Game #1554671

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-6 X
+6 TS

95% | 1580 X | 1550 TS

+18 X
+2 TS

41% | 1030 X | 1297 TS

+1 X
+37 TS

NEW | 1083 X | 1196 TS

+28 X
+37 TS

NEW | 1129 X | 1130 TS

-1 X
+2 TS

27% | 963 X | 1287 TS

-21 X
-4 TS

87% | 1436 X | 1454 TS

-8 X
-5 TS

71% | 1226 X | 1464 TS

+35 X
-2 TS

56% | 1129 X | 1365 TS

-8 X
-8 TS

18% | 980 X | 1234 TS

-19 X
-6 TS

4% | 864 X | 1082 TS

Chat log

00:00:17slc2 jhon just pick mirana again hehe
00:00:21Skinkemaden .
00:00:21EyeforanEye sry had no vision
00:00:21StaedarB sads
00:00:21KING-_-JOHN i pick other flying heru
00:00:21StaedarB so many flyer
00:00:21baN4nafiSh skinkemaden fra game camp?
00:00:21Skinkemaden -pheonix
00:00:21Skinkemaden y
00:00:21KING-_-JOHN balanar
00:00:21baN4nafiSh cool
00:00:21Raj bana
00:00:21Skinkemaden er bare ikke der nede nu
00:00:31Raj sidder du på net cafe ?
00:00:35slc2 me lina or gyro?
00:00:46KING-_-JOHN he picked my pucl---
00:00:53Skinkemaden lol :P
00:01:14EyeforanEye puck u mid?
00:01:21Skinkemaden you can go ?
00:01:23Skinkemaden if you want to
00:01:26baN4nafiSh who banned?
00:01:33EyeforanEye bala fenix
00:01:33Skinkemaden pheonix
00:01:34baN4nafiSh shit io randomed :D
00:01:34Skinkemaden bala
00:01:36baN4nafiSh pick me bb
00:01:42baN4nafiSh please pick me bb and swap for viper
00:01:47baN4nafiSh -swap 5
00:01:47Raj -swap
00:01:49Raj -swap 3
00:01:54baN4nafiSh nice thanx buddy
00:01:58baN4nafiSh raj fra game camp?
00:02:03slc2 ench woods?
00:02:04Raj y
00:02:06Skinkemaden bb
00:02:06Raj ^^
00:02:08StaedarB yeah
00:02:10Skinkemaden hmm
00:02:11Skinkemaden lanes
00:02:14baN4nafiSh som i hvem raj?
00:02:16slc2 lina qop top then
00:02:22Skinkemaden viper bot
00:02:27Raj raj
00:02:28EyeforanEye bb top
00:02:29Raj raj
00:02:33EyeforanEye viper bot with necro
00:02:33StaedarB think ill join
00:02:34Skinkemaden y
00:02:34StaedarB them
00:02:36StaedarB top
00:02:38Raj Mr Lingh
00:02:40EyeforanEye viper and bb need farm
00:02:40baN4nafiSh reno raj?
00:02:42baN4nafiSh ah mr lingh
00:02:42StaedarB thats one shitty lane
00:02:46Raj y ;)
00:02:54Raj hvem er reno ?
00:03:03Skinkemaden well
00:03:05Skinkemaden we should be able
00:03:08Skinkemaden to win this
00:03:19baN4nafiSh havnt played dota for 4 weeks
00:03:21baN4nafiSh first game
00:03:26Raj banned
00:03:27Raj haha
00:03:33baN4nafiSh might just be good, well I asked for a self ban
00:03:36baN4nafiSh and got 4 weeks
00:03:39baN4nafiSh had school
00:03:50StaedarB ?
00:03:51StaedarB O_o
00:03:57Skinkemaden 1 top
00:04:41Skinkemaden lol
00:05:27EyeforanEye enchant going top woods
00:05:30EyeforanEye lvl 1
00:05:37slc2 heraaz theme
00:06:08slc2 herra z them
00:06:29EyeforanEye ss mid
00:06:39EyeforanEye re
00:07:34KING-_-JOHN ss mid
00:07:35Casberry moive
00:07:36Casberry ?
00:07:38Skinkemaden how is mid ?
00:07:41EyeforanEye good
00:08:08EyeforanEye could use gang
00:08:16baN4nafiSh we have ench in our forest
00:08:36baN4nafiSh buy wards someone vs ench
00:08:37StaedarB move
00:08:38StaedarB again
00:09:17EyeforanEye mirana inc top
00:09:27EyeforanEye mirana inc bot
00:09:33KING-_-JOHN 00m
00:09:34baN4nafiSh wards someone
00:09:39KING-_-JOHN wait
00:09:46StaedarB dont need
00:09:47StaedarB to hit
00:09:48StaedarB i dust
00:10:02slc2 rdy?
00:10:04EyeforanEye enchant mid
00:10:06PinaryB y
00:10:08EyeforanEye need gang mid
00:10:18Skinkemaden k
00:10:29slc2 omg
00:10:37EyeforanEye mirana inc bot
00:10:38baN4nafiSh ench here
00:10:43Skinkemaden go him..
00:11:00KING-_-JOHN missile
00:11:26Raj what timing
00:11:43baN4nafiSh ss many
00:11:46EyeforanEye 3 bot
00:11:47baN4nafiSh place the wards
00:11:48Skinkemaden where is our chick ?
00:12:12EyeforanEye care puck
00:12:24Raj ss
00:12:41slc2 bone here
00:12:55Skinkemaden we dont have a chick ?
00:13:00Raj y
00:13:02Raj i bought
00:13:07slc2 miss 2
00:13:31Raj we need to gang
00:13:40Skinkemaden go
00:14:14Casberry ffs
00:14:17Casberry failure
00:14:26Raj omg
00:14:33Raj dudes
00:14:35Raj wtf
00:14:50StaedarB cock
00:14:52StaedarB my chicken
00:14:55StaedarB with basilus
00:14:56StaedarB dead =D
00:15:23baN4nafiSh ss many
00:15:34slc2 wop
00:15:59Raj fuckin focus
00:16:12Raj why they only focus me
00:17:18Casberry no
00:17:31EyeforanEye viper oimg
00:17:32Raj omg
00:17:37Casberry run ffs
00:17:40Raj what run
00:17:44Raj could have killed
00:17:45Raj him
00:17:51Raj why u dont attack
00:18:03baN4nafiSh haha their chicken died or something? or our did?
00:18:06baN4nafiSh have a ring
00:18:07EyeforanEye their did
00:18:09baN4nafiSh of
00:18:12baN4nafiSh with someitems
00:18:22Raj we need towers
00:18:28baN4nafiSh we need to live
00:18:35StaedarB -ma
00:18:52EyeforanEye gang
00:19:00Raj come bana
00:19:09slc2 3
00:19:14slc2 ench come
00:19:34EyeforanEye dive
00:20:05Raj omfg
00:20:23EyeforanEye gj
00:20:30Skinkemaden LOL
00:20:31Casberry rofl
00:20:33Casberry ffs
00:20:50baN4nafiSh up cihcken?
00:21:07Skinkemaden denie ?
00:21:08Skinkemaden lol
00:21:09baN4nafiSh die?
00:21:14baN4nafiSh two nukers
00:21:14Skinkemaden how ?
00:21:17Skinkemaden you got vanguard
00:21:20Skinkemaden with nothing ..
00:21:21Skinkemaden lol
00:21:28Skinkemaden gave them a free tower
00:21:37baN4nafiSh haha like a denie would be sure
00:22:37Casberry man ..
00:22:40baN4nafiSh wards plz
00:22:43KING-_-JOHN -aa
00:23:02EyeforanEye b
00:23:11EyeforanEye omg
00:23:19EyeforanEye gj
00:23:27Raj b
00:23:29Raj dont die
00:23:40baN4nafiSh well said viper
00:24:37Skinkemaden necro
00:24:40Skinkemaden KILL THE GUY ..
00:24:55Casberry kill the guy ? u joking ?
00:24:59Skinkemaden heal
00:25:00Skinkemaden ulti
00:25:01Skinkemaden dead
00:25:01Skinkemaden ..
00:25:02Casberry they kill me
00:25:04Skinkemaden he used stun
00:25:05Skinkemaden there were 2
00:25:08Skinkemaden it take 3 sek
00:25:11Skinkemaden to kill lina there
00:25:17slc2 me haste?
00:25:21KING-_-JOHN leave
00:25:24Skinkemaden and maybe safe my ass ..
00:25:28baN4nafiSh -ma
00:25:42Skinkemaden you are all just passive
00:25:56baN4nafiSh we have no wadrs, and to much talk
00:26:00Casberry otherwise i would have stats like viper
00:26:03baN4nafiSh they mass gang heroes
00:26:09EyeforanEye ffs
00:26:45baN4nafiSh lets hope they kepep fo
00:27:00Raj ffs
00:27:04Raj i just die
00:27:08Raj for the fuckin team
00:27:31Raj attack the ironwood brance
00:27:34Raj brach
00:27:37Raj branch
00:27:42baN4nafiSh its mine...
00:28:12slc2 def mid
00:28:46Raj wtf
00:28:48Raj fail
00:28:50Raj GG
00:28:52Casberry yep
00:28:54Raj I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:55Raj I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:58Skinkemaden lol
00:29:26Raj clinkz duer ik til en skid
00:29:34baN4nafiSh maybe str boots viper?
00:29:36baN4nafiSh and hood?
00:29:40Raj y
00:30:12baN4nafiSh got blade mail soon, hope it will be ncie with all their aoe
00:30:40baN4nafiSh gj
00:30:53Skinkemaden rather get piep
00:30:57Skinkemaden than blademail
00:31:13baN4nafiSh ...uti
00:31:19baN4nafiSh or used i gues
00:31:24baN4nafiSh b
00:31:30baN4nafiSh 4ueen
00:31:42baN4nafiSh ....
00:33:04baN4nafiSh b
00:33:18baN4nafiSh wards oon cihcken
00:33:27Casberry stick together
00:33:46Raj ban ham
00:34:19Raj skinke
00:34:21Raj ban ham
00:34:25Raj clinkz
00:34:30Skinkemaden lol
00:34:31Skinkemaden hvorfor?
00:34:37baN4nafiSh lyt ikke til ham
00:34:38baN4nafiSh bare spil
00:34:49Raj han hjælper aldrig team
00:34:55baN4nafiSh shss
00:35:15baN4nafiSh weee
00:35:22baN4nafiSh gemte du dig lige for healing?
00:35:33Skinkemaden lol
00:35:36Skinkemaden den healler stadig
00:35:41baN4nafiSh ja nice
00:35:50StaedarB i lead
00:35:52Skinkemaden samme med meka
00:35:52StaedarB in frags
00:35:58StaedarB just wanted to
00:35:59Skinkemaden hvornår har du pipe ?
00:36:01StaedarB get that out there
00:36:20slc2 lets tru to end?
00:36:22slc2 *try
00:36:58baN4nafiSh snar tpipe
00:38:26baN4nafiSh mid tower?
00:38:28Raj y
00:38:29Raj fast
00:38:31baN4nafiSh wards på chicken
00:38:48EyeforanEye omw puck
00:38:49Skinkemaden ..
00:38:56Skinkemaden kidding
00:39:06Skinkemaden THX
00:39:07Skinkemaden rly
00:39:28slc2 lets try mid?
00:39:38StaedarB lets try kill
00:39:39StaedarB all
00:39:39Skinkemaden skaf nogle sko
00:39:39Skinkemaden bana
00:39:42StaedarB then mid
00:39:45baN4nafiSh ?
00:40:03baN4nafiSh hva snakker du om
00:40:06Skinkemaden phase
00:40:09baN4nafiSh nej da
00:40:14Skinkemaden ..
00:40:19baN4nafiSh phase med mine mass spells
00:40:22baN4nafiSh de virker ikke
00:40:28Skinkemaden power treds
00:40:31baN4nafiSh nope
00:40:32Skinkemaden et eller andet
00:40:35baN4nafiSh 8 str
00:40:35Skinkemaden ikke boots omg
00:40:36baN4nafiSh who cares
00:40:40baN4nafiSh for 5 ms
00:41:13Casberry omg
00:41:41slc2 ench heal
00:41:46baN4nafiSh du har ingen items, og du whiner over jeg ikke har brugt 1000 på at få 5 ms og 8 str
00:41:47StaedarB go home
00:41:50StaedarB its too much waste
00:41:53Skinkemaden ja ?
00:41:57StaedarB not to be rude
00:41:59Skinkemaden jeg spiller i det mindste godt
00:42:01baN4nafiSh dum logik
00:42:04baN4nafiSh ja det gør du sgu :d
00:42:07JohnnyC manners plz
00:42:22Skinkemaden har bare hafft det hårdt ..
00:42:28Skinkemaden vil bare mene
00:42:29Skinkemaden lidt
00:42:32baN4nafiSh sådan er det tit nårman spiller godt
00:42:34baN4nafiSh og snakker for meget
00:43:55EyeforanEye puck
00:44:03Skinkemaden det fint fish
00:45:18EyeforanEye TWR
00:45:43Skinkemaden ...
00:45:57Skinkemaden gj
00:46:04Raj give mig nu et kill
00:46:04Raj ffs
00:46:11baN4nafiSh det så lgie meget
00:46:17baN4nafiSh bare tank
00:46:18baN4nafiSh og slow
00:46:27Raj du skal tanke
00:46:29Raj ffs
00:46:31EyeforanEye any ideas next item?
00:46:33baN4nafiSh vi skal
00:46:38baN4nafiSh mkb
00:46:42EyeforanEye y
00:46:58baN4nafiSh mkb manta
00:48:41slc2 mid all?
00:49:08baN4nafiSh jerks
00:49:18Casberry def
00:49:21EyeforanEye ill b after twr
00:49:22baN4nafiSh clinkz stop solo!
00:49:24baN4nafiSh and tp
00:49:38baN4nafiSh good job clinkz
00:50:02Raj ffs
00:50:09baN4nafiSh we could pown em so hard if we went 5v5
00:50:34baN4nafiSh :d
00:51:20slc2 top?
00:51:42baN4nafiSh go top
00:52:46Raj push
00:52:50baN4nafiSh ...
00:53:31slc2 we should push there
00:54:35baN4nafiSh team up
00:54:35baN4nafiSh mid?
00:54:40baN4nafiSh def
00:54:48Casberry we never stick ...
00:54:53baN4nafiSh we just suck yes
00:54:56baN4nafiSh less sucking more sticking
00:55:22baN4nafiSh care
00:55:29EyeforanEye omg
00:56:01EyeforanEye gj
00:57:28baN4nafiSh wards?
00:57:36baN4nafiSh thanx
00:57:47baN4nafiSh gang forest all 5?
00:57:49baN4nafiSh and ward up
00:57:49slc2 top?
00:57:50EyeforanEye do it
00:58:07EyeforanEye invis
00:58:12EyeforanEye to late
00:58:12Raj me
00:58:19EyeforanEye 'some1 is invis
00:58:54baN4nafiSh gj
00:58:55EyeforanEye push
00:59:00baN4nafiSh tp top
01:00:00slc2 nice john
01:00:56baN4nafiSh get tps?
01:01:53EyeforanEye haha raj
01:02:06slc2 push there
01:02:50Raj hvis bana fik bkb kunne de gøre en skid
01:02:58baN4nafiSh gj
01:03:51baN4nafiSh -cs
01:03:58Raj hvor mange
01:03:59Raj ?
01:04:03EyeforanEye -cs
01:04:08baN4nafiSh 57 17
01:04:14Raj 75 8
01:04:34Raj j pusher top
01:04:39baN4nafiSh plz dont
01:04:40baN4nafiSh i do
01:04:42baN4nafiSh i h ave bots
01:04:48baN4nafiSh go with team
01:05:11baN4nafiSh går du invis når vi har clinkz på hold og de konstant har gem og dust?
01:05:23Raj ja
01:05:26baN4nafiSh k
01:06:05Skinkemaden FFS
01:06:07Skinkemaden come
01:06:53baN4nafiSh cd
01:06:54baN4nafiSh bots
01:09:09baN4nafiSh gj
01:09:16baN4nafiSh maybe roshan then push or push mid now
01:09:30baN4nafiSh captain please decide tactics
01:09:37Skinkemaden well
01:09:40baN4nafiSh want a roshan clinkz+
01:09:40Skinkemaden you go rosh
01:09:41slc2 all together bot?
01:09:47baN4nafiSh me clinkz go
01:09:50baN4nafiSh i have max items
01:09:51Skinkemaden someone need to def
01:09:51EyeforanEye doesnt mather to me
01:09:58JohnnyC they rosh
01:10:06baN4nafiSh clinkz takes
01:10:08EyeforanEye y
01:10:13Skinkemaden viper
01:10:15Skinkemaden def withme
01:10:16Skinkemaden necro
01:10:25Skinkemaden go with bone and bb
01:10:36EyeforanEye kill
01:10:49baN4nafiSh sielnce
01:11:05baN4nafiSh dust or gem someone
01:11:29baN4nafiSh puck need u
01:11:31baN4nafiSh b
01:11:32baN4nafiSh we three
01:11:38EyeforanEye b
01:11:39baN4nafiSh b
01:11:41baN4nafiSh def from mid
01:11:43Skinkemaden viper stay
01:12:58baN4nafiSh mid all viper def
01:13:00baN4nafiSh cant risk it
01:13:18baN4nafiSh bring dust or gem even
01:13:52baN4nafiSh all mid plz
01:13:56baN4nafiSh they cant suicide on last
01:14:00EyeforanEye quick def bot
01:14:01baN4nafiSh viper def
01:14:05Raj kkk
01:14:30Skinkemaden mirana will backdoor
01:14:31Skinkemaden and i tp
01:14:50baN4nafiSh he cant backdoor withour creeps
01:15:16EyeforanEye mirana inc bot
01:15:30baN4nafiSh push mid
01:15:40Skinkemaden bb MID
01:16:30baN4nafiSh 4k hp bb
01:16:42slc2 they win
01:16:47KING-_-JOHN naaa
01:16:56baN4nafiSh come mid someone
01:16:58baN4nafiSh or
01:17:01baN4nafiSh bot yet
01:17:02Casberry i am
01:17:02baN4nafiSh yes
01:17:03baN4nafiSh go?
01:17:04Skinkemaden bone
01:17:05Skinkemaden mid
01:17:08Casberry go biot
01:17:09Skinkemaden k
01:17:38baN4nafiSh rax
01:17:58EyeforanEye finish
01:17:59Skinkemaden MID
01:18:04Raj top
01:18:05Raj 1
01:18:06Raj fast
01:18:07Raj asap
01:18:07baN4nafiSh i def
01:18:08baN4nafiSh np
01:18:12baN4nafiSh need gem though
01:18:14baN4nafiSh or wards
01:18:20JohnnyC gogo gyro!
01:18:22JohnnyC ahw
01:18:23JohnnyC :<
01:18:32Skinkemaden bone ff
01:18:34Skinkemaden ..
01:18:46baN4nafiSh tp
01:19:09baN4nafiSh noooo
01:19:10JohnnyC :D
01:19:16baN4nafiSh shit
01:19:16PinaryB lalala
01:19:18slc2 jihar
01:19:19baN4nafiSh nice illusion move
01:19:24PinaryB gj anyways
01:19:34Casberry fuck
01:19:38slc2 banan jeg er dansk
01:19:45baN4nafiSh nå ja i know
01:19:49slc2 hehe
01:19:50Raj jamas
01:20:15Casberry damit
01:20:20EyeforanEye buy out?
01:20:24baN4nafiSh so stupid we let him get that last
01:20:25Raj jeg har de mest elendig frags
01:20:29baN4nafiSh doesnt matter mega super creeps
01:20:30Raj nogensinde
01:20:39baN4nafiSh du spiller ellers normalt vildt godt mr. lingh
01:20:44slc2 go throne!
01:20:57slc2 throne!!!
01:21:48baN4nafiSh ta gem puck måske=
01:21:56baN4nafiSh take gem someone
01:22:10EyeforanEye haha
01:22:33baN4nafiSh gj
01:22:37EyeforanEye Eyeforaneye
01:22:40JohnnyC :<
01:22:48JohnnyC JohnnyC
01:23:01baN4nafiSh we died so much in start. to bad
01:23:07EyeforanEye y
01:23:07slc2 w8 for all
01:23:13Casberry we let our towers die
01:23:17Casberry we should have turteled
01:23:30baN4nafiSh all mid
01:23:37EyeforanEye omw
01:24:44baN4nafiSh u can ff
01:24:47baN4nafiSh :D
01:25:39Raj we have to push
01:25:39KING-_-JOHN zz
01:25:43Skinkemaden bb
01:25:44Skinkemaden and bone
01:25:45Skinkemaden go mid
01:25:47Skinkemaden we def
01:25:48Raj now
01:25:49Raj ffs
01:25:51baN4nafiSh well i can tp mid and def bot
01:25:57baN4nafiSh viper def top
01:25:58KING-_-JOHN maybe take a rosh
01:26:01Skinkemaden go mid
01:26:02baN4nafiSh and then rest mid and i tp at rax
01:26:02Skinkemaden bone bb
01:26:09baN4nafiSh need to push back bot
01:26:15baN4nafiSh necro mid
01:26:17baN4nafiSh stop farming!
01:26:24Skinkemaden necxro
01:26:26Skinkemaden help viper
01:26:46Raj push ffs
01:26:48Skinkemaden fukcing go mid
01:26:55Raj otherwise gg
01:27:08StaedarB igo top finish viper
01:27:08baN4nafiSh shsss
01:27:10StaedarB and throne
01:27:12StaedarB and tp
01:27:14StaedarB if need me
01:27:18Skinkemaden throne
01:27:20KING-_-JOHN 'def instead
01:27:33EyeforanEye no buyout
01:27:39Skinkemaden THRONe
01:27:58baN4nafiSh imb b
01:27:59baN4nafiSh b
01:27:59Casberry lol
01:27:59Skinkemaden ..
01:28:02baN4nafiSh need clinkz
01:28:11KING-_-JOHN rosh imo
01:28:11baN4nafiSh heal
01:28:15EyeforanEye worthless viper
01:28:31baN4nafiSh gonna sell pipe
01:28:34baN4nafiSh someone can buy
01:28:36EyeforanEye bb u should have gotten AC
01:28:40baN4nafiSh i weill
01:28:41Raj bkb
01:28:44KING-_-JOHN gyro take
01:28:48slc2 k
01:28:59EyeforanEye fuck
01:29:11PinaryB :9
01:29:14JohnnyC :]
01:29:19PinaryB :3
01:29:52baN4nafiSh gg
01:29:52PinaryB gg
01:29:52EyeforanEye gg
01:29:53slc2 omg!!!!
01:29:55Skinkemaden gg
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