Game #1568491
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00:00:03 | Biggie -ap |
00:00:13 | Herre ja ei, teh_re ei osaa pelata |
00:00:21 | Netukka meem mid |
00:00:22 | teh_re ok |
00:00:30 | Vilkuky kyl teh_re on ihan jees |
00:00:33 | Momdsiw some1 wards? |
00:00:33 | Herre jäte es on |
00:00:35 | Momdsiw if i chick |
00:00:37 | Herre osta kana |
00:00:40 | Netukka thd void lane? |
00:00:42 | Netukka wr sk |
00:00:42 | Momdsiw :D |
00:00:44 | Herre shares |
00:00:56 | Laged i go bot |
00:01:02 | Netukka dedun teurastaja |
00:01:14 | Netukka tuoretta lihaaaa |
00:01:16 | Vilkuky shackle vai mun stun ekana? |
00:01:24 | zebbelito -hhn |
00:01:26 | Herre sun stun |
00:01:27 | Herre lol |
00:01:29 | Herre ofc |
00:01:31 | zebbelito -ma |
00:01:33 | DeduXserS galed unmutee :P |
00:01:40 | Vilkuky sori pelaan ekaa kertaa |
00:01:40 | Laged en, katon animee |
00:01:43 | Herre ok |
00:01:45 | N2xy -apm |
00:01:47 | Netukka se on sit lyhyt lvl 1 |
00:01:48 | Netukka se stun |
00:01:50 | Momdsiw -apm |
00:01:51 | Netukka siis range siin |
00:01:52 | Herre aijoo |
00:01:52 | Vilkuky tiän |
00:01:56 | Netukka gut |
00:01:57 | Herre no se on oikeastaan ihan sama |
00:02:03 | Momdsiw herrel ollu vähä actionii heti alus |
00:02:05 | Netukka melkee vieres täytyy olla |
00:02:07 | Herre :D:D |
00:02:08 | Herre -apm |
00:02:12 | DeduXserS -apm |
00:02:14 | zebbelito no good tank :/ |
00:02:14 | Laged otetaa fb |
00:02:14 | Vilkuky -apm |
00:02:17 | Laged dedu |
00:02:19 | DeduXserS k |
00:02:19 | Momdsiw -apm |
00:02:21 | Vilkuky -clear |
00:02:23 | Herre -ma |
00:02:53 | Momdsiw ops |
00:02:55 | Herre fuu |
00:02:56 | Momdsiw forgot pullw ards :D |
00:02:56 | zebbelito ofc |
00:03:15 | Laged pullaa |
00:03:19 | DeduXserS rokettaa? |
00:03:22 | Laged se väistää |
00:03:24 | DeduXserS tol ei oo invist |
00:03:25 | DeduXserS lvl 1 |
00:03:25 | DeduXserS ... |
00:03:27 | Laged koht on |
00:03:37 | Herre nvm |
00:03:50 | Netukka tsajajajaja |
00:03:51 | Netukka vittu |
00:03:52 | Netukka :D |
00:03:55 | Herre gg |
00:04:30 | DeduXserS otetaaa sk noil |
00:04:31 | DeduXserS dusteil |
00:04:34 | Laged jep |
00:04:44 | Vilkuky dust |
00:04:47 | Vilkuky onko tää jotai hikoiluu? |
00:04:58 | DeduXserS Dotaa tää on? |
00:05:01 | Laged ei vaan aivotyötä |
00:05:09 | Vilkuky en harrasta aivotyötä |
00:05:10 | Herre pulls |
00:06:21 | Momdsiw mikä on oikee? |
00:06:22 | Momdsiw eniten hp |
00:06:27 | Biggie ei |
00:06:37 | Herre aijoo |
00:06:38 | Herre vittu |
00:06:38 | Netukka joo salee |
00:06:39 | Herre :D:D |
00:06:39 | Momdsiw ois kyl varmaa :D |
00:06:46 | Momdsiw kaatunu |
00:06:53 | Netukka miss 2 |
00:06:54 | Netukka mid |
00:06:55 | Netukka care top |
00:06:57 | Herre ogre incoming |
00:07:08 | DeduXserS mee toho mettää |
00:07:09 | DeduXserS rokettaa |
00:07:12 | Herre ...? |
00:07:13 | Laged pullaa eka |
00:07:15 | zebbelito wartd |
00:07:36 | DeduXserS onko sul |
00:07:38 | DeduXserS mitä spellii |
00:07:41 | Laged kaikkii |
00:07:59 | DeduXserS lvl 5 |
00:08:00 | DeduXserS iha just |
00:08:17 | Netukka ogre get s |
00:08:19 | Netukka rune |
00:08:29 | Netukka top care |
00:09:04 | DeduXserS bane plz |
00:09:05 | DeduXserS stay |
00:09:06 | DeduXserS top |
00:09:07 | DeduXserS dont let void |
00:09:08 | DeduXserS farm |
00:09:09 | Momdsiw ? |
00:09:11 | Momdsiw k |
00:09:15 | DeduXserS he is freefarming |
00:09:16 | DeduXserS atm |
00:09:18 | Netukka bane miss |
00:09:21 | Netukka bot care |
00:10:11 | DeduXserS noni |
00:10:12 | DeduXserS tapetaa |
00:10:22 | Momdsiw miss both tip |
00:10:23 | Momdsiw ti |
00:10:25 | Biggie -,c |
00:10:26 | Biggie -mc |
00:10:35 | Netukka jokasel kerral tulee mc |
00:10:42 | Momdsiw kill him i ulti etc? |
00:10:44 | zebbelito omw |
00:10:44 | Netukka kill bot |
00:10:47 | Momdsiw nvm |
00:10:49 | Momdsiw creeps kilsl yiou |
00:11:06 | Laged jokanen tuol.. |
00:11:09 | DeduXserS 5 tuol :D |
00:11:14 | Momdsiw ei ollu |
00:11:17 | Momdsiw herre topis |
00:11:18 | DeduXserS thd teles |
00:11:18 | Herre xxxxxxD |
00:11:18 | Vilkuky obs herre? |
00:11:18 | Netukka rikka saa kaikki runet |
00:11:24 | Herre no money |
00:11:24 | N2xy no ult? :D |
00:11:27 | Herre kohta |
00:11:32 | Netukka ogremiss |
00:12:18 | Netukka ogre miss |
00:12:25 | DeduXserS XD |
00:12:26 | Momdsiw ovidi vielki retkel |
00:12:26 | zebbelito gj |
00:12:32 | Vilkuky ebun |
00:12:36 | Herre sk no ulti |
00:12:48 | Vilkuky true |
00:13:12 | Vilkuky obsui |
00:13:16 | Herre ei oo rahaa |
00:13:31 | Netukka mid |
00:13:31 | Netukka heklp |
00:13:33 | Momdsiw teillä riittää vihaajia botis |
00:13:51 | Herre salee vittu |
00:13:52 | DeduXserS mikä tää hate on |
00:14:12 | Herre :ff |
00:14:15 | zebbelito this game |
00:14:17 | zebbelito so unstable |
00:14:36 | Vilkuky ult |
00:14:45 | Herre ok |
00:14:48 | zebbelito sk so free farm |
00:14:50 | zebbelito he got |
00:14:52 | zebbelito styg |
00:14:53 | Momdsiw kuoliks se voidi |
00:14:54 | zebbelito now |
00:14:56 | DeduXserS jo |
00:14:58 | Herre stunnaa |
00:15:05 | Vilkuky en |
00:15:07 | Vilkuky voi ult |
00:15:08 | Herre no mulla o njää |
00:15:09 | Biggie -ms |
00:15:12 | Herre vitun ääliö |
00:15:17 | Vilkuky koitetaa.. |
00:15:20 | Laged b |
00:15:20 | DeduXserS taas |
00:15:21 | DeduXserS 3 botis |
00:15:34 | Momdsiw puck tulee |
00:15:38 | Laged 4 |
00:15:39 | Laged bot |
00:15:56 | zebbelito ff |
00:16:00 | Herre ei noin |
00:16:12 | Vilkuky mitä voin jos ne blind hookkaa |
00:16:22 | Herre no et mene sinne? |
00:16:24 | Momdsiw nvm |
00:16:24 | Vilkuky hieno hookki hermanni |
00:16:25 | Herre menitte ihan vitun tyhmästi |
00:16:27 | DeduXserS juu |
00:16:34 | DeduXserS mut biggi pöllii |
00:16:38 | zebbelito 2 ppl ego |
00:16:40 | zebbelito insta |
00:16:44 | Vilkuky oisin päässy pakoon ilman biggietä |
00:16:47 | Vilkuky stunni takas mettä |
00:16:48 | DeduXserS et ois |
00:16:53 | Vilkuky puiden taa takas stun |
00:17:07 | Netukka missmid |
00:17:09 | zebbelito soon 2 cs |
00:17:15 | Vilkuky nice |
00:17:53 | Herre vilkky outplay |
00:17:53 | Herre :D:D |
00:18:02 | Herre XXd |
00:18:07 | Vilkuky ofc |
00:18:12 | Netukka se vitun apina multicastaa aina |
00:18:14 | Herre mikä vittu on tämä breiseribuildi |
00:18:19 | Herre :D:DD |
00:18:22 | Herre :::::::D |
00:18:35 | Vilkuky mitä vikaa bracereissa... |
00:18:39 | Vilkuky en oo mikään carry sk |
00:18:46 | Herre sen takia just |
00:19:18 | Herre ff |
00:19:20 | zebbelito y |
00:19:25 | zebbelito none skilled vs 5 skilled |
00:19:31 | zebbelito nice bot u got thwre |
00:19:33 | Herre plz |
00:19:53 | zebbelito new rank system so unstable |
00:19:56 | Herre is not |
00:20:02 | zebbelito 8/10 games is |
00:20:15 | zebbelito ff |
00:20:19 | zebbelito let them go mid |
00:20:23 | zebbelito we have no players |
00:20:30 | zebbelito their worst player is better then our best |
00:20:38 | Vilkuky who is our best |
00:20:43 | zebbelito puck |
00:20:46 | Netukka rofl |
00:20:46 | Herre xxxxxxD |
00:20:48 | Herre is not |
00:20:51 | zebbelito bot say so |
00:20:53 | Herre its netukka omfg |
00:20:54 | zebbelito so u say bot is good? |
00:20:59 | Herre the best possible |
00:21:02 | zebbelito haha |
00:21:09 | zebbelito watch teams |
00:21:10 | zebbelito idiot |
00:21:30 | Herre indeed |
00:21:39 | Herre how are you going to do better ranking system? |
00:21:47 | zebbelito old one |
00:21:48 | zebbelito was |
00:21:50 | zebbelito this x |
00:21:50 | Herre its the same. |
00:21:55 | zebbelito never |
00:21:55 | Herre minus elo |
00:22:02 | Herre there is no elo anymore |
00:22:02 | zebbelito elo was the only good thing before |
00:22:05 | Herre because it was useless |
00:22:06 | zebbelito to rate a player |
00:22:10 | Herre it sucked ass |
00:22:13 | Biggie -ms |
00:22:15 | Vilkuky elo was retarded yes |
00:22:16 | Herre it showed nothing |
00:22:17 | zebbelito u cangt make teams based on x |
00:22:22 | Herre they are not |
00:22:26 | Herre they are based on both |
00:22:27 | Herre ts and x |
00:22:29 | zebbelito u can have 2k x and 10 % winratio |
00:22:34 | Herre ...? |
00:22:37 | Herre do you know these players |
00:22:44 | Herre they fucked up and messed around their games |
00:22:46 | Vilkuky ulti got |
00:22:47 | zebbelito ofc u make teams based on winratio |
00:22:57 | Herre and they have 10 games |
00:23:20 | zebbelito go mid |
00:23:24 | zebbelito agree to leave thjis |
00:23:29 | zebbelito let them push |
00:23:36 | zebbelito its 5 noobs running around |
00:23:40 | zebbelito we are shit |
00:24:05 | zebbelito biggie has winratio |
00:24:06 | zebbelito herre |
00:24:08 | zebbelito = elo |
00:24:11 | zebbelito thats why hes good |
00:24:16 | zebbelito not x states that he is good |
00:24:19 | zebbelito only winratio |
00:24:22 | zebbelito shitsytem1 |
00:24:30 | Herre everybody has like 50% winratio |
00:24:35 | zebbelito nonio |
00:24:36 | Herre chess grandmaster has 55% winratio |
00:24:46 | zebbelito i have 46 kuz of channel |
00:24:49 | zebbelito system |
00:24:54 | Herre its the opponents you beat |
00:24:56 | Herre not the winratio |
00:25:05 | zebbelito skill is only about winratio |
00:25:12 | zebbelito a noob can farm x |
00:25:13 | Herre you can have 100% winratio if you play only against rapuska and his gang |
00:25:17 | zebbelito how can u not understand that |
00:25:20 | Herre its not that way |
00:25:23 | Herre x cannot be "farmed" |
00:25:26 | Vilkuky will ulti |
00:25:30 | zebbelito sure can |
00:25:36 | zebbelito i usaly go +30 x when i lose |
00:25:41 | zebbelito not this time |
00:25:41 | Herre you steal it from the other players based on your gaming performance |
00:25:42 | zebbelito but |
00:25:51 | Vilkuky x stealer ban pls |
00:26:00 | Herre care |
00:26:10 | zebbelito this game should have quality 2 % |
00:26:14 | zebbelito if old system |
00:26:21 | Momdsiw hooki basesta sällejä |
00:26:25 | DeduXserS no ei näy |
00:26:29 | zebbelito elo 700 vs 4098 |
00:26:34 | Herre its... not |
00:27:21 | zebbelito u think this is stable teams? |
00:27:26 | Herre you mean balanced? |
00:27:30 | zebbelito yeah |
00:27:40 | Herre mathematically - yes, ingame - no |
00:28:00 | Herre they are seriously underranked |
00:28:04 | Vilkuky y |
00:28:06 | zebbelito 1 player |
00:28:07 | zebbelito is |
00:28:07 | DeduXserS -fs |
00:28:07 | Herre because they had a war against g.c |
00:28:12 | Vilkuky zeebbelito.. |
00:28:14 | Herre 2 players have |
00:28:16 | Momdsiw paljo fs :D |
00:28:19 | Vilkuky laged is playing in deduxsers clan you know ? |
00:28:19 | DeduXserS 12 |
00:28:20 | Herre laged and deduxsers |
00:28:23 | DeduXserS sigis ollu |
00:28:24 | DeduXserS 92 |
00:28:25 | Momdsiw oho niiki paljo peräti |
00:28:35 | Herre and if they keep playing here |
00:28:35 | Vilkuky laged and dedux both should be 90%+ |
00:28:40 | Herre they will rise higher |
00:28:48 | zebbelito and i will be 30 % ratio |
00:28:51 | Herre and there will be these ridiculous teams |
00:28:58 | Herre will not* |
00:29:01 | Vilkuky y |
00:29:05 | Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge] |
00:29:06 | Herre now |
00:29:08 | zebbelito I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge] |
00:29:08 | Herre gentelemen |
00:29:09 | Netukka I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge] |
00:29:10 | Herre if you please |
00:29:24 | zebbelito Stable teams |
00:29:34 | teh_re I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:29:50 | Herre the stats system is selfrepairing |
00:29:52 | Vilkuky admin afk |
00:29:58 | Herre if they keep playing here, they will have high ranks |
00:30:03 | zebbelito i f it was based on winratio |
00:30:06 | zebbelito u would have balnced |
00:30:10 | Herre ....? |
00:30:18 | Herre they have like 10% winratio |
00:30:22 | Herre so what difference that would make? |
00:30:22 | zebbelito 1 player |
00:30:26 | zebbelito biggie has 60 |
00:30:38 | Herre its not the winratio |
00:30:39 | Herre trust me |
00:30:46 | Vilkuky fight ajakir |
00:30:48 | Vilkuky jakiro |
00:30:50 | Herre lets forfeit |
00:30:53 | zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:54 | zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:55 | Netukka I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:55 | Herre I wont come there and die |
00:30:56 | zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:56 | zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:57 | zebbelito I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge] |
00:30:58 | zebbelito FFF |
00:31:00 | Herre stop spamm |