Game #16041

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+22 X
+21 TS

94% | 1301 X | 1493 TS

-19 X
+35 TS

97% | 1407 X | 1350 TS

+6 X
+38 TS

35% | 989 X | 1096 TS

+16 X
+36 TS

31% | 1012 X | 1087 TS

+31 X
+19 TS

26% | 1024 X | 1053 TS

-39 X
-13 TS

96% | 1317 X | 1463 TS

-10 X
-16 TS

95% | 1199 X | 1322 TS

-23 X
-12 TS

51% | 1001 X | 1182 TS

+27 X
-15 TS

53% | 997 X | 1123 TS

+0 X
-17 TS

29% | 994 X | 1057 TS

Chat log

00:00:18ProButLagsK -doom
00:00:18ProButLagsK joel
00:00:18ProButLagsK wuut u take?
00:00:18diGez pick dwarf if he doesnt i hate playing against him :D
00:00:18Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:18Emma3D -clear
00:00:18diGez dunno
00:00:18livingde4th -naga?
00:00:18diGez or traxex pick if they dont
00:00:18diGez annoying too
00:00:18livingde4th -drow?
00:00:18diGez or slardar
00:00:18ProButLagsK trax is just unstoppable
00:00:18diGez i dont know
00:00:18Emma3D ban
00:00:18aRkker POWER
00:00:18ProButLagsK i would take him since his imbalanced
00:00:18aRkker ÄRKA
00:00:18MATi lol
00:00:18MATi sorry
00:00:18livingde4th -afk
00:00:18livingde4th ban naga?
00:00:18MATi naga
00:00:19MATi y
00:00:24creeeeeee what did they ban
00:00:26aRkker doom
00:00:27livingde4th doom
00:00:28Strom Doom & Naga - BANNED
00:00:28creeeeeee k
00:00:34livingde4th what u go?
00:00:37livingde4th im thinking panda
00:00:41ProButLagsK strom <3
00:00:53ProButLagsK can u play enigma or smt?
00:00:58creeeeeee so many imba shiit
00:01:00diGez i can swap enigma
00:01:02diGez does someone want
00:01:07Strom no
00:01:09ProButLagsK take slard joel
00:01:10livingde4th man u sure wanna win :)
00:01:11dhgf pudge
00:01:14livingde4th viper
00:01:16livingde4th so gay
00:01:18MATi ye
00:01:21creeeeeee it sure is
00:01:29MATi eredar
00:01:30MATi go top
00:01:31MATi help panda
00:01:38aRkker OKAY MAN
00:01:43Gevomancer i can take woods hero
00:01:47livingde4th bane
00:01:48livingde4th or aba
00:01:50livingde4th u cant
00:01:51creeeeeee last get bane
00:01:54aRkker bane oleks hea
00:01:58livingde4th cos u lane with pudge
00:02:03creeeeeee baneeee :)
00:02:04Gevomancer cool story
00:02:04aRkker sleep + hook
00:02:05ProButLagsK omg strom is the gun man :)
00:02:05aRkker gg
00:02:05diGez i solo bottom enigma forest?
00:02:06dhgf tomb + black hole should be goo
00:02:06diGez or what
00:02:07dhgf good
00:02:12creeeeeee yea
00:02:16diGez i solo bottom enigma forest
00:02:17diGez dwarf top
00:02:27livingde4th dam they picked strong
00:02:33MATi lets win this guys
00:02:42livingde4th need map control for that
00:02:46livingde4th fast hawk and obs
00:02:49MATi y
00:02:57livingde4th otherwise theyre combo rapes us
00:02:57MATi if i get some creeps.. i can make flying np
00:03:04aRkker wrong
00:03:06aRkker I'll do that
00:03:12aRkker I got no better use for my money anyway
00:03:16creeeeeee i leave it viper
00:03:19livingde4th true
00:03:23creeeeeee dd bot
00:03:33Gevomancer kill at 3
00:04:01livingde4th pull?
00:04:32livingde4th gj
00:05:34MATi dd still bot?
00:05:38creeeeeee shopuld be
00:05:40Gevomancer kill?
00:05:47MATi y
00:05:48MATi why not
00:05:51ProButLagsK ss
00:05:52diGez enigma gank when i ding 5 or somth
00:05:57dhgf k
00:06:40Gevomancer fail
00:06:40MATi lol wut? :D
00:06:43aRkker :)
00:06:45aRkker we chased a little
00:06:48livingde4th dam if had boots
00:06:53aRkker niimpä
00:07:08MATi MID MISS
00:07:09MATi RE
00:07:16Emma3D -1
00:07:59diGez gank enigma
00:09:01diGez go pudge
00:09:02MATi mid misssss
00:09:13aRkker oh really?
00:09:24diGez brb shpo
00:09:26diGez shop
00:09:29ProButLagsK ss
00:09:31ProButLagsK back top
00:09:31MATi sniper
00:09:44creeeeeee 2ss
00:09:47aRkker äss?
00:09:49ProButLagsK team told ya
00:09:51diGez i start to gank?
00:09:51aRkker hohoh
00:09:53livingde4th gj
00:10:07Gevomancer hunt woods
00:10:07diGez gank top
00:10:16creeeeeee sec
00:10:18livingde4th ss 2
00:10:18Gevomancer come
00:10:20creeeeeee after wave
00:10:59livingde4th kill top?
00:11:00livingde4th need 1
00:11:39creeeeeee manananan
00:11:56Strom 4 top
00:12:34ProButLagsK i have no vision can someone buy
00:13:15creeeeeee get top
00:13:17diGez enigma you are our only target stun
00:13:19diGez can you gank
00:13:22dhgf k
00:13:25dhgf blink in a sec
00:13:45Gevomancer oh no
00:14:27livingde4th enigma farmed all this time?
00:14:36Gevomancer no
00:14:40MATi atro
00:14:41Gevomancer we killed him
00:14:42MATi lets take trax
00:14:43MATi mid
00:14:43livingde4th he is lvl 8
00:14:49dhgf lets go
00:14:51dhgf got ult n all
00:14:53diGez ok
00:14:55diGez go top gank
00:14:55dhgf should rape
00:15:09diGez or mid
00:15:11livingde4th go ffs
00:15:11diGez 4 mi
00:15:15aRkker silenced.
00:15:17livingde4th b
00:15:19livingde4th stupid de
00:15:24livingde4th we were 4v1
00:15:40diGez vittuku netti lagaa ku ella tuli toho surffaa _D
00:15:51livingde4th twr
00:15:58dhgf need help top
00:15:59Emma3D need more ppl
00:16:00MATi TRAXXXX
00:16:43dhgf gangi saad
00:17:00diGez enigma buy obs
00:17:05dhgf no gold
00:17:19livingde4th b oom
00:17:20livingde4th dd drow
00:17:27Gevomancer have ulti
00:17:29livingde4th no mana
00:17:33livingde4th go
00:17:38livingde4th got ult mana
00:17:54Gevomancer lol
00:18:11Gevomancer my bad
00:18:18dhgf u got no slow arrow?
00:18:22MATi dont go like that comeon
00:18:23dhgf srsly...
00:18:41livingde4th i should farm dagger
00:18:46MATi y
00:18:47ProButLagsK strom go awai
00:18:47aRkker livari mitä tälle yleensä buildataa? en oo ikinä muutaku vetäny 0/10/0 stattei täl
00:18:47livingde4th plant obs bane
00:19:02livingde4th siis item vai skills?
00:19:07aRkker item
00:19:10livingde4th hpta
00:19:15aRkker nii mä vähä ajattelin
00:19:16livingde4th bracereit treads
00:19:22livingde4th hex jos oot rikas
00:19:23creeeeeee -fs
00:19:28aRkker eli perus inttilinja
00:19:30livingde4th suppo kamoi
00:19:31livingde4th juu
00:19:56Emma3D go mid
00:19:58diGez laaag
00:20:00dhgf no ult
00:20:00diGez cant move
00:20:01diGez wait
00:20:01diGez i cant move
00:20:01diGez 50000% packet loss
00:20:01diGez ill go check win
00:20:01creeeeeee mida see creep just tegi strom? :D:D
00:20:01Strom close torrent
00:20:01Strom cree, mis creep?
00:20:01creeeeeee lihtsalt tuli peale mulle :D:D
00:20:01dhgf ninja
00:20:01Gevomancer i will get out
00:20:01dhgf tal gem
00:20:01livingde4th are they tping?
00:20:01Gevomancer of battle
00:20:01Strom sa all?
00:20:01aRkker yeah
00:20:01creeeeeee jah
00:20:01diGez well what ever i cant do anything but
00:20:01livingde4th me too if i can
00:20:01diGez 3
00:20:01creeeeeee :D
00:20:01diGez 2
00:20:01diGez 1
00:20:01MATi ye
00:20:01ProButLagsK strom
00:20:02aRkker sniper is coming to the towere
00:20:03Strom alumist gangerit ma koguaeg näindu
00:20:23MATi pudge
00:20:25MATi gang trax
00:20:26MATi all the time
00:20:28creeeeeee srue
00:20:45diGez en voi liikkua
00:20:46diGez mageet
00:20:55diGez toimii 10s sit 10s freeze
00:20:57diGez ei voi tehä mitää
00:21:00Emma3D :D
00:21:07creeeeeee toprune
00:21:12Emma3D -ma
00:21:19Emma3D eisaa expaa tai farmii missääÄÄ gg
00:21:24diGez what the tfuck
00:21:29diGez on my screen i already was moving to base
00:21:31diGez :::::::::DASD
00:21:35diGez ff
00:21:42diGez no point playing since i cant do anything
00:21:57ProButLagsK man just try
00:22:05diGez just try when it freezes for 15seconds
00:22:07creeeeeee ffs
00:22:07Gevomancer lol
00:22:09diGez every 30 seconds
00:22:09creeeeeee move away
00:22:09diGez :D
00:22:11creeeeeee then
00:22:15Gevomancer soz
00:22:20Strom check if some program is using 100% cpu
00:22:22MATi b mid
00:22:28livingde4th viper get bkb imo
00:22:28MATi farm someone
00:22:28diGez no its not cpu its my internet
00:22:29livingde4th not hood
00:22:33creeeeeee i need travelzz
00:22:34MATi hmm k
00:22:34dhgf stop midget porn
00:22:44diGez or atleast i think it is
00:22:45diGez my internet
00:22:50Strom well check cpu usage
00:22:55livingde4th bane b
00:23:01livingde4th b
00:23:04MATi kill
00:23:07creeeeeee 0 mana
00:23:08creeeeeee i cant
00:23:09ProButLagsK 'wtf
00:23:24diGez lets gank
00:23:27diGez now it works
00:23:30livingde4th b
00:23:31livingde4th no ult
00:23:35creeeeeee can sb buy me a slave please
00:23:35livingde4th b
00:23:38livingde4th eni can blink
00:23:47livingde4th wait my ult
00:23:47livingde4th b
00:23:49livingde4th until that
00:23:51livingde4th 40s
00:23:51dhgf fight
00:23:59livingde4th 30
00:23:59MATi pudge
00:23:59MATi come mid
00:24:00dhgf gogogo
00:24:10Strom UD or someone needs to gin
00:24:12livingde4th wait
00:24:13livingde4th 20s
00:24:14livingde4th wait
00:24:16livingde4th or weloose
00:24:18Emma3D yeah ill go in with 800hp
00:24:20diGez heal me
00:24:22MATi ye
00:24:25MATi pudge try hook
00:24:26MATi now
00:25:01Emma3D too bad they outpicked us 100-0
00:25:06MATi tomb
00:25:13Strom well this wasn't outpicking
00:25:16Strom this was outhooking
00:25:33livingde4th u see my ult pawned ./
00:25:35livingde4th eni
00:25:40MATi y
00:25:49ProButLagsK strom ur calculation this game?: D
00:25:53aRkker eikö sun pienet mee muka ultii?
00:26:02livingde4th emt mut olin siin takana
00:26:07aRkker aa
00:26:08livingde4th blockasin et se ei pääse blinkkaa
00:26:16Strom you still don't have frost?
00:26:21aRkker meinasin ite mennä pistää sen reikää mutta jouduinki itte siihe ;<
00:26:25aRkker ei riittän range
00:26:30creeeeeee -fs
00:26:32creeeeeee -ha
00:26:33livingde4th joo mut taisut olla yksi siin ultis
00:26:36ProButLagsK i prefer lifeleach
00:26:36livingde4th ja se kesti vaa 2s
00:26:42aRkker jeah
00:26:51Emma3D ye we have shitloads of disable and slow already
00:26:55Emma3D ":D"
00:26:59livingde4th b
00:27:28aRkker that was a little spontaneous
00:27:54aRkker tappaa sut kyl
00:28:09Gevomancer buy wards some1
00:28:11Gevomancer no money
00:28:17aRkker inv full tho
00:28:26Gevomancer i took them
00:28:31livingde4th gj
00:28:44MATi gj guys
00:28:45MATi u own
00:28:47livingde4th push mid?
00:28:51MATi ye
00:28:53MATi lets take some towers
00:29:05ProButLagsK strom go back
00:29:09diGez enigma now you have 800
00:29:10diGez wards
00:29:12Strom what does it look liek I'm doign
00:29:30Gevomancer wtf
00:29:35aRkker that was a misclick ;>
00:29:37aRkker ;<
00:29:47aRkker was supposed to press W but did e instead ;<
00:30:00Gevomancer laggy
00:30:01Gevomancer tbh
00:30:07aRkker fine here
00:30:08Gevomancer roomm8 dling porn imo
00:30:17creeeeeee lühike raisk :D
00:30:18aRkker smack on the back of the head imo
00:30:19Gevomancer standard
00:30:19livingde4th illu
00:30:21livingde4th pudge
00:30:24diGez enigma buy and plant wards
00:30:26creeeeeee k
00:30:51diGez go
00:30:59MATi cant
00:30:59creeeeeee ohh shiit
00:31:00MATi hunt like that
00:31:01MATi :(
00:31:02creeeeeee so many :D
00:31:04creeeeeee yea
00:31:06livingde4th y
00:31:07creeeeeee should of b :D
00:31:07livingde4th true
00:31:07diGez push mid tower
00:31:09livingde4th was stupid
00:32:15diGez kyl noi lategames salee voittaa
00:32:17Gevomancer 8 kills but 0 farm
00:32:18Gevomancer :D
00:32:18Emma3D kyl
00:32:20ProButLagsK get more hp and dmg strom
00:32:20diGez siis dwarf ja traxex
00:32:21diGez meinasin
00:32:21diGez :D
00:32:23MATi whats the plan :D
00:32:23Gevomancer -cs
00:32:28Emma3D nii mäki
00:32:29livingde4th gank
00:32:30Emma3D mut
00:32:30Gevomancer 22 creeps
00:32:32Gevomancer imba
00:32:35creeeeeee lez gang
00:32:35Emma3D ei me kyl voiteta
00:32:36creeeeeee is plan
00:32:40Emma3D mul 0 itams
00:32:45MATi pudge come
00:32:46MATi hook some
00:33:00ProButLagsK gj dont go pugde
00:33:02MATi im typing
00:33:03Emma3D tais it bkbt vaa vitusti
00:33:04MATi and then they come
00:33:04MATi ffs
00:33:09creeeeeee :(
00:33:10livingde4th y blinker
00:33:17livingde4th b
00:33:18MATi hook someone
00:33:19MATi kill
00:33:19livingde4th tower gone
00:33:19Emma3D farmzor
00:33:20livingde4th b
00:33:23Emma3D after that
00:33:26creeeeeee hwaat
00:33:42Emma3D they have obs
00:33:43ProButLagsK strom u noob?
00:33:44MATi i tp bot
00:33:46MATi im there very fast
00:33:47diGez b
00:33:47MATi goooo
00:33:48Emma3D b
00:33:50MATi not
00:33:51MATi :D
00:33:55creeeeeee .D
00:33:58aRkker ei
00:33:58MATi lets go hunt
00:33:59MATi their woods
00:34:00aRkker ey
00:34:07diGez lets gan
00:34:09diGez k
00:34:11dhgf 5 miss
00:34:13Emma3D care there
00:34:20Emma3D gogog
00:34:27ProButLagsK strom!
00:34:46Gevomancer ok
00:34:50aRkker ei kelvannu 4. tappo?
00:34:55livingde4th that was exactly what i feared
00:34:55diGez luulin et se delas :P
00:34:57creeeeeee now they get rosh too
00:34:58creeeeeee oo shiiit
00:35:02aRkker and we're done for
00:35:02ProButLagsK come on digeszz wtf
00:35:05aRkker pretty much
00:35:10livingde4th y
00:35:14livingde4th we got too exitd
00:35:15diGez you need my dps ?
00:35:16diGez wtf
00:35:19Gevomancer how the fuck they are pwning now
00:35:26livingde4th they got better heroes
00:35:29livingde4th that why
00:35:30Gevomancer got raped so badly before
00:35:31aRkker because better and late game heroes
00:35:44livingde4th for example that ud...
00:35:47livingde4th he is so raped
00:35:51livingde4th but still very usefull
00:35:52livingde4th imba tomb
00:36:06diGez teee ossi pipe
00:36:07aRkker -apm
00:36:15Emma3D ei riitä valuutat
00:36:19Emma3D tarvin kestoo
00:36:25diGez go gank
00:36:35dhgf no ult
00:36:40livingde4th b mid
00:37:26creeeeeee base
00:37:32dhgf 10 sec to ult
00:37:37livingde4th b
00:37:39livingde4th i ened mana
00:37:51ProButLagsK we can backdoor in new rules
00:37:52Emma3D we have a ward there so eni can blink
00:37:55dhgf no
00:37:58dhgf only denieables
00:38:01aRkker oi man
00:38:01livingde4th is that allowed?
00:38:03aRkker thats not allowed
00:38:04Strom yes
00:38:04ProButLagsK outer do
00:38:04Gevomancer have fun
00:38:06aRkker Is it?
00:38:08livingde4th oh u changed then rule
00:38:10Strom it's allowed
00:38:14diGez heal me
00:38:15aRkker I thought only denyable towers.
00:38:20aRkker been preaching wrong then
00:38:20ProButLagsK outer towrs
00:38:23diGez ossi healii
00:38:28Strom there's a blog post on why it was changed, and the rules clearly state it's allowed
00:39:06livingde4th y its gg
00:39:07MATi lesh's ulti
00:39:08Gevomancer this ud
00:39:08MATi ye
00:39:08aRkker I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:39:10MATi lets ff
00:39:11MATi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:39:11Gevomancer -.-
00:39:11livingde4th wasnt allowed to do mistakes
00:39:15Emma3D heti ku hood ja treads ni vihut saa ees hengilt gg
00:39:15livingde4th vs that imba heroes
00:39:18aRkker go for ff
00:39:19aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:39:22Emma3D yks heali vaa ja magicstick ja kikee :D
00:39:23diGez unohdin käyttää koko spectrein :D
00:39:25Gevomancer how to write it?
00:39:27diGez healaa mua
00:39:28aRkker just type f
00:39:30MATi wp lesh
00:39:32Gevomancer f
00:39:34aRkker I mean ff
00:39:36Gevomancer I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:39:38aRkker thats it
00:39:48MATi damn only need to pick lategame heroes
00:39:48MATi atm
00:39:54MATi cuz its the key to win games @ gc
00:40:02livingde4th well viper is end game
00:40:03aRkker most of the time yes
00:40:33Emma3D dd
00:41:04dhgf gogogoogog
00:41:11livingde4th fight
00:41:36diGez go mid
00:41:41aRkker just write the fucking ff now
00:41:44aRkker this is pointless
00:41:44livingde4th I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:41:47creeeeeee I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:41:54Strom go throen
00:42:03Gevomancer still made more kills than them
00:42:08livingde4th btw u hit pretty well even hit haze 75%
00:42:08aRkker why from the middle? ;O
00:42:09livingde4th miss
00:42:12ProButLagsK me and enigma won game
00:42:12Gevomancer this is sad
00:42:16aRkker WHAT? :DDD
00:42:22livingde4th now ur heroes won game
00:42:34aRkker you did hardly anything, miser Probutlags
00:42:36livingde4th too epic combo
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