Game #1227628

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-24 X
-3 TS

86% | 1369 X | 1463 TS

-46 X
-2 TS

86% | 1267 X | 1552 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

30% | 989 X | 1225 TS

+3 X
-5 TS

18% | 913 X | 1202 TS

-58 X
-13 TS

NEW | 945 X | 1091 TS

+42 X
+6 TS

59% | 1082 X | 1397 TS

+41 X
+3 TS

56% | 1105 X | 1343 TS

+25 X
+2 TS

55% | 1057 X | 1384 TS

+58 X
+21 TS

46% | 1144 X | 1242 TS

+5 X
+7 TS

38% | 1021 X | 1265 TS

Chat log

00:00:08sebralane ohh faking pls teams...
00:00:10fUNCh GJ by LOOM
00:00:15fUNCh -clear
00:00:15zebbelito vad bannar jag
00:00:15zebbelito norre
00:00:15fUNCh -wr
00:00:15Zajeb ill go wd if left
00:00:15MetM ill go for aa
00:00:15zebbelito norre
00:00:15zebbelito -viper
00:00:15MetM wd aa lane would be nice
00:00:15vutten get lina for me plz :)
00:00:17fUNCh we can get sf or aa
00:00:17sebralane lool
00:00:20fUNCh what you want ?
00:00:28uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y sf
00:00:29ApLoX what was the 8 bans ?
00:00:31ApLoX 8
00:00:33ApLoX 2
00:00:33fUNCh who wanted aa ?
00:00:36fUNCh can you solo ?
00:00:36MetM <-
00:00:40vutten viper and wr
00:00:41MetM i can solo it
00:00:44fUNCh good
00:00:51MetM what u want?
00:00:53fUNCh riki
00:01:00fUNCh -swap 2
00:01:01MetM -swap 1
00:01:15Norrebro get supports
00:01:19zebbelito -hhn
00:01:23zebbelito lion
00:01:25zebbelito pugna
00:01:29zebbelito centa
00:01:30ApLoX ill get centaur
00:01:31fUNCh veno + lion would be nice
00:01:36zebbelito hahaha
00:01:38fUNCh dont take forest
00:01:39vutten -swap
00:01:41vutten -swap 2
00:01:41Norrebro -swap 4
00:01:42Zajeb need tank?
00:01:42sebralane nice support
00:01:43zebbelito aha
00:01:43zebbelito ok
00:01:44zebbelito .D
00:01:45zebbelito nvm
00:01:46fUNCh lion+ lane cent ?
00:01:48vutten ? :p
00:01:50zebbelito :
00:01:50fUNCh omfg
00:01:52fUNCh useless dusa
00:01:53fUNCh take lion
00:01:54fUNCh good
00:01:57MetM ouch
00:02:01zebbelito är ni vänner
00:02:02MetM wd go babysit
00:02:03MetM ye
00:02:04Norrebro veno bot with me
00:02:12Norrebro sebra
00:02:13sebralane y
00:02:13Norrebro bot
00:02:14Zajeb \ok i try geny all i can
00:02:15sebralane i ward
00:02:16zebbelito -hhn
00:02:17Norrebro kk
00:02:18MetM try to gank mid if its stable top
00:02:18vutten hes sitting behind me :)
00:02:23Zajeb ok
00:02:24zebbelito sweet
00:02:28zebbelito -ma
00:02:35Zajeb me or u pull if they dont block?
00:02:35zebbelito easy win
00:02:35vutten veno ward bot plz
00:02:37zebbelito this :D
00:02:37uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y u canjt win vs sf ?
00:02:39uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y LOOL
00:02:40fUNCh lets see lane
00:02:42MetM could take male 2 on lvl3
00:02:48uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y u caN fb sf lvl 1
00:02:53Zajeb i go stun than t mela
00:02:56Zajeb male
00:02:59Zajeb 2
00:02:59fUNCh y
00:03:17zebbelito go fb
00:03:17zebbelito bot
00:03:25sebralane didnbt skill passive
00:03:26Norrebro i can slow
00:03:38sebralane lion
00:03:53sandii gosh
00:04:18fUNCh counterward ?
00:04:27Zajeb ok
00:04:38sebralane i pull
00:04:41sebralane then kill again
00:04:45uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y FUCKITARD
00:04:46uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y STUN
00:04:51uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y FUCKSHIT
00:04:52fUNCh got smoke
00:04:53uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y TARD
00:04:53uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y STUN
00:05:06fUNCh b
00:05:26sebralane w8 i rune
00:05:26fUNCh spam lina
00:05:29fUNCh last tango
00:05:45uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y LOL
00:06:06Norrebro why'
00:06:12Norrebro do come in front of me
00:06:16Norrebro so he can stun both?
00:06:25MetM ss ,od
00:06:27MetM re
00:07:04fUNCh tnx for save
00:07:06Zajeb np
00:07:10Zajeb ur more important
00:07:20vutten iam b
00:07:26MetM wd can u gank
00:07:31ApLoX me8
00:07:32Zajeb veno top so why no ss?
00:07:34vutten get xp aplox
00:07:43vutten nvm
00:07:56Zajeb ok comin mid
00:07:58MetM ss
00:07:59MetM care
00:08:01Zajeb ss cent
00:08:02MetM sf MISS
00:08:04vutten omw
00:08:22sandii duh
00:08:28vutten ss 1 top
00:08:33vutten re
00:08:35fUNCh cent ss
00:08:45fUNCh re
00:08:46sandii ss mort
00:08:47fUNCh 3 top
00:09:00Norrebro aplox
00:09:07fUNCh be ready to ult top
00:09:08fUNCh aa
00:09:24zebbelito wards
00:09:24zebbelito neew
00:09:26vutten lol panic sruy :S
00:09:36Norrebro kill
00:09:41sandii ss bot all
00:09:43fUNCh ss3 top
00:09:53zebbelito ok blink
00:10:10fUNCh go gang ?
00:10:19fUNCh and sum1 get wards
00:10:29zebbelito rune wards
00:10:34vutten omw
00:11:02Norrebro fuck
00:11:18Zajeb gj
00:11:36fUNCh blink only
00:11:43sandii ss bot
00:11:51fUNCh n1
00:11:52sebralane gg
00:11:53zebbelito :)
00:11:54sebralane why
00:11:56Zajeb u2
00:11:58vutten invis
00:12:26MetM ss top
00:12:27fUNCh ss top
00:12:29fUNCh get wards fast plz
00:12:33MetM sf inc top
00:12:35MetM care there
00:12:42Zajeb 8 denies 4 kills on creeps
00:13:26fUNCh need help top
00:13:28fUNCh tp sum1
00:13:33Zajeb im b oom
00:13:36zebbelito w8 me
00:13:37fUNCh damn
00:13:39fUNCh top warded ?
00:13:46zebbelito ok try stun when im there
00:13:46MetM Aplox check ur connection
00:13:46fUNCh where is our rune wards
00:13:51zebbelito w8
00:13:52zebbelito w8
00:14:00zebbelito dont be aggresive
00:14:07Zajeb will gett wards from next 200
00:14:31sebralane go regen mort
00:14:34zebbelito FFS LKUINA
00:14:35fUNCh :)
00:14:57zebbelito n1 stun
00:14:59vutten lion top
00:15:09vutten yeey i suck i know it
00:16:04sebralane cent leav pls
00:16:08sebralane u soo faking bad
00:16:56fUNCh dude
00:16:59fUNCh ah ok
00:17:18Zajeb dd
00:17:21fUNCh wait
00:17:24sandii ss top
00:17:25fUNCh need more
00:17:30fUNCh aa come bot
00:17:34Norrebro let me farm=
00:17:37fUNCh and green
00:17:40sebralane well its cent
00:17:42fUNCh nah
00:17:44fUNCh come bot
00:17:45sebralane he gona spell farm
00:18:06sebralane lina buy wards
00:18:24zebbelito venom
00:18:24Zajeb nice
00:18:32zebbelito go
00:18:33zebbelito wfd
00:18:41zebbelito d<AGfha
00:18:41zebbelito fsadhg
00:18:42zebbelito ahd
00:18:42Norrebro omg
00:18:42zebbelito adsh
00:18:42zebbelito asfd
00:18:43zebbelito fsj
00:18:43zebbelito ajsf
00:18:57Norrebro what a fail team :d
00:19:00sandii 1/3s cd
00:19:01sandii :(
00:19:03zebbelito ff team
00:19:16fUNCh you cant beat funch
00:19:17zebbelito norrebro
00:19:20zebbelito how can ur farm sucks
00:19:22zebbelito so hard
00:19:24zebbelito wtf u doing
00:19:38vutten come on guys less flame and more game
00:19:42Zajeb cause it rimes with lunch
00:19:42zebbelito centa l2p before u come here
00:19:46Zajeb :)
00:19:54zebbelito NUIKE
00:20:08zebbelito dsfhahs
00:20:08zebbelito hdsa
00:20:08zebbelito hsd
00:20:09zebbelito hsd
00:20:09zebbelito <ds
00:21:00sebralane FF
00:21:17MetM b
00:21:35sebralane centaur nice skill and item build :D:D:D:D:D:D:
00:21:48ApLoX dont touch my hero or i will remove controle
00:22:00zebbelito l2p before ju play here
00:22:31zebbelito wtf is wrong whit u
00:22:34sandii asd
00:22:38Zajeb oom
00:22:58MetM this centa is kinda epic :D
00:23:00sandii y just wasnt wachting ur mana :I
00:23:21sandii any place u want wards ?
00:23:26uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y this room downgrades in ny eyes every mun
00:23:42Zajeb me inv
00:23:50Zajeb cmon man
00:23:56Zajeb was insta kil with me inv
00:24:10zebbelito can u hit stun?
00:24:11zebbelito mby?
00:24:35vutten WOW WHAT HAPPENT I HIT
00:24:50zebbelito centa dagger so0on?
00:24:51sebralane pa ded
00:24:52vutten no gj or nothing?
00:25:20sebralane btw if u dont see then cent isent building sagger
00:25:25Zajeb b
00:25:28Zajeb oom
00:25:42fUNCh i'm getting fat :D
00:26:07fUNCh 1'st item rapier
00:26:07Zajeb stop eating and start excersising your power :D
00:26:07fUNCh ?
00:26:14Zajeb LOL
00:26:26Zajeb dd
00:26:49Norrebro someone here
00:26:53vutten 3 here
00:27:04sebralane i hv dust
00:27:07sebralane kill riki
00:27:39zebbelito care
00:27:48uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y tards
00:27:49uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y come
00:27:51uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y noobsw
00:28:02ApLoX worst 7ucking game ever dunno why but my hotkeys dont even work
00:28:22sandii illu top
00:28:24uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y sf sange
00:28:28uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y i like this roomn
00:28:33sebralane lina buy wards
00:28:34uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y i feel like handicapted
00:28:35sebralane or cent
00:28:49vutten place them plz
00:29:00vutten or not
00:29:15zebbelito wp noeerbo
00:29:46zebbelito norrobro
00:29:49zebbelito whats wrong whit u
00:29:55zebbelito playing like a fuckingnoob
00:30:16vutten come help me place wards plz
00:30:35zebbelito quit aplix
00:30:42Norrebro zebbe
00:30:49Norrebro i cant play with this team
00:30:53zebbelito noticed
00:30:55zebbelito u play like them
00:30:57uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y this lion
00:30:58Norrebro y
00:31:00uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y should be sent team
00:31:13sandii why is that? =D
00:31:24uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y u low
00:31:29Norrebro my farm
00:31:31sebralane lina give me wards
00:31:31zebbelito centa go awat
00:31:40zebbelito CENTA BANNED
00:31:56zebbelito CENTA
00:31:57MetM ok lets go with 5?
00:32:00Norrebro lad mig farme
00:32:02ApLoX aint killing any
00:32:04sebralane give watds
00:32:06sandii I might be a bit under average gc player, but this is also a bad day
00:32:09zebbelito dont LEACH XP
00:32:21zebbelito SEE WHAT U DO
00:32:24Norrebro gg
00:32:28ApLoX not me n
00:32:29zebbelito WHORE
00:33:09Norrebro I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:22sebralane I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:24fUNCh jõu :D
00:33:25zebbelito what u doing sebra
00:33:25sebralane useless game
00:33:36sebralane ff ppls
00:33:45zebbelito helal no
00:33:49zebbelito only u and svents can ff
00:33:52zebbelito away from channel
00:34:24zebbelito b
00:34:24zebbelito ffs
00:35:14zebbelito norrebro stop purpose feed
00:35:39zebbelito never seen worse team
00:35:41ApLoX I surrender!
00:35:43fUNCh :D
00:35:45zebbelito 2 k games gc
00:35:47uPrO-N-A-S-T-Y :D
00:35:53fUNCh you know you cant beat me
00:35:58zebbelito ur easy
00:36:01zebbelito lol
00:36:35fUNCh 6 lost after unban and no ego so far :D
00:36:37sebralane -afk
00:36:40fUNCh and all 6 was in row
00:36:41zebbelito ban him
00:36:48MetM rough
00:37:08MetM i had similar experience earlier
00:37:15Zajeb we need finish before 40
00:37:41sebralane -afk
00:37:44ApLoX -a7k
00:38:16zebbelito -afk
00:38:18sebralane -afk
00:38:23zebbelito 4 min right?
00:38:24zebbelito then ban?
00:38:29sebralane 5
00:38:29zebbelito -afk
00:38:31vutten yes autoban
00:38:32zebbelito -afk
00:39:06sebralane -afk
00:39:12vutten -afk
00:39:37Zajeb gg
00:39:39Zajeb team
00:39:41MetM gg
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