Game #1541419

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-32 X
-1 TS

93% | 1531 X | 1478 TS

-35 X
-1 TS

90% | 1452 X | 1457 TS

-6 X
-1 TS

87% | 1386 X | 1469 TS

-39 X
-1 TS

84% | 1359 X | 1450 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

62% | 1179 X | 1404 TS

+36 X
+3 TS

100% | 1800 X | 1769 TS

-1 X
+6 TS

94% | 1603 X | 1435 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

67% | 1243 X | 1366 TS

+54 X
+6 TS

57% | 1200 X | 1293 TS

+25 X
+1 TS

52% | 1125 X | 1333 TS

Chat log

00:00:07MariahCarry -swap
00:00:07Momdsiw lol ar
00:00:10Biggie swap axeee
00:00:10MariahCarry -swap 2
00:00:10Milky wisp
00:00:10Milky pls
00:00:14Milky give wisp
00:00:15c-yanker sure
00:00:15Soulyah -noswapforu
00:00:15Milky we win
00:00:16MariahCarry i can't play this
00:00:17Milky -swap
00:00:18ricke mom
00:00:19Milky -swap 2
00:00:19Milky ty
00:00:20c-yanker -swap 4
00:00:21diesel -swap 1
00:00:21Biggie -swap 42
00:00:22MariahCarry -swapall
00:00:23c-yanker we can lane
00:00:24ricke -swap 5
00:00:24Biggie -swap 2
00:00:26MariahCarry i can't play ud
00:00:26ricke mom, wap
00:00:28diesel :D
00:00:30diesel -swap 1
00:00:30MariahCarry -repick
00:00:32Momdsiw -swap 5
00:00:33Momdsiw -
00:00:34diesel -cancelswap
00:00:34MariahCarry that's it baby
00:00:34Soulyah ud repick
00:00:35Momdsiw -swap 1
00:00:36Nagash -swap 1
00:00:36Soulyah rofl
00:00:37Milky they got crazy heros
00:00:37MariahCarry -clear
00:00:38Nagash MEMEMEM
00:00:39Soulyah rifl
00:00:40ricke -swap with me mom
00:00:41MariahCarry fuck off
00:00:41diesel aint u lcuky son of a bitch :D
00:00:42MariahCarry baby
00:00:42Nagash i own
00:00:43ricke -swap 5
00:00:44MariahCarry this is mine
00:00:45Nagash -repick
00:00:50Biggie carrryyy abba inc
00:00:51Biggie solo mid
00:00:51ricke swap 3
00:00:54Nagash first time thrall tulos
00:00:55c-yanker hm
00:01:00ricke swap momswid
00:01:01diesel -swap 4
00:01:04Soulyah isegi braindead suudaks pelada seda
00:01:04MariahCarry thrall bot
00:01:05ricke -swap 5
00:01:05c-yanker indeed
00:01:05Momdsiw -swap 3
00:01:08c-yanker swap silencer ?
00:01:09MariahCarry thrall
00:01:11MariahCarry go bot
00:01:13c-yanker well.
00:01:13MariahCarry babysit spec
00:01:16Nagash i wont let him farm:D
00:01:18Milky tbh
00:01:19Milky so gg
00:01:21Soulyah kerivittu
00:01:22Milky by heros
00:01:22ricke me solo top
00:01:24ricke wistp bot
00:01:25Soulyah tahad v6ita v mitte
00:01:25Nagash eih
00:01:25c-yanker its still easy win
00:01:26MariahCarry ns
00:01:26Soulyah ;I
00:01:27Nagash eih
00:01:27ricke wisp bot
00:01:28MariahCarry can u own mid
00:01:29MariahCarry +
00:01:32diesel ye
00:01:37MariahCarry have a blast
00:01:58ricke yankker, u pull a lot please?
00:02:01diesel but its biggie :S
00:02:01MariahCarry blink 3 times on map
00:02:05MariahCarry to suggest me teleing
00:02:08c-yanker well see
00:02:23Soulyah zzz
00:03:10ricke furi miss
00:03:22diesel rune bot
00:03:28Milky go lvl 2?
00:03:33Soulyah saoled nagu diesel
00:03:34Momdsiw k
00:03:36Soulyah aind carryt oskad pelad
00:03:37Soulyah a
00:03:43Nagash ma hullem veel
00:03:48diesel ma ei oska carrit pelada
00:03:49diesel ABSULL
00:04:03Milky 'use
00:04:06Milky chick again
00:05:26ricke top miss
00:05:30Soulyah tower attacked me coz?
00:05:35Soulyah didnt click on u
00:05:36Soulyah lol
00:05:44diesel bottom missing?
00:05:53Soulyah was ded
00:05:54ricke gang axe
00:05:55Soulyah me
00:05:55Momdsiw yllääl rune
00:05:59Milky oot
00:06:02Milky saan rege
00:06:02Momdsiw rune top
00:06:04Milky linnult
00:06:05Soulyah :D
00:06:07Milky sit trhall
00:06:15Milky next
00:06:16Milky wave
00:06:20diesel mid missing
00:06:20Milky thrall
00:06:22Soulyah ss
00:06:42Momdsiw furi
00:06:43Momdsiw tulee
00:06:43Momdsiw b
00:06:54Milky tp
00:06:55Nagash haha furi failed
00:06:55Momdsiw ota mukaa mut
00:06:55Milky bot
00:06:56Milky nyt
00:06:57Milky ok
00:07:02ricke furi miss
00:07:07diesel gank mid
00:07:13Momdsiw :D
00:07:15Milky gj
00:07:16Milky :D
00:07:18MariahCarry nagash
00:07:19MariahCarry wtf
00:07:21MariahCarry are u talking about
00:07:22Momdsiw aika owned
00:07:25Nagash u started to running
00:07:30Nagash instead autoattacking
00:07:30MariahCarry ofc
00:07:32Milky älä
00:07:36MariahCarry i couldn't get more attacks in
00:07:41MariahCarry i ran between themn
00:07:41Nagash lol
00:07:47Momdsiw tuun keskiöö
00:07:52Momdsiw ootko ottanu top runee?
00:07:55Nagash haha
00:07:58Nagash dude what eva
00:07:58ricke gang top axe
00:08:05c-yanker cant yet
00:08:07c-yanker low hp
00:08:07MariahCarry tide
00:08:07ricke ok
00:08:09MariahCarry can't u let me farm
00:08:16Milky rylai bot vaa sit
00:08:19MariahCarry omfg
00:08:20Momdsiw katon rune
00:08:23MariahCarry stop just fucking up lasthits
00:08:27MariahCarry for the hell of it
00:08:29c-yanker dont shoot them
00:08:35diesel kill
00:08:36diesel wisp
00:08:51Milky =(
00:08:53Milky 3 bot
00:09:22ricke top miss
00:10:31Milky mua
00:10:32Milky me
00:10:36Soulyah dont tp furi
00:10:38Soulyah jeezus fuck
00:10:39hibalunt well abba nicely farmed atleast
00:10:39MariahCarry lol
00:10:43diesel ganking bot
00:10:43MariahCarry can't kill if i tp
00:10:54ricke top miss
00:11:17Momdsiw asd
00:11:19Momdsiw se castaski
00:11:22Momdsiw fuck
00:11:26Milky :S
00:11:29Momdsiw tuli vaa oom
00:11:30diesel item sugg?
00:11:33Soulyah agha
00:11:36Momdsiw blah
00:11:37diesel amm
00:11:41diesel anyone else? :D
00:11:42hibalunt come gank top ezx kill
00:11:45Soulyah free ward
00:11:47Soulyah basher
00:11:56Nagash pane mkb, peale ja helm of domi
00:12:02Soulyah ...
00:12:04diesel no see juba läheb :D
00:12:19Soulyah lollid
00:12:32Nagash hästi pane dhibla:D
00:12:37hibalunt samad s6nad
00:12:44Nagash sa nägid et axe kõrbval
00:12:59hibalunt on valida kas paper nort v6i tank axe ja sa valid tangi
00:13:02diesel go
00:13:03diesel under
00:13:04diesel towe
00:13:48c-yanker abba
00:13:54c-yanker going carry/tank or ?
00:13:58Momdsiw carry
00:13:59Biggie carry
00:14:05MariahCarry OMFG
00:14:07MariahCarry CAN U FUCK OFF
00:14:09MariahCarry U FUCK UP
00:14:12MariahCarry EVERY LASTHIT
00:14:37diesel well I really tought u will hit that lasthit :S
00:14:54ricke ffs
00:15:08Momdsiw nhoh
00:15:11Momdsiw meni mune xpat :<
00:15:13Milky np
00:15:18ricke succes guys!
00:15:21Momdsiw kyllä se mitään!
00:16:06diesel ära roti :D
00:16:08Soulyah :D
00:16:18Milky b
00:16:19Milky b
00:16:29ricke -ma
00:16:42ricke biggie, what item should i go for?
00:16:47c-yanker lol
00:16:49Biggie hood + vanguard
00:17:00c-yanker plx teach me master :D
00:17:11Momdsiw why you want sile if you dont know what to build
00:17:27ricke just wanted to be sure
00:17:28Soulyah hes got relic soon
00:17:28diesel check
00:17:28Milky spec free farm bot
00:17:29diesel rune
00:17:31Soulyah his third tower
00:17:42Momdsiw ei me voida pysäyttää sitä
00:17:45Milky topp go?
00:17:54c-yanker still going for dagger
00:17:54Soulyah furi
00:17:56Soulyah tp
00:17:56Nagash furi kartis minna midi abba vastu :D
00:17:58diesel teen vanguardi?
00:18:00Soulyah kill chick
00:18:05Soulyah buy a tp scroll
00:18:07Soulyah and come back
00:18:13c-yanker aba cant really afford to share woods atm
00:18:16MariahCarry oh ye
00:18:20MariahCarry forgot
00:18:35Momdsiw teletä top
00:18:38Momdsiw ota mukaa
00:18:42Milky base
00:18:46Momdsiw jaa
00:18:46Soulyah imba reactions someone
00:18:47Soulyah lol
00:18:49diesel vanguard not nessessary?
00:18:49Milky mr
00:18:51Milky me
00:18:54Milky saw blue dot on baser
00:19:00ricke mid
00:19:03diesel coming top
00:19:10hibalunt wait me
00:19:12ricke care top
00:19:42diesel biggie has no ulti
00:19:43Nagash gg
00:19:48ricke gj
00:19:52Momdsiw cm owange
00:20:00Milky ostaks wardei =)
00:20:07Momdsiw kaipa
00:20:10Momdsiw sitä kehtaa yhe päki
00:20:15hibalunt this abba will be hella fun soon -.-
00:20:17diesel arva ära kas ma võtan abba järmine pela
00:20:19Milky haetaa bot
00:20:28ricke tp wisp
00:20:29Milky go
00:20:30Milky bot
00:20:32Milky go
00:20:53Milky =)
00:20:54ricke gj
00:20:54Soulyah yeah
00:21:06Momdsiw oonpa jälkee jääny levus :<
00:21:18Momdsiw biggieki päässy lomille
00:21:20Biggie axe
00:21:38c-yanker fail jump :P
00:22:37MariahCarry spec
00:22:39MariahCarry u just have
00:22:40hibalunt didnt get dagger since rape, but force done
00:22:41MariahCarry nothing?
00:22:46Soulyah we have 1000000 wards
00:22:47Nagash liek you
00:22:51Soulyah i dont get ganged
00:22:51Soulyah no
00:23:27Biggie sorry
00:23:34Soulyah and
00:23:36Soulyah how can i?
00:23:39Soulyah if u lanefarm all away
00:23:40c-yanker so sad i did ulti same time as tide did
00:23:52MariahCarry do I?
00:23:55c-yanker well next time
00:23:56Soulyah cs?
00:23:59MariahCarry 60
00:24:06c-yanker lets have the lightning shield on meh before jump
00:24:09c-yanker thats nasty
00:24:09MariahCarry ??
00:24:13Soulyah 48 here
00:24:34Milky we should push
00:24:35Milky aba
00:24:37diesel can we gank,...
00:24:40Milky is fat
00:24:44MariahCarry we can try
00:24:46Milky spectre and furi no items
00:25:15Soulyah fuck off retard fat nolifer
00:25:34Biggie haters gonna hate
00:25:38Nagash ye:D
00:25:48c-yanker put lightning on me
00:25:54diesel supporters
00:25:56diesel get wards please
00:26:19MariahCarry thrall
00:26:21MariahCarry get fucking wards dude
00:26:29Milky tt
00:26:31Milky my bad
00:26:43Nagash nah get them yourselfe
00:26:49Nagash its like u play first time with me
00:26:58MariahCarry ?
00:27:07Momdsiw heal aba
00:27:09Milky heals on maiden
00:27:13Milky aba
00:27:17Soulyah hes mad coz u didnt give him furi
00:27:17Soulyah emo
00:27:23Nagash nah not that
00:27:24Momdsiw heal?
00:27:26Momdsiw t
00:27:28ricke b
00:27:37diesel fuck
00:27:38diesel sorry
00:28:02c-yanker b
00:28:36Soulyah OMFg
00:28:38Soulyah missclick
00:28:39diesel if you "tree yourself" can they see you?
00:28:47Momdsiw sit linkkaa joku ja käytä regne
00:28:51Soulyah imba hp regen dude coming
00:28:59MariahCarry no
00:29:02MariahCarry that's kinda the thing
00:29:07Milky team
00:29:08Milky mid
00:29:12Soulyah in some version
00:29:12ricke omw
00:29:12c-yanker omw
00:29:14Soulyah it was fixed
00:29:18Soulyah so u actually can see
00:29:20Soulyah no fog there
00:29:38ricke -ms
00:29:42MariahCarry last version they couldn't
00:29:45MariahCarry but maybe this
00:29:52MariahCarry i have felt it was a little wierd a few times
00:29:53Nagash I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:55Momdsiw ty
00:29:56Milky juo
00:30:00Milky nvm
00:30:01Momdsiw en tarvi
00:30:38hibalunt wait what, he can die?
00:30:44diesel seems so :O
00:30:47c-yanker b
00:30:48c-yanker def lanes
00:30:55hibalunt must have been bug
00:31:00diesel warded
00:31:02MariahCarry now we know how to kill him!
00:31:10Soulyah to attck him
00:31:12Soulyah thats new
00:31:14Soulyah ;I
00:31:17hibalunt he must be foucsed 30 sek by 5 ?
00:31:18hibalunt kewl
00:31:32MariahCarry actually just like 6 sec
00:31:34MariahCarry by 4
00:31:44hibalunt then 8 sek ulti ang again 6?
00:31:45MariahCarry and hex done
00:31:47MariahCarry we can win this
00:32:03Soulyah and near vanguard done
00:32:05Soulyah :D
00:32:06Milky bae need?
00:32:29Nagash miks kaks ringi?
00:32:33Soulyah missclick
00:32:34Soulyah oli
00:32:34Soulyah :d
00:32:49Biggie ....
00:32:52Milky ?
00:32:55Milky guys 4 mid
00:32:59MariahCarry b
00:33:00MariahCarry ?
00:33:01Milky ok go
00:33:02Milky axe
00:33:03Milky in
00:33:12Nagash coem my pussys come
00:33:25ricke when u jump, i silence
00:33:29c-yanker k
00:33:31MariahCarry bala
00:33:31MariahCarry tp
00:33:39Milky and wwhen global maiden go ulti
00:34:32Biggie olisin ownannuy
00:34:36Milky hm
00:34:39Milky siel
00:34:40MariahCarry we'll win this eventually
00:34:44ricke we need hex or what?
00:34:51c-yanker we need dmg
00:35:15ricke tell me waht to get
00:35:23Momdsiw pääseeks max run speedil juoksee thrallin circlestä ulos?
00:35:42Soulyah mh
00:35:48ricke what do we need biggie
00:36:15Biggie hex on you would be nice
00:36:16c-yanker we got one support to much
00:36:16Biggie or shiva
00:36:20c-yanker we need dmg
00:36:24Milky y
00:36:28Milky thats why need to finish early
00:36:29Biggie sile needs to go in
00:36:31Biggie and not stay back
00:36:35Biggie so he's sile will own
00:36:47MariahCarry omg
00:36:49ricke i get shivas
00:36:50MariahCarry first wards in the game
00:36:51MariahCarry :D
00:36:53Soulyah no
00:36:54diesel 2.
00:36:55Momdsiw im going bkb
00:36:56diesel actually :P
00:36:56Soulyah ye
00:37:03Soulyah minu m6te
00:37:05Soulyah bm teha
00:37:07Soulyah ka
00:37:08ricke maybe melevalnce?
00:37:10Soulyah def
00:37:11Soulyah bot
00:37:19Milky go
00:37:49Biggie go rosh imo
00:37:51hibalunt what sick luck survieved warding
00:38:14c-yanker go
00:38:16Biggie rosh
00:38:29Biggie cube
00:38:34c-yanker now they wont come
00:38:42Soulyah go
00:38:43Soulyah go
00:38:44Soulyah all
00:38:44Soulyah plz
00:38:45Soulyah all
00:38:46Soulyah go
00:38:47MariahCarry i tp
00:38:56Soulyah now its foooked
00:39:17Milky sile
00:39:18ricke get bot tower?!
00:39:20Milky play aggressive
00:39:21c-yanker anh
00:39:22ricke y
00:39:24c-yanker no
00:40:11Soulyah lol all low
00:40:17c-yanker b
00:40:20Nagash I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:25Milky stay
00:40:26Milky top
00:40:26Milky !
00:40:28Milky wtf
00:40:33diesel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:38ricke aba not here
00:40:38Biggie b
00:40:38c-yanker ..
00:40:38ricke b
00:40:39Biggie now
00:40:39Milky 4 dead
00:40:48Momdsiw wops
00:40:52Momdsiw cancled tp -..
00:40:54Milky sry pink
00:40:56Milky forgot u
00:40:58diesel did biggie lost his aegis?
00:41:00Biggie np
00:41:07Soulyah nop
00:41:09diesel not
00:41:11Momdsiw mite sä sen unohit :D?
00:41:12Soulyah I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:13Momdsiw katkasit viel linkin
00:41:16Milky y
00:41:18Milky ku kirjotin
00:41:21Momdsiw k
00:41:21Milky jotai et go top
00:41:23Milky ku 4 kuollu
00:41:37Milky ooota
00:41:38Milky tuon sut
00:41:45Nagash furi failis gankidega easlys
00:41:48Milky oli hyvö ulti sul
00:41:48Nagash all oli eays kill kgouaeg
00:41:49Milky btw
00:41:58Soulyah ye
00:42:02Momdsiw juu ku niil ei enää settei
00:42:08diesel haste
00:42:09diesel bot
00:42:23diesel noh
00:42:25Soulyah :D
00:42:25diesel ei saa hakkama ve :D
00:42:25ricke get bot tower?!
00:42:27Soulyah ei saa hakkama
00:42:35diesel enda ette pead klickima ju
00:42:35Milky go
00:42:38Soulyah tean
00:42:40diesel k
00:42:40Milky i can call sile here
00:43:25Soulyah u fucker nigger
00:43:27c-yanker !
00:43:38Soulyah biggie on matkatavara?
00:43:43Nagash eih:D:D:D
00:43:46Nagash rikka
00:43:49Soulyah biggie
00:43:50Momdsiw wrong items
00:43:51Soulyah who r u
00:43:54Momdsiw to hood
00:43:54Soulyah matka or rikka
00:43:54Nagash rikka
00:43:56Momdsiw its roh thisdays
00:43:57Momdsiw :DDDD
00:43:59Soulyah matka peaks
00:44:04Nagash 100% rikka
00:44:08Soulyah jep
00:44:32Nagash 'falsiite kõik!
00:45:07Milky lol näiks
00:45:11Milky linkki pitää
00:45:13ricke heal please
00:45:13Milky vaik oot dead
00:45:15Biggie haha
00:45:31Soulyah u nigger
00:45:34Soulyah to cool to answer?
00:45:41Biggie they did
00:45:45Biggie answer alrdy for me
00:45:48Soulyah rikka or matka
00:45:50Biggie rikka
00:45:53Soulyah oh
00:45:59Soulyah oki
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