Game #1616325

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-13 X
+0 TS

84% | 1330 X | 1496 TS

-16 X
-2 TS

61% | 1143 X | 1423 TS

-50 X
-2 TS

60% | 1199 X | 1343 TS

-22 X
-2 TS

55% | 1162 X | 1329 TS

-35 X
-1 TS

54% | 1110 X | 1375 TS

+33 X
+2 TS

82% | 1340 X | 1452 TS

+35 X
+1 TS

80% | 1265 X | 1518 TS

+51 X
+1 TS

74% | 1219 X | 1474 TS

-5 X
+1 TS

68% | 1214 X | 1430 TS

+37 X
+67 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:17Fullkorn some1 go es?
00:00:19PeterLars giv mig es
00:00:22Lowbob fullkorn
00:00:22Fullkorn ye?
00:00:22Lowbob hvor du fra
00:00:22Fullkorn sweden
00:00:22Lowbob ok
00:00:22Fullkorn yepp
00:00:22PeterLars b¨¨og
00:00:22Lowbob u have to buy chicken
00:00:22Fullkorn depends
00:00:22Lowbob as lastpick
00:00:22PeterLars bög
00:00:22Fullkorn on what hero i play
00:00:22Lowbob no
00:00:22nigulas want me to carry or what
00:00:22McNabb it does not
00:00:22Lowbob rules say
00:00:22Fullkorn woot
00:00:22PeterLars always last pick chick
00:00:22Lowbob u musty
00:00:22Fullkorn k
00:00:22McNabb fullkorn is true
00:00:22Fullkorn öp
00:00:22Fullkorn lo
00:00:22PeterLars giv mig es
00:00:22IceMal yes yes
00:00:22Fullkorn u are ttrolling
00:00:22PeterLars moph
00:00:22nigulas chodagirl
00:00:22nigulas do ur thing
00:00:22Lowbob es
00:00:22nigulas -obsidian destroyer
00:00:22Fullkorn how do u ban on rd?
00:00:22Fullkorn wtf
00:00:28PeterLars it is gc
00:00:29chodaboy det är xd
00:00:32Fullkorn jaha
00:00:35nigulas dont pick them
00:00:37nigulas easy as that
00:00:44chodaboy varje firstpick bannar varsin hjälte
00:00:46Lowbob get lich
00:00:51PeterLars michael
00:00:52PeterLars spiller ham
00:00:53PeterLars :D
00:00:56PeterLars han elsker lich
00:00:59Lowbob ogre
00:01:00Fullkorn -clear
00:01:01Lowbob and lich
00:01:05Lowbob wd
00:01:07PeterLars ogre me
00:01:09Lowbob wtf
00:01:10McNabb nope
00:01:11PeterLars ogre mig
00:01:13PeterLars kom nu
00:01:14PeterLars baby
00:01:14McNabb nope
00:01:16PeterLars :D
00:01:16McNabb .D
00:01:19PeterLars :S
00:01:19chodaboy fullkorn
00:01:20Fullkorn -cöear
00:01:21Smell.this.ass one support bot
00:01:22Fullkorn -clear
00:01:23PeterLars du en ond en
00:01:23Fullkorn sup?
00:01:24chodaboy du måste köpa chicken
00:01:24PeterLars haha
00:01:25Lowbob im going mid btw
00:01:25IceMal i come
00:01:27McNabb trænger til en hero hvor jeg ik skal tænke
00:01:27chodaboy konstig regel
00:01:29chodaboy men
00:01:30chodaboy -hhn
00:01:31Fullkorn well well well
00:01:31chodaboy -di
00:01:35nigulas why u pick clinkz?
00:01:41chodaboy leme mid
00:01:42nigulas i FUCKING ASKED
00:01:43McNabb wd
00:01:44chodaboy better u go lane
00:01:46nigulas u want ME to carry or what
00:01:48chodaboy lowbob
00:01:48Lowbob no
00:01:49McNabb or omni
00:01:52nigulas yes yes . only answer
00:01:54nigulas if u want to carry
00:01:54chodaboy suite ursel
00:01:55chodaboy f
00:01:56nigulas SAY SOMETHING
00:02:06Lowbob i always play tc mid
00:02:10nigulas lost
00:02:12nigulas clinkz won it
00:02:15Smell.this.ass y
00:02:16nigulas gz
00:02:21chodaboy xove imbacarry lulz
00:02:25Smell.this.ass GO top
00:02:26PeterLars he sucks
00:02:29Lowbob fullkorn det var nice pick
00:02:37PeterLars han er svenska
00:02:40Smell.this.ass GÅ STOP
00:02:43Smell.this.ass top
00:02:44Rotkiv lich are you going to make mekka ?
00:02:51Lowbob allerede nu ved jeg du ikke er complete noob :P
00:02:57IceMal yes
00:03:01Fullkorn ^.-
00:03:05Rotkiv ok i go then pipe
00:03:09IceMal ok nic
00:03:11chodaboy playing Cirez D - Full Stop (Original Mix)
00:03:11IceMal nice
00:03:16nigulas can we play like this
00:03:17chodaboy =win
00:03:21nigulas that support buys wards all the time
00:03:24nigulas and i dont have to say that
00:04:24McNabb heras bara
00:04:27nigulas no comment
00:05:20Lowbob ward runes
00:05:32nigulas ss
00:06:15nigulas care
00:06:32chodaboy go pull again
00:06:42PeterLars oka
00:06:43PeterLars babt
00:06:59Fullkorn they are kinda free farming bot
00:07:08nigulas ss
00:07:29Fullkorn gj
00:07:35Rotkiv topss
00:07:36McNabb u2
00:07:55McNabb b
00:08:14McNabb ss bara
00:08:23PeterLars charge
00:08:30McNabb y
00:08:57Fullkorn ogre uprg chicken?
00:09:00nigulas ss mid
00:09:01PeterLars i did
00:09:04Fullkorn oh
00:09:07Fullkorn nice
00:09:16McNabb ss bara
00:09:17Smell.this.ass ss
00:09:18Smell.this.ass mid
00:09:20Fullkorn -1
00:09:28nigulas he has rune
00:09:31Fullkorn stun
00:09:31chodaboy pull then kill
00:09:32Rotkiv trop ss
00:09:33Lowbob ss
00:09:34McNabb y
00:09:38Rotkiv re
00:09:56McNabb nvm
00:09:57McNabb omo
00:10:00McNabb im b
00:10:11nigulas ss
00:10:14Fullkorn k
00:10:31Fullkorn close 1
00:10:33Lowbob l9ol
00:10:38Lowbob yeah
00:10:42Xove heal
00:11:47Lowbob go
00:12:17Lowbob lol
00:12:20Lowbob ss mid
00:12:59McNabb ss botr
00:13:07McNabb lets kill lina
00:13:09McNabb lich
00:13:26Rotkiv topss
00:13:28Smell.this.ass b
00:13:29McNabb b
00:13:30McNabb b
00:13:30McNabb b
00:13:30Lowbob inc bot
00:13:55nigulas tc invi
00:15:04McNabb ss bot
00:15:05Smell.this.ass charged mid
00:15:09Fullkorn re lich
00:15:10PeterLars b
00:15:10PeterLars b
00:15:14PeterLars charge
00:15:20PeterLars b
00:15:21PeterLars b
00:15:32Lowbob SRUBN
00:15:32Fullkorn ??
00:15:46nigulas heal
00:15:48Smell.this.ass charged
00:15:55chodaboy care bot
00:16:41McNabb i make meka
00:16:45Lowbob snioper
00:16:47Lowbob farm mid
00:16:52Fullkorn get ward
00:16:53Fullkorn aswell
00:16:53Fullkorn pliox
00:16:55Smell.this.ass mid charged
00:16:55Fullkorn ogre
00:17:01Fullkorn since u got the kill
00:17:06Lowbob all mid
00:17:08Lowbob gang
00:17:44Fullkorn p
00:17:45nigulas useless shit team
00:17:50nigulas lich farming
00:17:51nigulas no wards
00:17:51nigulas i mean
00:17:54nigulas gr8 success
00:18:28Lowbob stun
00:18:36Lowbob ......
00:18:57Fullkorn oh crap didnt pay attention
00:19:51PeterLars take tower
00:19:54Lowbob push
00:20:10nigulas still no wards
00:20:13nigulas only 1 pack whole game
00:20:15Fullkorn mana plox
00:20:20Rotkiv lich can you
00:20:25IceMal ok
00:20:27chodaboy go gank
00:20:28chodaboy come
00:20:29IceMal but need gold
00:21:09McNabb ups
00:21:35Fullkorn inc
00:21:49Smell.this.ass trax
00:22:25Lowbob heak=
00:22:43Fullkorn b
00:24:11Smell.this.ass gogo
00:24:46Fullkorn No u dont
00:24:57IceMal :/
00:25:37McNabb rege
00:25:40chodaboy lets go push
00:25:54Fullkorn we should finish
00:25:57Fullkorn p alot
00:26:01Fullkorn they have better lategame
00:26:09McNabb hi
00:26:12PeterLars ^^
00:26:55Lowbob drow
00:27:39Smell.this.ass gogo
00:28:27McNabb if someone by me a tp i can buy gem
00:28:34PeterLars no :D
00:28:42McNabb anyone?
00:28:45chodaboy there
00:28:45chodaboy go
00:28:56chodaboy omw bot
00:28:57chodaboy wait
00:29:13Smell.this.ass go sniper
00:29:39nigulas my wards
00:29:48IceMal yours?=
00:29:53nigulas gj picking clinkz btw
00:29:55nigulas u plant them
00:29:58Xove ty mate
00:30:02IceMal ok
00:31:30McNabb b
00:32:39McNabb b
00:32:44Fullkorn missle
00:32:59Fullkorn ?
00:33:01Lowbob no
00:33:06Fullkorn ^^
00:33:59IceMal b
00:34:33PeterLars let push
00:34:38Lowbob mid gogo
00:34:39Fullkorn 2 lanes
00:34:47Fullkorn or not
00:34:55chodaboy just go rape mid
00:35:08Fullkorn idd
00:36:07Xove I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:10IceMal I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:13Smell.this.ass I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:13Rotkiv I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:13PeterLars [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:13PeterLars [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:13PeterLars [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:36:13PeterLars [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:36:13nigulas I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:36:16McNabb gg
00:36:19nigulas xove
00:36:20Lowbob gj guys
00:36:23nigulas go play in garena pls
00:36:25Lowbob proud of u
00:36:26nigulas all the clinkz u want
00:36:28Fullkorn gg wp
00:36:33nigulas gg ?
00:36:35nigulas yep
00:37:02McNabb Zzzz
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