Game #12044

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-43 X
-10 TS

49% | 995 X | 1159 TS

+1 X
-13 TS

40% | 958 X | 1123 TS

-54 X
-24 TS

NEW | 1044 X | 1116 TS

-21 X
-22 TS

NEW | 876 X | 984 TS

-48 X
-21 TS

NEW | 840 X | 957 TS

+34 X
+33 TS

33% | 857 X | 1182 TS

+58 X
+18 TS

12% | 699 X | 1081 TS

+28 X
+35 TS

36% | 1028 X | 1073 TS

+28 X
+23 TS

24% | 936 X | 1068 TS

+35 X
+49 TS

NEW | 1034 X | 1061 TS

Chat log

00:00:02Vampi ff
00:00:04goofyboy_89 WHAT
00:00:07goofyboy_89 NO FATAL?!?!?!
00:00:09sebralane troll es rhazta
00:00:11Vampi why can't i ff?
00:00:12ulikiluu storm slardar slark
00:00:12aRkker enchantress panda venge
00:00:17goofyboy_89 zeus dk razor
00:00:18aRkker not until 30 minutes.
00:00:21sebralane what panda?
00:00:22Dizney gyro, tide, DS
00:00:23aRkker the uh
00:00:24sebralane storm?
00:00:24Vampi bane trax huskar
00:00:25aRkker nah
00:00:27aRkker the othero ne
00:00:30sebralane emm
00:00:33Affliction lich sven Lanaya
00:00:33sebralane gif tide?
00:00:34aRkker beerpanda
00:00:34Dizney gyro, tide, DS
00:00:39Kapo- oblivion, stalker, ursa
00:00:46aRkker dizney! swap me Gyro for something of mine? :P
00:00:47sebralane troll es rhazta
00:00:51Dizney okay
00:00:52ulikiluu storm slardar slark anyone want?
00:00:54Dizney what u got ?
00:01:01aRkker enchantress, pandaren brewmaster or venge
00:01:01sebralane i play troll then
00:01:03sebralane or what? :D
00:01:07Dizney enchant
00:01:07ulikiluu es
00:01:11aRkker -swap 4
00:01:15Dizney -swap 1
00:01:19Affliction ouch a sick tema they have :/
00:01:24aRkker WE HAAVE LIFTOFF!
00:01:27Affliction well maybe GG :/
00:01:30sebralane ench chicks?
00:01:34sebralane or what?
00:01:40aRkker 'tis always the #5 player
00:01:45Affliction vampi you have ? :/
00:01:46ulikiluu storm or slark
00:01:50ulikiluu which u want
00:01:51sebralane storm
00:01:52goofyboy_89 too late to swap
00:01:53aRkker get storm and go mid?
00:01:53goofyboy_89 anyways
00:01:57ulikiluu k
00:01:59Affliction LOl no ? :D
00:02:04aRkker beautiful
00:02:04Kapo- go mid fast :P
00:02:05Momdsiw :P
00:02:11aRkker trax can be difficult
00:02:13Affliction mom pick ?
00:02:14aRkker but not impossible
00:02:23ulikiluu y
00:02:25aRkker fucking fuck
00:02:27ulikiluu and he's in vent with me
00:02:28ulikiluu :p
00:02:33aRkker always pugna against me when Im playing this
00:02:35Momdsiw was cigarette
00:02:52goofyboy_89 pull plz
00:02:56Momdsiw y
00:03:43aRkker NEOOWWW
00:03:49Momdsiw soz
00:03:52goofyboy_89 ...
00:03:53aRkker issand! 100 dmg
00:04:00sebralane lvl 1
00:04:06aRkker jah
00:05:46Vampi ff
00:06:22aRkker türa mis pede
00:06:23Taavi ss
00:06:25Taavi care
00:06:35Affliction rdy on encharnt ?
00:06:36Taavi engliskeelt pead rääkima
00:06:45ulikiluu what to buy for storm
00:06:49aRkker linkens
00:06:54aRkker treads + linkens
00:07:06Momdsiw pulling
00:07:26goofyboy_89 ss
00:07:26goofyboy_89 2
00:07:30goofyboy_89 re
00:08:06goofyboy_89 xD
00:08:07aRkker hahahah
00:08:13Momdsiw kinda lucky :<
00:08:23sebralane tyra s6num tuli
00:08:23sebralane :D
00:08:25sebralane soz
00:08:27sebralane allmost got meh
00:08:28sebralane :D
00:08:29Affliction share
00:08:29Affliction plz
00:08:42aRkker saan aru, tard
00:08:44goofyboy_89 ss es
00:08:47sebralane ise oled
00:08:51Affliction SAHRE
00:08:51aRkker su ema
00:08:55Affliction fuckhewad
00:09:10sebralane come my bace and take chick
00:09:11Affliction SHARE
00:09:12Affliction SHARE
00:09:18Momdsiw dk share
00:09:26Taavi ss
00:09:30Taavi care
00:09:36Dizney sven miss
00:09:44aRkker puck tuleb ka
00:09:48aRkker v6i siis ei
00:09:57goofyboy_89 ss
00:09:57goofyboy_89 2
00:10:01aRkker storm could gank tpo
00:10:01Affliction SHAREAS
00:10:28aRkker aah keegi pole surnud veel?
00:10:28Momdsiw pull
00:10:30Momdsiw ing
00:10:32Momdsiw go after
00:10:33aRkker see on midagi uut
00:10:56Affliction DK SHARE
00:11:06Kapo- bot going mid
00:11:14aRkker türa küll
00:11:16sebralane tyra
00:11:20sebralane selline tank
00:11:21aRkker STORM
00:11:24aRkker we need a gank top
00:11:29aRkker seriously
00:11:39aRkker DK escapes with like 3 hp
00:11:50goofyboy_89 ss 2
00:12:01Affliction DK CAN YOU FUCKING SHARE ?
00:12:08goofyboy_89 xD
00:12:11Affliction WOW
00:12:24Affliction btw
00:12:26Affliction gj team
00:12:26Affliction :D
00:12:52goofyboy_89 almost
00:12:57aRkker Still coming.
00:12:59goofyboy_89 ofc
00:13:20ulikiluu inv top
00:13:29goofyboy_89 and y sven
00:13:30goofyboy_89 sry bout that
00:13:37goofyboy_89 i honestly didn't think u were shouting to me
00:13:40aRkker well, if we're just gonna sit and farm, we're gonna lose.
00:13:41goofyboy_89 totally forgot that i was last pick
00:13:50aRkker that much I can tell
00:13:57aRkker go
00:14:57aRkker hea poiss
00:15:03Affliction top
00:15:04Affliction tp
00:16:06goofyboy_89 lol
00:16:06goofyboy_89 paper
00:16:11Momdsiw oom
00:17:12aRkker don't just stand around
00:17:13aRkker be brave
00:17:14aRkker hit the trax
00:17:16aRkker he is weak
00:17:36sebralane care down
00:17:40aRkker nägin jah
00:17:49aRkker look at that
00:17:51aRkker pugna 800 hp
00:17:59Taavi epic dude
00:18:21Vampi has
00:18:31ulikiluu ss mid all
00:18:33goofyboy_89 ulti
00:18:35goofyboy_89 puck
00:18:53Affliction :_)
00:18:54Affliction :(
00:19:10aRkker gj
00:19:16aRkker aww
00:19:18Affliction Ole
00:19:48goofyboy_89 bot tower ?
00:19:53goofyboy_89 come
00:19:54aRkker pugna still has only 800 hp
00:20:02Momdsiw new rune
00:20:21aRkker dk
00:20:41aRkker wtf 1 year stun
00:21:16aRkker come on lets get some sense into this
00:21:19aRkker can't lose to fucking kapo
00:21:26aRkker the wardless pugna
00:21:42aRkker dk has armlet almost
00:22:03ulikiluu u realize ur enchant totem wont stun without the passive
00:22:21aRkker why isn't anyone hitting pugna?
00:22:26aRkker he has 800 hp and does most of the damage
00:22:44aRkker jah serb, pead ühe 3 skilli võtma
00:23:07Kapo- anyone knows what pugna shoul buy`?
00:23:15Momdsiw agha?
00:23:16Kapo- meka? :P
00:23:16Momdsiw hex
00:23:18Kapo- mm
00:23:23Momdsiw agha no cd on ulti
00:23:24Momdsiw is imba
00:23:29Kapo- cool
00:23:54Kapo- going for that then first
00:24:04Affliction let me farm bot
00:24:07aRkker ALWAYS ME
00:24:11goofyboy_89 moro
00:24:12aRkker can we start ganking sometime do?
00:24:14aRkker too?
00:24:16aRkker ?
00:24:30Affliction have manners he admin
00:24:32aRkker trax is in their forest 95% chance
00:24:34goofyboy_89 and i know that ?
00:24:35Affliction just a hint
00:24:35Affliction :D
00:24:43goofyboy_89 nah he is cool
00:24:48sebralane need wartds
00:24:52goofyboy_89 not like strom
00:24:57aRkker would buy if I could farm / didn't die all the time
00:25:01Momdsiw i dont like hes girlfriend
00:25:16aRkker hes not alone
00:26:49Affliction whers the love ?:/
00:26:52aRkker lets go their woods
00:26:55aRkker they're farming just like we are
00:27:02goofyboy_89 in black eyed peas song ?
00:27:02aRkker which gets them a win
00:27:08aRkker and us a long, sore loss
00:27:22Affliction ES and Strom wont share it :/
00:27:29ulikiluu :(
00:27:38aRkker kill
00:27:41aRkker go
00:27:51Dizney b
00:27:52Dizney b
00:27:52Dizney b
00:29:00aRkker don't go yet
00:29:02aRkker wait at the tower
00:29:03aRkker for others
00:29:05aRkker LIKE BRISTLE
00:29:49aRkker storm near full hp and mana? what are you doing in the comgbats :S
00:30:10ulikiluu i did all i could lol
00:30:45Kapo- -ii
00:30:45goofyboy_89 Historic event this game is
00:31:00aRkker worthless waste of time, more like
00:31:11goofyboy_89 First time since I put windows 64bit that I didn't get fatal !
00:31:20aRkker yeah lets farm
00:31:24aRkker thats a great ide
00:31:31aRkker against sven, dk and trax
00:31:51Momdsiw go?
00:32:02Dizney b
00:32:03Dizney b
00:32:06aRkker WHY THE FUCK?
00:32:11Momdsiw ward pugna
00:32:21aRkker I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:23sebralane haha
00:32:24sebralane :D
00:32:26sebralane !ff
00:32:28sebralane I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:28Dizney cause we can't kill them 5v5.. thats why back
00:32:30aRkker just write normal ff
00:32:36aRkker we can't kill them at all
00:32:38sebralane I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:43Taavi why did you start that battle with s
00:32:47Affliction found the lo9ve .D
00:32:50aRkker you guys won't come to gib them 1 by 1, can't win them 5v5, why would we play at all?
00:32:56aRkker just write ff
00:32:59aRkker so we can get to a proper game
00:33:13aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:13aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:14aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:15aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:15aRkker I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:17Taavi i surrender
00:33:17aRkker 5
00:33:18aRkker push
00:33:21aRkker just write "ff"
00:33:23Taavi I surrender
00:33:26aRkker it will look like that to everyone else
00:33:26Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:42Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:43Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:02aRkker storm? enchantress?
00:34:05aRkker this game is without a point
00:34:06Affliction camp
00:34:07Affliction herre
00:34:11aRkker they got 3 late heroes, we 0
00:34:13aRkker and its past 30
00:34:22goofyboy_89 b ?
00:34:26aRkker as futile as always...
00:34:35aRkker trying to get anyone in gc to see the point...
00:35:29Dizney we can do it !
00:35:36Dizney if they fuck up ! :)
00:35:38sebralane 12 28
00:35:42sebralane yeah sure
00:35:44aRkker dont make me tell you I told you so as we get fucked over
00:35:49Momdsiw go all mid?
00:35:51Dizney i won a game .. 50 - 5 behinde
00:35:57aRkker I've won many too
00:36:01goofyboy_89 'wards
00:36:05aRkker but just take a 5 second look at the heroes
00:36:05sebralane i won 1
00:36:05goofyboy_89 someone plant
00:36:07aRkker and re-think that
00:36:07sebralane sofar
00:36:08goofyboy_89 i dont have room
00:36:09sebralane in gc
00:36:19Momdsiw just go end
00:36:27aRkker what will you do against a cleaving sven that deals 400 damage per hit?
00:36:33goofyboy_89 'they are
00:36:36aRkker he stuns us all (since we're all stacked up for some reason) and oneshots 3 of us
00:36:38aRkker then what?
00:36:42Momdsiw mid
00:36:43aRkker the rest kill the remaining 2
00:36:43aRkker every
00:36:44aRkker single
00:36:45aRkker fight
00:37:03aRkker just
00:37:04aRkker get back
00:37:06aRkker defendt from base
00:37:07Momdsiw use pugna second skill and ulti
00:37:14goofyboy_89 ward..
00:37:15goofyboy_89 pugna
00:37:29aRkker see?
00:37:33aRkker why'd you do that sebra ...
00:38:24Taavi why are you hitting creeps
00:38:31aRkker why aren't we ffing?
00:38:41Dizney oam
00:38:43sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:43sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:44sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:45sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:46sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:47sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:48sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:48sebralane I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:51Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:52sebralane dont working
00:38:57Taavi yes it does
00:39:02sebralane u see it?
00:39:04Taavi u dont se it
00:39:09Momdsiw pyhä paska momdsiw jyllää
00:39:10aRkker you don't see it yourself
00:39:16aRkker puskekaa nyt vittu jo
00:39:19aRkker mikä siin on noin vaikeeta
00:39:23Momdsiw emt ei noi taho
00:39:27goofyboy_89 eipä..
00:39:29aRkker vituttaa nää lowskill pelit saatana
00:39:34aRkker omat ei tajuu ff eikä vihut osaa puskea
00:39:38Momdsiw :D
00:39:39Momdsiw je
00:39:49Momdsiw sven come?
00:40:01sebralane kill ward
00:40:37Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:42Taavi coem on ff
00:40:43Taavi okz
00:40:45Taavi plz
00:41:51aRkker dust
00:42:02aRkker too late
00:42:07aRkker should've done so as I said :3
00:42:12ulikiluu y
00:42:15ulikiluu forgot i had :D
00:42:27Taavi plz ff
00:42:29aRkker I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:32Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:42:47Taavi why will you not do it
00:42:54goofyboy_89 lal
00:42:56Taavi can we win it?
00:42:56sebralane wherz teh love?
00:42:56Affliction :D
00:43:04aRkker no, we can't
00:43:11Taavi so ff
00:43:19Taavi 2 fuckrs dont know how to write!
00:43:30Affliction come middle
00:43:31Affliction :D
00:43:33goofyboy_89 sec
00:44:00aRkker don't leave base
00:44:23aRkker don't stand in the ward's area
00:44:58goofyboy_89 no voi perse
00:45:02aRkker can you now ff please?
00:45:19aRkker no?
00:45:43Affliction b
00:45:49Kapo- ye need mana
00:46:14aRkker push it for the love of all thats holy...
00:46:27aRkker this is rediculous, Im going to start putting prolong bans soon
00:46:33Affliction :D
00:46:35Momdsiw heal time :<
00:46:42Kapo- well, we tried just but all went oom :P
00:46:50aRkker try harder
00:46:57Affliction I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:46:58Taavi f
00:46:58Taavi f
00:46:58Taavi f
00:46:59Taavi f
00:46:59Taavi f
00:47:00Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:02Taavi fff
00:47:02aRkker I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:03sebralane arkker say try harder faggot
00:47:04sebralane :D
00:47:04Taavi I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:16aRkker ütlesin juba
00:47:39Affliction :/
00:47:44aRkker tp base
00:47:48Momdsiw always solo :<
00:48:06goofyboy_89 racks
00:49:20sebralane budderfly abs
00:49:25aRkker PUS_KE_KAA
00:49:30aRkker mä rupeen ihan oikeesti bannimaa kohta
00:49:33goofyboy_89 NO_EN_VOI_YKSIN
00:49:34Momdsiw koitetaa
00:49:40aRkker nyt otatte vittu kaikki 5 ja tuutte samaa linjaa pitkin
00:49:40Kapo- no älkää tappako sit mua : D
00:49:41goofyboy_89 puskin racksit ylhäältä
00:49:42Momdsiw tiimistä osa kuolleena
00:49:42aRkker tapatte meidät
00:49:46aRkker ja ja se on siinä
00:49:52aRkker ei ole vittu niin vaikeeta
00:49:56Momdsiw turtle :P
00:50:01Momdsiw voitatte viel kuiteski
00:50:12aRkker jõõ nii voitetaa, satuitko näkee teidät herot?
00:50:26goofyboy_89 ööö
00:50:28goofyboy_89 didnt stun
00:50:29goofyboy_89 hmm
00:51:53goofyboy_89 yey
00:51:54aRkker VERY BAD GAME
00:52:00Kapo- gg :D
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