Game #1588218

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+25 X
+4 TS

92% | 1467 X | 1520 TS

+3 X
+3 TS

75% | 1198 X | 1507 TS

+55 X
+2 TS

61% | 1173 X | 1381 TS

+30 X
+3 TS

48% | 1085 X | 1340 TS

-9 X
+8 TS

36% | 1054 X | 1260 TS

-45 X
-2 TS

89% | 1383 X | 1556 TS

-16 X
-2 TS

86% | 1347 X | 1527 TS

-50 X
-1 TS

72% | 1254 X | 1409 TS

+16 X
-3 TS

41% | 1072 X | 1294 TS

+1 X
-3 TS

17% | 898 X | 1248 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Euforia anna bat
00:00:07VictoriaJrocks :D:D oon sit saatanan väsyny
00:00:13Herre get me es
00:00:18VictoriaJrocks älä banni bb :O
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks ota se+
00:00:19Mario tulin stomppaamaan teidät
00:00:19BoNeshaw hmm paljonko tulee bannii jos quittaa, pitäskin kyl lähtee nukkuu :p
00:00:19aRkker noin 150 päivää
00:00:19BoNeshaw botin automaattisen bannin mukaan?
00:00:19aRkker joo, ja sit lisätää siihe vähä
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks :D
00:00:19BoNeshaw nojust joo
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks reeilupelii
00:00:19BoNeshaw miks muka
00:00:19Mario noh
00:00:19aRkker koska stat evade
00:00:19Euforia saanko mun bat
00:00:19BoNeshaw kaukana stat evadest
00:00:19Mario onse vähän ikävä, että tuut peliin ja lähdet sitten heti poies
00:00:19Mario :(
00:00:19livingde4th emt
00:00:19livingde4th otan itelleni joitai varmaa
00:00:19curdi jos vaa otat jonku lastpickheron
00:00:19livingde4th ja bat menee ehk bannii
00:00:19aRkker vaikket päässykkä livarin kans samaa tiimii ni pitää ny yks kestää
00:00:19curdi lui
00:00:19BoNeshaw ei vaaan kiinnosta pelaa, muutenkin emmin pelaamist ku ei päässy samalle puolelle livingin kans
00:00:19chodaboy wtf?
00:00:19aRkker koita onneas sit
00:00:19Euforia choda take me bat
00:00:19curdi vittu mitä tää paska lagaa
00:00:19chodaboy banlinane
00:00:19Mario sulla on nyt chance nähdä high lvl playta
00:00:19Mario voitan 1on5
00:00:19chodaboy can u play it better than tiny?
00:00:19BoNeshaw noh anna ny ees pieni hint tuleeks extra ban :P
00:00:19Euforia lol
00:00:19chodaboy saw ur tiny
00:00:19Euforia yeah
00:00:19chodaboy =D=D
00:00:19aRkker kokeile
00:00:19aRkker rollaan monta päivää pisetää lisää
00:00:19aRkker -roll
00:00:19Euforia yeah so much fail lol
00:00:19aRkker oijoi
00:00:19aRkker ei kannata
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks :D
00:00:19chodaboy ban ??????
00:00:19BoNeshaw plaah senkin mieli valtane paikka
00:00:19curdi hmm could go gyro..
00:00:19aRkker :D
00:00:19curdi or mby ES
00:00:19curdi or lich
00:00:19aRkker ei me siihe voida mitää lisätä
00:00:19curdi or veno
00:00:19curdi maybe dirge
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks opettele quittamaan ilman bannia boneshaw
00:00:19aRkker senku quittaat, se on se joku vähä yli viikko mitä siit tulee automagic
00:00:19Mario itse pyydän ettet lähtisi
00:00:19Euforia es=win pick
00:00:19Mario pelasin viimeksi ikuisuus sitten
00:00:19Herre on tää kyl aika perseestä silti
00:00:19Mario ja nyt himottaa
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks kamoon
00:00:19curdi es lich
00:00:19Euforia nonii hei
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks päätä nyt jäätkö vai et
00:00:19BoNeshaw hm
00:00:19Mario /beg
00:00:19Mario :(
00:00:19aRkker -rickroll
00:00:19curdi ei täs kiire oo sinänsä mut..
00:00:19Euforia -rickroll
00:00:19livingde4th ZZZ
00:00:19aRkker -rickroll
00:00:19Euforia -rickroll
00:00:19BoNeshaw haluuko joku jotain imbaa?
00:00:19aRkker se miettii et pistääkö quitiks
00:00:19Herre minä
00:00:19Herre es
00:00:19VictoriaJrocks bb!
00:00:19Euforia jep
00:00:19Mario bannaa toi kopteri
00:00:19aRkker niin se sanoi
00:00:19Mario en tiedä mitä se tekee
00:00:19Herre gimmeh es
00:00:19BoNeshaw bb
00:00:19Euforia nye nye
00:00:19livingde4th BAN BAT
00:00:21Euforia vitu neekeri
00:00:23Mario saanko pelaa pudgen?
00:00:24Herre es
00:00:28curdi :/
00:00:30BoNeshaw et ku mä pelaan pudgen
00:00:32chodaboy what u take?
00:00:32Euforia get me veno
00:00:32Herre euroshopperi on minun
00:00:33chodaboy slardar?
00:00:34Mario aijaa
00:00:34curdi veno lich?
00:00:39Mario meetkö soloomaan middeliä
00:00:47BoNeshaw choda....!!!
00:00:49Mario LOL mitkä failpickit
00:00:50curdi or pick like that :/
00:00:51chodaboy yesman
00:00:58Herre no mitä laitetaan
00:01:01BoNeshaw screw u, that took
00:01:03BoNeshaw gyro
00:01:05tjavo curdi
00:01:06Herre taken
00:01:07aRkker pickattu jo
00:01:07Herre taken
00:01:08tjavo u play lich?
00:01:09Euforia joo mut voisit tehdä herrasmiessopimuksen bonen kans
00:01:09chodaboy have u ever felt a hard hook in ur ass?
00:01:09Herre taken
00:01:10curdi y
00:01:11livingde4th gert sile
00:01:11BoNeshaw that took only interest in this game
00:01:11livingde4th sile
00:01:12livingde4th sile
00:01:16curdi or not
00:01:17Herre retro
00:01:18tjavo me silencer?
00:01:18chodaboy =D
00:01:19chodaboy -hhn
00:01:20chodaboy -di
00:01:21livingde4th y
00:01:23Herre et voinu sanoa sitä heroa
00:01:24livingde4th sile owns es
00:01:26livingde4th tc
00:01:27Euforia swap veno?
00:01:34curdi i can if u want
00:01:34BoNeshaw njaa toi vei gyron
00:01:36BoNeshaw no lich käy
00:01:37livingde4th if they get sile its bad for me also :(
00:01:38Herre no niin vei
00:01:40BoNeshaw -swap 3
00:01:40Herre -swap 1
00:01:45Euforia can u play sile then
00:01:45chodaboy me dazzle top
00:01:48VictoriaJrocks ei siel ollu mtiää kivaa ku ei bb
00:01:49chodaboy on vent
00:01:50curdi i suppose i can
00:01:56Euforia otanko silen
00:01:58curdi y
00:01:59livingde4th ff
00:02:02Euforia ollaan aika outpicked
00:02:03Euforia ._.
00:02:03livingde4th emt
00:02:05livingde4th bb
00:02:05chodaboy get abaddon
00:02:06livingde4th bb
00:02:07livingde4th imo
00:02:08chodaboy ck
00:02:09curdi banned..
00:02:12livingde4th tarttee tankkia
00:02:13Euforia -swap 3
00:02:15curdi -swap 5
00:02:15BoNeshaw meen varmaan mid?
00:02:17Euforia putke on
00:02:20VictoriaJrocks sinun sana
00:02:21VictoriaJrocks lanet?
00:02:22chodaboy dazzle top with me
00:02:23Euforia possu oli ban
00:02:25chodaboy my friend
00:02:26chodaboy -hhn
00:02:26chodaboy -di
00:02:29BoNeshaw vai haluutko soloo rapuska?
00:02:33VictoriaJrocks oon paska sooloon
00:02:33Herre xxxxD
00:02:34Mario siis ehdottomasti kannattas laittaa toi zombie midii
00:02:36aRkker se on väsyny
00:02:39aRkker joo olin menossa
00:02:43aRkker eiku hetki
00:02:43curdi -clear
00:02:44aRkker en ollukka
00:02:58BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on
00:02:58VictoriaJrocks viikon päästä pääsee syömään kilpaa naga mössöö
00:02:59BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:03:01Mario no mitä vittua toi gyro osaa tehä?
00:03:07VictoriaJrocks tilasin 155ml naga mössöö
00:03:09VictoriaJrocks voi tulla vähän hiki
00:03:12BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed *, -, *, -
00:03:13BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: off
00:03:15BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on
00:03:15BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:03:19curdi carry vai suppo sile?
00:03:21BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed f, d, c, v
00:03:23Euforia suppoo
00:03:29Mario onko toi joku carryhelvetti, että annanko sun farmaa?
00:03:32Euforia pudge ja storm on
00:03:37Euforia mut storm gangit vaan
00:03:53VictoriaJrocks siis otat
00:03:56VictoriaJrocks kkreepei tottakai
00:05:08livingde4th need obs
00:05:17BoNeshaw ss
00:05:18BoNeshaw storm
00:05:30tjavo obs bought
00:06:11Mario TAPAN midin nopee
00:06:16VictoriaJrocks piä hauskaa
00:06:19livingde4th can u buy obs
00:06:20livingde4th now
00:06:21Mario joo
00:06:25tjavo HAVE
00:06:26Mario runebot?
00:06:26tjavo BOUGHT
00:06:26Euforia we have
00:06:34BoNeshaw en usko
00:06:52tjavo CARE
00:06:53tjavo mid
00:06:54tjavo slard miss
00:07:54VictoriaJrocks ymps ymsp
00:08:35curdi ss
00:09:21livingde4th tuun alas
00:09:26Mario pitäskö divetä ds
00:09:27livingde4th blockatkaa
00:09:29livingde4th nii tapetaa
00:09:34chodaboy miss slardar
00:09:38BoNeshaw storm miss
00:09:57livingde4th hmm cant be mid
00:10:05livingde4th b guys
00:10:05Euforia voin mennä puskee
00:10:07livingde4th lich has ult
00:10:12Euforia midii
00:10:14VictoriaJrocks et voi hittaa?
00:10:24aRkker -2 bot
00:10:24VictoriaJrocks pyörit siinä 3 hitin ajan :D
00:10:26Mario en tiedä mitä toi sun ukko osaa
00:10:26aRkker caree midis
00:10:32VictoriaJrocks siis
00:10:37VictoriaJrocks sää et hittaa koska et tiiä mitä mun äijä teke ok
00:10:38Euforia tower
00:10:39Euforia kill
00:10:49Mario no en tienny et toi vetää jonku uber stunnin
00:10:53Euforia joo 5 zombii persees
00:10:54Mario koska muuten mulle ois käyny miten sulle kävi
00:10:55VictoriaJrocks raketti lähtee
00:10:57VictoriaJrocks sit ku se osuu niin se stunnaa
00:11:00VictoriaJrocks siinä menee hetki
00:11:06VictoriaJrocks et se lähtee
00:11:10Euforia tapa tombi aina
00:11:11Euforia oke
00:11:18curdi mite vitus mä sen tapan
00:11:19chodaboy ss top
00:11:19chodaboy 2
00:11:24curdi menee 10+ hittii siihe
00:11:26Euforia lyöt sitä
00:11:26livingde4th nii tai sit vaa juoksette
00:11:28BoNeshaw ss
00:11:32VictoriaJrocks jaa pudg eoliki top
00:11:35Euforia ei tos voinu juosta
00:11:36curdi mite juokset jostai es fissure blockeista
00:11:38livingde4th turha siihe jäädä hakkaa
00:11:43livingde4th no sillo se on gg
00:11:46livingde4th jos jäätte blocked
00:11:50BoNeshaw tuun
00:11:51BoNeshaw go
00:11:55livingde4th b
00:11:56livingde4th lich
00:12:15BoNeshaw wardit on
00:12:38VictoriaJrocks sil o rege rune
00:12:48chodaboy B MID
00:12:49livingde4th new obs?
00:12:50chodaboy slardar inc
00:12:59BoNeshaw ss
00:13:07VictoriaJrocks tuun käymään bot
00:13:37Euforia :-D
00:13:44Euforia ff
00:13:44tjavo fair
00:13:46Euforia picks
00:14:07VictoriaJrocks top miss 2
00:14:45chodaboy go lich
00:14:56livingde4th well if u can hook him
00:15:13livingde4th b
00:16:55livingde4th puske tornei
00:17:06VictoriaJrocks pudge o slaee metässä
00:17:08VictoriaJrocks midissä
00:17:39livingde4th twr
00:17:54Euforia paljo toi tekee dmg
00:17:57Euforia 3
00:18:01VictoriaJrocks 400max
00:18:07Euforia hullu
00:18:17chodaboy come panda
00:18:57curdi ff
00:18:58Herre pro
00:19:08curdi joo vittu nää pickit oli jotai nii hienoo
00:19:13Herre no ite otitte nortin :DD
00:19:18curdi niin otettiin
00:19:18Herre sehän on hyvä
00:19:39tjavo u useless whinecunt
00:19:43tjavo stfu
00:19:52livingde4th i go bkb
00:19:57tjavo do it
00:20:04livingde4th neede one for sile also
00:20:05livingde4th imo
00:20:07Euforia ostin vahingos clawsit voiks täst tehä mitään fiksuu
00:20:15livingde4th eoi
00:20:24livingde4th myy tai holdaa
00:20:27livingde4th sen daman takia
00:20:35Euforia meni jo
00:20:57tjavo need maleviolence
00:20:57livingde4th go es
00:20:57tjavo too
00:20:59tjavo for lich
00:20:59livingde4th i jump
00:21:28livingde4th b mid
00:21:35livingde4th i got no tp
00:21:35livingde4th b
00:21:35livingde4th b
00:21:39livingde4th b
00:22:00chodaboy VENO PLS LEAVE
00:22:01tjavo gj
00:22:02tjavo veno
00:22:04tjavo seriously
00:22:09tjavo u b... and do nothing with full hp?
00:22:11tjavo what is your problem
00:22:11chodaboy PANDA GPO
00:22:17tjavo HELP HIM
00:22:28chodaboy veno silencer
00:22:28Euforia dazzle why u go?
00:22:30chodaboy waanna leave?
00:22:37tjavo i go?
00:22:38VictoriaJrocks pudge alive
00:22:39VictoriaJrocks bewareee
00:22:39tjavo i didnt go
00:22:58livingde4th lich blnik
00:23:12livingde4th def mid all?
00:23:17tjavo omw
00:23:17VictoriaJrocks :/
00:23:31livingde4th we need pipe
00:23:32livingde4th anyonm
00:23:44Herre osta wardeja suppo
00:23:53BoNeshaw eip oo rahaa nyt
00:23:56BoNeshaw voin ostaa ku saan
00:23:57aRkker -apm
00:24:01aRkker nope
00:24:02chodaboy ok
00:24:03Herre farmaan ton daggerin niin pärisee essot
00:24:07chodaboy mh?
00:24:08aRkker pudg
00:24:11aRkker totally
00:24:41Euforia dont
00:24:43Euforia move me
00:25:02tjavo u play veno really well
00:25:05chodaboy leave
00:25:07tjavo that hero should pwn
00:25:07Euforia thanks :P
00:25:08chodaboy seriously
00:25:08curdi nah :)
00:25:12chodaboy euforia
00:25:14chodaboy why u play dota+
00:25:20tjavo save
00:25:26chodaboy ur suck so hard and u just ruin games
00:25:32Euforia how?
00:25:38BoNeshaw es ku saaan daggerin nii hyvin tippuvat mun ja es setteihin
00:25:41chodaboy by feeding
00:25:42chodaboy and sucking
00:25:43Herre ja tombi siihen
00:25:44Herre gg
00:25:44VictoriaJrocks aijaa
00:25:46aRkker + mun tombi & ulti
00:25:47VictoriaJrocks ku kulkee kokoajan 5 tiimissä
00:25:49VictoriaJrocks niin ei ne voi mitään
00:25:51aRkker vielä parempi
00:26:00Euforia im feedin now?
00:26:03VictoriaJrocks kato nyt miten ne kulkee :D
00:26:06VictoriaJrocks lampaat teuraalle
00:26:07tjavo u dont do nothing
00:26:09tjavo in fights
00:26:11tjavo no roams either
00:26:11VictoriaJrocks def miid!
00:26:12tjavo no gangs
00:26:13livingde4th need arcane boots
00:26:49tjavo gg
00:26:49tjavo ff
00:26:52Herre terve
00:26:55chodaboy what are u doing?
00:27:00VictoriaJrocks vittuako ne kulkee yhessä :DD:
00:27:00livingde4th well cant jump in
00:27:01chodaboy imba lvl 9
00:27:02aRkker niin
00:27:03livingde4th bad position
00:27:05BoNeshaw hehe jep :D
00:27:07Euforia stop flame
00:27:09tjavo level 9
00:27:10tjavo gg
00:27:11livingde4th suicide better?
00:27:12BoNeshaw käy mulle
00:27:13chodaboy euforia leave
00:27:15livingde4th well man
00:27:17Euforia why
00:27:17livingde4th try vs lich
00:27:19livingde4th endless mana
00:27:21tjavo just said
00:27:27tjavo their heroes
00:27:32livingde4th he ekeps u out of exp range
00:27:39chodaboy go
00:27:47Euforia yeah
00:27:48Euforia ...
00:27:57VictoriaJrocks :D:D
00:28:04Euforia entry
00:28:05livingde4th well were with 5
00:28:06livingde4th idling
00:28:09livingde4th suprize i got bad lvl
00:28:21BoNeshaw sec
00:28:23BoNeshaw ulti cd
00:28:26Herre mulki
00:28:35BoNeshaw pysy piilos
00:28:38chodaboy jump
00:28:40Herre meni jo
00:28:41livingde4th oom
00:28:55VictoriaJrocks what you doing :D
00:28:59aRkker seon suomalaine
00:29:07livingde4th mr slow
00:29:09livingde4th reaction
00:29:11livingde4th ty
00:29:17chodaboy THIS TEAM
00:29:18livingde4th I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:29:21chodaboy I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:29:22tjavo I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:29:22aRkker SO DELICIOUS
00:29:27chodaboy arkker
00:29:34chodaboy why dont u ban all the gameruiners?
00:29:37livingde4th so outpicked no point trying
00:29:39chodaboy lika ats euforia curdi
00:29:44aRkker I haven't seen any gameruining
00:29:48Herre :D:DD
00:30:05curdi im ruining all the games :(
00:30:10Euforia oos ny ton daggeris kanssa
00:30:14VictoriaJrocks welcome to rapuska club
00:30:18VictoriaJrocks rapuska - ruins games
00:30:27livingde4th can i get lvl
00:30:28livingde4th ffs
00:30:38BoNeshaw lvl 3 ulti aghal koht
00:30:39BoNeshaw huhhuh
00:30:51Herre rupeaa päriseen muuallakin kuin kaislikossa
00:31:28curdi I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:31:28Euforia niinpä
00:31:32Euforia hiukka ulospikattu
00:31:36curdi sile nii vitu perseestä
00:31:42curdi ois voinu jollai cklla kokeilla
00:31:56VictoriaJrocks im goingdivine
00:32:01VictoriaJrocks with 100hp
00:32:02VictoriaJrocks 1000
00:32:09Euforia paljon tarviit bkb
00:32:12livingde4th liikaa
00:32:21BoNeshaw juu np jos saat iskus nii kaikki kuolee
00:32:23Euforia no hö =(
00:32:28livingde4th ois pitäny vaa farmaa
00:32:32livingde4th mut ei oikei mjaksa
00:32:33BoNeshaw voitas puskea
00:32:34livingde4th ku ei voi
00:32:35Euforia ei täs muu auta
00:32:37BoNeshaw turha pitkittää
00:32:40VictoriaJrocks o
00:32:40Euforia stormi on kyl tylsä farmi hero
00:32:44livingde4th miten farmaat endless mana lichii vs
00:32:50Euforia niinpä
00:32:59BoNeshaw oisit n houkutellu :P
00:33:03livingde4th voiha siin kunnes se saa lvl 5
00:33:52VictoriaJrocks en ees nähny koko dazzlee
00:34:07Euforia älä mee
00:34:07chodaboy dont play dota
00:34:08chodaboy again
00:34:11curdi =D u mad
00:34:15BoNeshaw heal
00:34:18tjavo u guys failed
00:34:20tjavo fucking bigtime
00:34:21tjavo bot
00:34:23curdi no shit
00:34:23tjavo we owned top
00:34:24curdi idc
00:34:27livingde4th we didnt fail anything but picks
00:34:29Euforia ei m ees failattu bot
00:34:35livingde4th u cant win with these ehroes
00:34:43chodaboy and players
00:34:51livingde4th nah u just dont get
00:34:51livingde4th it
00:35:02livingde4th lich>storm mid
00:35:08BoNeshaw vois mekansmin hommaa
00:35:08curdi i got 70% by ruining games =D
00:35:11chodaboy just ff
00:35:12chodaboy I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:35:13aRkker ei baha idee
00:35:15Herre could easier the task
00:35:16tjavo I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:35:21Mario osta vitusti salvoja ja tarjoile niitä
00:35:22Mario inbaa
00:35:25chodaboy all ff
00:35:29tjavo plz
00:35:30tjavo waste of time
00:35:32tjavo just ff
00:35:50Herre SALEE
00:35:52VictoriaJrocks :D
00:35:59livingde4th so afk
00:36:00livingde4th nice
00:36:31chodaboy I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:36:31chodaboy f
00:36:32chodaboy f
00:36:32chodaboy f
00:36:33chodaboy I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:36:33VictoriaJrocks aivan mahtavaa
00:37:02BoNeshaw mekansm tulee
00:37:05chodaboy CAN U FF
00:37:06curdi go ff please
00:37:07chodaboy FOR FUCK SAKE
00:37:13chodaboy WHORE EUFORIA
00:37:18curdi cant be assed to play a game like this with 0 chances :(
00:37:20Euforia dont flame
00:37:30chodaboy ff then
00:37:44livingde4th they rosh?
00:37:57Herre ffffffuu
00:39:09Euforia D:
00:39:10tjavo euforia
00:39:13tjavo why dont u ff???????
00:39:16Mario käännän botin nopee
00:39:52chodaboy this one time, at the bandcamp
00:40:09Euforia cool story bro
00:40:18chodaboy eat saaaaaaaaaam balls cuntr
00:40:50VictoriaJrocks soo
00:40:52livingde4th finish?
00:40:56VictoriaJrocks oxi action
00:41:00VictoriaJrocks oxi actionm
00:41:00aRkker forfeit?
00:41:04BoNeshaw slarda dirge go
00:41:07livingde4th well why not push
00:41:10livingde4th I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:41:13aRkker ko ei pystytä
00:41:14tjavo I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:41:15curdi cant forfeit for the whole team yknow
00:41:16livingde4th salee
00:41:22livingde4th mihi muka voitte edes kuolla
00:41:30livingde4th vo vittu
00:41:36livingde4th tajuatko et voitte puske evaik wellille
00:41:41livingde4th noil heroil ja itemeil
00:41:48livingde4th olipa vaikeet
00:42:00chodaboy jaaah
00:42:12chodaboy ICE BITTE
00:42:24Euforia poks
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