Game #1452387

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-42 X
-4 TS

99% | 1692 X | 1525 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

66% | 1232 X | 1359 TS

+2 X
-4 TS

54% | 1108 X | 1348 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

41% | 1044 X | 1287 TS

-25 X
-2 TS

30% | 1025 X | 1207 TS

+12 X
+1 TS

84% | 1324 X | 1508 TS

+28 X
+3 TS

83% | 1348 X | 1443 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

61% | 1141 X | 1367 TS

+44 X
+2 TS

56% | 1145 X | 1326 TS

+7 X
+13 TS

50% | 1164 X | 1235 TS

Chat log

00:00:15chodaboy someone
00:00:17ricke -CLEAR
00:00:17Affliction get me tide
00:00:17chodaboy phoenix!
00:00:17slc2 pick lion to me
00:00:17slc2 pick lion to me
00:00:17chodaboy y
00:00:17chodaboy i will then nice
00:00:17slc2 pick lion to me
00:00:17slc2 pick lion to me
00:00:17MetM stfu
00:00:17Affliction or ES
00:00:17slc2 shh baby
00:00:17ChubbyChris2 es
00:00:24chodaboy ok
00:00:31Affliction SK necro and ogre
00:00:36Affliction and SA
00:00:41ricke not sa
00:00:44ricke sucky hero
00:00:51chodaboy sk lion
00:00:56slc2 metm for me?
00:00:58chodaboy sk necro
00:00:59Janske what's sa?
00:01:04chodaboy ogre necro
00:01:04chodaboy sk
00:01:05MetM yup
00:01:20slc2 what should i pick for u?
00:01:25MetM hmm i dont care
00:01:26MetM whatever
00:01:36slc2 -swap 2
00:01:36chodaboy GET ME NECRO
00:01:37MetM -swap 4
00:01:42slc2 ty
00:01:51Affliction -swap 1
00:01:52slc2 me and ogre top?
00:01:55chodaboy -swap 4
00:02:02chodaboy -hhn
00:02:02chodaboy -di
00:02:07zebbelito me top
00:02:07zebbelito so
00:02:09zebbelito bot go
00:02:10zebbelito tide
00:02:16chodaboy bala sk top
00:02:36chodaboy gank mid will be needed
00:02:42chodaboy he just harazz with fire arrow
00:02:49zebbelito -hhn
00:03:05Affliction care
00:03:08Affliction rune top
00:05:54ricke lion banne
00:06:10whatugotskills ss 1
00:06:11ricke its not allowed to harras SK...
00:06:54Affliction -ma
00:07:50Affliction b
00:07:55Janske jjuu
00:08:01ChubbyChris2 ss
00:08:07chodaboy need gank mid
00:09:17slc2 come gank
00:09:28ChubbyChris2 ss
00:09:45Janske tey kill you
00:10:04whatugotskills ss 2
00:10:54Janske gj me
00:10:58whatugotskills ss 2
00:11:21Janske s
00:11:29slc2 miss 2
00:13:07MetM why oh why
00:13:56chodaboy NEED GANK MID
00:13:57chodaboy or ff
00:13:59chodaboy hard ff
00:14:38MetM nvm,
00:14:43MetM we shouldnt roam together
00:14:49MetM i cant understand ur moves at all
00:15:07chodaboy need wards
00:15:26Janske we can kill
00:15:27Janske them
00:15:30ChubbyChris2 coming bot
00:15:33chodaboy kill
00:15:36chodaboy dog
00:15:55zebbelito :d
00:15:58chodaboy omfg
00:16:16chodaboy omfg
00:16:24Affliction SK ?
00:16:27Affliction why leave ?
00:16:47Janske they have warderd
00:16:48ricke my Q to u......... why did u ulti
00:16:50ricke NO OEN
00:16:50Janske the map
00:17:10Janske ward here maybe
00:17:36Janske b
00:17:36Janske b
00:17:36Janske b
00:17:38Janske bot
00:19:04Janske y
00:19:06ChubbyChris2 gogo
00:19:52Janske shiitte
00:20:11chodaboy levi
00:20:14chodaboy ur fucking useless
00:20:22ricke levi farm while team fight
00:20:32Affliction with out blink yes
00:20:32ChubbyChris2 gogo top
00:20:38ricke open ur eyes then
00:21:52ricke tc and levi=support.
00:21:53chodaboy get tower
00:21:55ricke and no flying
00:21:56chodaboy if we push together
00:21:58chodaboy we win easy
00:22:27AdemC fail kurdi
00:23:14MetM inspiring teamplay
00:23:33ChubbyChris2 XD
00:23:36chodaboy =D
00:23:37Affliction havbe ulti
00:23:40Affliction have ulti
00:24:51ricke abe pik
00:25:17slc2 ogre
00:25:59chodaboy ill tp
00:26:03chodaboy waiting for my hood
00:26:42Janske -.-
00:26:42ricke nice support u are TC.
00:26:49ricke no wards, nothing
00:26:57Janske bought wards you cunt
00:27:06chodaboy we cant go without all ultis
00:27:07Janske now is it only me who have to do it huih?
00:27:10chodaboy we need every utli
00:27:15chodaboy and a gem wouldnt hurt
00:27:18ricke ur the support
00:28:00chodaboy take dust
00:28:04chodaboy levi
00:28:05chodaboy u have dagger
00:28:08chodaboy jump the fuck up
00:28:10chodaboy in
00:28:12chodaboy and we win
00:28:27Janske levi
00:28:34slc2 they come 3
00:28:42ChubbyChris2 go ?
00:29:14ChubbyChris2 I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:15MetM I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:17Janske heal
00:29:20MetM imba moves
00:29:30chodaboy so easy
00:30:04ChubbyChris2 go deff ffs
00:30:15Affliction rac
00:30:39whatugotskills f
00:30:43ChubbyChris2 just ff
00:30:45ChubbyChris2 Waste of time
00:30:47MetM yep
00:30:57AdemC I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:58whatugotskills I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:10ChubbyChris2 go ff
00:31:14MetM gogo last ff
00:31:36ricke gg i won
00:31:37zebbelito gg est noobs
00:31:58AdemC I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:02MetM I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:10MetM imba slc2
00:32:13MetM I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:14chodaboy push it
00:32:40ricke Bone banned, not allowed to hit SK while ulti.....
00:32:47ChubbyChris2 "ok"
00:32:48Janske heal
00:33:00ricke chubby, är du en sån där halvryss?
00:33:25ChubbyChris2 Honestly think i understand that ?
00:33:39chodaboy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:39chodaboy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:39chodaboy [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:33:39chodaboy [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:33:39slc2 I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:43MetM he asked if ure ½ russian i think
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