Game #1419916

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+21 X
+2 TS

83% | 1359 X | 1429 TS

-13 X
+29 TS

72% | 1275 X | 1368 TS

+48 X
+3 TS

52% | 1020 X | 1428 TS

+51 X
+2 TS

37% | 921 X | 1377 TS

+16 X
+52 TS

NEW | 958 X | 1024 TS

-52 X
-5 TS

76% | 1211 X | 1483 TS

-11 X
-27 TS

NEW | 1186 X | 1347 TS

-14 X
-2 TS

44% | 1031 X | 1330 TS

-38 X
-2 TS

43% | 1022 X | 1335 TS

+3 X
-16 TS

26% | 1014 X | 1175 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Lavos swap
00:00:10Knaitti -SWAPALL
00:00:10Soulyah -swap 4
00:00:12Knaitti -swapall
00:00:13Lavos noty
00:00:19mrk haha
00:00:19Knaitti i repick if noone swaps
00:00:21mrk suht täpselt
00:00:23Soulyah -swap 4
00:00:24Chakuriki swap
00:00:24Knaitti -swapall
00:00:24Chakuriki me
00:00:27Knaitti -swap
00:00:28Lavos -swap 3
00:00:28Knaitti -swap 2
00:00:29Chakuriki -swap 3
00:00:30Knaitti -clear
00:00:31Wrench swap pugna or tiny ?
00:00:31Chakuriki NO
00:00:31Lavos oh u want?
00:00:32Knaitti -swapall
00:00:32Milky -swap
00:00:33Soulyah -swap 4
00:00:34Knaitti someone want slark
00:00:36Soulyah razor?
00:00:36Knaitti i cant play this
00:00:38wodrock -swap 1
00:00:39Chakuriki NONONONO i want invokerrrrrrrrr
00:00:40Soulyah ty
00:00:40Milky some1 want pl
00:00:41Wrench ?
00:00:41Chakuriki go repick it
00:00:44Milky -swap
00:00:44Wrench tiny swap ?
00:00:47Knaitti i want
00:00:48Knaitti iwant
00:00:49Knaitti pl
00:00:49mrk no
00:00:49Knaitti -swap
00:00:50Milky -swap 3
00:00:51Knaitti -swap
00:00:52Wrench -repick
00:00:53Knaitti -clear
00:00:53Lavos wth stop spam
00:01:02Soulyah oh u repickeed rexxar?
00:01:02Affliction -swap
00:01:02Knaitti repick slark?
00:01:03Soulyah rofl
00:01:05Lavos y
00:01:05Knaitti or can u play it
00:01:06Affliction -swap 3
00:01:10Wrench y
00:01:10Wrench :)
00:01:11Knaitti -clear
00:01:12Wrench didnt want it
00:01:15Milky so so
00:01:16Empatia -repic
00:01:17Milky :P
00:01:17Lavos so carry
00:01:18Empatia -repick
00:01:18Chakuriki need repick slark imo
00:01:19Milky ei oo nii jsutiinsa
00:01:24Knaitti onse :D
00:01:24Milky -repick
00:01:26Knaitti kusee josset osaa :D
00:01:27Milky ei oo
00:01:34Affliction share
00:01:35Lavos cena top
00:01:35Affliction :/
00:01:44Knaitti ai mä down?
00:01:45Knaitti okei
00:01:48Knaitti ...
00:01:52Soulyah ss
00:01:57Milky cent pull pls
00:02:00Soulyah re
00:02:03Knaitti 2 melee down
00:02:04Chakuriki will do
00:02:06Knaitti and im main carry
00:02:07Knaitti gogogo
00:02:12Chakuriki 2 melee top aswell
00:02:13Empatia meikä slark
00:02:15Knaitti and no pull
00:02:17Knaitti ward
00:02:28Knaitti ja tääl snipu
00:02:32wodrock whatä's chick doing here
00:02:38Knaitti let me farm omni
00:02:43Empatia getting some dmg to slark
00:02:44Knaitti share hick
00:02:52Empatia skillaa se statti steal täyteen
00:02:54Empatia sitten leappi
00:03:47Milky pull?
00:03:52Chakuriki i will
00:04:04Lavos mid miss
00:04:10Lavos re
00:04:27Lavos -invokelist
00:04:32Chakuriki b
00:05:26Wrench ive mana
00:05:31Wrench mrk from ?
00:05:36mrk ee
00:05:38Wrench kk
00:05:39Affliction go inivs
00:05:41Wrench fin
00:05:41Chakuriki w89
00:05:42Affliction and i heal
00:05:43Chakuriki 20 mana
00:05:43Affliction n
00:05:49Lavos mid miss
00:05:59Lavos top
00:06:09Milky earlet ? :P
00:06:12Chakuriki no mana
00:06:17Knaitti MID MISS TOP?
00:06:20Milky ok
00:06:21Knaitti he came down
00:06:23Knaitti and get double kill
00:06:24Lavos no shit?
00:06:29Lavos i told miss
00:06:31Milky :D
00:06:33Knaitti miss top u said
00:06:33Wrench pulling
00:06:53Chakuriki mid noob
00:06:56Knaitti ss sniper
00:06:56Chakuriki why u play invoker
00:07:02Lavos coz u wipe
00:07:05Lavos stfu
00:07:10Soulyah ss
00:07:10Affliction pl thats the way we kill
00:07:15Lavos mnid miss
00:07:17Lavos NIGGERS MID MISS*
00:07:20Knaitti well was pretty late heal :P
00:07:24Chakuriki go on
00:07:25Knaitti but we get cos i got boots :P
00:07:28Affliction yy
00:07:31Lavos -invokelist
00:07:45Empatia ota sitä stat stealia
00:08:29Lavos mid miss
00:08:32Chakuriki b top
00:08:34mrk tulen midi?
00:08:36Knaitti ss tiny
00:08:36Affliction try again ?
00:08:40Soulyah ma tahan ise ruun
00:08:44mrk tule venti
00:08:45Knaitti i throw spear and heal it
00:08:45Soulyah killbot
00:08:46Lavos get wards
00:08:52Chakuriki ss mid
00:09:29Chakuriki omw top
00:09:35Chakuriki rune
00:09:36Chakuriki go top
00:09:41Wrench got sentries inc
00:09:43Knaitti SS3 DOWN
00:09:45Wrench pl freekill after datr
00:10:17Soulyah ss
00:10:27Chakuriki SttAcK
00:10:28mrk b
00:10:30Chakuriki ffs lol
00:10:49Lavos stack ur ass maybe?
00:10:52Empatia gj
00:10:57Lavos -invokelist
00:11:00mrk stun while he was flying
00:11:22Knaitti hmm what should i buy this
00:11:26Knaitti do i need vanguard?
00:11:28Chakuriki vanguard
00:11:28Affliction no
00:11:30Wrench kill that pl
00:11:32Wrench got one more sentry
00:11:35Affliction mass diffu
00:11:38Milky go
00:11:39Milky cent
00:11:41mrk chase him
00:11:43mrk he goes inv
00:11:44mrk i come
00:11:54mrk fuck
00:12:15Milky bot cent
00:12:15Lavos -invokelist
00:12:16Knaitti so what then if not gvang
00:12:34Knaitti HEAL
00:12:43wodrock mana psl
00:12:46Chakuriki mid re
00:12:51Wrench ahh slark bot
00:13:01Milky cent
00:13:02Milky mid again
00:13:05Knaitti difusal?
00:13:06Chakuriki cold snap him
00:13:08Milky centaur
00:13:13Milky ffs
00:13:35Milky stun
00:13:46Milky invoker b
00:13:58Lavos älä
00:13:58Wrench ss bot 2
00:14:00Wrench pl omni
00:14:17Wrench re omni
00:14:23Milky tuus
00:14:29Milky go razor
00:14:31Milky hlp top
00:14:32Milky guys
00:14:52wodrock fucking long stun
00:14:55Wrench miss bot 2 again
00:15:03Milky ¨mis oot
00:15:22Soulyah ytower
00:16:31Chakuriki go kill
00:16:47Knaitti ...
00:16:48Knaitti dont
00:16:56Lavos :DDDD
00:17:00Knaitti ..........................................................
00:17:12Milky omni heal me
00:17:32Chakuriki jump
00:17:33Wrench oom
00:17:52Milky omni?
00:18:11Chakuriki go
00:18:21mrk b
00:18:31Chakuriki lancer farm
00:18:33Chakuriki bot
00:18:35Chakuriki go b mid
00:18:40Chakuriki me farm top
00:18:41Chakuriki pls
00:18:43Chakuriki ty man
00:18:43Lavos lol pl
00:18:44Lavos :DDD
00:18:50Lavos GO HIM=??==??=
00:19:30Soulyah yeah well we r playing 4v5
00:19:32Lavos dont repel pl
00:19:36Soulyah havent seen dk for ages
00:19:38Knaitti oom
00:19:42Chakuriki lancer
00:19:42Chakuriki fight
00:19:43Chakuriki ffs
00:19:47Knaitti 0 mana
00:19:49Knaitti and 300 hp
00:19:53Lavos no, fight
00:20:20Knaitti invoker use icewall
00:20:37Lavos pls tell me how to play
00:20:38Lavos ur so good
00:20:45Knaitti lol
00:20:49Knaitti 1-5
00:20:52Knaitti and ur SO GOOOD
00:21:35Chakuriki ss
00:21:36Lavos see
00:21:40Lavos u are so good
00:21:41Empatia siis sun pitää mäxää se statti steali
00:21:53Lavos :DDDDDDDD
00:22:03Chakuriki stop this noobb aciton
00:22:08Lavos ff
00:22:29Knaitti well ill just farm that radi
00:22:31Knaitti and tarra
00:22:46Milky 5
00:23:00Milky cent?
00:23:03Chakuriki y
00:23:04Chakuriki i get tp
00:23:42Soulyah b
00:23:57Soulyah mrk
00:23:57Soulyah tle
00:24:09mrk eisaa
00:24:12Soulyah ootab
00:24:17Knaitti lemme
00:24:19Chakuriki check
00:24:49Soulyah hmm
00:25:23Chakuriki i get dagger 1s
00:25:27Chakuriki then we go fight
00:25:51Chakuriki b
00:26:34Wrench b bot
00:26:53Knaitti LET ME
00:27:02Chakuriki lancer
00:27:05Chakuriki why u dont go vanguard?
00:27:10Knaitti cos i dont want it
00:27:13Chakuriki sniper tiny instakill u
00:27:17Chakuriki i got dagger
00:27:18Chakuriki go kill
00:27:23mrk dk
00:27:33Soulyah lets try to gang and push
00:27:40Chakuriki rune
00:27:41Wrench haste
00:28:16Knaitti DAAMN :D
00:28:24mrk ...
00:28:36Chakuriki go out
00:28:37Chakuriki lol
00:29:02Soulyah lol
00:29:03Soulyah fu
00:29:26Wrench stack
00:29:30Wrench ...
00:29:39Soulyah lets
00:29:40Soulyah do
00:29:41Soulyah gang
00:29:42Soulyah push
00:29:52Soulyah need 5
00:30:33Wrench mana
00:30:33Lavos I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:30:44Knaitti smart to go dd razor
00:30:45Chakuriki why no one focus razor
00:30:48Chakuriki ofc
00:30:48Knaitti i focused
00:30:49Wrench tiny gief mana
00:30:49Chakuriki he dies
00:30:51Chakuriki in 5 sec
00:30:51Knaitti he was almost dead
00:31:00Wrench ty
00:31:01Chakuriki but invoker 2 spells
00:31:07Knaitti but that davion gets stun on me from 6 clones
00:31:07Wrench k
00:31:08Knaitti just right one
00:31:09Knaitti ffs
00:31:14Knaitti invoker should use ice there
00:31:19Chakuriki dont forget that u are a noob
00:31:22Chakuriki and have retard item build
00:31:29Knaitti well i asked what to build
00:31:32Knaitti one said vang one said no
00:31:37Knaitti and i had 2k money
00:31:40Knaitti so i decide relic
00:31:51Soulyah dk come
00:32:36mrk :D:D
00:32:45Chakuriki noob invoker
00:32:46Chakuriki rly
00:32:47Chakuriki u fucking suck
00:32:57mrk rapier litsalt lambist
00:33:01Soulyah je:D
00:33:08Chakuriki theres more spells than cold snap and spirits
00:33:23Wrench lemme clear top for manta
00:33:25Wrench ahh nvm
00:33:35Soulyah panda
00:33:38Soulyah u have ny bttoelD:
00:33:40Soulyah my'
00:33:41wodrock yea
00:33:42Soulyah bottle
00:33:46wodrock ill piut on bird
00:34:08Chakuriki get bkb slark
00:34:36Chakuriki b
00:34:36Knaitti b
00:34:41Chakuriki b
00:34:41Chakuriki b
00:34:50Soulyah near skadi
00:34:54Soulyah ill farm my fewhubdred
00:34:55Wrench 500 manta
00:34:58Milky b
00:35:00Chakuriki lancer
00:35:15Knaitti ?
00:35:17Chakuriki and lancer pls survivability
00:35:25Wrench -ms
00:35:30Chakuriki go get ur radi
00:35:31Chakuriki now
00:35:35Soulyah palju orb oli
00:35:36Knaitti i have it
00:35:36Soulyah of venom
00:35:40Soulyah 550?
00:35:41wodrock 600 vist
00:35:54Soulyah odavamaks tehti ju:d
00:35:57Chakuriki lancer
00:35:57Chakuriki farm
00:35:59Knaitti yy
00:36:04Chakuriki we win lategame easy
00:36:14Lavos haha sure
00:36:15Soulyah gather
00:36:17Soulyah and try rax
00:36:18Soulyah got aegis
00:36:20Soulyah need to waste it
00:36:23Chakuriki if u find out
00:36:25Wrench kk
00:36:25Chakuriki how ur hero works
00:36:31Wrench gettin orb from base
00:36:33Lavos sweat baby sweat
00:36:43Chakuriki care lancer
00:36:43Wrench omw
00:36:43Affliction get tP
00:36:45Empatia deffing bot
00:36:47Wrench w8 for all
00:36:48Soulyah omg
00:36:48Milky tuus jo
00:36:49Wrench no need to def
00:36:49Milky b
00:36:50Milky ..
00:36:50Wrench just come mid
00:36:50Soulyah we dont need to def
00:36:53Wrench lol
00:36:59Milky go lancer
00:37:01Milky aloen
00:37:08Wrench mid > bot tower?
00:37:08Wrench :D
00:37:11Knaitti no dk there
00:37:12Soulyah CAN U COME=
00:37:23Empatia ok
00:38:03Knaitti we get razors aegis
00:38:04Knaitti away
00:38:16Chakuriki get
00:38:19Chakuriki diffusal
00:38:21Knaitti tarra?
00:38:31Wrench cent bought out
00:38:33Milky go
00:39:11mrk tra
00:39:27Chakuriki noob
00:39:32Knaitti slark ehk oisit voinu healia vähä välissä :D
00:39:44Soulyah try getting towet
00:39:46Milky olis ollu vaihtoehto joo =)
00:39:48Milky :P
00:39:57Chakuriki why do u want to play invoker
00:39:58Milky toi halus pomppii sisää
00:39:59Chakuriki when u dont know him
00:40:00Chakuriki rly tell me
00:40:03Chakuriki u totally ruin the game
00:40:05Chakuriki with ur noob play
00:40:11Knaitti ois se saan yksinkin
00:40:13Chakuriki i wouldve played it
00:40:13Chakuriki easy
00:40:16Wrench inv
00:40:22Wrench stacking
00:40:32Milky tarvit hipaa
00:40:40Milky kuolet liian nopee myllyis
00:40:47Soulyah top
00:40:55Milky varo
00:41:00Chakuriki guinsoo on dk
00:41:14Chakuriki qqwrv
00:41:16Chakuriki QQWRv
00:41:21Chakuriki fucking
00:41:21Soulyah mid
00:41:21Chakuriki retard
00:41:22Soulyah raxes
00:41:32Empatia take top tower def mid
00:41:40Soulyah fuck top tower
00:41:41Soulyah mid raxes
00:41:54Empatia gj panda
00:41:59Wrench mana
00:42:01Wrench tiny
00:42:09Milky b
00:42:09Milky b
00:42:09Milky b
00:42:35wodrock gj your ra xes gone
00:42:47Wrench b
00:42:50Soulyah no
00:42:50Knaitti this invoker gives entries and feeds
00:42:51Soulyah to dk
00:42:51Knaitti megapro
00:42:56Chakuriki lancer is a fucking noob
00:43:03Knaitti well not so noob as invoker
00:43:05Empatia just because hes fp he should carry you?
00:43:06Wrench 0mana
00:43:13Knaitti and im noob only cos of i didnt buy vanguard?
00:43:15Knaitti i see
00:43:21Knaitti he wanted invoker
00:43:23Knaitti and cant play it
00:43:37Affliction I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:43:39Soulyah gg
00:43:40Chakuriki rly
00:43:41Chakuriki u suck
00:43:42Chakuriki lancer
00:43:44Knaitti lol
00:43:45Chakuriki i see u
00:43:46Chakuriki every game
00:43:47Knaitti invoker sucks bad
00:43:47Chakuriki failing
00:43:50Chakuriki ur antimage
00:43:54Chakuriki is mb worst antimage i see
00:43:55Chakuriki and
00:43:56Chakuriki this
00:44:02Chakuriki lancer first item radi
00:44:04Chakuriki is just
00:44:05Chakuriki n/c
00:44:11Knaitti all are not so pro as u
00:44:13Knaitti so fuck off
00:44:24Chakuriki i even tell u
00:44:26Chakuriki go vg first
00:44:31Chakuriki now u are uselss untill min 30
00:44:33Knaitti i play for fun
00:44:34Knaitti not for win
00:44:34Chakuriki when u still die in 2 sec
00:44:39Chakuriki SUPERFUn MAn
00:44:41Chakuriki this is so fun game
00:44:43Chakuriki getting owned
00:44:46Chakuriki is sooo fun
00:45:22Soulyah :(
00:45:38Soulyah mrk add
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