Game #1571250

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+8 X
-2 TS

91% | 1444 X | 1539 TS

+3 X
-2 TS

79% | 1325 X | 1446 TS

-20 X
-2 TS

66% | 1175 X | 1461 TS

-31 X
-2 TS

57% | 1152 X | 1371 TS

+38 X
-5 TS

11% | 866 X | 1195 TS

-25 X
+29 TS

88% | 1455 X | 1414 TS

+24 X
+2 TS

83% | 1368 X | 1453 TS

+30 X
+2 TS

58% | 1154 X | 1369 TS

+3 X
+4 TS

55% | 1126 X | 1358 TS

-16 X
+2 TS

26% | 980 X | 1266 TS

Chat log

00:00:03Herre gg
00:00:05Netukka got panda
00:00:06Herre zeus, tiny, sylla
00:00:08Allistysmies tinker bb void
00:00:13Timu balanar, cm , spider
00:00:18Netukka visage bone panda
00:00:19Gevomancer wd huskar na
00:00:19Kylie play tiny
00:00:21Kylie here
00:00:23BenDover lion, skeleton king, phantom lancer
00:00:24Allistysmies en osaa nuosta varsinaasesti mitään
00:00:30Netukka get lion?
00:00:31Herre kylie, where are you from?
00:00:31Wormik if any1 wants i can change
00:00:38Timu id want
00:00:39Kylie dk
00:00:40Allistysmies tinker bristle void
00:00:42Herre from the cafe?
00:00:43Timu tahad balanari?
00:00:44Wormik what u got
00:00:45Kylie i got sniper cent silenceer
00:00:48Kylie nopes
00:00:50Timu cm brood balanar
00:00:58Allistysmies hngh, gimme cent? or sile
00:01:01Allistysmies rather cent
00:01:02Kylie give me tinker
00:01:03Herre xxxxxxxD
00:01:04Wormik cm
00:01:05Timu take lion
00:01:07Herre no silencer
00:01:09Gevomancer GG NO CHICK
00:01:11Timu -swap
00:01:12Wormik -swap 3
00:01:13BenDover wtf
00:01:13Kylie can you play ent ?
00:01:14Timu -swap 2
00:01:14Kylie cent
00:01:17Allistysmies -swap 1
00:01:21BenDover shit forgot
00:01:22Allistysmies i guess
00:01:22svents clock,pugna,naga
00:01:25Allistysmies -swap 1
00:01:28Kylie -swap 4
00:01:29Kylie get
00:01:30Kylie punga
00:01:31Allistysmies better than tinker anyway 8()
00:01:34Kylie pugna
00:01:36Netukka can wd
00:01:37Herre chicken
00:01:38Netukka get chick
00:01:40Gevomancer yeye
00:01:42Netukka ty
00:01:45BenDover can i get chicken in a minute?
00:01:48Netukka bendover
00:01:49BenDover ty
00:01:50Netukka get flying
00:01:53Netukka asap
00:01:57Gevomancer ret
00:01:58Gevomancer -.-
00:01:58Herre shares
00:01:58BenDover i upgrade
00:02:03Netukka share
00:02:31Gevomancer -ma
00:03:12Timu -ii
00:04:12BenDover go pull
00:04:23Soulyah fb
00:04:24Soulyah come
00:04:24Soulyah cent
00:04:51Timu omw mid
00:05:11Timu wtf
00:05:23Allistysmies top miss
00:05:24Allistysmies mid care
00:05:24Netukka why not uphills
00:05:40Wormik use ur mana
00:05:41Wormik man
00:05:53Kylie wtf
00:05:55Wormik no fucking point to take oura
00:05:55Kylie soulyay
00:05:56Kylie we
00:05:59Kylie could had that fb..
00:06:01Kylie jesus
00:06:02Soulyah dude
00:06:04Soulyah i can see anything
00:06:05Soulyah sun
00:06:06Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:06:08Soulyah and no curtains
00:06:09Soulyah :d
00:06:13Kylie he stunned me..
00:06:14Soulyah cant'
00:06:33Wormik gj
00:06:42Herre lol.
00:06:53svents cm was there
00:06:54svents cant
00:07:14Allistysmies don't spin
00:07:24Netukka gj ppl
00:08:00Timu käi vitttu
00:08:03Soulyah :O
00:08:11svents gj
00:08:12Netukka rune
00:08:13Netukka bot
00:08:35Timu omw mid
00:08:37Netukka roger
00:08:45Allistysmies top miss
00:08:46Allistysmies care
00:08:58svents tra see p2ike sakib :S:S
00:09:02Soulyah y
00:09:04Kylie wtf
00:09:05Kylie give
00:09:05Kylie me
00:09:06Kylie my
00:09:07Kylie boots
00:09:08Kylie ffs
00:09:09Kylie newbs
00:09:12Wormik 2 ss bot
00:09:13Kylie dont control
00:09:15Kylie chicnek
00:09:19BenDover s
00:09:22Kylie i knew what im doing..
00:09:23Kylie ffs
00:09:26Kylie mofos
00:09:27Netukka tinymid
00:09:29Herre manners
00:09:41Kylie i just died
00:09:42svents re2
00:09:44Kylie becoz of that
00:09:45Kylie stunt
00:09:48Herre I am interested in
00:09:53Herre be mannered
00:10:04Netukka tinymisss
00:10:23Soulyah ahahahhaha
00:10:24Timu käit vittu :D
00:10:39Soulyah pro gaming noh
00:10:41Soulyah :D
00:10:42Timu xaxa
00:11:40Herre serious business
00:11:52svents ffs
00:11:54BenDover lol maiden ;]
00:11:58Wormik huh
00:12:05Wormik moar bracers
00:12:06Netukka mussmid
00:12:09svents this sucks rly
00:12:14Herre it really sucks
00:12:14Netukka gj
00:12:16svents i fcking clicked on him twice
00:12:26Kylie i ping and you dont come
00:12:28Kylie ...
00:12:40BenDover ss2
00:12:47Kylie now i know im playing public again
00:12:55Soulyah lol
00:12:56Soulyah stfu
00:13:46Kylie zzzzz
00:13:47Herre epic
00:13:48Kylie use
00:13:49Kylie your ward!
00:13:57svents i didnt skill it
00:14:00Kylie wtf
00:14:00Herre :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:14:01Kylie why
00:14:04Netukka (((
00:14:04svents not yet
00:14:12svents thought we have good combo with tiny
00:14:18svents i decre he makes his combo
00:14:24Soulyah ur not payed to think
00:14:27Herre yes, and you can build only one decre
00:14:46Kylie go
00:14:46Kylie mid
00:15:03BenDover cm buy wards please
00:15:09Allistysmies 3 top missing
00:15:13Wormik use
00:15:28Kylie get
00:15:29Kylie wards
00:15:52Herre plz?
00:16:30Soulyah cent
00:16:32Soulyah fucking gang
00:16:35Kylie cent
00:16:36Kylie jugger
00:16:38Kylie tp
00:16:38Kylie ffs
00:16:39Kylie mofs
00:16:44Gevomancer farmingspree
00:16:49Allistysmies ffs mofs
00:16:57Soulyah cent return lvl 3
00:16:58Soulyah nice
00:17:12svents return lvl 3 :D
00:17:18Allistysmies :DDDDDDddd.,s:D
00:17:32Soulyah ff svents
00:18:18Netukka why not tiny
00:18:19Netukka tt
00:18:27BenDover didn't see sry
00:18:31Netukka lol
00:18:33Netukka he was next to him
00:18:39BenDover treads or phase boots ?
00:18:53Kylie give me
00:19:00svents absull sittagi ei n2e vahepeal
00:19:03Soulyah y
00:19:12Herre soulyah,you should try phases on jurnero
00:19:14Herre they kick ass
00:19:18Gevomancer CM FFSÕ
00:19:19Gevomancer -.-
00:19:22Soulyah not a fan of it
00:19:23Gevomancer blind?????
00:19:29Kylie help
00:19:30Herre give it a shot
00:19:45Kylie cent..
00:21:05Netukka kill top
00:22:20Herre me pro
00:22:25Kylie me
00:22:31Herre me
00:22:31Allistysmies no, you
00:22:48Wormik sk
00:23:24Gevomancer kill top
00:23:29Netukka 3
00:23:31Netukka or 47
00:23:36Gevomancer 47:D
00:23:38Netukka 4
00:23:45BenDover timu what should i get next
00:23:47BenDover go fast ac ?
00:23:56Netukka tower
00:23:56Netukka fast
00:23:59Herre lol
00:23:59Timu dunno
00:24:04Gevomancer bkb
00:24:05Gevomancer imo
00:24:15Allistysmies tp cd
00:24:26Herre xxxxxxD
00:24:45Kylie cent
00:24:46Kylie why
00:24:48Kylie dont you tp ?
00:24:51Gevomancer cashboost
00:24:53Gevomancer panda
00:24:53Allistysmies dunno, try f12
00:24:55Gevomancer _D
00:24:55Netukka ye
00:24:58Netukka not even agha
00:25:08Gevomancer tp
00:25:58Gevomancer -ms
00:26:35Herre ::::D
00:26:43Allistysmies lal
00:26:43BenDover that sucked
00:26:59Gevomancer def mid
00:26:59Netukka def
00:27:00Netukka mid
00:27:06Soulyah b
00:27:10Allistysmies why
00:27:15Soulyah co< u die now
00:27:25Allistysmies why
00:27:35Soulyah sup with 0 items tinker
00:27:52Allistysmies cause he's playing public
00:27:58Soulyah sigh
00:27:59Kylie y
00:28:16Soulyah sec
00:28:17Soulyah lag
00:28:23Soulyah fps 1
00:29:47Allistysmies hoh
00:29:51Herre Xd
00:29:56Netukka 4bot
00:29:56Netukka care
00:29:57Netukka or 3
00:30:18Soulyah lol
00:30:19Herre :::D
00:30:32Herre epicness just took place
00:31:22Herre xxxxxD
00:31:30Timu tera mis range
00:31:34Timu käi vittu, soulja
00:31:42Allistysmies oho
00:31:46Soulyah :/
00:33:25Netukka alh
00:33:26Netukka blah
00:34:16Soulyah help
00:34:33Soulyah FUCKING VENT
00:34:34Soulyah also tinker
00:34:35Soulyah 0 use
00:34:40Soulyah cent that is
00:34:42Herre :VENT
00:34:46Soulyah I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:34:48Allistysmies no idea how to come when i'm dead
00:34:48Herre ward
00:34:55Soulyah by not dying
00:34:55Netukka more
00:35:02Allistysmies but you just died
00:35:10Herre lol
00:35:16Herre aikasemmin vitun retro
00:35:21Netukka mjaa
00:35:42Netukka tele
00:35:43Netukka already
00:36:19Netukka hex soon
00:36:20Netukka tinker
00:36:44Netukka how weird mana i have
00:36:45Netukka 657
00:36:57BenDover ouch
00:37:03Netukka did he use ult
00:37:10Soulyah u ded
00:37:15Herre fucking 5 squad
00:37:27Soulyah well hpoe that tinker carrys
00:37:33Soulyah coz hes taking all the lane-farm
00:38:00Timu go take panda
00:38:30BenDover push mid ?
00:38:47Netukka push top
00:38:48Netukka tower
00:38:53Herre wins
00:39:13Gevomancer dd
00:39:16BenDover lemme get tp
00:39:33Kylie brb
00:39:38Netukka hm
00:39:40Netukka should b
00:39:45Herre lol rax
00:39:56Herre xxxxxD
00:40:00Herre wp
00:40:26Gevomancer cmon
00:40:28Gevomancer guys
00:40:58Netukka so oom
00:41:03Herre xxxxxD
00:41:04Herre wp
00:41:10Allistysmies xd
00:41:27BenDover ffs
00:41:30Herre xxxxxxxD
00:41:40Soulyah uncool
00:41:45BenDover VERY COOL :d
00:41:47BenDover lol
00:42:56BenDover what to do ? what to do ?
00:43:05BenDover let me take top farm
00:43:08BenDover cm
00:43:26Herre :DDDDDD
00:43:31Herre pro
00:43:32Allistysmies ei osunu
00:43:35Herre joo
00:43:36Herre näin
00:43:43Soulyah heego
00:43:43Gevomancer ei
00:45:24Allistysmies gg
00:45:31Kylie crap
00:45:32BenDover ...
00:45:42Kylie sucky tinker this game
00:46:27BenDover you gg too much
00:46:32Soulyah gg
00:46:35Herre gg
00:46:43Netukka I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:12Herre finish
00:47:12Soulyah gg..
00:47:14Herre gg
00:47:37Herre finish omfg
00:47:54Allistysmies nojoo jolokottelen sinne kans
00:48:14Gevomancer fast
00:48:39Soulyah sk no ulti
00:48:43Herre fuu
00:48:46Herre :::D
00:48:47BenDover hahaha
00:48:48Herre gg
00:48:49BenDover :SD
00:48:49Soulyah gg
00:49:01Herre aah
00:49:03Herre being cool?
00:49:07Herre I can be cool too
00:49:12Herre finish
00:49:40Soulyah -apm
00:49:57BenDover get tps we gotta push somwhere i guess
00:50:19Herre finish top
00:50:23Soulyah gg
00:50:25Herre gg
00:50:35Netukka we need to push top also
00:50:38Netukka they can just rush
00:50:39Netukka raxes
00:50:43Timu b
00:50:43Timu b
00:50:47Herre stop that coolness
00:50:54Netukka the ywill now
00:50:58Netukka gg
00:51:00Herre gg
00:51:59Gevomancer I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:52:12BenDover gg
00:52:16Soulyah gg
00:52:17Herre gg
00:52:17Soulyah ggg
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