Game #1448288

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+47 X
+1 TS

89% | 1388 X | 1517 TS

+55 X
+2 TS

73% | 1218 X | 1453 TS

+40 X
+1 TS

61% | 1070 X | 1407 TS

+55 X
+1 TS

46% | 1012 X | 1369 TS

+20 X
+3 TS

13% | 890 X | 1173 TS

-44 X
-3 TS

89% | 1500 X | 1390 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

65% | 1150 X | 1413 TS

-15 X
-2 TS

58% | 1097 X | 1389 TS

-60 X
-1 TS

38% | 994 X | 1292 TS

-42 X
-3 TS

23% | 974 X | 1195 TS

Chat log

00:00:03Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:09BritneySpears hvis vi taber denne
00:00:14Wavesofchange whyt
00:00:15MariahCarry er på 7 losing streak :D
00:00:16BritneySpears løber jeg nøgen ud op falkoneer allee
00:00:16Dota.m it could be nice if i can get es...
00:00:16MariahCarry trods alt +23 og +0 x de sidste to
00:00:16jrNy trall
00:00:16Wavesofchange storthanuub
00:00:16MariahCarry lad os lane sammen john
00:00:20MariahCarry i bunden
00:00:20jrNy any1 es ?
00:00:23Dota.m me
00:00:26BritneySpears hvem er bannet ?
00:00:28xenix- banned ???
00:00:33Wavesofchange any1 cm?
00:00:35Wavesofchange lich?
00:00:39Wavesofchange thrall?
00:00:42Gevomancer wl
00:00:45xenix- guys what is banned ?
00:00:49Dota.m lich would be nice and omni..
00:00:54goofyboy_89 gonna pick ud
00:01:00BritneySpears thrall & ?
00:01:04xenix- what is banned ?
00:01:05Wavesofchange storm
00:01:08Wavesofchange thrall and storm
00:01:11xenix- k
00:01:19Gevomancer what i pick
00:01:24Gevomancer wl
00:01:24Dota.m what u want ?
00:01:26Wavesofchange give me
00:01:31MariahCarry nice nice
00:01:31Wavesofchange panda
00:01:34jrNy zeus
00:01:35jrNy get
00:01:37Wavesofchange -swap
00:01:38Gevomancer -swapall
00:01:41jrNy zeus
00:01:42Wavesofchange -swap 4
00:01:43Dota.m -swap 1
00:01:45jrNy get abba last
00:01:47jrNy or omni
00:01:50jrNy omni
00:01:55goofyboy_89 caryyyyy
00:01:58Dota.m -swap 1
00:02:00MariahCarry håber panda er mid
00:02:05jrNy -swap 4
00:02:08xenix- chick mw
00:02:16MariahCarry and xenix sportin the bara
00:02:23MariahCarry cm bot
00:02:24MariahCarry pls
00:02:25MariahCarry wl top
00:02:29goofyboy_89 gl hf
00:02:29Wavesofchange du skal da have
00:02:30Wavesofchange wl
00:02:31Wavesofchange heals
00:02:33Wavesofchange -clear
00:02:33ulikiluu no you
00:02:34MariahCarry cm
00:02:35MariahCarry better
00:02:37BritneySpears ja
00:02:40MariahCarry han kan finde ud af at lane
00:02:40BritneySpears ooh kk
00:02:49MariahCarry går bfury anyways
00:03:02BritneySpears aura skill
00:03:04Wavesofchange seriæst
00:03:06BritneySpears no fb
00:03:06Wavesofchange lorte picks
00:03:31BritneySpears puller
00:03:35MariahCarry k
00:03:52Wavesofchange share
00:03:53Wavesofchange xenix
00:03:55Dota.m dazzle harras
00:03:57Dota.m and let me farm
00:03:59xenix- sry
00:05:55Dota.m ffs
00:05:57Dota.m dazzl
00:06:01MariahCarry cd passede også lige
00:06:01MariahCarry :D
00:06:05BritneySpears ^^
00:06:13Vampi maby stun him?
00:06:17Dota.m maybe oom
00:06:20Dota.m idiot
00:06:28Vampi no you wasted all your mana stunnig creeps
00:06:32Dota.m lol
00:06:51MariahCarry ss bot
00:06:52MariahCarry 2
00:06:55Dota.m omw mid
00:07:06goofyboy_89 'ss bara
00:07:11BritneySpears csre mid
00:07:18xenix- miss
00:07:24BritneySpears b mid
00:07:39Dota.m lol
00:07:41Dota.m sry
00:07:46Wavesofchange wait
00:07:50Wavesofchange i take invis
00:07:58jrNy take it
00:08:06jrNy wher eis
00:08:08jrNy chiekn
00:08:09Wavesofchange go
00:08:25BritneySpears ville ikke have lasthit :P
00:09:08jrNy ss
00:09:18Wavesofchange wards
00:09:20Wavesofchange again any1?
00:09:27BritneySpears placing one
00:09:28Dota.m need gank b ot
00:09:32xenix- wl get
00:09:49Dota.m mortred gotr much farm
00:09:59Dota.m because dazzle can't find out to harras
00:10:15jrNy ss
00:10:19Wavesofchange ss mid
00:10:37BritneySpears ss
00:10:44Dota.m FFS!! GANK BOIT !
00:10:48Dota.m or lose
00:10:54Dota.m mortred got much farm
00:10:56xenix- it was ss
00:10:58xenix- ..
00:11:00Dota.m we can't nothing dfo
00:11:05jrNy nuke
00:11:06jrNy him
00:11:07jrNy zzz
00:11:32Dota.m ffs
00:11:34Dota.m 'da
00:11:34Dota.m ASf
00:11:35Dota.m ads
00:11:35jrNy gg newbs
00:11:35Dota.m as
00:11:39Dota.m stfu noob
00:11:42Dota.m i say it
00:11:43Gevomancer kill
00:11:43Dota.m nap
00:11:59MariahCarry pls don't push
00:12:01MariahCarry need a place
00:12:01MariahCarry to farm
00:12:08xenix- miss
00:12:39goofyboy_89 oom
00:12:43goofyboy_89 wait a sec
00:13:12goofyboy_89 nooooo
00:13:15Gevomancer no tp
00:13:18goofyboy_89 just ended
00:13:18goofyboy_89 ..
00:13:20Dota.m gj zeus
00:13:27Gevomancer :D
00:13:31Gevomancer ,,l,,
00:13:32jrNy welll killed
00:13:33jrNy hm
00:13:37jrNy so im happy
00:13:38goofyboy_89 them
00:13:42MariahCarry snart bf
00:13:43jrNy yup
00:13:53goofyboy_89 nooo
00:13:56goofyboy_89 fkn missclick smoke
00:13:57Dota.m this is gg for me
00:14:20BritneySpears kill top ?
00:14:22MariahCarry y
00:14:23BritneySpears tower divew
00:15:19MariahCarry 700 for bf + treads
00:15:25jrNy nej nej
00:15:28jrNy hold nu kæft
00:15:31jrNy hvor er de dårlige
00:16:19BritneySpears b
00:16:43jrNy gg ff
00:16:59MariahCarry bf done
00:16:59MariahCarry :D
00:17:04jrNy stop play dota plz
00:17:07goofyboy_89 ?
00:17:08Wavesofchange din loosing steak
00:17:09jrNy all of you
00:17:10goofyboy_89 lol
00:17:11Wavesofchange er vist ovre :)
00:17:14Dota.m start med at sutte min pik !
00:17:16MariahCarry yep
00:17:53MariahCarry det var også begyndt at lysne
00:17:59MariahCarry de sidste to var +x
00:18:20Wavesofchange wait
00:18:22Wavesofchange for my ultio
00:18:58Dota.m mortred bf 15 min
00:18:59jrNy wp
00:19:01jrNy bot
00:19:02jrNy rly
00:19:07Dota.m no gank
00:19:10Dota.m so fuck u
00:19:15jrNy just nuke him
00:19:16jrNy jeez
00:19:18jrNy and dazzle
00:19:19jrNy harras
00:19:21jrNy omfg
00:19:23jrNy l2p
00:19:28Wavesofchange b
00:19:43Dota.m yes and when dazzle harras he die !
00:19:51Dota.m so please suck cock and die in hell
00:20:02jrNy you die cuz you sucks
00:20:36goofyboy_89 ff
00:20:41Dota.m hvis jeg kendte dig havde jeg klasket dig din fucking TARD !
00:20:49goofyboy_89 just teled there
00:20:50goofyboy_89 fkn tard
00:20:51goofyboy_89 buy brains
00:20:52goofyboy_89 rly
00:20:54jrNy plz gå tilbage til battlenet
00:21:01Wavesofchange henter lige rune
00:21:02Dota.m hold din kæft
00:21:03jrNy he can just ulti you dumb nab
00:21:23Wavesofchange tp bot
00:21:24Wavesofchange mortred
00:22:23jrNy END!
00:22:28jrNy get masss x mby ?
00:22:47jrNy im not gonna nuke you promis
00:24:03BritneySpears har aldrig spillet et spil
00:24:06BritneySpears med disse stats
00:24:10BritneySpears 0-0-10
00:24:13MariahCarry :D
00:24:15Wavesofchange :D
00:24:21Wavesofchange stilet
00:24:23Wavesofchange support
00:24:23BritneySpears ingen farm i starten
00:24:28BritneySpears du fik alle creeps mariah :P
00:25:00jrNy Haha
00:25:01MariahCarry BOOOM
00:25:18jrNy tror det her er det værste hold jeg har haft til dato
00:25:46jrNy mortred get bkb and jump ?
00:26:19BritneySpears 581 crit :P
00:28:11Wavesofchange gogo
00:28:12Wavesofchange roshan
00:28:22Dota.m ærligt drenge for ender i ikke ?
00:28:34Wavesofchange har 300 hp
00:28:34BritneySpears sjkal j tanke rosh ?
00:28:37BritneySpears lol
00:28:38Wavesofchange do it :D
00:28:40Wavesofchange troede
00:28:41BritneySpears ok
00:28:42Wavesofchange motred
00:28:43Wavesofchange var med
00:28:43BritneySpears gogogogo
00:28:50MariahCarry kommer
00:28:51MariahCarry sry
00:28:55BritneySpears rosh puster på mig
00:28:58BritneySpears og jeg dør
00:28:58MariahCarry snakkede lige i telefon sidste 5 min
00:29:00jrNy du har 700
00:29:22BritneySpears all midt
00:29:25BritneySpears lad os end
00:29:30MariahCarry BOOOOM
00:29:31Wavesofchange se mine items ;D
00:29:40BritneySpears eller vil i bund ?
00:29:45Wavesofchange bare go mid
00:29:46BritneySpears nice
00:29:48BritneySpears se mine items
00:29:50xenix- y
00:29:50jrNy det var os på tide du vandt lidt
00:29:51BritneySpears de rocks sgu oxo
00:29:58xenix- 1 sec
00:30:07MariahCarry devine done
00:30:13BritneySpears go
00:30:21BritneySpears come
00:30:21Wavesofchange tag
00:30:22xenix- 1 sec
00:30:23Wavesofchange lige rosh
00:30:26Wavesofchange for sikkerheds skyld
00:30:34MariahCarry zz
00:30:36MariahCarry bare go
00:30:58BritneySpears bot efter
00:31:01xenix- y
00:31:15jrNy go all in on mortred
00:31:23ulikiluu ok u first
00:31:46MariahCarry my devine :(((
00:31:52Vampi mine! :<
00:31:58MariahCarry ^^
00:31:59MariahCarry gg
00:32:03MariahCarry gg john
00:32:06MariahCarry imba support
00:32:11BritneySpears ^^
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