Game #1229032

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-20 X
+3 TS

100% | 1671 X | 1725 TS

+0 X
+2 TS

83% | 1227 X | 1525 TS

+27 X
+1 TS

39% | 1006 X | 1288 TS

+14 X
+1 TS

34% | 875 X | 1357 TS

-11 X
+22 TS

NEW | 1013 X | 1126 TS

-2 X
-1 TS

90% | 1338 X | 1483 TS

-9 X
-1 TS

71% | 1241 X | 1384 TS

+40 X
-1 TS

63% | 1131 X | 1380 TS

+22 X
-1 TS

50% | 1042 X | 1321 TS

-46 X
-6 TS

NEW | 1046 X | 1164 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Netukka i has bat
00:00:06Netukka or venge
00:00:06Kastrup jakiro, rexxar and meepo
00:00:08KredeC storm dk weaver
00:00:08infect sniper chen wisp
00:00:09Momdsiw luna kunkka krobe
00:00:13lumo necrolyte bristle cyro
00:00:14Tiestooo lion pudge void
00:00:15Netukka i could go weaver
00:00:20Kastrup we need lion
00:00:21infect viggie
00:00:22KredeC get taht lion
00:00:23Tiestooo sure thing
00:00:24Kastrup i can bat?
00:00:24infect biggie
00:00:26infect want sniper?
00:00:26Tiestooo any1 want him?
00:00:27Netukka sure
00:00:28Wormik tide brood enigma
00:00:29Knaitti axe tinker terror
00:00:30Wormik :D
00:00:30Kastrup and fokus biggie
00:00:31Biggie umm sure
00:00:33Biggie i can sniper
00:00:35infect what u hv
00:00:36Netukka wat has u
00:00:37Netukka kasatrup
00:00:38Biggie got pugna doom na
00:00:39Kastrup noro u want jakiro, rexxar and meepo
00:00:43Kastrup rexxar would be nice
00:00:45infect give pugna
00:00:45Netukka k
00:00:46Kastrup great stun
00:00:47Netukka giev rex
00:00:50Kastrup -swap 1
00:00:52infect -swap 1
00:00:53Wormik any1 want this
00:00:54Biggie -swap 3
00:00:54Netukka -swap 2
00:00:54Wormik ?
00:00:55Kastrup u midt witrh rexxar?
00:00:55Netukka kred
00:00:57Tiestooo -swapall
00:01:01Netukka u gonna play weaver
00:01:05Knaitti -clear
00:01:06Kastrup ok
00:01:06Tiestooo i could go for any
00:01:17Momdsiw lines?
00:01:17Tiestooo k, so me lion
00:01:22infect me and tide
00:01:24infect is nice
00:01:25Knaitti ill forest
00:01:26Knaitti and pull
00:01:27Netukka bat lion iz nice
00:01:31Kastrup ye is great
00:01:33Wormik aye
00:01:35Netukka -ma
00:01:38Netukka snip
00:01:39Netukka -.-
00:01:40KredeC kk
00:01:47Wormik kill lvl 3
00:01:48Kastrup me and lion will try to gank him
00:01:48infect võtan ühe lvl decrypti ka
00:01:48Netukka rikka is snipa
00:01:50Kastrup guys listen up
00:01:52Kastrup we need wards
00:01:55Kastrup AND counterwards
00:01:57Momdsiw paljo witchcraft vähentää mana costia
00:01:59Kastrup to gank that deuch
00:02:06lumo joku 30 vissii
00:02:11Kastrup k`?
00:02:13Momdsiw mietin oisko kova maxaa silence enne sitä
00:02:19Tiestooo i can go wards
00:02:21Momdsiw vamma heroja niil
00:02:25Kastrup u fast bottle rex?
00:02:30Kastrup to fuck him yop
00:02:31Netukka sure
00:02:32infect niisama saab ka pullida lihtsalt :d
00:02:45Tiestooo 1 woods
00:03:13Kastrup just harras lion
00:03:17Tiestooo kk
00:03:22Kastrup we mneed him
00:03:50Kastrup b
00:04:14Kastrup rdy for go soon*
00:04:36Tiestooo hm
00:04:36Kastrup ok lion?
00:04:38Tiestooo tide pull again
00:04:38Tiestooo care
00:04:39Kastrup i stack him slow
00:04:41Kastrup go him then
00:04:42Kastrup come
00:04:42Kastrup come
00:04:44Tiestooo y
00:04:55Kastrup b
00:04:56Netukka flying
00:04:56Netukka ty
00:05:30Kastrup dude
00:05:32Kastrup u're sleeping
00:05:33Kastrup srsly
00:05:38Tiestooo seen my hp?
00:05:44Tiestooo was perma 100
00:05:47infect võta
00:05:49infect enda shelli
00:05:52infect see rapeb bati
00:06:11Biggie miss mid
00:06:25Kastrup gjh
00:06:28Tiestooo u did
00:06:32infect türa selle decrypti animation
00:06:33Netukka _!!!!
00:06:49Netukka why so scared
00:06:59Kastrup b
00:07:01Biggie so many =(
00:07:02Tiestooo ss
00:07:08Wormik lion
00:08:22KredeC gang axe
00:08:27Knaitti k
00:08:39Kastrup -1
00:08:42Kastrup tide
00:08:42Knaitti im low atm
00:08:47Kastrup go
00:08:50Tiestooo b
00:09:03Tiestooo rex we need ganks bot
00:09:11Momdsiw voisit huudella jos rex on liikkeel
00:09:11Kastrup we're fine
00:09:27Netukka sniper kinda needs gang mid
00:09:32Kastrup lion go midt and gank
00:09:38Wormik mul ulti kah kui utlen
00:09:40Tiestooo omw
00:09:52Tiestooo ss mid
00:10:10Netukka i need rune
00:10:14Tiestooo i see
00:10:19Tiestooo lucky
00:10:24Kastrup gah
00:10:54Kastrup gj
00:10:58Tiestooo ss bot
00:10:58Tiestooo care
00:11:02infect sorry
00:11:05KredeC ss
00:11:06infect we killed him
00:11:14Biggie get me wards
00:11:16infect anna mana
00:11:19Biggie pretty gay with sniper
00:11:19Wormik cd
00:11:22Wormik 10s
00:11:37KredeC ss'
00:11:43KredeC 1
00:11:43Kastrup -2
00:12:24Kastrup fsdfklsdfjklsdfsdsd
00:12:27Kastrup fucking get stuck
00:12:31Tiestooo ss mid
00:12:48Tiestooo snip needs gank again
00:12:57Kastrup omw bot
00:12:58Kastrup got ulti
00:13:29Tiestooo ss mid
00:13:34KredeC ss
00:14:07Kastrup rune top
00:14:17Netukka gop
00:14:19lumo liuon inc top
00:14:20Wormik i go refu
00:14:21Netukka go
00:14:27Tiestooo i get top
00:14:30lumo lion
00:15:16Wormik bm miss
00:15:29KredeC ss
00:15:30Netukka we has no wards
00:15:31Netukka nice
00:15:32lumo tapetaaks
00:15:42Momdsiw axe tulee varmaa
00:15:43Momdsiw jos koitetaa
00:16:27Wormik utli on
00:16:30Momdsiw ASD
00:16:40Tiestooo nice
00:17:01Momdsiw top tower lost
00:17:13Tiestooo gank sniper mid
00:17:21infect tulen
00:17:22infect kohe
00:17:33Tiestooo ss mid
00:17:35lumo oom
00:17:58Kastrup 3 bot
00:18:10Biggie tp mid
00:18:12Kastrup they might push bot now
00:18:12KredeC want me bot`?
00:18:12Tiestooo rune top
00:18:14Kastrup i need help
00:18:30Tiestooo omw
00:19:00infect sorry, polnud midagi teha
00:19:01Wormik blastiga oleks double saanud
00:19:02Wormik :P
00:19:04Momdsiw otetaako midi torni
00:19:10Momdsiw ?
00:19:17Kastrup get twr
00:19:25Momdsiw käyn hakee top tornia
00:19:35Tiestooo b
00:20:06Momdsiw ASD
00:20:13Kastrup gj :D
00:20:29Wormik oww they have weaver
00:20:29Tiestooo reg top
00:20:33infect y
00:20:33Momdsiw ye
00:20:42Wormik lets kill that bitch
00:21:46Momdsiw fuck this
00:21:49infect sa üksi
00:22:02Momdsiw on se pakko hoodiki tehhä
00:22:14Kastrup reg
00:22:14Kastrup reg
00:22:23Kastrup and then go bot?
00:22:24Kastrup or?
00:22:26Netukka k
00:22:28infect and krobe, next time use silence
00:22:36Momdsiw i used
00:22:41Kastrup got ulti
00:22:43KredeC linken or just radi?
00:22:48KredeC rex?
00:22:56Knaitti they dont have stuns
00:22:57Knaitti so
00:22:57Kastrup gj
00:23:00Momdsiw why me all the time :D
00:23:20Momdsiw jaa sul on jo kivat farmit
00:23:24Momdsiw paljo cs
00:23:32Knaitti ss mid sniper
00:23:37Biggie 110
00:23:39Momdsiw :D
00:23:45infect not so much actually
00:23:46Netukka b
00:23:48Tiestooo b
00:23:49Momdsiw + neutrals
00:23:54Momdsiw ?
00:24:01Biggie well i have been carefull cuz
00:24:03Biggie no wards
00:24:04Tiestooo rune top
00:24:14infect well necro and krobe didnt but
00:24:15infect buy*
00:24:29Momdsiw you either
00:24:32Netukka nice
00:24:36Netukka u got relix soon
00:24:51Tiestooo b
00:24:56Kastrup omw
00:24:57Kastrup come
00:24:57Wormik nah
00:24:59Kastrup we can take them
00:25:06Kastrup or maybe sniper?
00:25:11infect they hv wards too
00:25:22Tiestooo too many there
00:25:24Tiestooo dont go
00:25:48Kastrup come
00:25:56KredeC 3 top
00:26:02KredeC they prolly go fot tower
00:26:10Kastrup tp top?
00:26:17Tiestooo sniper manta
00:26:22Wormik got ulti
00:26:27infect tp cd
00:26:29Kastrup dagger?!?1
00:26:30Momdsiw got mana for 1 spam
00:26:33Kastrup b
00:26:35Knaitti not range and just b
00:26:42Kastrup omw
00:26:45Kastrup come to us
00:26:46Wormik necroooo
00:26:47Wormik wtf
00:26:49Wormik ulti ?
00:26:50lumo tilttas
00:26:52Kastrup go sniper?
00:26:59Knaitti tide ulti :S
00:27:00Tiestooo 5
00:27:03Tiestooo i rather dont go
00:27:08infect that weaver
00:27:09infect neeeds
00:27:12Kastrup fine is weaver just farm
00:27:34Kastrup home
00:27:52Kastrup dagger
00:27:53Kastrup again
00:27:56Tiestooo use
00:28:00Kastrup :)
00:28:05Kastrup gj
00:28:07Kastrup we got two
00:28:17Netukka i has hex
00:28:18Netukka soon
00:28:20Knaitti ill go shiva next
00:28:21Kastrup but we need to target that snip
00:28:30Tiestooo hm
00:28:36Tiestooo shall i go necros?
00:28:38KredeC rather blademail
00:28:38Tiestooo for sniper l8er
00:29:12Knaitti ok blademail
00:29:13Knaitti then shiva
00:29:18KredeC y
00:29:28Netukka dar
00:29:29Netukka n
00:29:31lumo :D
00:29:53lumo tapame
00:30:12lumo go
00:30:20Tiestooo in
00:30:20Tiestooo c
00:30:23Tiestooo hm
00:30:24Tiestooo bb
00:30:58KredeC let them aghve
00:31:09Kastrup go
00:31:13Kastrup go!
00:31:13KredeC care liomn
00:31:49lumo mitä vittuu
00:31:53lumo paska peli ku on kokoaika blokis
00:31:56Tiestooo nice
00:32:05Wormik refu in 500
00:32:11Wormik then dagger and then win
00:32:52KredeC bottle up rex
00:32:52infect wards
00:32:53Tiestooo inc
00:32:54infect krobe necro
00:33:04infect ffs
00:33:09Tiestooo gj
00:33:13infect can you buy the wards now ?
00:33:34Kastrup omw
00:33:36Kastrup from distance
00:33:44Kastrup stick
00:34:24Momdsiw pfft
00:35:02infect ffs necro
00:35:04infect why buy wards
00:35:07infect if u aint gonna plant
00:35:08Tiestooo illu bot
00:35:18lumo taught some1 took em
00:35:19Tiestooo omw
00:35:25Netukka mjaa
00:35:28Kastrup :/
00:35:29Wormik leave me
00:35:33Wormik get refui then
00:35:38Wormik come oon
00:36:20infect necro they hv bird, they see you
00:36:28infect b
00:36:28infect b
00:36:28infect b
00:36:29infect b
00:36:29infect b
00:36:31Biggie tide needs dagger so bad
00:36:34KredeC go
00:36:37infect krobe
00:36:38infect ffs
00:36:42infect u cant read chat?
00:36:50Kastrup bot tower now
00:36:52Momdsiw sry some retard calling me all the time but he says nothing
00:36:53Kastrup so we can push and end
00:36:53Tiestooo y
00:37:04Momdsiw rining on pocket i think
00:37:10infect turn it off ?
00:37:15infect silent mode works
00:37:21Momdsiw vibration is on
00:37:31Netukka auts
00:37:31infect use conference mode
00:37:34Netukka butter
00:37:40infect no sound @ all
00:37:55Kastrup omw
00:37:58Tiestooo he wards
00:38:31infect b
00:38:31KredeC go?
00:38:32infect krobe
00:38:38Kastrup axe u start the battle
00:38:39Kastrup not us
00:38:41Knaitti y
00:38:43Knaitti i go tide
00:38:45Knaitti instakill him
00:39:16Tiestooo wow, instant dead
00:39:55Tiestooo holy
00:39:55Tiestooo n1
00:40:03infect no dust no kill
00:40:05Momdsiw maybe some detect woudl be nice
00:40:06Momdsiw :D
00:40:08Tiestooo get tower
00:40:14Biggie worst supports ever
00:40:14Kastrup pish bopt
00:40:15infect maybe some wards or dust krobe?
00:40:24Biggie pugna if you didnt know
00:40:29Biggie you r a support player as well
00:40:30infect i already bought them
00:40:35Biggie buy some more
00:40:37Wormik lets just turtle a while
00:40:37Biggie no excuse
00:40:38infect we hv 3 support or 4
00:40:49Biggie necro and krobe are not so support
00:40:50Momdsiw on myl pool
00:40:51Biggie like pugna
00:40:58Momdsiw if you have more room
00:40:59infect this necro is :D
00:41:06Netukka shall i go shivas
00:41:09Kastrup no dagger
00:41:09KredeC yy
00:41:11Knaitti no
00:41:13Momdsiw tide
00:41:13Knaitti ill go it
00:41:16Momdsiw take from my pool
00:41:17Knaitti just nee staff
00:41:21Momdsiw tide
00:41:21Kastrup invis
00:41:22Momdsiw my pool
00:41:23Momdsiw take
00:41:24Momdsiw plz
00:41:27Momdsiw tide
00:41:30Momdsiw can you take from my pool
00:41:32Momdsiw both
00:41:39Kastrup yeaps
00:41:42infect b mid
00:41:43infect they come
00:42:13Netukka wtu
00:42:16infect b
00:42:16Netukka laaga
00:42:22Momdsiw fu
00:42:24Momdsiw u
00:42:30Kastrup rexar u lag
00:42:30Netukka jökjökjök
00:42:40Netukka overheating comp
00:42:42Kastrup :)
00:42:43infect hmm
00:42:43Tiestooo top
00:42:43KredeC cant we take mid?
00:42:43lumo Hetkonen
00:42:43Tiestooo invis
00:42:44Tiestooo rex take
00:42:46infect gonna be fun if u do it eveyr second :D
00:42:55Netukka -,-
00:42:57Netukka dunno what is it
00:42:57Netukka pause
00:42:57KredeC go go go rex
00:42:57Netukka sec
00:43:00Tiestooo pause game
00:43:01infect mid
00:43:01infect they come mid
00:43:01Biggie just def
00:43:01Biggie until i spawn
00:43:01Momdsiw no ulti :S
00:43:01Wormik i have double
00:43:01Kastrup save?
00:43:01KredeC can u fix`?
00:43:01infect save doesnt work here
00:43:01Wormik pls silence lion
00:43:01infect u can just drop too
00:43:01Momdsiw you have
00:43:01Netukka i cant help it
00:43:01Momdsiw atleast
00:43:01Netukka its my connection
00:43:01Momdsiw 1 skill
00:43:01Momdsiw at kraken?
00:43:01Kastrup :/
00:43:01Wormik maxxed ofc
00:43:01Kastrup we really need you for winning
00:43:01KredeC rex are you there?
00:43:01Knaitti not good at all if rex drops
00:43:01Tiestooo y idd
00:43:01Netukka need to reboot if its going to work
00:43:01Kastrup go midt twr? or what?
00:43:01infect dno how repel reconnects
00:43:01Netukka try now
00:43:01Kastrup 321
00:43:01Momdsiw if he closes repel he insta drops
00:43:02Momdsiw and loom bans him
00:43:10Knaitti noro u here?
00:43:24Biggie gg lost it
00:43:26Tiestooo lolz
00:43:30Tiestooo pawned
00:43:31Tiestooo :D
00:43:40infect dont
00:43:41infect chase
00:43:42infect dont
00:43:42infect go
00:43:43infect out
00:44:02Momdsiw shiva varmaanki
00:44:03Momdsiw seuraavaks?
00:44:12Momdsiw mulle
00:44:14Wormik y
00:44:19Netukka how did we die
00:44:26Netukka we instaed pugna
00:44:26Kastrup two tide ultis?
00:44:27Tiestooo double ulti tide
00:44:30Kastrup that really hurts on me
00:44:33Kastrup and then necros ulti
00:44:35Kastrup and a gosh
00:44:40Momdsiw anna tide viak dustit mulle
00:44:40Kastrup thats like.. 129031289031238012831 damage on me
00:44:46Knaitti come weaver
00:44:47Knaitti taker rosh
00:44:47KredeC i go heal first
00:45:14Wormik and i got dagg
00:45:19KredeC go rtosh?
00:45:23Netukka ye
00:45:28KredeC we can go us two rex
00:45:30Knaitti weaver drop stick
00:45:41KredeC i will
00:45:53Tiestooo ss
00:45:53infect palju veel refu cd-l?
00:45:59Wormik 30sec
00:46:05KredeC go mid?
00:46:18Netukka we need entry
00:46:27Momdsiw necro just end up weaver
00:46:29Momdsiw with ulti
00:46:41Kastrup i can go in take one and take him ouT?
00:46:51Momdsiw but he has linkens :S
00:47:06Kastrup bot tower now?
00:47:07KredeC go in?
00:47:07Kastrup and keep on
00:47:10Biggie some1 has t o go front
00:47:10Kastrup they can't really do much
00:47:14Momdsiw i can tank
00:47:28Netukka rofl
00:47:33Netukka instadie
00:47:45KredeC b
00:47:59Knaitti ...
00:48:02Knaitti could use some help
00:48:05Kastrup did try
00:48:08Kastrup but to long away
00:48:15Momdsiw tide used double?
00:48:20Kastrup krob just decided not to take any damage
00:48:20Wormik y
00:48:27Knaitti well 2x tide ulti
00:48:30Knaitti couldnt no much :D
00:48:43Netukka and again
00:48:43Netukka ffs
00:49:43Netukka nice lags
00:49:44Netukka -.-
00:49:46infect one silence on weaver
00:49:48infect and insta
00:49:48infect :D
00:49:54infect b
00:49:59infect we cant go throne
00:50:33KredeC counter mid!
00:50:48KredeC go mid1
00:51:26infect he has buy out
00:51:33Momdsiw i tele oson
00:51:36Momdsiw 5 sec
00:51:41Biggie tele now
00:51:44Momdsiw cd
00:51:49KredeC b
00:51:50Netukka b
00:51:53KredeC all
00:52:10Kastrup go bot now?
00:52:11KredeC invis
00:52:15infect get gem
00:52:15infect some1
00:52:16Tiestooo they push
00:52:20Kastrup so do we?
00:52:50Tiestooo gj
00:52:50Momdsiw teleing
00:53:00infect gem @ base
00:53:01infect some1
00:53:02infect take it
00:53:03infect I surrender! [1/4 of Sentinel]
00:53:05infect ffs
00:53:14Kastrup we need to be together
00:53:15Kastrup and get tide
00:53:16Kastrup and sniper
00:53:18Kastrup rest is paper
00:53:24infect TAKE THE GEM
00:53:36Kastrup tide
00:53:38KredeC im there
00:54:11Kastrup come with us
00:54:13Kastrup in their woods
00:54:15infect b
00:54:16Kastrup weaver farms
00:54:21Kastrup and we come when they go him
00:54:21infect tulevad
00:54:22Kastrup ok?
00:54:30infect b mid
00:54:33infect and forest
00:55:05Wormik double up
00:55:06KredeC we go?
00:55:18Kastrup i think we should fake
00:56:15Wormik gem
00:56:26Wormik krobe take gem
00:56:27Biggie take it
00:56:41Momdsiw b?
00:56:46Biggie bot tower
00:57:05KredeC in base
00:57:07Tiestooo tide dead
00:57:09infect b
00:57:11infect all alive
00:57:21Kastrup ros up
00:57:23Knaitti take rosh?
00:57:25Momdsiw hot next?
00:57:34Wormik y
00:57:43Biggie rosh should be warded
00:57:53KredeC plan?
00:57:57Momdsiw this is gonna be long battle
00:58:04KredeC go mid
00:58:05Momdsiw doubles tide?
00:58:07KredeC ?
00:58:09Wormik no
00:58:12Wormik 30sek
00:58:14Kastrup tide will try to go us again
00:58:22KredeC i stay back this time
00:58:26Netukka im going to be behind
00:58:28Netukka and hex heim
00:58:31Momdsiw satanic sniper?
00:58:31Kastrup well are we all? :D
00:59:25Momdsiw i have gem
00:59:27Knaitti gem
00:59:29Tiestooo krob
00:59:29Tiestooo gem
00:59:38Kastrup let lane push them self
01:00:02Kastrup autch
01:00:03Biggie got buy out
01:00:09Kastrup av
01:00:10Momdsiw me maybe
01:00:11Momdsiw not sure
01:00:19Momdsiw think not
01:00:36Kastrup bot lane pushes now
01:00:40Netukka this is going nowhere
01:00:41Kastrup and we go midt?
01:01:09Kastrup axe
01:01:17Knaitti well iwas so far away when u go in
01:01:18Momdsiw gj
01:01:20Knaitti could get in
01:01:23Knaitti couldnt*
01:01:25Kastrup u saw two of them going bot
01:01:28Kastrup and u need to be there
01:01:29Momdsiw push
01:01:30Wormik only axe dead
01:01:30Kastrup bigtime
01:01:32Momdsiw oh rebuty
01:01:43KredeC get miod
01:02:00Momdsiw have rebuy
01:02:02KredeC fight downhill or at rhoene?
01:02:03Biggie same
01:02:05KredeC throne?
01:02:45Tiestooo gg
01:02:52Momdsiw gem
01:02:52infect gem
01:03:00Momdsiw tide
01:03:02Momdsiw drop tp
01:03:05Momdsiw k
01:03:43lumo dd here
01:03:44Momdsiw i think i have time to wait 30 sec
01:03:46infect take it
01:03:47Momdsiw take it
01:04:07Kastrup care sniper is there
01:04:12Biggie get new gem
01:04:18infect no moneyz here
01:04:28Momdsiw i carry it?
01:04:39Wormik double up
01:04:40infect y
01:04:43infect u hv most hp
01:04:44infect :D
01:04:46Momdsiw go mid end?
01:04:48Kastrup i ulti snipåer
01:04:50infect i can tele
01:04:50Kastrup ok?
01:05:40KredeC throne!
01:05:52Wormik 3 alive
01:05:59Momdsiw b
01:06:01Momdsiw damit
01:06:13infect gay weaver
01:06:15Biggie aww how did they get me
01:06:17Momdsiw rebuy cd
01:06:17Wormik i got disabled
01:06:24Momdsiw ?
01:06:28infect dno, i just took 3k hp from rexxar
01:06:29infect :d
01:06:58Wormik spam
01:07:22Biggie take gem
01:07:24Biggie necro
01:07:37KredeC i dont have money for bb
01:07:44KredeC tide used 1 ult
01:07:52Knaitti should have b when they alive
01:07:56Momdsiw tästä voi tulla kyl vitun pitkä peli
01:08:07Kastrup lion?
01:08:10Kastrup u ultied yet?
01:08:11Tiestooo dd top
01:08:14Kastrup just fokus your ulti on sniper
01:08:15Tiestooo sure
01:08:16Biggie en uskalla ostaa
01:08:18Biggie ettei buy out mee
01:08:19Tiestooo hard
01:08:22Momdsiw nii
01:08:22Tiestooo instant dead
01:08:22Kastrup ino
01:08:23Tiestooo i try
01:08:25Kastrup but thats our chance
01:08:26Kastrup well fine
01:08:30lumo meni rossanil kai
01:08:32KredeC rosh is up
01:08:33Momdsiw sit ku enemmä massia satanic ja rapi :D
01:08:33Kastrup ?
01:08:33Tiestooo i always try
01:08:39KredeC i live in 18
01:08:41infect no rapier
01:08:43Tiestooo but tide double ulti is gay
01:08:46Kastrup true
01:08:48Kastrup u need dagger
01:08:52Tiestooo give any gold
01:08:53Tiestooo :PP
01:09:02Momdsiw itekki aattelin säästellä hotin suhtee
01:09:21KredeC who takes`?
01:09:24Knaitti weaver
01:09:27Tiestooo not me :PP
01:09:32Momdsiw rosh?
01:09:38Momdsiw uhh
01:09:38Momdsiw b?
01:09:40KredeC cheese
01:09:43Kastrup rexxar
01:09:43Momdsiw cheese + aegis
01:09:46Kastrup REX
01:09:46Netukka wat
01:09:49Kastrup take cheese
01:09:54Kastrup to late
01:09:56infect mommy
01:09:57Momdsiw hardcore fight
01:09:58infect keep buyout
01:10:00infect rather
01:10:01Momdsiw ye
01:10:02infect than hot
01:10:10KredeC go bot
01:10:14Momdsiw give me gem
01:10:16KredeC guys
01:10:19Momdsiw anan gemi
01:10:19Kastrup biot tower is low
01:10:45Momdsiw no hohhoijaa
01:10:47Momdsiw ois tullu mähisee
01:11:03Kastrup tower will def it
01:11:05Momdsiw bot
01:11:05KredeC lets try it
01:11:06Wormik ambus?
01:11:08Wormik h
01:11:14KredeC axe first
01:11:43Kastrup midt for push both sides?
01:12:09KredeC we gotta go and axe initiate!
01:12:16Knaitti cant see tide
01:12:19Momdsiw mid pushing
01:12:20Momdsiw the yneed to b
01:12:39Knaitti THRONE
01:12:51Tiestooo rex need tp
01:13:06Netukka gg
01:13:08Tiestooo gg
01:13:09lumo gege
01:13:21infect lol
01:13:25infect i got double somehow :D
01:13:25KredeC axe u lost tjos for us..
01:13:29Knaitti nah
01:13:40Knaitti tide win this
01:13:47Knaitti and we lost this cos of one stupid fight 2on5
01:13:47Knaitti mid
01:13:49Knaitti mid game
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