Game #1568501

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-38 X
-3 TS

87% | 1354 X | 1534 TS

+2 X
-2 TS

80% | 1327 X | 1447 TS

+2 X
-2 TS

77% | 1282 X | 1460 TS

+12 X
-1 TS

60% | 1183 X | 1365 TS

-36 X
-2 TS

49% | 1206 X | 1220 TS

-21 X
+1 TS

91% | 1515 X | 1461 TS

+22 X
+4 TS

84% | 1296 X | 1515 TS

+53 X
+2 TS

74% | 1211 X | 1500 TS

-10 X
+2 TS

61% | 1205 X | 1353 TS

+21 X
+19 TS

19% | 993 X | 1170 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:17Gevomancer nagash, valmistu kaotuseks
00:00:21Gevomancer tõmban kähku koti pähe ja lähen siis homseks KTks õppima
00:00:21Gevomancer :D
00:00:21Nagash nõrga dõpivad:D
00:00:21Nagash bs
00:00:21Gevomancer ban bs imo
00:00:21Gevomancer nvm
00:00:21N2xy mida
00:00:21N2xy tahtsin seda
00:00:21Planktoni weaver
00:00:21N2xy :(
00:00:21Planktoni or play it
00:00:21Palle weaver
00:00:21Nagash someone wants levi or lina?
00:00:21Gevomancer nõrgad feilivad koolis pigem
00:00:21Gevomancer :D
00:00:21N2xy i want levi!
00:00:21Planktoni i can play invoker
00:00:21Nagash ma ei failigi:D
00:00:21Nagash ok
00:00:26Nagash u banned?
00:00:26Papaya weaver
00:00:26Palle Weaver
00:00:44whatugotskills < im mid with pudge
00:00:52Planktoni u paly that?
00:00:55whatugotskills y
00:00:55Papaya y
00:00:59N2xy mis tahads?
00:01:00whatugotskills < venge from last hame
00:01:07whatugotskills its not my acc. got 90 normal
00:01:07Nagash aa anna mulle jugger, or lina
00:01:09Palle whatugots goes mid with pudge
00:01:14Planktoni what did he ban`?
00:01:16Nagash -swap 3
00:01:20N2xy -swap 1
00:01:21Planktoni thrall available?
00:01:24N2xy miks mina pean otsustama!
00:01:25whatugotskills get stuns
00:01:30whatugotskills enigma
00:01:33whatugotskills get enigma
00:01:35N2xy aga jah.. ma juba valisin ära juggeri ennem
00:01:38Nagash kuna mul vahet olnud mdia pelasin
00:01:54Papaya nigma go jungle and gang with eidolons
00:01:58Papaya i get coldsnap
00:01:58Nagash loodan et pudge midis:D
00:01:59whatugotskills -swap
00:02:00whatugotskills -swap 1
00:02:05Nagash minge kahekesi alla siis
00:02:05Palle -swap 5
00:02:07N2xy võin ise ka midi minna :D
00:02:07Nagash te nigunii ventis
00:02:17Gevomancer invo solo bot?
00:02:20Papaya y
00:02:24Gevomancer top should kill easyly
00:02:24N2xy ma ei olke vetni
00:02:26whatugotskills check rune bot
00:02:26N2xy ventis
00:02:28whatugotskills i do top
00:02:29Gevomancer thrall sven inc
00:02:39Lavos lina top`?
00:02:39N2xy skype ikka
00:02:40Nagash how come
00:02:44Lavos nagash
00:02:45Nagash aa
00:02:48Nagash nah
00:02:51Papaya come lvl3 enigma
00:02:54Planktoni sur
00:02:55Planktoni e
00:02:57Lavos this is fucked up then :D
00:03:00Lavos estdiablo rocks
00:03:05Lavos diablo pull
00:03:05whatugotskills enigma
00:03:06whatugotskills take
00:03:09whatugotskills and lvl 2 kill
00:03:14whatugotskills got only hook now
00:03:16whatugotskills ok
00:03:25Papaya lvl1 hook?
00:03:26Papaya lol
00:03:33whatugotskills go
00:03:40Planktoni lol
00:04:59Papaya got snap
00:05:09Planktoni pull and go
00:05:53whatugotskills ss
00:06:03Lavos uph
00:06:13Papaya lina
00:06:29Nagash MISS
00:06:47Nagash bravo ole mees osta warde runele
00:06:53whatugotskills omg
00:06:55Papaya wow
00:06:57Papaya ur terrible
00:06:58Bra~ ok
00:06:59whatugotskills f
00:07:00whatugotskills fu
00:07:11Papaya fb vs jug and now that
00:07:23Lavos upg chick
00:07:29whatugotskills ss
00:07:57N2xy suü
00:08:15Planktoni ss jugge
00:08:24Nagash MISS
00:08:26Nagash tuleb yles
00:08:34Nagash mid
00:08:34Nagash coming
00:08:35Nagash top
00:08:55ESTDiablo nii ta on
00:09:12whatugotskills enigma
00:09:15Lavos -2
00:09:20Lavos -1
00:09:29whatugotskills go
00:10:15Gevomancer lina
00:10:42Papaya jesus
00:10:52Papaya jugger ganging better than butcher
00:10:52Papaya gg
00:10:56whatugotskills su
00:11:06Papaya id love to if u wouldnt suck so much
00:11:10Nagash miss mid
00:11:28Nagash diablo
00:11:30Nagash osta yels warde
00:11:57ESTDiablo just ostsin kana upg.. pudi liiig vähe vaja vähemalt bootse
00:12:00Gevomancer sec
00:12:02Gevomancer no mana
00:12:05Nagash ok
00:12:06Gevomancer now have
00:12:08Planktoni i get eidolon
00:12:12Lavos -2
00:12:25whatugotskills jugger going bot
00:12:36ESTDiablo ss
00:12:44whatugotskills go
00:12:59Nagash tyra ma olen loll
00:13:08N2xy got ult
00:14:47Lavos ZEUS
00:14:49Lavos ?=??!"¤?¤"?!"¤"!?!"¤?!¤"?"!¤?
00:15:01Lavos u are just so bad
00:15:11ESTDiablo ur stupid
00:15:33Nagash tyra oelks pidandu kohe telema panema:D
00:15:58Papaya -il
00:16:00Nagash rune
00:16:01Nagash go take
00:16:29Nagash saqad surma yleval:D
00:16:29Gevomancer get rdy
00:17:44Gevomancer nigma, gank moar mby
00:17:48Gevomancer you have dagger
00:18:36Nagash zeus
00:18:38Nagash mdia vittu sa teed
00:18:52Nagash sa peaksid taga olema mite enigma ultisse jääma
00:19:02Nagash et sa saaksid oma lightninguga enigma ulti ara tappa
00:19:16ESTDiablo see oli niikuinii tuuga
00:19:22ESTDiablo oli ainult sitase spelli jaoks mana
00:19:22N2xy top
00:19:26N2xy got ulti
00:19:28Papaya 0 search results for "decent pudge"
00:19:33Lavos :D
00:19:36Nagash hwy he was mid?
00:19:42Papaya dunno
00:19:46Papaya he said hes good or something
00:20:20Papaya stun
00:20:23Papaya got strike
00:20:24Gevomancer cd
00:20:28Gevomancer k
00:20:48Papaya xD
00:20:56Gevomancer stronk
00:20:57Gevomancer :D
00:20:58Lavos noobing around
00:21:00Papaya :)
00:21:07Gevomancer soon dagger
00:21:13Papaya good
00:22:17Planktoni tank enigma
00:22:28Lavos help
00:22:32Planktoni tide teles
00:22:34Planktoni all inc
00:22:52Lavos LOL
00:23:07Papaya jesus
00:23:26Gevomancer ok, again, blink soon
00:23:26Gevomancer .D
00:23:35Papaya enigma has ult
00:23:38Papaya lets fight with that
00:24:04Gevomancer car
00:24:04Gevomancer e
00:24:38Gevomancer has haste
00:25:14Papaya gj
00:25:25Nagash mis sa tegid n2lxu
00:25:28N2xy ei tea
00:25:29Gevomancer i make bkb
00:25:33Nagash sa ei näinud kui and midist yle sliikuma hakkasid:D?
00:25:34Papaya -il
00:25:34N2xy vaatasin et sõbrad tulebad
00:25:36N2xy aga ei
00:25:42Papaya y
00:25:44N2xy nägin ikka..
00:25:46Papaya u and nigma bkb
00:25:50Planktoni yes
00:25:57N2xy got ult
00:26:13whatugotskills wood
00:26:15Nagash ma farmin oam nbf ara siis omame
00:26:20whatugotskills go top
00:26:24Planktoni tiger's got wood
00:26:45ESTDiablo care
00:26:48whatugotskills blink
00:26:55Papaya xD
00:27:01Lavos :D
00:27:01Papaya jesus
00:27:05whatugotskills stay
00:27:37Gevomancer my bad
00:27:38Palle eni dont go die alone
00:27:50Gevomancer need that bkb
00:27:52Gevomancer then imba
00:27:53Gevomancer :P
00:27:56Papaya y
00:27:57Planktoni ym though i could jump from there
00:28:03Planktoni but tide got dagger
00:28:20Palle still. come with us
00:28:25Planktoni y
00:29:33N2xy oom
00:29:52Palle ¨ffs
00:30:02N2xy teen shivase
00:30:07Nagash pane refu
00:30:15N2xy ei. shivas
00:30:24N2xy mana nii otsas
00:30:27N2xy got ult
00:30:35Planktoni b
00:31:23Planktoni didn't u see that tide waiting next to tower?
00:31:31Gevomancer =
00:31:32Gevomancer ?
00:31:33Papaya i did but somehow i thought he had cd
00:32:14Nagash zeus
00:32:17Nagash kuhu jooksid alguses:D
00:32:23Nagash näed nii omatakse teid:D
00:32:32ESTDiablo ma mõtlesin et tõbmad leebet ikka
00:32:33Gevomancer selfkill oli
00:32:34Gevomancer np
00:32:39Gevomancer ja raha jagati
00:32:42Nagash saite mõlemad surma :D
00:32:43Gevomancer niiet ei saanud sittagi
00:32:49Nagash seega kõuk korras:D
00:32:50Papaya -il
00:33:00Nagash lina proovi guinsoo
00:34:07N2xy lol
00:34:10N2xy that was cool
00:34:11Gevomancer nah, that many
00:34:12Gevomancer there
00:34:15Lavos y
00:34:16Gevomancer tide used ulti
00:34:17Lavos :)
00:34:17Gevomancer np
00:34:18Gevomancer :D
00:34:47Nagash b
00:34:53N2xy top?P
00:34:55Planktoni 400 and bkb
00:35:04Papaya good
00:35:07Gevomancer we dont have a proper carrty
00:35:16Papaya u :S
00:35:22Nagash gondar
00:35:26Lavos y?
00:35:26Nagash go bkb
00:35:27Gevomancer well yea
00:35:28Papaya -il
00:35:33Gevomancer but died too many times
00:35:35Nagash y
00:35:36Lavos sure
00:35:49whatugotskills go
00:35:51whatugotskills got dust
00:36:01Lavos ready :D
00:36:29Nagash gondar camp
00:36:30Nagash we take
00:36:36whatugotskills rosh
00:36:37whatugotskills all come
00:36:39Nagash kui eäed et tulevad
00:36:42Nagash hyppa kophe sisse
00:36:48Planktoni bkb inc
00:37:03Planktoni hnnngh
00:37:03Nagash MID
00:37:13Gevomancer I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:16Nagash hihi
00:37:16whatugotskills I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:16Palle I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:17Bra~ k
00:37:27Papaya -il
00:37:29Gevomancer mid liiga lost
00:37:31Gevomancer gg
00:37:36whatugotskills sry
00:37:44Nagash ppiss oli 5 kui ma 8:D
00:37:57Gevomancer plz do not say that you are 90%
00:38:02whatugotskills i am
00:38:04N2xy ?
00:38:04whatugotskills i failed
00:38:06whatugotskills :s
00:38:10Nagash come
00:38:16Papaya how was my invo?
00:38:19Papaya only 4th time i play him
00:38:24Nagash ta eelmien pela ainutl mölises mängis captenit:D
00:38:24Lavos i come
00:38:28Gevomancer well gettin better
00:38:30Nagash u want or me?
00:38:33Lavos u can take
00:38:41Papaya still gotta remember all shortcuts
00:38:41Planktoni good use of spells, but dead too many times
00:38:49Papaya well easy to die vs them
00:38:56Planktoni people here play alacrity build
00:39:01Planktoni that's the gayest one
00:39:04Planktoni useless with that
00:39:11Papaya i go aoe madness
00:39:15Planktoni ye
00:39:22Planktoni imo it always should be that way
00:39:25Papaya y
00:39:33Lavos oh
00:39:35Lavos sorry :D
00:39:36Gevomancer lol
00:39:38Nagash np
00:39:41Nagash hastega ka ei saa eest:D
00:39:44Nagash häbi sul olgu!
00:39:47Gevomancer :F
00:39:56Planktoni I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:00Nagash wp all
00:41:05Lavos ward
00:41:06Lavos ty
00:41:24Nagash pudge kukub nagu tykkk sitta:D
00:41:43Lavos =)
00:42:07Gevomancer gem
00:42:09Gevomancer take
00:42:40Lavos nigger :D
00:43:19Nagash heal and end it at top
00:43:31Bra~ -cs
00:43:36Papaya -il
00:43:38N2xy -cs
00:44:02Nagash ootame neid ka
00:44:06Papaya -il
00:44:11Gevomancer all
00:44:12Gevomancer go
00:44:27Lavos 2sec
00:44:57Gevomancer imba blink
00:44:58Nagash DON THUNT
00:44:59Nagash just push
00:45:00N2xy :d
00:45:08Nagash tyra
00:45:08N2xy too imba tide
00:45:13Lavos :DDD
00:45:17Gevomancer too fat and tank and ret
00:45:19N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19N2xy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:45:19N2xy [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:45:19Papaya I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:45:21Nagash pede tower sai mulle laksu pandud enne kui warde maha sain:D
00:45:28Gevomancer on offence
00:45:30Gevomancer gay hero
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