Game #1416092

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+43 X
+1 TS

96% | 1550 X | 1562 TS

+29 X
+2 TS

81% | 1345 X | 1398 TS

+23 X
+1 TS

68% | 1170 X | 1450 TS

+26 X
+1 TS

67% | 1175 X | 1431 TS

+40 X
+6 TS

59% | 1182 X | 1327 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

88% | 1453 X | 1396 TS

-31 X
-2 TS

79% | 1322 X | 1400 TS

-23 X
-1 TS

78% | 1301 X | 1421 TS

-15 X
+0 TS

77% | 1281 X | 1419 TS

-29 X
-2 TS

64% | 1191 X | 1358 TS

Chat log

00:00:14Soulyah banni clinkz
00:00:17Soulyah see jakki laseb hullu sellega
00:00:17Strom jakkihirki võtab selle jah
00:00:17diesel well I cant deliver with sf
00:00:17Soulyah meme
00:00:17diesel ta tahab seda?
00:00:17Strom ma võin sf pelada vabalt
00:00:17Soulyah ma ka
00:00:17Soulyah :D
00:00:17Soulyah aga
00:00:17Soulyah ban cclinkz
00:00:17Soulyah ta mad sellega
00:00:17Strom qop kah hea ban
00:00:17Marshall he played last game sf but soul can play in good 2
00:00:17diesel ma võtaks NSi hea meelega
00:00:17Strom qop mby parem isegi
00:00:17Soulyah igaljuhul ma olen
00:00:17diesel ei tähendab
00:00:17Soulyah 2 pela
00:00:17Soulyah saanud
00:00:17Soulyah yle
00:00:17diesel ma võtangi NSi
00:00:17Soulyah tema clinsilt
00:00:17Strom :D
00:00:17jakkihirki we can play sf again if you ask me
00:00:17Marshall ban qop?
00:00:17MariahCarry soulyah cna't play shit without maphack
00:00:17diesel -clinkz
00:00:17jakkihirki he*
00:00:17jakkihirki why i would ban qop
00:00:17Soulyah WHAT U DO NOW
00:00:17jakkihirki ?
00:00:17Soulyah ?
00:00:17Marshall ban
00:00:17J0te sniper pick
00:00:17Marshall dizel
00:00:17jakkihirki ns
00:00:17MariahCarry give him sf imo
00:00:17Soulyah he banned clinkz
00:00:17MariahCarry and i'll gank him
00:00:17diesel NO WAY
00:00:18diesel zz
00:00:18Marshall lol
00:00:19MariahCarry like he's never been ganked before
00:00:20Strom Clinkz & Nightstalker - BANNED
00:00:20jakkihirki yes he did
00:00:20Soulyah v6in sf
00:00:22Soulyah (H)
00:00:22Strom võta sf
00:00:24Marshall chat bug
00:00:25Strom ükskõik, kes meist pelab
00:00:29Soulyah rollime
00:00:30Soulyah :D
00:00:39Soulyah -roll
00:00:41Soulyah hops
00:00:43Strom -roll
00:00:44Marshall you play him again?
00:00:54Marshall or soul yah?
00:00:57Soulyah mis tahad
00:00:59diesel gyro mulle siis paluks
00:01:04diesel -swap 3
00:01:05Soulyah -swap 1
00:01:08Arapiles ck for me
00:01:15diesel stun 1.?
00:01:25Arapiles or treant?
00:01:26Marshall i go roof or aa?
00:01:35Arapiles u go roof then ^^
00:01:39jakkihirki aa ck mid?
00:01:43J0te nice shit heros only left
00:01:45Soulyah mingi cslark
00:01:46Arapiles kk
00:01:47J0te any wanna swap?
00:01:48Soulyah oleks ka normal
00:01:54J0te cant even play this homo
00:02:00Arapiles u want ck?
00:02:01Strom ma proovin seda tegelast
00:02:01J0te treant swap?
00:02:04J0te kk
00:02:06J0te fine
00:02:07Arapiles -swap 4
00:02:10J0te -swap 3
00:02:11J0te thx
00:02:13Soulyah siis peaksid lanema gyroga
00:02:18Balbii these lanes?
00:02:21diesel obviously
00:02:22MariahCarry who's mid?
00:02:23diesel we top
00:02:24Balbii ^^
00:02:24Arapiles me and ck mid then
00:02:25diesel good combo
00:02:31Balbii U DONT SAY BROTHA!?
00:02:33jakkihirki you should rape mid
00:02:36MariahCarry who
00:02:37Balbii trolol
00:02:37jakkihirki or get freefarm
00:02:41Balbii so
00:02:43jakkihirki aa ck mid
00:02:44Balbii how we do this shit?
00:02:44Arapiles rhasta first wards?
00:02:46jakkihirki tree rhasta top
00:02:48Balbii my stun after your missile?
00:02:50Soulyah try to win and gang ck
00:02:50MariahCarry k
00:02:53diesel yea
00:02:53Balbii never done a lina gyro cmobo
00:02:55MariahCarry try get fb mid
00:02:58Balbii kk
00:03:00Arapiles kk
00:03:01Marshall i farm rasta :)
00:03:03diesel take it
00:03:06MariahCarry yy
00:03:07Arapiles i fake im solo mid
00:03:10MariahCarry ck
00:03:10diesel kill weaker
00:03:11Arapiles roof go top
00:03:12MariahCarry come from behind
00:03:15Balbii obviously
00:03:17Arapiles to lane
00:03:21Balbii i first then?
00:03:21diesel .D
00:03:23diesel y
00:03:25J0te 1 homo was invis
00:03:34diesel zz
00:03:44Soulyah many many of u
00:03:48MariahCarry and so it begins
00:03:52diesel zz
00:03:53Marshall inv
00:03:54diesel gj tho :D
00:03:55MariahCarry wtf
00:03:59Marshall he was inv
00:03:59Soulyah AA ck mid
00:04:00Soulyah kinda
00:04:01Balbii oh yes
00:04:02Balbii :d
00:04:02MariahCarry how
00:04:02diesel .D
00:04:02Soulyah fucked
00:04:03MariahCarry can u
00:04:08Balbii lol they got fb?
00:04:09Balbii -.-
00:04:10Marshall 2 x stunned
00:04:13Soulyah 3 was mid
00:04:14MariahCarry still
00:04:15Balbii ah
00:04:17J0te we kill u coz u black
00:04:18Balbii no helping it
00:04:52diesel u wanna pull?
00:04:56Balbii sure
00:05:05Marshall denie
00:05:30J0te g
00:05:39MariahCarry omw mid
00:05:50Arapiles go soon
00:05:57Arapiles i stun first
00:05:59MariahCarry w8
00:06:01Arapiles go
00:06:01diesel kill
00:06:02MariahCarry now
00:06:11Soulyah CAN
00:06:12Soulyah u call
00:06:13Soulyah misses
00:06:16Balbii ^^
00:06:16Soulyah im already dealing 1v2
00:06:20Balbii oh
00:06:21Balbii soz
00:06:22Soulyah cant fucking play 1v3
00:06:23Balbii my bad
00:06:26diesel miss
00:06:27diesel top
00:06:28Balbii was pulling
00:06:40MariahCarry mid again
00:06:40Arapiles rdy bot?
00:06:44Balbii u rdy?
00:06:49Soulyah ss1
00:07:05MariahCarry GO C
00:07:21MariahCarry gj
00:07:22J0te gj
00:07:31Soulyah need a companin on lane
00:07:33Soulyah too much ganging
00:07:36Soulyah cpmanion
00:07:38MariahCarry again mid
00:07:46Arapiles topgiogo
00:07:50Soulyah stop this shit
00:07:53Soulyah play on ur lane
00:07:55MariahCarry omw top
00:08:00MariahCarry xD
00:08:04diesel try to kill
00:08:09teh_re should i go mid?
00:08:18Strom yeah dazzle I think sf wants it
00:08:22Soulyah ye
00:08:26J0te all lanes is mine
00:08:31diesel fucmk
00:08:50J0te ive no mana
00:08:51J0te now
00:08:51diesel balbii
00:08:54diesel get dusts
00:08:55MariahCarry np
00:08:56Arapiles me neither
00:08:59Marshall i cant get a creap top
00:09:01diesel euse chick
00:09:02diesel reuse
00:09:33Balbii 'i had to do
00:09:33Balbii alot
00:09:35diesel gj
00:09:37Arapiles k rdy
00:09:38Balbii :D
00:09:41Marshall qop
00:09:45Marshall can you go top*?
00:10:05Soulyah fo
00:10:10MariahCarry u mad?
00:10:14Soulyah u think?
00:10:18MariahCarry xD
00:10:18Marshall ss
00:10:20Marshall care
00:10:22MariahCarry omw top
00:10:26Marshall dont
00:10:32Marshall we cant
00:10:49Arapiles 2 mid
00:10:50Arapiles 3 mid
00:10:52Balbii curse my noobishnes
00:10:55Arapiles brown
00:11:20Strom mis qop bot
00:11:25diesel ganking mid
00:11:26Arapiles b
00:11:39jakkihirki sf
00:12:01MariahCarry jakki?
00:12:01MariahCarry sf?
00:12:05J0te wai no ult
00:12:12Arapiles coming mid
00:12:15diesel care mid
00:12:17diesel wait for me
00:12:29Balbii omg
00:12:30Balbii got grave?
00:12:33teh_re cd
00:12:33jakkihirki wisp miss
00:12:39Balbii k
00:12:40Balbii my bad
00:12:54J0te me shop
00:13:36MariahCarry got ulti?
00:13:42MariahCarry tree
00:13:51MariahCarry go
00:13:54Arapiles ss mid 2
00:13:55MariahCarry soon
00:13:56MariahCarry ok?
00:13:56J0te ss
00:13:58MariahCarry treant
00:14:00Arapiles b bot
00:14:01Marshall k
00:14:02Arapiles inc
00:14:08Marshall ulty?
00:14:13MariahCarry i come from b
00:14:21jakkihirki only 3 in bottom :)
00:15:34MariahCarry bot
00:15:34MariahCarry arap
00:15:35MariahCarry come
00:15:44J0te arab
00:16:03Marshall 4 top
00:16:23diesel mid
00:16:34Soulyah fuck u all
00:16:35Soulyah really
00:16:38Marshall :)
00:17:13teh_re hmm, watched ur hp to grave on time, but seems like i died first ...
00:17:15MariahCarry long as he doesn't get farm
00:17:17Marshall mariah got big ( . Y . )
00:17:18MariahCarry he's so easy to genk
00:17:23MariahCarry so let's keep it up
00:17:27diesel fucking SIHT
00:17:38jakkihirki hihi
00:17:38MariahCarry topomw
00:17:57diesel soulyah
00:18:04Soulyah kuulded
00:18:05diesel ma hui sulle enam nevermori annan :D:D:D
00:18:11Soulyah vaata ise replayd
00:18:15Soulyah 3x surin ilma missita
00:18:16diesel tule
00:18:16diesel tapame
00:18:27MariahCarry b top
00:18:32Arapiles 4 top
00:18:39jakkihirki deff
00:19:02MariahCarry treant
00:19:03MariahCarry ulti?
00:19:06Arapiles y
00:19:06Marshall y
00:19:08MariahCarry go
00:19:11Soulyah b
00:19:11Soulyah b
00:19:12Soulyah b
00:19:24diesel uskumatu
00:19:25diesel noh
00:19:28Marshall gj
00:19:49Balbii on phone..
00:19:52Soulyah neil nii head gangerid
00:19:59Soulyah ja teamfifhgtis ka tugevad
00:20:01Strom diesel
00:20:03Strom liigume koos
00:20:16MariahCarry gotta keep hunting this sf
00:20:22MariahCarry arap if i blink on map it means ulti pls
00:20:24MariahCarry cus i'll hold him
00:20:25MariahCarry :D
00:20:27Arapiles kk
00:20:31MariahCarry omw
00:20:34Strom ei taha tappa?
00:20:39Strom ta oli nii surnud
00:20:50J0te rhasta
00:20:53MariahCarry fucking dazzle
00:20:53J0te stop
00:20:55MariahCarry randomly there
00:21:00Soulyah nice grave
00:21:00Soulyah :D
00:21:07MariahCarry stop what
00:21:10J0te ur playing is random
00:21:12J0te as fuck
00:21:15MariahCarry random what u mean
00:21:27J0te it makes NO SENSE
00:22:05J0te treant
00:22:06J0te leave
00:22:08J0te no ult
00:22:15J0te dubel kill
00:22:15Marshall mana
00:22:16J0te zzz
00:22:17J0te z
00:22:17J0te z
00:22:17J0te z
00:22:20Marshall and cd
00:22:39J0te MB COz u aint have mana boots
00:22:46MariahCarry j0te
00:22:47MariahCarry can u stfu
00:23:01jakkihirki go take mid tower
00:23:02J0te he needs to learn
00:23:03jakkihirki with wards
00:23:06Marshall jote mr one on one :)
00:23:07J0te if he plays silver
00:23:44J0te 'well ur mister no double kill coz no mana boots
00:23:45Arapiles tree
00:23:47J0te now on
00:23:49Arapiles put armor on tower
00:23:50MariahCarry rofl
00:23:51MariahCarry j0te
00:23:52Arapiles to heal it
00:23:52Strom soulyah, tapame üleval
00:23:52MariahCarry stfu
00:23:54MariahCarry u joke
00:23:56Arapiles tree
00:23:58Strom 10s cd ulti
00:23:58Marshall sec
00:23:58Arapiles ok?
00:24:02Marshall i go heal
00:24:05Arapiles gj
00:24:25Strom :D
00:25:09J0te well
00:25:10diesel no
00:25:15diesel on vaja minna 1by1?
00:25:19J0te ima farm now
00:25:56Marshall haste
00:26:00MariahCarry nice
00:26:22MariahCarry omw
00:26:25Arapiles oom
00:26:27Arapiles nvm
00:27:51Marshall go
00:28:16Marshall wp ck
00:28:17Arapiles nice grave
00:28:19Soulyah ur coming down with me!
00:28:22J0te ?
00:28:25MariahCarry <3
00:28:29Arapiles y
00:28:31J0te say
00:28:36jakkihirki armor
00:29:17J0te i farm only
00:29:31MariahCarry gank
00:29:54Marshall b
00:30:02Marshall b
00:30:02Marshall b
00:30:31Strom .......
00:30:32diesel zz
00:30:35Marshall sec for ulty
00:31:10J0te nice gang but u forgot dem gangers home
00:31:14Balbii FINALLY
00:31:17Balbii done with phone
00:31:18Strom gangers don't want to gang
00:31:28MariahCarry ulti
00:31:28Strom braking them links
00:31:28MariahCarry trwen
00:31:33MariahCarry ULTI
00:31:36J0te rofl
00:32:16Marshall agndgš
00:32:22jakkihirki i got owned my own greed
00:32:23Marshall go go mana boots
00:32:23J0te ye?
00:32:38Balbii greed is a sin
00:32:39Balbii :(
00:32:43Balbii Ofc u die
00:32:45jakkihirki etkö meinannut yhtää tulla jeesaa meitä jote?
00:32:51diesel coming
00:32:51diesel kill
00:32:56Marshall b
00:32:56MariahCarry b
00:32:57MariahCarry ffs
00:33:12MariahCarry GOD YOU SUCK
00:33:13J0te stun lucker of doom
00:33:16MariahCarry 30 mins
00:33:17jakkihirki vai meinasikko pelata yksin koko pelin?
00:33:18MariahCarry of owning
00:33:22MariahCarry and u don't have bfury
00:33:27J0te su
00:33:31Arapiles its jote
00:33:38MariahCarry taking sf bot
00:33:40J0te if i ever see you in game
00:33:44J0te i answer
00:34:12Balbii the hell..
00:34:31Marshall come fucker
00:34:34J0te ye?
00:34:46Soulyah ur really getting in my bervs
00:34:48Soulyah nervs
00:34:49Soulyah :D
00:34:52MariahCarry ^^
00:34:57Arapiles almost oom
00:35:11diesel go
00:35:11jakkihirki tule jote meidän kanssa
00:35:11diesel def
00:35:20Marshall go t
00:35:25jakkihirki b
00:35:25Soulyah b
00:35:35Marshall got ulty
00:35:36Marshall ..
00:36:09Marshall aa
00:36:12Strom outnumbered to the max
00:36:17Arapiles im b
00:36:47Marshall gg wp
00:36:51Arapiles y
00:36:56J0te ty
00:37:10Marshall XD
00:37:14jakkihirki et vieläkää opi
00:37:14Marshall <3
00:37:52diesel lol
00:37:55diesel see oli kyll fucked up :D
00:37:58Marshall top tower
00:38:26Soulyah ah see persses
00:38:28Soulyah I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:38:30Balbii I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:38:33diesel I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:38:51Soulyah kuradi duallane mid ja rhasta ka keris pela alguse putsi ja rhasta ei j2tnud rahule:d
00:39:07Soulyah wp rhasta
00:39:58Arapiles greed ftw
00:40:01Soulyah b
00:40:05MariahCarry :D
00:40:26MariahCarry xD
00:40:40J0te XXX
00:40:43MariahCarry <3
00:40:44J0te stealer
00:40:45Marshall <3
00:41:17jakkihirki you should train that sf little more
00:41:24Arapiles ^^
00:41:27Soulyah train what
00:41:27MariahCarry yea
00:41:30MariahCarry not impressive
00:41:31Soulyah getting not ganged that much?
00:41:35MariahCarry yea
00:41:50Soulyah first 3 gangs at mid no mis swas called
00:41:51Soulyah but we
00:41:53Soulyah w/e
00:42:40MariahCarry jakki
00:42:44jakkihirki ?
00:42:44Balbii ff please
00:42:45Strom lol nice coming home party
00:42:45MariahCarry did i suck this game too?
00:42:49jakkihirki no
00:43:05MariahCarry so maybe i don't hate u
00:43:58Strom lähme soulyah
00:44:03Marshall gg wp
00:44:28Strom I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:44:31diesel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:44:31diesel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:44:31diesel [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:44:31diesel [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:44:31teh_re I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
00:44:52Strom wisp vajab ikka permanent gangbuddyt
00:44:54J0te gggg
00:44:55Strom üksinda on suht raske
00:44:58Marshall gg
00:45:01Balbii my fault we lost
00:45:02Balbii soz
00:45:05Balbii phone all game :P
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