Game #1377093
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00:00:06 | Marshall wiSH |
00:00:08 | Marshall :D |
00:00:08 | Zhaetan -don |
00:00:10 | Zhaetan -ii |
00:00:14 | Marshall can you lose this time plz |
00:00:15 | Marshall ? |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN bloOdZeekeR |
00:00:21 | Marshall wow naga bs |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN ill take veno |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN oO |
00:00:21 | Planktoni "whoops" |
00:00:21 | wiSH YuRnErOzZ^3 |
00:00:21 | Marshall .S |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN :O |
00:00:21 | Mercury jugger, bloodseeker banned |
00:00:21 | frull WTF? |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN :O |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN OMFG |
00:00:21 | Marshall and whom will NAAGSASGDATAAZZ |
00:00:21 | wiSH lets go rangers lets go |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN bl00dz33k37 |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN is banned |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN is bannnned |
00:00:21 | wiSH since when is 7 "r"? |
00:00:21 | Rotkiv bloodseeker7and7juggernaut!!!BANNED |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN yyy |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN sinse |
00:00:21 | Zhaetan since hotkeys were made |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN now |
00:00:21 | wiSH its 5 |
00:00:21 | wiSH ! |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN :( |
00:00:21 | wiSH nvm |
00:00:21 | wiSH that wasn't it |
00:00:21 | wiSH lets go |
00:00:21 | SlikposeN kååå |
00:00:37 | Zhaetan Jugger+bs ye? |
00:00:53 | Mercury wd |
00:00:54 | Zhaetan suicide nu peter |
00:00:55 | Zhaetan ! |
00:01:00 | Mercury bm |
00:01:00 | SlikposeN oo |
00:01:01 | SlikposeN oO |
00:01:02 | Mercury rashta |
00:01:12 | Planktoni go wd |
00:01:21 | Planktoni and gyro |
00:01:24 | ATS_ who want wd |
00:01:34 | Zhaetan lanes |
00:01:35 | Zhaetan ? |
00:01:39 | wiSH frull is going ds |
00:01:45 | wiSH so go gyro wd top |
00:01:45 | Planktoni got good aoe |
00:01:58 | Planktoni jungle ds? |
00:02:07 | wiSH y he'll woods |
00:02:11 | Planktoni aight |
00:02:13 | wiSH glhf |
00:02:13 | Marshall i suppor for me bot |
00:02:28 | Marshall or go 3pl top? |
00:02:37 | Marshall ? |
00:02:39 | Zhaetan no ? |
00:02:41 | SlikposeN oO |
00:02:45 | SlikposeN no?! |
00:03:48 | Marshall harras let me farm |
00:03:49 | frull camp warded |
00:03:55 | Planktoni k |
00:04:02 | Marshall .. |
00:04:44 | Marshall harras him |
00:05:11 | Marshall gg dazzle |
00:07:04 | Rotkiv gj |
00:07:06 | ATS_ fuu |
00:07:08 | Zhaetan u2 |
00:07:14 | wiSH invoker rune bot |
00:08:01 | Marshall OK WE GOT A CARRY DAZZLE |
00:08:07 | SlikposeN opk |
00:08:08 | SlikposeN ok |
00:08:13 | Rotkiv share |
00:08:21 | Mercury dont want me to deny |
00:08:23 | Mercury ? |
00:08:30 | Rotkiv share |
00:08:30 | Marshall you last hit my cs |
00:08:57 | Rotkiv omg i bought allready flying .. |
00:09:04 | Zhaetan didnt rly see that |
00:09:10 | SlikposeN miss veno going top |
00:09:16 | ATS_ ss |
00:09:21 | DayDream re |
00:09:25 | Zhaetan i guess |
00:09:28 | Zhaetan u weren fast enough |
00:09:28 | Planktoni come gank ds |
00:09:34 | Marshall dazzle gang woods |
00:09:43 | Zhaetan miss top |
00:09:43 | Marshall go |
00:09:54 | SlikposeN miss top |
00:09:58 | SlikposeN flot |
00:09:59 | Planktoni ds com |
00:09:59 | Zhaetan ja |
00:10:03 | SlikposeN mongol |
00:10:14 | Marshall get |
00:10:17 | Marshall wards |
00:10:23 | Marshall dazzle |
00:10:51 | Zhaetan skal du ha et gang |
00:10:53 | SlikposeN -ii |
00:10:58 | wiSH ss invoker rune |
00:11:00 | wiSH re |
00:11:04 | Zhaetan ? |
00:11:08 | DayDream ss |
00:11:41 | DayDream ss2 |
00:12:00 | Rotkiv ss |
00:12:02 | Rotkiv top |
00:12:08 | Zhaetan wtf |
00:12:09 | Zhaetan is that |
00:12:15 | wiSH gj guys |
00:12:41 | ATS_ use again |
00:12:44 | ATS_ courier |
00:12:47 | Planktoni car |
00:12:58 | wiSH who? |
00:12:58 | Planktoni re here |
00:13:05 | Planktoni ah |
00:13:11 | wiSH we need wards lads |
00:13:24 | Zhaetan veno rune |
00:13:26 | wiSH runa bottom it seems |
00:13:27 | Zhaetan not |
00:13:30 | wiSH prolly taken |
00:13:32 | wiSH care top |
00:13:34 | wiSH rhasta and bm inc |
00:13:43 | Zhaetan wd |
00:13:45 | Planktoni ds come gank |
00:13:54 | wiSH ill come |
00:14:08 | wiSH fack |
00:14:11 | Planktoni ye |
00:14:28 | wiSH ss |
00:14:43 | Zhaetan n1 |
00:14:47 | Planktoni ss 2 |
00:14:53 | ATS_ cd? |
00:14:54 | SlikposeN rege |
00:14:59 | Zhaetan Y |
00:15:04 | ATS_ WTF |
00:15:06 | Zhaetan tager den nu |
00:15:31 | Planktoni :ol |
00:15:32 | Zhaetan intet stun |
00:15:57 | Planktoni goddamn phone |
00:16:12 | wiSH try twr top? |
00:16:18 | Zhaetan vi gør som i går med sli og alche |
00:16:25 | SlikposeN :) |
00:16:31 | Zhaetan så det bare GG |
00:16:36 | SlikposeN dazzle for how long you need to stay on lane and watch us get outganged+ |
00:16:38 | Planktoni missing 2 |
00:16:44 | Planktoni re |
00:17:04 | wiSH mb do rock bot and get twr |
00:17:07 | wiSH so you can help the rest |
00:17:10 | Planktoni y |
00:17:36 | Zhaetan de kommer |
00:17:39 | SlikposeN y |
00:17:45 | Zhaetan tp top guys |
00:18:18 | Marshall tele some1? |
00:18:32 | Zhaetan how |
00:18:33 | Zhaetan did brown |
00:18:34 | Zhaetan lol |
00:18:35 | Zhaetan pos |
00:18:36 | Zhaetan pos |
00:18:38 | Zhaetan pois * |
00:18:46 | Mercury planned the ks |
00:18:52 | Marshall nvm |
00:19:12 | Zhaetan ult snart |
00:19:13 | ATS_ go away |
00:19:21 | Planktoni tp |
00:19:28 | Zhaetan next y ? |
00:19:29 | SlikposeN lav |
00:19:30 | SlikposeN ulti |
00:19:30 | SlikposeN y |
00:20:05 | Zhaetan not |
00:20:06 | Zhaetan cool |
00:20:20 | Zhaetan moar wards |
00:20:20 | Planktoni i'm really icy atm |
00:20:28 | Zhaetan laver bongo trummerne |
00:21:03 | Planktoni got ulti |
00:21:05 | Planktoni kill top? |
00:21:29 | ATS_ cockbloigger |
00:21:31 | Zhaetan cold |
00:21:33 | Zhaetan s |
00:21:34 | Zhaetan ham |
00:21:46 | ATS_ tp |
00:21:48 | SlikposeN kom nu |
00:21:49 | Planktoni cd |
00:22:08 | Zhaetan COLDSNAP |
00:22:09 | Zhaetan ? |
00:22:09 | SlikposeN rhasta? |
00:22:16 | Zhaetan ff |
00:22:20 | SlikposeN har brugt er du helt væk |
00:22:23 | SlikposeN rhasta you used 0 mana |
00:22:23 | Zhaetan så ikke |
00:22:23 | SlikposeN why. |
00:22:44 | Marshall asdgfpiasdfb |
00:22:49 | wiSH gj team |
00:22:49 | Zhaetan skal vi spille den safe |
00:22:54 | SlikposeN :) |
00:23:01 | wiSH just take twr then b |
00:23:13 | Zhaetan han har stadig recipe liggende på flying courier |
00:23:13 | Zhaetan gg |
00:23:57 | wiSH b friends |
00:23:59 | wiSH care sunstrike |
00:24:02 | wiSH rune fucked up |
00:24:04 | wiSH run* |
00:24:27 | Marshall b |
00:24:33 | SlikposeN lad os gang woods |
00:24:50 | Zhaetan come ppl |
00:25:03 | SlikposeN ulti doc instand kill væk |
00:25:11 | Planktoni ult cd |
00:26:23 | Marshall that fuckin maledic |
00:26:40 | Zhaetan ds kan bare ikk dø |
00:26:40 | Zhaetan gg |
00:26:44 | SlikposeN hvordan fik du co |
00:26:46 | SlikposeN doc |
00:26:51 | Zhaetan tja |
00:26:52 | Zhaetan skillz |
00:26:56 | Zhaetan tror vist nok |
00:26:57 | Zhaetan ulti |
00:26:57 | Zhaetan :D |
00:27:00 | SlikposeN oO |
00:27:20 | ATS_ b |
00:27:30 | Planktoni go top? |
00:27:44 | wiSH y |
00:27:47 | wiSH im getting my item |
00:28:27 | wiSH gj lads |
00:28:29 | wiSH get base top |
00:28:31 | frull gj |
00:28:37 | Marshall b |
00:28:39 | wiSH save ball for t3 twr |
00:28:44 | Planktoni ye |
00:29:14 | wiSH nvm |
00:29:15 | wiSH just go |
00:29:16 | Marshall w8 |
00:29:18 | Marshall in base |
00:30:05 | wiSH rlly gj lads |
00:30:08 | Marshall bot arent very ussefull :) |
00:30:14 | Zhaetan neither are |
00:30:14 | Zhaetan you |
00:30:17 | SlikposeN necro |
00:30:18 | SlikposeN 27min |
00:30:19 | wiSH and b |
00:30:21 | SlikposeN you only farmed |
00:30:23 | SlikposeN no tems |
00:30:24 | SlikposeN items |
00:30:35 | Marshall and you only farmed bot |
00:30:47 | Marshall i couldnt farm cuz of carry dazzle |
00:30:48 | SlikposeN my farm > yours and i got ganged mid 7times |
00:30:53 | Mercury u serious? |
00:30:54 | Marshall ande denieing wl |
00:30:59 | Mercury i had like 4 kills |
00:31:07 | Mercury and 20+ denies |
00:31:16 | Mercury so if u fail dont blame me |
00:31:20 | Marshall ofc |
00:31:26 | Marshall dont lie man |
00:31:30 | Mercury stfu |
00:31:36 | Mercury just lasthit better |
00:31:40 | Mercury next time |
00:31:41 | SlikposeN necro ive seen how you autoattack creeps |
00:31:49 | frull n1 |
00:31:52 | Zhaetan T Y |
00:32:11 | wiSH ur going without me now |
00:32:17 | Planktoni camp here |
00:32:22 | SlikposeN tag doc ud |
00:32:26 | Zhaetan ingen ult |
00:32:41 | Zhaetan wtf is that |
00:32:43 | Zhaetan necro |
00:32:45 | wiSH gloglglgl |
00:32:45 | Marshall go |
00:32:46 | Marshall ffs |
00:32:46 | wiSH ogogogoo |
00:32:47 | Marshall 2 |
00:32:48 | Zhaetan and suicide |
00:32:49 | Marshall only 2 |
00:32:50 | Zhaetan no ?= |
00:32:54 | Zhaetan and 3 mid |
00:32:55 | Zhaetan blind |
00:33:00 | Marshall y |
00:33:01 | Marshall mid |
00:33:03 | Zhaetan ye |
00:33:04 | Zhaetan they come |
00:33:06 | Zhaetan in 3 sec |
00:33:09 | Zhaetan we wont kill 1 |
00:33:10 | ATS_ oom |
00:33:32 | ATS_ b |
00:33:40 | wiSH why b |
00:33:42 | wiSH its not like ur our core |
00:33:43 | ATS_ om |
00:33:43 | DayDream no |
00:33:45 | wiSH just send a clarity |
00:33:47 | frull come get manaboots |
00:33:59 | DayDream come here |
00:34:05 | Planktoni iu get hex |
00:35:36 | Marshall I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge] |
00:35:43 | wiSH lucky again?) |
00:35:52 | Zhaetan lol |
00:35:54 | Marshall y :) |
00:36:04 | Marshall bot 1st item in 23 min |
00:36:10 | Marshall and only items |
00:36:14 | SlikposeN haha |
00:36:25 | Zhaetan 0-5 necro talking |
00:36:39 | wiSH gg wp |
00:36:42 | frull gg wp |
00:36:43 | Marshall gg |