Game #1554196

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-9 X
+3 TS

87% | 1399 X | 1456 TS

+20 X
+4 TS

72% | 1253 X | 1423 TS

-10 X
+2 TS

65% | 1230 X | 1371 TS

-19 X
+2 TS

26% | 976 X | 1260 TS

-18 X
+5 TS

24% | 879 X | 1341 TS

-24 X
-2 TS

84% | 1360 X | 1464 TS

+16 X
-2 TS

80% | 1337 X | 1440 TS

-16 X
-1 TS

77% | 1288 X | 1434 TS

+48 X
-3 TS

22% | 894 X | 1287 TS

+27 X
-3 TS

15% | 868 X | 1252 TS

Chat log

00:00:19Seppo13 herre
00:00:20Seppo13 kuuluuko
00:00:22Wormik -APM
00:00:22Planktoni ban bat
00:00:22diesel no need teamid küll meeldivad mulle lihtsalt :)
00:00:22Planktoni someone want something
00:00:22diesel -bb
00:00:26Planktoni any weavewr?
00:00:35Strom !BANNED: Bat & Bristle
00:00:35diesel nice
00:00:39diesel get qop
00:00:40diesel or
00:00:41diesel tuskarr
00:00:41Planktoni well pick if u can play weaver
00:00:43diesel wormik
00:00:45Planktoni i really suck with it
00:00:46Strom I paly tuskarr np
00:00:50diesel not
00:00:51diesel :P
00:00:57Herre gg
00:01:08Strom so many choices
00:01:11Herre xDD
00:01:11Strom dunno what to take
00:01:11Herre seppo
00:01:17Seppo13 kuuleks?
00:01:19diesel weaver
00:01:20diesel sk
00:01:21Herre poltin sormet
00:01:22Herre brb->
00:01:24Strom gonna go gosu instead
00:01:27diesel that
00:01:27Planktoni need aoe
00:01:28Seppo13 teen keitois? :d
00:01:28Seppo13 noob
00:01:29diesel over weaver?
00:01:30diesel -.-
00:01:34Strom enemy team full of weaklings
00:01:35Planktoni puck mb
00:01:39Seppo13 herre come bot
00:01:39Strom perfect chance to try new stuff
00:02:14svents oioi kriss mis su % juhtunud on?:D
00:02:21Strom !
00:02:22Herre shares
00:02:26svents downswing?:D
00:02:41Herre shares
00:02:44Planktoni krisss
00:02:47Seppo13 herre
00:02:50Seppo13 kuuleks vent
00:02:52Herre kuulen
00:02:54Seppo13 k
00:02:55diesel feelixi
00:02:56diesel share
00:03:00diesel and get to the lanes already
00:03:13Herre SHARE
00:03:14Herre THE
00:03:15Herre CHICKEN
00:03:21Strom feelixi, why you hatin
00:03:24FeeliXi I GOT CANDY
00:04:07PinaryB n1!!
00:04:08diesel smart SMAT
00:04:30Strom feelixi, take at least 1 lvl of prison
00:04:32Strom we kill at lvl 3
00:06:08svents ss1
00:06:32diesel upgrade chicken asap please
00:08:14diesel yay
00:08:16diesel my 1. one
00:08:17Wormik SSMID
00:08:21Planktoni ss mid
00:08:36diesel please
00:08:38diesel upgrade chicken
00:09:29PinaryB hahahahaha
00:09:30diesel gj
00:09:31svents ffs
00:09:44diesel if some1
00:09:45Wormik SSMID
00:09:46diesel get me dusts
00:09:49diesel I can gank bottom
00:09:51Planktoni ss mid
00:09:58svents ss2
00:10:03svents re1
00:10:12diesel lets take herre then
00:10:26diesel WHY
00:10:26Planktoni ss
00:10:29diesel u scare them off?
00:10:32diesel I come to gank
00:10:34diesel and u fuck that up
00:10:38Strom didn't do anything new
00:10:42Strom I've been attacking them since lvl1
00:10:57Wormik SSMID
00:11:07PinaryB puck miss
00:11:08PinaryB sk miss
00:11:18diesel mid miss
00:11:19diesel bot care
00:11:27PinaryB re sk
00:11:35Herre just go farm
00:11:36Herre omfg
00:11:41diesel come
00:12:01Planktoni ss
00:12:24diesel come
00:12:25diesel top me
00:12:27diesel to me
00:12:36Wormik WARDS
00:12:39Planktoni care
00:12:40Planktoni 2 misws
00:12:44svents ss2
00:12:45svents also
00:14:11diesel USE ULTI
00:14:12diesel FFS
00:14:19diesel pinyarby
00:14:21diesel why no ulti?
00:14:27Planktoni ss mid
00:14:28Strom probably not skileld
00:14:36diesel why just WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
00:14:41PinaryB have it but it was too late
00:14:43diesel wouldnt u skill ulti?
00:14:45Planktoni many misssing
00:14:46PinaryB my fail
00:14:54Herre puck u doing?'
00:14:57svents gank
00:14:59svents have ulti
00:15:04Herre no need to
00:15:13Planktoni b top
00:15:17Seppo13 noob puck
00:15:32diesel OI
00:15:33svents sry
00:15:36svents my bad yeah
00:15:53Seppo13 :DD
00:15:56diesel riki 5:0
00:16:01diesel mäng vittus kui see vend ei sure
00:16:03diesel start ganking
00:16:04FeeliXi hes seppo
00:16:08diesel wormik
00:16:08FeeliXi seppo is master
00:16:12diesel ära kallista seda lanet
00:16:14diesel tule gankima
00:16:14Wormik JUST GANKED?
00:16:17diesel GANK RIKI
00:16:19diesel FUCK OTHERS
00:16:20Strom mis bot
00:16:25diesel others have been feeding HELL
00:16:27diesel riki
00:16:29diesel needs
00:16:30diesel to die
00:16:41Planktoni b bot
00:16:42Wormik tulen kui ulti saan uuesti
00:17:41FeeliXi lag alg
00:18:16Strom riki mid
00:18:18Herre -ma
00:18:18Strom come gang
00:18:25Planktoni missing all
00:18:59Seppo13 arro8
00:19:36svents nice silencer silence
00:19:54Seppo13 sk free farming top
00:19:56Seppo13 10 min
00:19:58Seppo13 still no imems :r
00:20:01Herre :DD
00:20:10Krisss and?
00:20:15Seppo13 leave
00:20:24Krisss qwhine more
00:20:36diesel use chick
00:20:43Seppo13 puck
00:20:45Seppo13 dont be pussy
00:22:00svents fcking silecmewülwAÜÕVw
00:22:38Seppo13 my mid
00:22:43FeeliXi i have feeling
00:22:50Herre and I am interested in
00:22:52FeeliXi that somebody is watching me
00:22:52svents so fcking wrong pick that puck
00:22:55svents cant so any combio
00:23:01diesel strom
00:23:01Herre l2p
00:23:04diesel rikit nägid üleval?
00:23:05svents against silencer
00:23:06Strom ei
00:23:10diesel aa ok
00:23:10diesel come
00:23:12diesel got gem
00:23:31Planktoni need towers
00:24:00svents gem
00:24:01svents nice
00:24:05diesel bot
00:24:07Seppo13 Wp puck
00:24:13Herre rikimaru had 5-0
00:24:29Krisss still no items
00:24:32svents they have just bought gem
00:24:32Seppo13 ?
00:25:15diesel coie
00:25:20Seppo13 care bot
00:25:26Seppo13 sk
00:25:31Seppo13 buy Wards
00:25:47Herre best sk
00:26:00Krisss care
00:26:01svents really herre
00:26:04svents dont whine
00:26:11svents i saw ur kunkka
00:26:12Herre you are losing the game to us?
00:26:14svents if i was cm
00:26:14diesel gank mid
00:26:15Seppo13 got diffu
00:26:16Herre so?
00:26:17svents u fed also
00:26:19Herre so?
00:26:30svents did others whine on u?
00:26:31Herre I feed one time in 500 games
00:26:42svents one time?:D
00:26:45Herre yes
00:27:05Seppo13 gather..
00:27:13Planktoni gang mid
00:27:14Seppo13 go 5v5
00:27:19Seppo13 kill tuskar 1
00:27:31diesel next tower too
00:27:46diesel sk has no ulti
00:27:51Seppo13 go
00:27:52Seppo13 tuskar
00:28:00Seppo13 puck -.-
00:28:13diesel TAKE
00:28:13diesel MY GEM
00:28:16Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:30svents u dint destroy gem gg
00:28:36Seppo13 this
00:28:36Seppo13 puck
00:28:37Seppo13 so fail
00:28:38FeeliXi feelixi ounaa
00:28:43FeeliXi rannoilla järvien
00:28:46FeeliXi katveessa metsien
00:28:49diesel regen
00:28:56svents u cant understand that ican make any combo
00:29:04Herre you can make ulti
00:29:04Herre xD
00:29:08svents getting silence if i blink
00:29:21diesel anna dust mulle kui sa tahad gemmi kanda
00:29:25Wormik k
00:29:36diesel popime midist
00:30:03diesel mis teed? ;D
00:30:07diesel aa
00:30:07diesel ok
00:30:07Wormik ei näe rsk
00:30:11Wormik ward seal prolly
00:30:32Planktoni aoe owns
00:31:55Seppo13 30min freefarm sk
00:31:57Seppo13 Wp
00:31:59Seppo13 travels only
00:32:07svents I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:08Krisss freefarm?? u retarded`?
00:32:13Strom 9 deaths is freefarm?
00:32:14Seppo13 mealWhile
00:32:17Seppo13 5 them bot
00:32:22Seppo13 you freefarm top
00:32:23Seppo13 0 items
00:32:34Herre he had freefarm
00:32:43Herre deaths just show how he used that.
00:32:50FeeliXi cat poop smells bad
00:32:53FeeliXi :(
00:33:04FeeliXi can i kill my gf:S cat?
00:33:10Herre tsay plz
00:33:21diesel -ma
00:33:37Seppo13 :DD:
00:33:50FeeliXi XD
00:34:05FeeliXi rolling on the floor laughter
00:34:35Planktoni -aa
00:34:39Seppo13 koitas nyt planktoni saada items
00:34:43Planktoni kovasti
00:34:56diesel gather
00:34:57diesel and push
00:35:04Wormik damn my 1337 x will suffer this game :S
00:35:21Seppo13 kriss leave
00:35:35Krisss cantr.-i get ban
00:35:47PinaryB no mana for ult
00:36:02diesel gem
00:36:02diesel gem
00:36:17diesel clock
00:36:19diesel ur SHIT
00:36:23diesel u go in first
00:36:23Wormik global silence would rock
00:36:25diesel THEN team comes
00:36:26diesel not me
00:36:28diesel dont wait
00:36:28FeeliXi ur shitting me?
00:36:29diesel GO
00:36:36PinaryB didn't had mana sry
00:36:42diesel u didnt do ANYTHING last battle
00:36:49FeeliXi yes i did
00:36:52diesel no you didnt
00:36:59Seppo13 kriss
00:37:00Seppo13 leave
00:37:00diesel 1 rocket use ulti and battery
00:37:03FeeliXi cog and battery
00:37:03Seppo13 then We autoWin
00:37:20Krisss well i u promise i wount get ban i will
00:37:20svents maby better i should leave?
00:37:25Planktoni seppo
00:37:27Seppo13 yes
00:37:29Seppo13 sek
00:37:39Seppo13 let me farm bot
00:37:40diesel u should jump in with ur ulti and "mute" one enemy
00:37:40Seppo13 soon manta
00:37:41FeeliXi rakastellaan missä vaaan
00:37:46Herre ootko hiljaa
00:37:47Herre ?
00:38:02FeeliXi rakasteellaanko?
00:38:20Seppo13 Wards
00:38:38Herre b
00:38:39Seppo13 rkiss
00:38:40Seppo13 b
00:38:48Seppo13 kriss brains?
00:39:23diesel clkock
00:39:24diesel stay next to me
00:39:27FeeliXi cock
00:39:35Seppo13 dont
00:39:35Seppo13 fight
00:39:36Seppo13 just
00:39:37Seppo13 turlte
00:39:38Seppo13 fucking
00:39:39Seppo13 IDIOTTSS
00:40:30diesel miks sa fogi all võidelda üritad? :D
00:40:30svents gem at base
00:40:34diesel smok
00:40:38Strom no ma katsetasin
00:40:39FeeliXi dunno
00:40:41Strom kui tugev olen
00:40:41Seppo13 i take
00:40:43diesel :D
00:40:45diesel 6 missi tugev
00:40:54Strom einoh
00:40:57Strom natuke farmi otsa
00:41:01Strom ja teen fogi all kah ära
00:41:09Seppo13 go plant
00:41:10Seppo13 these Wards
00:41:13svents i try
00:41:26diesel ma arvan et varsti jookseb riki lihtsalt üle meist :(
00:41:30diesel võtaks roshani
00:41:42Seppo13 Wait there
00:41:43Seppo13 i scout
00:41:45Strom kui ta bkb teeb siis mby
00:41:59Strom t key didn't work
00:42:03Seppo13 b fast
00:42:34Wormik ei tra
00:42:38Seppo13 sk go blademail
00:42:47Krisss y
00:42:48FeeliXi are u from eest?
00:42:56FeeliXi estonia?
00:43:06FeeliXi dudes?
00:43:31FeeliXi are U!!=!?!?!
00:43:43diesel y
00:43:53FeeliXi what means "krikin kaja pöhö"?
00:43:57Seppo13 def
00:43:58Seppo13 in base
00:44:01Seppo13 GATHER
00:44:13Seppo13 fj
00:44:14Seppo13 gj
00:44:17Herre bj
00:44:18Herre gh
00:44:33Seppo13 go fight
00:44:34Seppo13 4v5
00:44:39Strom what happened to that rosh plan
00:44:41Seppo13 or
00:44:41Strom did we take it?
00:44:42Seppo13 no rosh
00:44:43PinaryB can i use force staff in smoke?
00:44:49Wormik I THINK SO
00:44:50Strom pinaryb, you can use all items in smoke
00:44:51Seppo13 GUYS
00:44:53Strom smoke silences
00:44:58Strom silence doesn't disable items
00:45:00diesel gg
00:45:06Seppo13 N1 again
00:45:06PinaryB k
00:45:09Planktoni call them imba arrows
00:45:10Seppo13 GO ROSH
00:45:12Seppo13 FAST
00:45:14Seppo13 ALL ROSH
00:45:15Strom we need to stick together with 5 from now on
00:45:19Strom get some entries
00:45:21Seppo13 ill take
00:45:21Strom and get some raxes
00:45:22Planktoni y
00:45:24Seppo13 potmi
00:45:24Seppo13 ota
00:45:26Seppo13 gemi
00:45:30Seppo13 geita tp vittuu
00:45:31Seppo13 nyt
00:45:36Seppo13 ota
00:45:36diesel zz
00:45:37Seppo13 good
00:45:45Seppo13 go
00:45:46Seppo13 fight mid
00:45:47Strom just gather 5
00:45:56Wormik lets own
00:45:58Wormik bane1st
00:46:00Strom we're 4
00:46:10Strom b
00:46:10Strom b
00:46:17Seppo13 i suicide
00:46:17Seppo13 1
00:46:21Seppo13 follo8 me
00:47:12diesel HELP
00:47:28Seppo13 b
00:47:58Krisss i try ac
00:48:04Seppo13 y
00:48:14Wormik tal gem
00:48:15Seppo13 Wards
00:48:16Strom tean
00:48:17Seppo13 plx
00:48:40Herre b
00:48:42Seppo13 DEF IN BASE
00:48:43Seppo13 GATHER
00:48:47Seppo13 1 arroW
00:48:49Seppo13 then fight
00:48:50Seppo13 just turlte
00:48:52Seppo13 in base
00:48:56Strom wait mid
00:48:59Seppo13 GOO
00:49:09Strom we need entry anyway
00:49:11Strom can't go full on
00:49:53Seppo13 guys
00:49:54Seppo13 Wake up
00:50:22Strom b
00:50:32Seppo13 my top farm
00:50:45FeeliXi i wonder why
00:50:49FeeliXi i wonder where
00:50:55Herre be quiet
00:50:55Herre plz
00:51:09FeeliXi why?
00:51:15FeeliXi i wonder why
00:51:37Seppo13 need 600g
00:51:51Seppo13 b
00:51:51Seppo13 b
00:51:52Seppo13 b
00:51:53Seppo13 b
00:51:57Seppo13 B IDIOTS
00:52:06Herre kriss :-------D
00:52:16Seppo13 turtle...
00:52:38FeeliXi here goes the neigbourhood
00:52:38Seppo13 VITTU!"!!
00:52:47diesel ok
00:53:27FeeliXi JAIKS
00:53:32Planktoni oh man
00:53:32FeeliXi JEAH!!!
00:53:38FeeliXi Noo!
00:53:41Seppo13 VITTU VÄÄRÄ ITEMS
00:53:42Strom we can't rush in like that
00:53:48Strom riki owns too much in such tight spaces
00:54:01diesel wormik kasuta ultit järgmise wave peale
00:54:02FeeliXi tight space :) ihihihihih
00:54:12FeeliXi :|
00:54:46Seppo13 go vladi
00:54:47FeeliXi minulla on pieni muna, mutta iso sielu
00:54:48Seppo13 s1
00:54:51Strom rosh should be up soon
00:54:52Herre turpakiinni nyt
00:54:52Seppo13 oot kehari
00:54:54Strom we should try planning for that
00:55:03Planktoni gem there
00:55:04svents can any1 plant wards pls?
00:55:17FeeliXi voi että on helppo saada dotaajat raivoamaaa
00:55:20Seppo13 all mid?
00:55:20diesel take roshan
00:55:21diesel asap
00:55:28svents take gem
00:55:35Planktoni give
00:55:43Seppo13 ok
00:55:44Seppo13 all mid
00:55:45Seppo13 rosh!!!
00:55:46Seppo13 they rosh
00:55:49Seppo13 no8
00:55:54Seppo13 sk1
00:55:57Seppo13 ...
00:56:03Strom grab aegis super fast
00:56:48Seppo13 NOW
00:56:48diesel riki has won
00:56:54svents i deff
00:56:57Seppo13 -.-
00:56:59Seppo13 b
00:57:01Seppo13 fuckin gh noobs
00:57:15Seppo13 fukcing noobs
00:57:17Seppo13 potm allrduy deff
00:57:20Seppo13 fukcing idiot puck
00:57:27svents u saw my hp
00:57:33Seppo13 3v4?
00:58:07Strom right
00:58:08Seppo13 ill farm 500g
00:58:32Planktoni b mid
00:58:37Seppo13 140g
00:58:53Seppo13 got it
00:59:00Herre I will make vladimir
00:59:01Strom pinarby, where the fuck is your ghost scepter?
00:59:06Strom buy it right now
00:59:16Seppo13 lets go mid
00:59:17Strom you can shoot while being decripfied
00:59:17PinaryB k
00:59:20Planktoni y
00:59:40Strom so when riki or sk or potm shoots at you, you just ghost yourself
00:59:41Seppo13 end it
00:59:43Strom and still shoot back
00:59:51Strom also
00:59:53PinaryB k didn't know that
00:59:56Strom it only works if you orb-walk
00:59:59Strom autoattack doesn't work
01:00:08Strom so you press w and target enemy
01:00:28diesel use 1. skill
01:00:31diesel sile
01:00:35Planktoni b
01:00:40Seppo13 b
01:01:07Seppo13 Wards
01:01:09Strom lets gather 5, push some lanes
01:01:11Strom and wait for entry
01:01:17diesel wormik
01:01:20Strom our only chance at this point is to capitalize on their mistakes
01:01:20Krisss 1k ac :(
01:01:23diesel skadi oleks nagu sitaks parem võrreldes radiga
01:01:28Seppo13 noW dont solo
01:01:29Seppo13 all ss
01:01:31Wormik dami vaja
01:01:33Seppo13 GATHER
01:01:40Herre def mid
01:01:50diesel get dusts
01:01:51diesel on some1
01:01:53diesel I have no room
01:01:54Seppo13 in base
01:02:05FeeliXi i can buy gem
01:02:09Seppo13 gather
01:02:11Seppo13 or it lost
01:02:14Seppo13 ok go mid
01:02:21diesel lets move with 5
01:02:23Seppo13 dont use spells
01:02:24Herre dont use ur spells puck
01:02:24Seppo13 creeps
01:02:29Strom yeah
01:02:31Strom we need to find entry
01:02:50Strom they push
01:02:52Strom so def in base
01:03:02Strom high ground also good chance for turnaround
01:03:15Seppo13 imo b
01:03:16Seppo13 all lines pushed
01:03:25Strom they in our woods
01:03:28Strom wanting entry
01:03:41Krisss let me bot ac
01:03:44Seppo13 y
01:03:46Strom they're scatted
01:03:48Strom now is our chance
01:03:50Strom go find someone fast
01:03:58Strom could really use some wards at this point
01:04:01diesel lets go
01:04:02diesel kil
01:04:04Krisss 400
01:04:15Seppo13 b
01:04:20Seppo13 i buy slave to you
01:04:33Strom we cantp ush
01:04:38Strom just b away
01:04:40Strom we need entry
01:04:40Seppo13 fast
01:04:41Seppo13 kriss
01:04:49Seppo13 No8 sk
01:04:52Seppo13 carry only
01:04:52Krisss acy
01:04:59Seppo13 byo outmoney
01:05:01Planktoni kill bot
01:05:04Seppo13 lets go gather
01:05:05Seppo13 bot
01:05:05Seppo13 sk 1
01:05:10Seppo13 he can suicide
01:06:01Seppo13 mid
01:06:04Seppo13 dont chase him
01:06:16Strom this was in no way proper entry searching
01:06:27Strom first rule of entry searching is definetly map control
01:06:35Strom if we survive this push somehow, I'll take care of that
01:07:20Seppo13 b
01:07:20Herre gather
01:07:33Seppo13 arro8
01:07:43Seppo13 b
01:07:54Seppo13 b
01:07:55Seppo13 b
01:08:21Seppo13 gg
01:08:37diesel gg
01:08:41FeeliXi GG
01:08:45FeeliXi mahti peli
01:09:06Seppo13 retatrds
01:09:07Strom lack of co-ordination is the story of the game
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