Game #1138031

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+4 X
-6 TS

93% | 1385 X | 1506 TS

-34 X
-9 TS

91% | 1412 X | 1467 TS

-24 X
-6 TS

84% | 1231 X | 1485 TS

+17 X
-23 TS

82% | 1281 X | 1414 TS

-10 X
-5 TS

67% | 1099 X | 1426 TS

-17 X
+7 TS

99% | 1508 X | 1586 TS

+2 X
+14 TS

97% | 1547 X | 1522 TS

+29 X
+6 TS

77% | 1214 X | 1405 TS

+25 X
+12 TS

69% | 1228 X | 1339 TS

+21 X
+12 TS

37% | 968 X | 1285 TS

Chat log

00:00:23jakkihirki batrired
00:00:23Wavesofchange weaver larno
00:00:24jakkihirki sven anyone
00:00:27Wavesofchange bat weaver
00:01:01Wavesofchange ok
00:01:03Wavesofchange 1 semi
00:01:05Wavesofchange and supply now
00:01:13jakkihirki tc?
00:01:22jakkihirki good enough
00:01:32ulikiluu paska pooli tuli kiire äkkiä ottaa joku :<
00:01:39jakkihirki tosi kuranen
00:01:40Dara eredar?
00:01:44jakkihirki tc
00:01:46jakkihirki still cool
00:01:56MetM gotta try this sometime :)
00:02:13ulikiluu lanes?
00:02:24Wavesofchange care fb
00:02:26Wavesofchange eldar sven
00:02:29Wavesofchange can fuck us
00:02:33Jaylarno -hhn
00:03:11Dara ostan wardit heti ku saa rahat
00:03:55Dara me ottaa metästä
00:05:12MetM hara drow
00:05:46Jaylarno ss
00:06:08Jaylarno care btm
00:06:22Jaylarno care btm
00:06:23jakkihirki no pauses
00:06:23Wavesofchange he
00:06:24Wavesofchange cant
00:07:14Dara jakkihirkki mitäs teet?
00:07:27jakkihirki en mä voi farmata tuolla
00:09:08Jaylarno ss
00:09:09Jaylarno care'
00:09:09jakkihirki kill bottom
00:09:26jonecy care top
00:09:26Jaylarno WArds
00:09:27Jaylarno plz
00:09:29jakkihirki stunnaan eka
00:09:29Dara miss
00:09:35MetM wtf
00:09:51MetM uber fail
00:11:37jakkihirki kill
00:11:46Dara helpo top
00:12:24Dara help with razor...
00:12:46Dara gang
00:13:13ulikiluu bot miss
00:13:23ulikiluu re
00:13:31Dara miss top
00:13:38jakkihirki ulti tc?
00:13:52Dara GANG RAZOR
00:16:16Jaylarno let me mid again
00:16:18Jaylarno ty
00:17:23Jaylarno ss
00:18:38jakkihirki ff
00:19:14Lucky where is that chickmn
00:19:37Jaylarno b
00:19:54MetM come on
00:19:57MetM help top alrdy
00:20:37jakkihirki b
00:21:18jakkihirki miksi et ultaa
00:21:38jakkihirki tc
00:21:41jakkihirki ulti sometimes
00:21:42MetM niin?
00:21:46MetM i tried there
00:21:55jakkihirki miten se voi jäädä kokeiluun?
00:21:57MetM failed for some reason
00:21:59MetM jaa'a
00:22:02MetM ekaa kertaa ikinä täl :P
00:22:09jakkihirki vinkki
00:22:13jakkihirki paina skilli maahan
00:23:18MetM mitä vittua
00:23:21ulikiluu :DD
00:23:55Dara kiitti ku kukaa ei tullu ylös gängii razoria
00:24:04jonecy np
00:24:07jonecy vähän vaikeeta
00:24:16jonecy ku kuolin midis kokoaja ku jakiro tuli
00:25:12jakkihirki ff at 30
00:26:27Seni0r ads
00:27:03MetM huikkaa
00:27:11Dara zeus ult
00:27:16Dara käytä
00:27:22Dara vittu
00:27:24Dara liian myöhää
00:27:26najk got blink
00:27:32Wavesofchange wait me
00:27:47Wavesofchange ok go
00:28:16jakkihirki lets go with five
00:29:39MetM b
00:29:44MetM def
00:30:23MetM gogo
00:30:29Wavesofchange go hid
00:30:30Wavesofchange your self
00:30:34Wavesofchange and then ulti
00:31:21Wavesofchange WTF
00:31:22Wavesofchange MAGNUS
00:31:27najk WTF
00:31:33Wavesofchange why dint u fucking jump
00:31:34Wavesofchange ages ago
00:31:37najk dont go when he is cumin behind u
00:32:01ulikiluu just tele
00:32:12jonecy CD
00:32:14ulikiluu :(
00:33:35Wavesofchange Omfg
00:33:46Wavesofchange imba fail
00:34:16MetM top tower?
00:34:56MetM b
00:36:27jakkihirki go take
00:36:28jakkihirki tower
00:37:02Wavesofchange krobs ulti keeping u in game
00:37:10jonecy good to know
00:37:11jakkihirki or
00:37:16jakkihirki you are just bad players
00:37:19Wavesofchange k
00:37:21Jaylarno ok
00:39:12jonecy b
00:39:27Wavesofchange magnus
00:39:30Wavesofchange u never gonna enter?
00:39:39Wavesofchange u ulti
00:39:40Wavesofchange when we all dead
00:39:41najk had no mana
00:39:42najk ..
00:39:43Wavesofchange =useless
00:39:57Lucky give razor
00:39:58najk didn't have mana for blink+ult
00:40:01Lucky your empower
00:40:08Lucky or drow
00:40:16ulikiluu what to buy
00:40:21jonecy hot
00:40:21jakkihirki shiva
00:40:22jakkihirki or hto
00:40:34ulikiluu y, but which one :<
00:40:36jakkihirki rege
00:40:37jakkihirki hot
00:40:49MetM our woods
00:40:56Dara sell all ur items and yell im noob lolol
00:41:07jakkihirki gol
00:41:08jakkihirki only
00:41:09jakkihirki four
00:41:12Dara nah we need vision
00:41:33ulikiluu :DD
00:42:10jakkihirki krobe ulties
00:42:11Wavesofchange fuck i hate that
00:42:13Wavesofchange gay
00:42:14Wavesofchange ulti
00:42:17Wavesofchange go
00:42:18Wavesofchange gogogogogogo
00:42:21Wavesofchange or dont
00:42:24Wavesofchange krobs ulti is on
00:42:26jakkihirki tc go ac
00:42:27Lucky go take it
00:42:29Lucky drow
00:42:30MetM k
00:42:53najk nice
00:43:14Wavesofchange how nobish
00:43:15Wavesofchange are u
00:43:16Wavesofchange senior
00:43:19Wavesofchange seriusly
00:43:28Seni0r really noobish
00:44:08Dara wait for mne
00:44:08MetM can u plant plz
00:44:31jonecy gather
00:44:32jonecy mid
00:45:34Wavesofchange 2 hard
00:45:37Wavesofchange together
00:45:45Jaylarno drow ?
00:45:46Jaylarno sup
00:45:49Seni0r wat?
00:45:53Jaylarno just sup
00:46:01Seni0r just chillin
00:46:08Jaylarno 4n5 ?
00:46:12Seni0r ?
00:46:44MetM fun hero
00:46:50Wavesofchange gg ff
00:46:53Seni0r I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:46:59Wavesofchange senior
00:47:02Wavesofchange its your fault we loose
00:47:05Seni0r yes.
00:47:10Jaylarno true
00:47:12Jaylarno gg player
00:47:23Seni0r nah, i have my bad games
00:47:28Jaylarno gg player
00:47:33Seni0r ok
00:47:38Wavesofchange well
00:47:43Wavesofchange if we just had a fat
00:47:44Wavesofchange trax
00:47:46Wavesofchange this game
00:47:48Wavesofchange would be nice
00:47:53jonecy really?
00:48:05najk omfg
00:48:14Dara b
00:48:21jonecy lollol
00:48:26ulikiluu ff at 30min
00:48:26jonecy i interupted
00:48:30jonecy magnus ulti
00:48:34jonecy with bolt
00:48:36jonecy when he blinked in
00:48:38Dara are you sure?
00:48:42Dara since I used my ulti too:P
00:48:45jonecy dunno
00:48:51jonecy but he didnt get it at all
00:48:52jakkihirki go top
00:48:54jonecy looked funny
00:48:59Dara luulen että sitä ei ees voi interruptaa
00:49:24jonecy kyl sen voi
00:49:25jonecy sellai
00:49:29jonecy se nosti jo käsii ilmaa
00:49:34jonecy sit ministunni tuli
00:49:40jonecy sit se joutu heittää uuestaa animaatioo
00:49:45Wavesofchange I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:49jonecy sit ilmeisesti tuli lisää interruptii
00:49:50najk I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:54Wavesofchange imba bot lane
00:50:03jakkihirki imba top lane
00:50:08Wavesofchange top lanes owned
00:50:16Wavesofchange treads hood big stick yasha 12 min
00:50:17Dara you owned top we owned bot
00:51:11jakkihirki gg
00:52:12Jaylarno I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
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