Game #1117105

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+33 X
+2 TS

92% | 1412 X | 1520 TS

+58 X
+22 TS

NEW | 1213 X | 1236 TS

+58 X
+1 TS

54% | 1011 X | 1385 TS

+3 X
+31 TS

NEW | 985 X | 1046 TS

+34 X
+2 TS

9% | 757 X | 1167 TS

-29 X
-1 TS

64% | 1139 X | 1388 TS

-26 X
-1 TS

60% | 1103 X | 1360 TS

-64 X
-1 TS

41% | 1055 X | 1252 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

42% | 955 X | 1356 TS

-23 X
-2 TS

29% | 1019 X | 1189 TS

Chat log

00:00:07Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:18Wavesofchange doom
00:00:18Gevomancer -bs
00:00:18Dota.m Omg
00:00:19Sjakalen fix your pc plz flesh
00:00:22iNeuron close downloads
00:00:24Sjakalen stop alt tab
00:00:35Dota.m hvorfor vidste jeg du ville spille storm ?
00:00:43Wavesofchange fordi du ved den owner :)
00:00:47Wavesofchange og doom og bs bliver banned
00:00:56Wavesofchange = o counter
00:01:18slc2 me pit??
00:01:21Gevomancer get lina pit cock etc
00:01:28Sjakalen get lina
00:01:29wodrock woods
00:01:32Sjakalen hm
00:01:41Sjakalen get eldar and roof
00:01:45slc2 roof??
00:01:54Gevomancer roof is good too
00:01:54slc2 roof?
00:01:57Wavesofchange felsh
00:01:57Gevomancer but taken
00:02:02Wavesofchange flesh u kidding me?
00:02:04Sjakalen im solo
00:02:05Sjakalen bot
00:02:09Wavesofchange why u pick
00:02:09Wavesofchange him
00:02:19Gevomancer pit top
00:02:25Gevomancer rex lina down
00:02:32Gevomancer pit do not spellfarm
00:02:36Sjakalen i solo
00:02:37Sjakalen bot
00:02:40reptile ...
00:02:40Sjakalen roof dk top
00:02:48Sjakalen and roof
00:02:53Sjakalen get thouse birds
00:02:58Sjakalen up at rune spots
00:02:59Gevomancer clinkz need all creeps :D
00:03:03Wavesofchange do it asap please
00:03:05veuncent sure
00:03:10veuncent like, now?
00:03:11Wavesofchange y
00:03:28veuncent invis
00:03:35veuncent want?
00:03:36veuncent else ill take
00:03:36Sjakalen flesh
00:03:36Wavesofchange just
00:03:36Wavesofchange leave
00:03:36Wavesofchange it
00:03:40Sjakalen fix
00:03:40veuncent ok..
00:03:40Wavesofchange Omg
00:03:40slc2 omg
00:03:41Dota.m Omfg
00:04:16Wavesofchange please just try to denie
00:04:50Sjakalen cent
00:04:51reptile i skip next,,
00:04:52Sjakalen gang lvl 5
00:04:56wodrock okay
00:05:03Sjakalen or 4
00:05:13Wavesofchange i cant
00:05:15Wavesofchange see runes there
00:05:16Wavesofchange dude
00:05:18veuncent 1 aa
00:05:19Wavesofchange what was top
00:05:20veuncent ss
00:05:29veuncent pl
00:05:32Sjakalen okay
00:05:33Sjakalen lets
00:05:34Sjakalen fb
00:05:34Sjakalen now
00:05:38Sjakalen come from behind
00:05:58Sjakalen gj
00:05:59Sjakalen mate
00:06:28wodrock -ma
00:06:50Sjakalen again
00:07:14wodrock klol
00:07:18Sjakalen gj
00:07:23Gevomancer miss
00:07:31slc2 need gank at jugger
00:08:19Sjakalen :)
00:08:55Sjakalen my bad
00:08:58iNeuron dont push with fire please
00:08:59veuncent ss
00:09:08veuncent pl
00:09:11Gevomancer ss
00:09:11veuncent nvm
00:09:33Wavesofchange ss
00:09:33Wavesofchange mid
00:09:34Gevomancer pause
00:09:37Wavesofchange why
00:09:38Wavesofchange for?
00:09:38veuncent wtf
00:09:39iNeuron give reason too please
00:09:44Gevomancer my brother need me 1 min
00:09:48Gevomancer he is 3 old
00:09:53veuncent lol
00:09:53Sjakalen kk
00:09:53Takan its ok
00:09:53Wavesofchange family before anything
00:09:53Wavesofchange toilet
00:09:53Wavesofchange no
00:09:53iNeuron i hope that wont go on for whole game
00:09:53iNeuron bro needs again etc I mean
00:09:53Wavesofchange only onces
00:09:53Wavesofchange not gonna give pause agian
00:09:53wodrock -ma
00:09:53Gevomancer ok
00:09:55Gevomancer oll fine
00:10:01veuncent what is the range of my bird's attack>
00:10:03veuncent ?
00:10:04Gevomancer ty
00:10:11Sjakalen y
00:10:27Dota.m 's
00:10:27Dota.m 'ads'
00:10:27Dota.m asd'
00:10:28Dota.m asd
00:10:32Sjakalen gj mate.=
00:10:36slc2 need gank at jugger
00:11:42Gevomancer care
00:11:45Gevomancer cent haste
00:11:59Sjakalen love you
00:12:20Wavesofchange roff
00:12:22Wavesofchange say when u got ulti
00:12:22wodrock these are just really low skills players :)
00:12:23Wavesofchange then i come
00:12:27veuncent k
00:12:30veuncent soon
00:12:33Sjakalen yeah ;)
00:12:40veuncent now
00:12:57veuncent ss top
00:13:00veuncent sec
00:13:03veuncent afk 5 sec
00:13:07slc2 reg
00:13:12slc2 meepo
00:13:19Wavesofchange necro
00:13:22Wavesofchange going bot
00:13:23Wavesofchange with rune
00:13:23veuncent top still ss
00:13:33iNeuron how is storms farm
00:13:39Gevomancer decent
00:14:04reptile ss top
00:14:23Gevomancer ss mid
00:14:38iNeuron ss top 2
00:14:44reptile i go down k?
00:14:44iNeuron 6-0 jugger?
00:14:44iNeuron gg
00:14:45reptile help
00:14:55Gevomancer pit gank bottom
00:15:12Wavesofchange roff
00:15:15Wavesofchange buy wards please
00:15:21veuncent k
00:15:30veuncent pl miss
00:15:31Wavesofchange can u buy boiw?
00:16:06slc2 b
00:16:09slc2 necro
00:16:17wodrock ?
00:16:19Sjakalen ss
00:16:27veuncent afk 5 sec
00:16:46reptile ss bo
00:17:00reptile b
00:17:13Gevomancer kill dk
00:17:15veuncent dk?
00:17:17veuncent B
00:17:46reptile jugger is overlvld already..
00:17:47iNeuron wtf
00:17:52veuncent anyone??
00:18:01wodrock ops
00:18:20iNeuron why come top and let mid farm
00:18:47veuncent inc
00:19:18veuncent no ult
00:19:21reptile +b
00:19:24Gevomancer miss mid
00:19:33iNeuron k
00:20:18Gevomancer gank
00:20:43iNeuron top is doi9ng just fine, stop coming here all
00:20:44iNeuron gank others
00:21:06Wavesofchange can we get some wards
00:21:07Wavesofchange jesus
00:21:09reptile can u stun necro?
00:21:14reptile nope
00:21:17reptile so why u go
00:21:18Gevomancer full hp guy
00:21:22Gevomancer are you serious
00:21:23veuncent in chick
00:21:45Wavesofchange *Om
00:21:51Wavesofchange using chick
00:21:52Wavesofchange haha
00:21:54Wavesofchange hvor er det random
00:22:00Dota.m det så dejligt
00:22:09Wavesofchange vi har ingen wards før nu
00:22:11Wavesofchange hvor gg er det ik
00:22:16iNeuron he just randomly has dust ?
00:22:17iNeuron gg
00:22:20Dota.m du mit første Kill haha
00:22:21Gevomancer come
00:22:27iNeuron 9-1
00:22:27Wavesofchange fordi jeg var afk
00:22:29Wavesofchange fra hero :)
00:22:36iNeuron gotta be hard to avoid cents stun
00:22:45Wavesofchange says clinks :)
00:22:53iNeuron point ?
00:24:18Gevomancer come here
00:26:09Wavesofchange why dint u dogde ?
00:26:13iNeuron was invis
00:26:14Wavesofchange How hard can it be?
00:26:14iNeuron cant dodge
00:26:28iNeuron doubt he is 24/7 invis on lane at level 1-4
00:26:33Wavesofchange he did
00:26:35iNeuron sure
00:26:43veuncent he put ward
00:26:56veuncent b
00:29:29Dota.m n
00:29:29Dota.m b
00:30:17Sjakalen 10 sec
00:30:28reptile dont chase
00:30:41Wavesofchange all inc top
00:30:42Wavesofchange care
00:30:55Wavesofchange ionc
00:31:37Wavesofchange more wards
00:31:37veuncent b?
00:31:37Wavesofchange please
00:31:44Wavesofchange go
00:32:57veuncent guinsoos or refresher?
00:33:01Sjakalen refu
00:33:07Wavesofchange y
00:33:23Wavesofchange get
00:33:25Wavesofchange wards
00:33:25Wavesofchange cmon
00:33:28veuncent refu = refresher?
00:33:30Wavesofchange y
00:33:35Gevomancer no wards no going anywhere
00:33:56wodrock lets end or something?
00:34:00wodrock not that hard
00:34:09Wavesofchange linkens ulti stopper this game :)
00:34:53Gevomancer he used ulti
00:35:17reptile I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:35:22reptile this game is lost
00:36:04Gevomancer b
00:36:05Gevomancer b
00:36:18Sjakalen ty
00:37:27wodrock flash
00:37:31wodrock is it an interesting game for you?
00:37:46wodrock you havent left your lane
00:38:01Wavesofchange and look at his farm :D
00:38:12wodrock pretty decent for him
00:39:00veuncent :D
00:39:01Wavesofchange hahah
00:39:13iNeuron and 100 hp to spare
00:39:53Wavesofchange we were talking about u
00:39:54Wavesofchange :D
00:40:01Wavesofchange clinks
00:40:01Wavesofchange :D
00:40:06iNeuron what exactly
00:40:10Wavesofchange hes here
00:40:12iNeuron o
00:40:18iNeuron shoulda risked dust
00:40:22Wavesofchange y iknow
00:40:26Wavesofchange dint realy bother
00:40:31iNeuron so lost anyway
00:40:32Wavesofchange since u dint rly have anything :)
00:40:48Gevomancer well who does
00:41:01wodrock why arent we ending it
00:41:14Gevomancer dk woods?
00:41:19Gevomancer farmer bob
00:42:43Gevomancer well 90% and possible 80% agains 60, nice work bot
00:43:32iNeuron blame bot for.. ?
00:43:40iNeuron best teams possible with the people added
00:43:40Gevomancer unbalanced teams
00:43:54iNeuron its unbalanced cause only one 90% was added, not cause bot is stupid
00:43:55Gevomancer taljin must have been first 4 us
00:43:57veuncent 0 - 0 :\
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