Game #154001

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+63 X
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+70 X
+44 TS

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-42 X
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36% | 906 X | 1106 TS

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19% | 826 X | 1065 TS

-64 X
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NEW | 985 X | 1029 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:12Kastrup luza?
00:00:14Kastrup u play wisp?
00:00:15Luza yes
00:00:16Luza no
00:00:18Kastrup :/
00:00:19Luza im captain ffs
00:00:19Luza i carry
00:00:19Kastrup <3 your wisp ;)
00:00:19Luza i know its imbaness
00:00:19Luza i just dont have any stack now so
00:00:19Kastrup i can play him if you want..
00:00:19curdi bad/pick doom?
00:00:19Luza are u pro with it ?
00:00:19curdi ban*
00:00:19Kastrup i know how to play him..
00:00:19kitkat banzz
00:00:19curdi take sven + wisp then
00:00:19Luza i think i take a carry anyway
00:00:19Luza or
00:00:19curdi imba gang duo
00:00:19Luza well
00:00:19Kastrup yeye
00:00:19Luza -doom
00:00:19McNabb wisp/ursa sooo strong
00:00:19Luza i take weaver if they dont ban it
00:00:19Jann palle ota carry
00:00:19Luza but if they ban it i take wisp for ya
00:00:19Palle weaver
00:00:19Kastrup ok
00:00:19Kastrup give me wisp then
00:00:20Kastrup i play him..
00:00:27Kastrup what u want?
00:00:35Kastrup pudge?
00:00:38Kastrup ;)
00:00:40Elderi haluun wd
00:00:41Elderi ;(
00:00:41Luza umm lets see pudge would be awsome
00:00:47Kastrup yea..
00:00:48Jann et saa
00:00:53Luza or no
00:00:55Luza pudge is bad
00:00:57Kastrup doctor :/
00:00:59Luza wd sniper already
00:01:01Luza kinda
00:01:13Kastrup cent?
00:01:17Kastrup cent midt?
00:01:20Cr4ne i wanna go top with axe
00:01:20Kastrup its doable..
00:01:22Elderi en osaa pelaa mitää noist
00:01:23Elderi lopuist
00:01:27Luza was thinking about it
00:01:27Kastrup u decide..
00:01:33Kastrup brood is also good
00:01:33McNabb lanes
00:01:38kitkat omni?
00:01:39Kastrup decide now
00:01:40Luza get me pudge
00:01:41curdi cent vs sniper mid -.-?
00:01:45Kastrup ye its fine
00:01:47Kastrup return damage..
00:01:48Luza -swap 4
00:01:48kitkat always good for the team D:
00:01:50Kastrup -swap 1
00:01:55Luza hmm axe
00:01:56Luza hmmhmm
00:02:03Kastrup <- bot lane
00:02:06Gevomancer i go bottom
00:02:06Luza zeus should solo
00:02:08Luza bottom
00:02:08Gevomancer oom
00:02:09Luza zeus bottom
00:02:10Luza axe wood
00:02:13curdi zeus botr
00:02:15curdi solo
00:02:15McNabb k
00:02:18Luza sven wisp top
00:02:23Kastrup i ward top rune + pulling spot..
00:02:26curdi y
00:02:34Jann want ward here?
00:02:34Luza gr8
00:02:35kitkat -ma
00:02:41Jann or
00:02:44curdi gang sniper like hell
00:02:45Jann k
00:02:46Palle up there
00:02:48Gevomancer i pull first lane
00:02:53kitkat -clear
00:02:58McNabb k
00:03:00kitkat it's a Luza-pudge
00:03:06curdi comin
00:03:15Luza nvm
00:03:18Luza -_-
00:04:06Kastrup chicke
00:06:52Kastrup gj
00:06:57Palle caretyop
00:07:05curdi oom
00:07:12Luza rune bot
00:07:14Luza gahhhHHh
00:07:17Luza and he TPd
00:07:22Kastrup :(
00:07:50Luza awsome
00:08:00Kastrup -1
00:08:07Palle charge mid bara
00:08:10kitkat what are you doing on the bottom, cent?
00:08:31Luza top try kill
00:08:31Kastrup -1
00:08:33Luza ahve ulti
00:08:34Palle wd go
00:08:35curdi sec
00:08:38curdi bottle coming
00:08:59Luza Run
00:09:07Luza OR KILL
00:09:13Luza AWSOME
00:09:16Luza wisp rape hero
00:09:17Gevomancer 1 clarity plz
00:09:31Gevomancer nvm
00:09:47Luza me rune
00:09:53Gevomancer -cs
00:10:41Kastrup y
00:11:25Gevomancer hgelp
00:11:39kitkat ff
00:11:42Cr4ne omg supid
00:11:45Gevomancer lol
00:11:49Luza neeeed runeee
00:12:17kitkat have ulti
00:12:33Kastrup b
00:12:44Luza awsome
00:12:47kitkat no ulti?
00:12:48Cr4ne sry miss click
00:12:49Kastrup np :D
00:12:50kitkat oh
00:12:52kitkat -.-
00:12:53McNabb ty
00:12:53Cr4ne me im lvl 5
00:12:55Kastrup :)
00:12:58kitkat ff
00:13:00Luza sven dive
00:13:03Luza dive
00:13:03Luza gogo
00:13:05Luza stun
00:13:35Palle care
00:13:45Gevomancer rune
00:13:48Luza take it
00:14:05kitkat ....
00:14:23Kastrup smack
00:14:28kitkat repel me near axe
00:14:33curdi wait for my stun and easy hook :/
00:14:42Luza yeah i tought u were oom
00:14:43Luza so
00:14:44Luza but np
00:15:04kitkat shoot him
00:15:24Luza CHRIST
00:15:29kitkat gj
00:15:37Luza gogogogpewpew
00:15:57Kastrup brb
00:16:05curdi got regen anyways
00:16:16Jann b
00:16:58Kastrup well sry about taking kills
00:17:03Luza np
00:17:05Kastrup but the spirts do the job
00:17:30Jann got ank
00:17:34curdi b
00:17:36Luza i kill from here
00:18:03kitkat FF :3
00:18:12Kastrup end b4 30 if possible?
00:18:13Jann omni?=
00:18:22kitkat omni needs farm
00:18:26Luza ofc possible
00:18:28Jann sure
00:18:30kitkat :)
00:18:33Kastrup deni
00:18:47curdi b
00:18:57Jann omni can u repel?
00:19:03Cr4ne ye
00:19:04curdi dagger in a moment
00:19:07Kastrup gj
00:19:11Luza -ma
00:19:18Luza -ma
00:19:24curdi tho idk if it's so needed with our hooks and wisp
00:19:30Kastrup :)
00:19:31Luza it is
00:19:32Luza good
00:19:34Kastrup top tower
00:19:34Luza with tether
00:19:36Palle all go
00:19:37Luza blink tether stun
00:19:38Jann go
00:19:40kitkat charging from base
00:19:42Luza blink behind enemies
00:19:46curdi all ss
00:19:48Luza always imbaness
00:19:59Kastrup b
00:20:11Jann ffs
00:20:15Jann wh i have to tank
00:20:25Kastrup tx
00:20:35kitkat b
00:20:55Jann omni go heal
00:21:08kitkat he did
00:21:10kitkat xD'
00:21:23Luza heal wispo
00:21:25Luza rtytytyty
00:21:34Jann whisp first bapa
00:21:52curdi b
00:21:53Jann Bara go ulti whisp
00:21:58kitkat I HAVE
00:22:00Luza b ye
00:22:00curdi im oom
00:22:03Luza get back
00:22:05kitkat I'm not going between 4
00:22:06Jann i can see that how u did
00:22:11Kastrup hmm
00:22:13Kastrup what item for me..
00:22:16Luza vanguard
00:22:17Luza meka
00:22:18Kastrup necro?
00:22:23kitkat sven stunned me anyways
00:22:24Luza hp
00:22:27Kastrup ye
00:22:28curdi tanky + bm
00:22:28Kastrup ino
00:22:36Luza i mean that AS is imbaness
00:22:57Luza 10 sec for another rune
00:22:59Luza woulda been
00:23:01Luza =)
00:23:04curdi y nvm
00:23:18curdi u want haste?
00:23:21Luza cpoem woods
00:23:22Luza come
00:23:22Luza wodos
00:23:25Luza W0D0S
00:23:42Jann haha
00:23:47Jann omni heald himself
00:23:53kitkat yup
00:23:55Cr4ne miss click
00:23:56curdi wp wp
00:23:57Gevomancer lol
00:24:12Jann I surender!
00:24:17Cr4ne me 2
00:24:20kitkat 9 more minutes
00:24:27Gevomancer cunt before 30
00:24:28curdi hook sum1
00:25:08kitkat HEAL
00:25:12kitkat go to base
00:25:14Cr4ne CD
00:25:15kitkat and heal
00:25:16Cr4ne fucker
00:25:19kitkat BASE
00:25:20kitkat like
00:25:21kitkat regen
00:25:23Luza checking rune
00:25:26kitkat not wait for them to kill you
00:25:28Luza oh top
00:25:30Jann i havent seen u used repel
00:25:32Luza its mine
00:25:34kitkat indeed
00:25:41Kastrup i like i got more life than pudge ;)
00:25:46Luza :D
00:25:50Jann that is a usefull skill all so
00:25:54Jann centaur or me
00:26:13Jann repel
00:26:40kitkat täiesti lame
00:26:42Jann t
00:26:48Jann ty
00:27:20Luza -ha
00:27:41kitkat XD
00:27:46kitkat so worth it
00:27:47curdi what an outplay..
00:27:48Luza xD
00:27:52kitkat can't do anything really
00:27:55kitkat cuz...
00:27:55curdi y
00:27:56kitkat yeah
00:28:02kitkat wel...
00:28:04kitkat yeah....
00:28:13kitkat 37-9
00:28:18kitkat \m/
00:28:23Luza :DD
00:28:36Luza my hooks are horrible
00:28:38Luza atm :D
00:28:44Kastrup omw
00:28:54Elderi oh
00:28:56McNabb :D
00:29:00kitkat -.-
00:30:10kitkat repel
00:30:13kitkat -.-
00:30:18kitkat TULE TAEVAS APPI
00:31:33Kastrup dfgjkldfg
00:31:41curdi dee
00:31:53kitkat T_T
00:32:06kitkat this is why a stat reset is awesome, eh?
00:32:58kitkat and
00:33:00kitkat ff in 5
00:33:06kitkat I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:11Cr4ne I surrender!
00:33:18Jann I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:33:19curdi type ff
00:33:20Kastrup i think this was a decent wisp :)
00:33:21Cr4ne I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:33:22Elderi I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:25Luza pro wisp
00:33:25Cr4ne I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:25Jann I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:28Kastrup :)
00:33:30kitkat I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:31Elderi I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:37kitkat come on
00:33:38Jann I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:33:43kitkat we're not going to win this
00:33:45kitkat cause imba
00:34:00Luza that tether so fucking imbaness
00:34:00curdi gg
00:34:03kitkat bg
00:34:05kitkat VBG
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