can I take tiny or something?
00:00:51MariahCarry pls do
00:00:56MariahCarry get tiny
00:00:59MariahCarry and vengeful also
00:01:00MariahCarry pls
00:01:03MariahCarry get
00:01:08MariahCarry get a lot of stun
00:01:13Vampi tide_
00:01:19BEAR_TRAP lanes?
00:01:49aRkker we got nothing to counter phoenix ;<
00:02:03MariahCarry sure
00:02:04Juffos we have imba lina
00:02:04MariahCarry my lothars
00:02:12aRkker hopefully that dickwad won't play it properly
00:02:14Juffos i can carry this
00:02:23aRkker why would we need someone to carry with these heroes?
00:02:27aRkker lets for once play as a damn team
00:02:33Juffos lolno
00:03:03aRkker try harashing phoenix as much as possible, he has 0 armor so he takes shitloads of damage gj gogo
00:04:16aRkker ogre miss?
00:04:58aRkker yy
00:05:01sandii he could have killed u lol
00:05:06sandii with shard
00:05:08aRkker sigh
00:05:08aRkker ff
00:05:16aRkker shitty heroes, shitty players
00:05:37ulikiluu :(((
00:06:19BEAR_TRAP gank bot anyone? i will come sry
00:06:38MariahCarry potm top
00:06:39MariahCarry getting rune
00:06:39MariahCarry care
00:06:41MariahCarry top
00:06:41MariahCarry care
00:07:50aRkker sigh...
00:07:53aRkker potm permanently top
00:07:55aRkker push plz
00:08:24MariahCarry if u just buy wards
00:08:32Juffos wards are for cowards
00:08:33aRkker with what money?
00:10:09Vampi oops
00:10:13MariahCarry permamiss still ss
00:10:32Vampi ss 2
00:10:43sandii well fuck me
00:10:58sandii thought this tornado shit would do something actually :D
00:11:02ulikiluu lol
00:11:04MariahCarry omw bot
00:11:18sandii got a tornado skill, cost 200mana, cd 120 =D
00:11:28aRkker GANK
00:11:29aRkker THE
00:11:29aRkker TOPP
00:11:39aRkker 4 deaths, potm permanently there
00:11:52MariahCarry kk
00:12:00Lag_Duck shit i wanted to torture him to death :((
00:12:04aRkker phoenix is a free kill but lina keeps missing stuns
00:12:04Lag_Duck someone used my skills
00:12:28MariahCarry omw top
00:12:50Vampi ss
00:13:04aRkker ogre miss?
00:13:05aRkker again
00:13:19Juffos hit my stuns
00:13:23aRkker finally
00:13:24Juffos adn we die
00:13:36aRkker who the fuck votes a mode like A?P
00:13:37aRkker AP?
00:13:41aRkker always the same oom
00:14:30Vampi ff pro tean i'll tp
00:14:35aRkker ";D"
00:14:36Juffos y just quit b
00:14:41ulikiluu b
00:14:52aRkker don't bother he knows we're all here
00:14:58Juffos but how
00:15:01aRkker .....
00:15:11aRkker tiny got an arrow up his ass while you two were dancing a tango?
00:15:18MariahCarry gj
00:15:31aRkker tp bot
00:15:43MariahCarry omw
00:17:11MariahCarry -apm
00:17:13aRkker proplayers 2011
00:17:45ulikiluu well its ap and half the players are like 10%
00:17:51ulikiluu what do u expect
00:18:10aRkker wasn't talking about them :---D
00:18:22ulikiluu well i heard u've been whining a bit
00:18:31ulikiluu in team chat
00:18:31MariahCarry stun lina
00:18:34aRkker now that is for the same reason you said earlier
00:18:36Juffos ok
00:18:37Juffos now i am
00:18:55aRkker HIT IT
00:19:21aRkker Ooom ;(
00:19:32Vampi doom on me :<
00:20:10MariahCarry -ms
00:22:04Vampi gj
00:22:51MariahCarry gank mid again
00:22:53MariahCarry come lina
00:22:56MariahCarry or tide
00:22:59Juffos oom i gues they are in our wood nvm :D b at tower
00:23:56MariahCarry push
00:24:00Lag_Duck brb
00:24:08MariahCarry get dagger
00:24:08MariahCarry tiny
00:24:12Lag_Duck y
00:25:30aRkker lothar warlock... seriously
00:26:18MariahCarry ?
00:26:19MariahCarry what
00:27:18MariahCarry guys
00:27:20MariahCarry come def mid
00:27:21MariahCarry pls
00:27:21MariahCarry fast
00:28:36MariahCarry OMFG
00:28:39MariahCarry hit the fucking phoenix egg
00:28:43aRkker indeed.
00:28:58aRkker it sure is difficult
00:29:00Nagash -aa
00:29:00aRkker 7 hits
00:29:03aRkker 1 hit from each of us + 2 more
00:29:07Nagash -aa
00:29:10MariahCarry i was te only one hitting
00:29:10MariahCarry ?
00:31:17MariahCarry w8
00:31:18MariahCarry for one
00:31:22aRkker they won't come
00:31:24aRkker they will arrow
00:31:29aRkker hit it
00:31:30aRkker hit it
00:31:30aRkker hit it
00:32:42MariahCarry focus potm
00:32:54aRkker he always joins the fight so much later, like he should -ii
00:33:05MariahCarry just focus him then
00:33:05aRkker but surely your mkb will onehit him
00:33:10MariahCarry it will wd what item will u make?
00:33:28BEAR_TRAP meka
00:33:28MariahCarry tiny
00:33:30MariahCarry get fucking dagger
00:33:31MariahCarry dude k me pipe
00:33:37Lag_Duck y
00:33:41MariahCarry ur 100% useless
00:33:42BEAR_TRAP i'm piss poor though
00:33:45Lag_Duck y
00:34:58aRkker tp already
00:35:17aRkker right, protip: TP scroll = best item in the game
00:35:25Juffos but it cost money
00:36:12MariahCarry I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:18aRkker about damn time you realized it too
00:36:24Juffos no retreat
00:36:26Juffos we can win this
00:36:29aRkker can'T*
00:36:32MariahCarry didn't remember you as someone who whines this much
00:36:44sandii -ms
00:36:44aRkker and I always thought of you as a proper player
00:36:46aRkker I guess we both were wrong
00:36:54Vampi I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:56MariahCarry yup
00:36:56Juffos you both just suck
00:37:13Juffos quit dota if you cant play
00:38:55aRkker team???
00:38:58aRkker wanna join soon?
00:39:01Vampi no
00:39:08Juffos we must fight
00:39:10MariahCarry why should they
00:39:15MariahCarry no such thing as skillban
00:39:21aRkker there is such thing as a game ruin ban
00:39:29aRkker which is close of getting to you.
00:39:34aRkker l l close
00:39:40MariahCarry huh?
00:39:45aRkker lothar mkb warlock?
00:39:50MariahCarry yes?
00:39:55MariahCarry did it ruin game?
00:39:56aRkker counts as gameruining
00:40:00MariahCarry did i do well or ban
00:40:14MariahCarry bans for unconventional items?
00:42:54aRkker push
00:43:05aRkker oi potm and phoenix
00:43:06aRkker tree
00:43:08aRkker prolong = ban
00:43:20Juffos why ban they play well
00:43:25aRkker they break the rules
00:43:37Juffos but they play well
00:43:40Juffos i dont understand
00:43:48MariahCarry it's not about playing well
00:43:58MariahCarry it's about not making items that someone can complaint about
00:44:02MariahCarry better not get items at all then
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