Game #1620567

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+10 X
-2 TS

87% | 1445 X | 1466 TS

-45 X
-1 TS

84% | 1323 X | 1517 TS

+4 X
-3 TS

64% | 1183 X | 1422 TS

-2 X
-1 TS

56% | 1146 X | 1355 TS

-9 X
-2 TS

31% | 1013 X | 1283 TS

-9 X
+2 TS

93% | 1436 X | 1632 TS

-7 X
+1 TS

87% | 1382 X | 1527 TS

+18 X
+1 TS

53% | 1071 X | 1422 TS

+7 X
+4 TS

38% | 1073 X | 1269 TS

+52 X
+9 TS

30% | 1074 X | 1247 TS

Chat log

00:00:04chodaboy -ap
00:00:04hibalunt !won
00:00:05zebbelito a-p
00:00:24Kartoffeljaeger i still buy chicken?
00:00:26Luza YES
00:00:28hibalunt no wl does
00:00:31Luza ho no
00:00:32Luza uyes
00:00:32hibalunt he pick tha support shit
00:00:32chodaboy wait
00:00:33chodaboy venge
00:00:33Luza wl
00:00:35Luza supports
00:00:37Smell.this.ass ?
00:00:39chodaboy venge tiny
00:00:39chodaboy -hhn
00:00:40chodaboy -di
00:00:40chodaboy mid
00:00:47Luza wl with me top
00:00:50Smell.this.ass let me solo mid
00:00:54tjavo swap venge?
00:00:55Smell.this.ass i go carri
00:00:55zebbelito ok
00:00:58zebbelito do it
00:01:02Luza hmm
00:01:02chodaboy venge mid
00:01:04Luza i have a plan
00:01:09Luza we go push tactic
00:01:11Luza naga
00:01:11Luza wl
00:01:13Kartoffeljaeger wl u getting chicken?
00:01:15Luza sharpnel
00:01:16Luza wl
00:01:16Dotson oh
00:01:17Luza chicken
00:01:17ricke venge no freaking carry, naix is carry
00:01:18Dotson omg..
00:01:18Dotson sry
00:01:22Luza nvm
00:01:23Luza nagag et
00:01:24tjavo support venge
00:01:26Smell.this.ass u will se my friend
00:01:28Dotson LOL
00:01:29BT we cant do push strat in gc :D
00:01:31Dotson i have new computer
00:01:33tjavo no.. we already have enough carries
00:01:33tjavo roam
00:01:35Luza with these heroes?
00:01:35tjavo wards
00:01:36Luza dude
00:01:37Luza ofc
00:01:37tjavo et
00:01:37Luza we
00:01:38tjavo etc
00:01:38Luza can
00:01:38hibalunt fast push, lets try to end with 25-30 min
00:01:38Luza D:
00:01:38BT its possimpable
00:01:39BT :D
00:01:41ricke im not ur friend est-fag
00:01:44Dotson how can i fuck this mana bar?
00:01:52Luza with dick?
00:01:58Luza virtualpenis
00:02:01zebbelito -ma
00:02:08zebbelito pl din hora
00:02:09Luza and btw
00:02:14Luza support me
00:02:15Luza haras
00:02:16Luza heal me
00:02:16zebbelito -hhn
00:02:17Luza eetc
00:02:21Luza lemme lasthit
00:02:22Luza and meka meka
00:02:25tjavo ricke.. KA FULET MITT
00:02:26hibalunt y naga support me net illu etc
00:02:30Luza yyy
00:02:31Luza :D
00:03:15hibalunt noob bb almost dead
00:04:25Luza abba mis
00:05:14Luza fuck me
00:05:22Dotson :(
00:05:33Luza hmph
00:06:41Dotson should i pull some mby
00:06:46Luza sure
00:06:52ricke in mid
00:07:01Dotson nooeees
00:07:16Dotson god..
00:08:08Smell.this.ass ss
00:09:07Dotson killabba fast
00:09:17Dotson while we can
00:09:35Luza xD
00:09:42Dotson uh oh
00:09:42Luza hmm
00:10:14Kartoffeljaeger ss
00:10:32Dotson great
00:10:33Luza luna
00:10:34Luza asap
00:10:36Luza u get
00:10:37Luza ulti
00:10:40Luza come gang
00:10:42Luza d:
00:10:44hibalunt may
00:11:01ricke omw mid
00:11:04ricke cenge
00:11:05ricke venge
00:11:05Dotson miss tiny!!!
00:11:06Dotson care mid
00:11:08Smell.this.ass k
00:11:34ricke swap
00:11:42ricke SWAP SWAP
00:11:49ricke wow ur bad
00:11:56tjavo IDIOT
00:12:23Luza :D
00:12:23Smell.this.ass tiny FFS WHY TOSS!!!!!
00:12:26Smell.this.ass fucking noob
00:12:26Dotson lols...
00:12:28ricke u are a noob
00:12:32ricke u cant even swap
00:12:34Smell.this.ass stfup asshole
00:12:38ricke and use nuke
00:12:42tjavo U SUCK
00:12:43ricke then swap
00:12:44tjavo YOU CUNT
00:12:45ricke u are very bad
00:13:06Luza wl kom heala mid
00:13:06Smell.this.ass fucku bitches fucking last pickers!1
00:13:07Luza mig
00:13:22Dotson oj
00:13:23Dotson kmr
00:13:36ricke NOW MID
00:13:48ricke so bad
00:13:49Dotson oj
00:13:53ricke u dont even have nuke
00:13:53Dotson need sum wards..
00:13:54Smell.this.ass HES IN SHADOW IDIOT
00:13:57ricke u got nuke
00:13:58Smell.this.ass CANT SWAP
00:13:59ricke so u can see
00:14:28chodaboy focus sniper mid
00:14:30Dotson fuuuck
00:14:58Luza wl TP o heala mig
00:14:59Luza :D
00:15:03Dotson 42 gold
00:15:04Luza care
00:15:20Dotson got ult
00:15:21Dotson hold on
00:16:19Kartoffeljaeger im b
00:16:51Kartoffeljaeger again
00:17:07Luza net
00:17:07Luza go
00:17:58Luza hel
00:17:59Smell.this.ass gang sniper
00:18:18Smell.this.ass got one stun
00:18:23Luza killz
00:18:40Luza umm
00:18:43Luza not with 2 :D
00:19:02Kartoffeljaeger omw top
00:19:03Luza tp or smthing
00:19:27tjavo venge
00:19:29tjavo BUY WARDS
00:19:29tjavo GANG
00:19:30tjavo ROAM
00:19:31tjavo DO SOMETHING
00:19:32Luza wl can u make arcane
00:19:35Luza we RLY need it
00:19:37Luza net
00:19:37Smell.this.ass stfup u buy wards
00:19:51tjavo SWAP
00:19:52tjavo STUN
00:19:52ricke venge, why dont u roam with me?
00:19:59Dotson arcane??
00:20:03Kartoffeljaeger i make vlad?
00:20:03Luza arcane boots
00:20:04tjavo look atthis vnenge
00:20:08Dotson hmm
00:20:09Dotson k
00:20:10Luza we rly need
00:20:17Luza TIN INC TOP
00:20:18Dotson it'' take me a while but ok
00:20:21tjavo n1
00:20:22Dotson it will
00:20:29tjavo giv eme
00:20:30Luza yy
00:20:32Luza no hurry :D
00:20:34Luza just
00:20:34tjavo ?????
00:20:35Luza we nee
00:21:12Smell.this.ass omw bot
00:21:19tjavo venge
00:21:21tjavo better we kill sniper
00:21:24tjavo harass him
00:21:26tjavo then i come
00:21:35Luza OMW SNIER
00:21:59Smell.this.ass :)
00:22:09Luza u have sharpnel?
00:22:09Luza or
00:22:11Luza range
00:22:16BT sharo
00:22:54Luza :D
00:24:09Dotson arcane o mek first?
00:24:10Luza evry1 make manta
00:24:11Luza arcane
00:25:01Luza inc
00:25:02Luza get b
00:25:22tjavo can i use bottle
00:25:23tjavo venge
00:25:25tjavo one
00:25:29Dotson reg top
00:25:34tjavo -af
00:25:36tjavo -afk
00:25:43tjavo veng eafk
00:25:44Luza gaiz
00:25:45Smell.this.ass th
00:26:17Luza fuuck
00:26:18Luza earlier
00:26:50Luza where is lun!
00:26:50Luza a
00:26:51Luza :D
00:27:01Luza hen we def
00:27:02Luza we spam
00:27:02Smell.this.ass venge own sniper mid
00:27:10Luza luna
00:27:11Luza back
00:27:20tjavo gj venge
00:27:20tjavo thx
00:27:29hibalunt bad time not to have ulti :/
00:27:47tjavo dusts :(
00:28:57Luza go tiny
00:29:31Luza b
00:30:31hibalunt well guess fuck bkb, i need immuniti vs naix i guess first
00:30:36Luza b
00:30:43chodaboy tower top
00:30:46Luza b from woods
00:30:56Luza fuck top tower
00:30:57Dotson def twr?
00:30:59Dotson k
00:31:02Luza gaiz
00:31:42Luza def with sharpnel and illusions
00:32:08Smell.this.ass need some farm
00:32:14ricke we need to end...
00:32:51Luza sleep
00:32:57Luza venge
00:33:07Smell.this.ass damn nice focus
00:33:11Luza lol gj
00:33:12Luza :DD
00:33:13tjavo you take 2 years to come
00:33:15tjavo wtf guys
00:33:17tjavo now we lose
00:33:17tjavo gj
00:33:39hibalunt wl plz wards
00:33:45Smell.this.ass st6ay b
00:33:49Luza haz diffusal
00:34:02Luza and b
00:34:27Kartoffeljaeger rune
00:34:27chodaboy COME VENGE
00:34:32Smell.this.ass i haveb uyed wards sopmeone plaxe them
00:34:47Dotson ..
00:35:07Dotson LOLO
00:35:13Dotson haha
00:35:16Dotson did someone see that??
00:35:20Dotson mega lol
00:35:34Luza trololo
00:35:35Luza D:D:
00:35:38Luza fuCK
00:35:43Luza fuck
00:35:44Luza fuck
00:35:45Luza fuuuck
00:35:46Luza D:D
00:35:52Luza cant buy
00:36:06Luza dont def
00:36:08Luza u cant
00:36:12Luza no
00:36:14Luza -_-
00:36:15Luza n0000
00:36:19Kartoffeljaeger d
00:36:20Smell.this.ass lets push
00:36:21Kartoffeljaeger deny tower
00:36:22Luza tiny
00:36:22Luza icn
00:36:32Smell.this.ass b?
00:36:39Smell.this.ass i swap
00:36:45Luza hunT
00:36:51Luza nvm
00:37:11Dotson get ze rosh
00:37:12Dotson ?
00:37:39Smell.this.ass tiny take wards and place
00:37:39Dotson haste top
00:37:42Smell.this.ass abba
00:38:00Smell.this.ass take wardws an place
00:38:52Kartoffeljaeger b
00:39:10Luza take it
00:39:11Luza fast
00:39:29chodaboy need tps
00:39:32chodaboy and focus snipoe
00:39:41Kartoffeljaeger i take ok
00:39:43Luza they coming mid?
00:39:43hibalunt ofc
00:39:46Luza sure whatevr
00:39:49Luza just not for wl :D
00:40:00Dotson wow
00:40:03Dotson so not worth it
00:40:06Kartoffeljaeger waste of ulti
00:40:10Dotson rly
00:40:52Dotson wtf
00:40:54Kartoffeljaeger tower fast
00:40:56Luza lolool
00:40:57Luza rax
00:40:57Luza rAX
00:40:59Luza SUICIDE
00:40:59Luza RAX
00:41:00Luza :DD
00:41:03Luza FAST
00:41:04Luza fAST
00:41:07Luza :DD
00:41:13Luza RUn
00:41:14Luza :DD
00:41:18Dotson tp!!
00:41:21Luza tele
00:41:21Luza now
00:41:22Luza asd
00:41:23Luza laeat
00:41:38Luza 00h you are fuced
00:41:40Luza :DD
00:41:47Kartoffeljaeger no sheet
00:41:50hibalunt i still like:D
00:41:52Kartoffeljaeger but we got rax -.-
00:41:55Luza yes!
00:41:58hibalunt freerax not so othern :>D
00:42:10Kartoffeljaeger heart or butter first?
00:42:16Luza umm
00:42:17BT manta
00:42:18Luza manta
00:42:19Luza :D
00:42:30Luza luna make manta also
00:42:42Luza ;D
00:42:43Luza xD
00:42:45Kartoffeljaeger lol
00:42:51Luza he is farming there?
00:42:52Luza go then :D
00:42:55Dotson illus
00:42:56Dotson mby
00:43:00BT :DDD
00:43:09BT this zebbe so pro
00:43:23Luza killing dis abba
00:43:32Luza or not
00:44:09Dotson uuh
00:44:15Smell.this.ass good focus me more plz:S
00:44:23Luza gj
00:44:28Luza killed 2 denied tower
00:45:00Luza e
00:45:02Luza fuck the dust
00:45:03Luza rly
00:45:04Luza :D
00:45:10BT manta
00:45:12BT it helps
00:45:14Luza ye
00:45:15Luza i will
00:45:16Luza make
00:45:17Luza next
00:46:03Luza gem naix
00:46:05Luza fuu
00:46:09Luza manta not help!
00:46:10zebbelito omw
00:46:11Dotson oh god
00:46:12Dotson ..
00:46:36chodaboy go mid
00:46:39Luza this is far from won
00:46:44Luza still
00:46:52Smell.this.ass naix u must lead this team
00:47:08Luza omw soon
00:47:09Luza sec
00:47:18Smell.this.ass i swap
00:47:26Dotson wtf r they doing
00:47:37Dotson OMG
00:47:38Dotson OMG
00:48:02chodaboy u swap the whore
00:48:05chodaboy who got bkb
00:48:09chodaboy ur really retarded
00:48:09hibalunt how far now?
00:48:10zebbelito .s
00:48:14Luza well now its closer
00:48:18Dotson wtf did they think
00:48:22Dotson was gonna happen
00:48:26Kartoffeljaeger gem
00:48:36Kartoffeljaeger just destroyed it
00:49:35BT :DDDDD
00:49:37BT :DDDDDDDDDd
00:49:41Luza xDDD
00:49:44Luza .dD
00:49:48BT gc
00:49:53BT so pro chasers
00:50:12Luza rosh up?
00:50:14BT get
00:50:15BT that
00:50:16Dotson why was lock noob pick
00:50:17Dotson btw
00:50:23Luza well it was not :D
00:50:25Luza it was awesome
00:50:34Luza that fucking heaval
00:50:34Dotson not saying this because we won..
00:50:36Luza just fucking rapes
00:50:39Dotson ye
00:50:42zebbelito maphack
00:50:44Luza well we wanted 5 man carry
00:50:53Smell.this.ass u?
00:50:55Luza naga take
00:50:57zebbelito luna
00:51:01hibalunt maphack cost only 200g these days
00:51:03Dotson lols..
00:51:10Luza wtf is dis maphack
00:51:18Smell.this.ass busted
00:51:25chodaboy go ALL
00:51:26chodaboy PL BOT
00:51:46Luza im coming m8s
00:52:16Kartoffeljaeger gay gem
00:52:25Kartoffeljaeger i mean basher
00:52:36Smell.this.ass gg
00:52:36Kartoffeljaeger destroy gem
00:52:58Smell.this.ass bb u failed
00:53:15hibalunt outpicked imo?
00:53:30Dotson outpwned
00:53:44Luza outplayed
00:53:47Luza lolol
00:53:59zebbelito 2 many carrys
00:54:03BT venge solo = stronk
00:54:07hibalunt noobsp ick support
00:54:10hibalunt we had no noobs
00:54:22Luza stunstunstunstunstun
00:54:33tjavo u dumb mf smell this ass
00:54:34tjavo u failed
00:54:38tjavo FUCKING SUCK
00:54:40tjavo 11
00:54:57tjavo u think u could carry with venge instead of support, roam, ward
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