Game #1452607

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+56 X
+3 TS

93% | 1397 X | 1641 TS

+8 X
+2 TS

90% | 1408 X | 1529 TS

-34 X
+2 TS

74% | 1238 X | 1454 TS

+40 X
+6 TS

75% | 1331 X | 1348 TS

+34 X
+5 TS

51% | 1134 X | 1295 TS

-18 X
-3 TS

89% | 1347 X | 1538 TS

+21 X
-3 TS

84% | 1329 X | 1477 TS

-16 X
-3 TS

82% | 1335 X | 1449 TS

-27 X
-2 TS

81% | 1313 X | 1461 TS

-53 X
-2 TS

63% | 1159 X | 1395 TS

Chat log

00:00:02BT -ap
00:00:33Arapiles lanes?
00:00:38BT es bane top
00:00:42BT pl bird bot
00:00:46valiante ihufa
00:00:49valiante når du er den dårlige
00:00:50valiante lane
00:00:51KredeC .. no wards..
00:00:55valiante hvorfor kan du så aldrig købe wards
00:01:01dhgf we have pl?
00:01:02MariahCarry tænkte jeg ikke på
00:01:06Tamme -water red
00:01:07MariahCarry er aldrig i den lane
00:01:11Tamme -weather moonlight
00:01:11dhgf ANGRY
00:01:12Tamme -hhn
00:01:13dhgf pick
00:01:13valiante det gør det jo meget lettere for jer begge 2
00:01:15Tamme -ma
00:01:19MariahCarry i know
00:01:24Tamme angryfin afk?
00:01:25diesel actually
00:01:26diesel tamme
00:01:27Tamme -afk
00:01:27diesel nvm
00:01:28dhgf -afk
00:01:29angryfin y
00:01:31angryfin y
00:01:36diesel valiante u forest?
00:01:39valiante mm
00:01:40Tamme semi
00:01:43diesel k
00:01:44valiante semi
00:01:44Arapiles slc2 go put wards
00:01:51Tamme best option atm
00:01:55Tamme they have quite strong lanes
00:02:04valiante phoenix is annoying shit
00:02:20dhgf gl hf
00:02:21Tamme silence pwns him
00:02:28dhgf pl pull
00:02:44slc2 naix is woods
00:03:53diesel mid missing
00:03:54diesel top
00:03:54diesel care
00:04:01diesel re
00:04:12BT ss
00:04:32angryfin i pull
00:04:58BT thrall inc boyt
00:04:58Arapiles du skal vinde lane for os
00:05:00BT tune
00:05:00diesel ganking bot
00:05:01BT with
00:05:02BT rune*
00:05:04MariahCarry good
00:05:04dhgf k
00:05:06slc2 mig?
00:05:06diesel not
00:05:09BT re
00:05:12MariahCarry bad
00:05:23Arapiles ????????
00:05:44valiante krob can u up chick?
00:06:12diesel RAZOR
00:06:14diesel OCMIGN
00:06:18MariahCarry LOL
00:06:19angryfin niedc
00:06:20MariahCarry how much shit
00:06:22MariahCarry does it have
00:06:26Tamme omfg
00:06:27Arapiles gj
00:06:31valiante thanks
00:06:33valiante for that
00:06:37Tamme for what
00:06:42Tamme why cant you gang :S
00:06:45valiante `?!
00:06:46angryfin 'use chick agin
00:06:47Arapiles reuse chick
00:06:47valiante its warded
00:06:49valiante im low lvl
00:06:51valiante and no items
00:06:54valiante u want gang?
00:06:56angryfin its coming bottom after
00:06:56valiante when ur handling lane fine
00:06:57angryfin mid
00:07:05MariahCarry ganking mid
00:07:09angryfin 'ill pull
00:07:15Arapiles upg chick pls
00:07:20Tamme TOP 2 miSS
00:07:23Tamme re
00:07:29valiante go thrall
00:07:41dhgf SVNEN MISS
00:07:46dhgf sorry
00:07:51MariahCarry u could just wait
00:07:53MariahCarry till i stun
00:07:56valiante jesus
00:07:58valiante that was horrible
00:07:59MariahCarry wtf
00:08:25valiante -cs
00:08:32dhgf bot -2
00:08:36BT ss mid
00:08:39angryfin go zues
00:08:39MariahCarry ss mid
00:08:52Tamme top2 2miss
00:09:12diesel 4 bopt
00:09:14diesel woilaa
00:09:20diesel 3
00:09:55Tamme -ms
00:10:12slc2 come gank
00:10:17diesel mid missing
00:10:20valiante pull gang
00:10:23KredeC ss bot
00:10:30diesel care
00:10:38Tamme care
00:10:55slc2 come gank krob
00:11:06Arapiles u need lvl 6
00:11:10valiante omw
00:11:15diesel reuse
00:11:15diesel chck
00:11:25diesel illu
00:12:01BT ill tp top
00:12:07KredeC ss bot
00:12:24slc2 hvorfor ariples???
00:12:27slc2 han var jo død?
00:12:31MariahCarry rdy?
00:12:43Arapiles sven var på vej
00:12:50slc2 og?
00:12:54KredeC no miss?
00:12:58KredeC vs 2 bot
00:13:04KredeC makes it really hard!
00:13:05dhgf ...
00:13:05angryfin balance
00:13:05diesel kredec
00:13:05diesel sry
00:13:05valiante zseus
00:13:05diesel oh
00:13:07diesel im not 1. pick :D
00:13:21dhgf thrall miss imd
00:13:23slc2 can i have the bootle?=
00:13:26BT y
00:13:29slc2 ty
00:13:32dhgf can i have boots?
00:13:40slc2 he has no boots
00:13:40dhgf no boots omg
00:13:41BT take what you want
00:14:09valiante i mass farm
00:14:11slc2 i coem and gank
00:14:11diesel coming
00:14:31Tamme MAN
00:14:32MariahCarry cd
00:15:12angryfin naix armlet treads
00:15:16diesel care
00:15:17diesel care
00:15:18diesel top
00:15:28valiante we go
00:15:46valiante gj guys
00:15:48valiante 1 hit
00:15:49valiante and its gg
00:16:16MariahCarry gives vision too?????
00:16:23valiante why cant we just fucking hit this phoenix ulti
00:16:31MariahCarry i was slept by bane
00:16:33dhgf just against you
00:16:38diesel his 1. skill makes us silence
00:16:41diesel as we cant attack
00:16:49valiante hes lvl 1 in it
00:16:50valiante its 2 sec
00:16:51angryfin reg
00:16:52Tamme -ma
00:16:55BT take
00:17:03angryfin sure
00:17:07valiante -cs
00:17:40Tamme b
00:17:47Tamme def mid
00:17:50Tamme oops
00:17:51Tamme :d
00:17:58valiante GO NOW
00:18:01valiante :D
00:18:07BT b mid
00:18:36diesel kill mid
00:18:38diesel got invi
00:18:41dhgf invi thrall
00:18:51angryfin def
00:20:16dhgf atro
00:20:22dhgf if im in the ball mode
00:20:27valiante omw
00:20:31valiante why not just wait
00:20:32dhgf sleep an attacker
00:20:33dhgf pls
00:20:46diesel gj
00:20:49valiante u2
00:20:59slc2 i did it on krob so he coulndt silence
00:21:51dhgf go ult thrall
00:22:26dhgf 3 mid
00:22:28Tamme tower
00:22:36valiante omw
00:22:37valiante with tp
00:23:23valiante ulti krob?
00:23:53valiante lol thrall
00:24:05diesel misscalcualted :S
00:24:08angryfin 1.5k fromrelic
00:24:41Tamme 3 guys dive me
00:24:44Tamme and 4 are in base
00:24:45Tamme :9
00:25:47dhgf atro
00:25:50dhgf so in big battle
00:25:52dhgf put an enemy to sleep
00:25:55dhgf if he attacks my ball
00:26:14MariahCarry stun cd
00:26:31Tamme then stop farming with it like a moron
00:26:37valiante this thrall
00:26:41valiante is worse than sebralane
00:26:45diesel nice lucker
00:26:50valiante just one attack on him!
00:26:52diesel can we move together?
00:26:53diesel fuck
00:27:03diesel I did click on him
00:27:05diesel and I attacked him
00:27:14valiante and u used chick?
00:27:16valiante to come to u
00:27:18valiante wow
00:27:18diesel what no?
00:27:21valiante ur just brilliant today
00:27:25diesel I had no items
00:27:27diesel why would I use chick
00:27:28dhgf dd
00:27:30valiante me neither
00:27:36valiante who the fuck used it to bot then
00:27:49diesel well me not
00:28:03BT go psuh
00:28:09angryfin top rune
00:28:12angryfin 'radi in 1k
00:28:18angryfin tehn push
00:28:29valiante u think u can hit a spell now?
00:29:30dhgf fuckers
00:30:30valiante relic
00:30:43MariahCarry who
00:30:46valiante pl
00:30:53BT go
00:31:05MariahCarry i saw this show called relic hunter
00:31:08MariahCarry on tv today
00:31:21BT :D
00:31:21BT wp
00:31:36MariahCarry I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:31:56BT imba gostid
00:32:19valiante bd
00:32:21valiante ?
00:32:23angryfin u
00:32:29valiante u? :D
00:32:31angryfin u
00:33:27valiante i go rosh
00:33:28MariahCarry die bitch
00:33:31dhgf :(
00:33:59slc2 ?
00:34:24dhgf die mfo
00:34:30MariahCarry u didn't kill me
00:34:33diesel nice range
00:34:34diesel gg
00:34:35dhgf ye i did :D
00:34:36diesel this is fucked
00:34:39dhgf master es
00:34:41MariahCarry you imba ass sob hero player
00:34:53dhgf :(
00:35:43valiante SPELLS DONT WORK ON IT
00:36:00angryfin :D
00:36:02valiante :D
00:36:11angryfin sum1 mithril
00:36:27angryfin sum1 s mithril
00:37:03MariahCarry SUP
00:37:05MariahCarry CUNT
00:37:07BT this is mine
00:37:08BT :(
00:37:09dhgf nothing
00:37:13MariahCarry ok
00:37:17MariahCarry how things
00:37:48MariahCarry SUP
00:37:49dhgf fu cunts
00:37:53valiante die slagger
00:38:08MariahCarry don't show ur phoenix face here again
00:38:17BT give me my hamme
00:38:18BT r
00:38:21dhgf i will
00:38:21valiante ye
00:38:23valiante we hate birds
00:38:25dhgf come pwn me again
00:38:29BT pl
00:38:30BT hammer
00:39:17valiante -cs
00:40:42Tamme no kõva mees diesel
00:40:47Tamme miks ära fiidisid?
00:40:52diesel ime vänta
00:40:56Tamme eino
00:40:59Tamme miks?
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