Game #108012

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NEW | 986 X | 1084 TS

+23 X
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NEW | 1035 X | 1057 TS

-15 X
+52 TS

NEW | 946 X | 975 TS

Chat log

00:00:17diGez lol
00:00:17diGez lastpick
00:00:17diGez :D
00:00:17Rakett :D
00:00:17xReaver kanamies!
00:00:17DangerZ proteam
00:00:17Rakett hmm
00:00:17Rakett what to ban
00:00:17DangerZ again
00:00:17KIH idd
00:00:17KIH XD
00:00:17diGez do i have to buy chicken?
00:00:17Yuriko whos
00:00:17diGez ahhahahaha
00:00:17Rakett depends on ur hero
00:00:17Yuriko theirs?
00:00:17diGez give it to someone else rakett
00:00:17diGez :D
00:00:17DangerZ xreaver,digez
00:00:17Rakett ok ban storm
00:00:17wodrock ican buy
00:00:17que2stress joel is lastpick
00:00:17Iho morph
00:00:17KIH XD
00:00:17Yuriko morph
00:00:18KIH buugi had a shit build
00:00:21hibalunt Storm & Morhp banned
00:00:36DangerZ atleast i don't have to buy chick
00:00:37DangerZ derp
00:00:42KIH digez lastpick
00:00:43hibalunt hurr durr
00:00:44Yuriko someone wants tiny?
00:00:51hibalunt i
00:00:54Rakett get wd
00:00:59Rakett and maybe medusa
00:01:00KIH digez oot last pick.. mitkä fiilikset
00:01:00Rakett for carry
00:01:05diGez mitäs täs
00:01:09xReaver YEAAA
00:01:10xReaver RICE
00:01:11xReaver !
00:01:12diGez pitää pelata varmaa sen mukasesti ja vetää iha läskiks
00:01:14KIH =DDDD
00:01:19Rakett RICEReAVER
00:01:23xReaver yeah!
00:01:28hibalunt get vipe bara
00:01:28Rakett well hmm
00:01:29KIH yo i go buugibuild aka bfury 30min
00:01:39Rakett get...
00:01:42que2stress cent ?
00:01:42Rakett viper
00:01:42xReaver get something to woods
00:01:43Rakett clock
00:01:43DangerZ -il
00:01:44hibalunt we need tank against those
00:01:45xReaver i rather solo bot
00:01:47Rakett or yeh
00:01:49KIH not really
00:01:49Rakett cent
00:01:50Rakett centaur go
00:01:52xReaver cent is good
00:01:56Yuriko give panda
00:01:58KIH :D:D
00:01:59KIH iha hyvä
00:02:05Yuriko -swap 5
00:02:06hibalunt -swap 1
00:02:16Iho lanes?
00:02:16wodrock want me to buy chick then?
00:02:19Rakett yes
00:02:23Yuriko furi u woods or lane'
00:02:29Iho no matter
00:02:30hibalunt -clear
00:02:36DangerZ who mid?
00:02:36Yuriko go lane then
00:02:37KIH dont come top panda
00:02:39Yuriko invoker mid
00:02:41DangerZ 4th pick shouldn't be mid
00:02:42xReaver cent pull a lot
00:02:42KIH 2 carry on lane? oO
00:02:44DangerZ it's full feed
00:02:46Yuriko np
00:02:46DangerZ you know
00:02:46xReaver and come to stab at 3 or so
00:02:48Yuriko 1 pull
00:02:48KIH xD
00:02:51Rakett AND
00:02:51xReaver maybe 2 if possible
00:02:52KIH k
00:02:52Rakett DONT
00:02:52Rakett PICK
00:02:55Rakett RETURN
00:02:58xReaver yea
00:02:58KIH i just need treads mom
00:02:58Rakett STUN + DOUBLE EDGE
00:03:00que2stress OK
00:03:02KIH and i bash em like flies
00:03:06que2stress what items?
00:03:10Rakett blin
00:03:10Rakett k
00:03:12diGez am i mid ?
00:03:14DangerZ -il
00:03:15Rakett no
00:03:15KIH probably wd viper top
00:03:15Rakett im mid
00:03:17Yuriko i'll go for aghanim
00:03:17KIH tt
00:03:18diGez ok
00:03:22Yuriko who pull first
00:03:22KIH no dagger?
00:03:26KIH lets check lane
00:03:27diGez muija warettaa ja vittuilee ku pelaan dotaa
00:03:29diGez :D:D:D
00:03:31xReaver go straight to woods
00:03:32KIH :D
00:03:33xReaver ty
00:04:02KIH i will
00:04:03KIH get lvls
00:04:04KIH so we can
00:04:11KIH kill
00:04:11KIH !
00:04:13Yuriko !
00:04:22diGez wd bring pull obs
00:04:49que2stress shall i go?
00:04:53xReaver no
00:04:54KIH dangerz.....
00:04:55xReaver noty yet
00:05:00DangerZ told you
00:05:02KIH :D
00:05:24hibalunt combo lv 3
00:05:58que2stress now?
00:05:59Yuriko hmm
00:06:00xReaver y
00:06:02KIH =D
00:06:04KIH wp
00:06:10Yuriko i know
00:06:18diGez wd let me lasthit
00:06:20diGez u harrass
00:06:27Iho gj midd
00:06:36diGez block that
00:06:44DangerZ MID MISS
00:06:45DangerZ care
00:06:46hibalunt qop coming bakc mid
00:06:48Rakett :D
00:07:28KIH srsly iho
00:07:51DangerZ mid miss
00:07:55KIH :D
00:07:56hibalunt top inc
00:08:02que2stress ss
00:08:24xReaver bot miss all
00:08:36xReaver dude go to woods :D
00:08:49KIH nvm
00:08:50KIH lets not
00:08:54Yuriko risky
00:08:57KIH u
00:08:58KIH y
00:09:01Yuriko 1 of us would die from male
00:09:01diGez stun male panda
00:09:01KIH need invo or furi too
00:09:21KIH gj
00:09:22KIH good call
00:09:23DangerZ ss mid
00:09:25Yuriko ^^
00:09:53KIH cya amateur
00:09:54Rakett ok then
00:09:57Rakett 1v1 ?
00:10:00xReaver uograde chick
00:10:04xReaver centa
00:10:05xReaver don't
00:10:07xReaver come like that
00:10:07DangerZ loser get unvouch
00:10:10DangerZ !
00:10:12Yuriko gogo heal
00:10:13DangerZ 7
00:10:13Rakett yes unvouch in gc!
00:10:20diGez stun male void
00:10:31KIH fasjfgahg
00:10:43Rakett tower
00:10:43Rakett go
00:10:45diGez stun male panda
00:10:46Rakett kill padn a
00:10:47Iho gang
00:10:58KIH viper 6
00:11:02KIH i dont enjoy top lane anymore
00:11:25diGez stun male
00:11:45Rakett just oom
00:11:46Rakett for blink
00:11:46Rakett :D
00:11:49Yuriko leave me alone next time!
00:11:57Iho gj
00:11:57KIH .
00:12:16KIH instead of being cocky when i lose it
00:12:25Rakett nice clap
00:12:32Yuriko ty
00:12:36xReaver bot miss all
00:12:38KIH oot onnistunu tähä mennes iha hyvi lastpickiks digez
00:12:42Yuriko furi
00:12:42Yuriko dusa
00:12:43Yuriko easy
00:12:48diGez vois skarppaa
00:12:51Iho come tiny
00:12:56KIH toi devilrider mass wraith band build o iha arvostettu
00:12:59Rakett furi
00:13:03Yuriko cmon
00:13:06Rakett TINY
00:13:06Rakett INC
00:13:17Rakett OMG CENTAUR
00:13:17KIH need halp top
00:13:17Rakett go help?
00:13:29xReaver hmm?
00:13:41KIH !!
00:13:52Iho tiny what takes so long
00:14:14KIH can you tp top when i ask u to?
00:14:19KIH i pinged for like a minute
00:14:22DangerZ never
00:14:25DangerZ trololol
00:14:30KIH so pointless
00:14:39Iho tele someone
00:15:08xReaver tuun
00:15:19diGez hei
00:15:20diGez :D:D:D
00:15:21xReaver lol
00:15:21KIH =DD
00:15:31xReaver okei
00:15:58Yuriko :D:D
00:16:01wodrock wtf
00:16:04wodrock you canth elp me , can you?=
00:16:05wodrock tard
00:16:11que2stress no
00:16:13que2stress thats why i left
00:16:29KIH mee pois
00:17:03KIH tp ??
00:17:25KIH ?´`??
00:17:34Rakett nvm
00:17:43xReaver go
00:18:00Iho tiny gj
00:18:05Iho wtf
00:18:16wodrock -ma
00:18:20Iho are this tiny stupid or something
00:18:27Iho first time tiny
00:18:29Rakett FUCK
00:18:30Rakett afsdasdfsd
00:18:30KIH hes a pussy
00:18:30KIH !
00:18:32xReaver :D
00:18:37Rakett wanted to shiftclick
00:18:38Rakett but ofc
00:18:39Rakett i miss
00:18:52Iho jesusussusxuhsx
00:19:00xReaver ..
00:19:21KIH rakett not lucky at all:DDD
00:19:24KIH HHAHA
00:19:27Rakett madskillz
00:19:39KIH dangerz hex
00:19:39KIH ?
00:19:42Rakett i dont know the word luck!
00:19:58xReaver meneepäs paskasti
00:20:11diGez mid tower
00:20:29Rakett ...
00:21:43KIH thx
00:21:43KIH <3
00:22:24Rakett OHOHOH
00:22:25Yuriko got daggerz
00:22:37diGez top tower
00:23:32Yuriko danger spend golds?
00:23:36diGez rahaa
00:23:51Rakett invoker has 5k
00:23:51Rakett lol
00:24:40wodrock go
00:24:50wodrock ..
00:25:01xReaver okei
00:25:18DangerZ emp so op
00:25:21KIH idd
00:25:21Yuriko no manas
00:25:25KIH best turtle spell
00:25:25Rakett ok i tt seems
00:25:26KIH in game
00:25:29Rakett u need me in battle
00:25:29Rakett :D
00:25:30Yuriko emp vs dusa
00:25:31Yuriko so gg
00:25:33DangerZ y
00:25:50KIH LOLO!L!!
00:25:53KIH xDDDXDD
00:26:16Iho danger saving mana for what?
00:26:21DangerZ spells
00:26:21Yuriko mana?
00:26:25Iho money
00:26:53Yuriko oh yeah
00:27:12xReaver come
00:27:21hibalunt invis qop care
00:27:39Yuriko u can buy hex now
00:27:40Yuriko danger
00:27:48Yuriko you could*
00:27:52DangerZ i won't
00:27:57DangerZ i'm playing like lastpick carry
00:27:59DangerZ doh?
00:28:31Rakett okei
00:28:32Rakett whos lucky now
00:28:33Rakett bitch
00:28:39KIH ? all planned
00:28:43Rakett yep sure
00:28:54KIH I knew you'd stay :D
00:29:08KIH get dust for viper
00:29:36Rakett gang that whore
00:29:37hibalunt our jungle warded bigtime
00:29:43Yuriko so dont go there
00:29:47Yuriko get some lvl tiny
00:29:53KIH O DEM
00:29:55Yuriko whyy
00:30:03Rakett reaver
00:30:04KIH i was dead anyway
00:30:04KIH :D
00:30:09xReaver y? :D
00:30:09Rakett dangerz is gonna
00:30:10Rakett emp u
00:30:12Rakett to make u oom
00:30:16xReaver oh
00:30:17xReaver :<
00:30:23KIH viper oom
00:30:24KIH u could attack
00:30:32diGez who has radi
00:30:41KIH :D:D:
00:30:43KIH fucking dangerz
00:30:45KIH rly
00:30:53wodrock wtf
00:30:58diGez oh invoker has
00:30:58diGez radi
00:30:59xReaver :D
00:30:59Rakett its invoker
00:31:00Rakett y
00:31:29Rakett just get dust
00:31:37diGez panda no ulti
00:31:39diGez easy kill
00:31:58DangerZ what
00:32:00DangerZ problem?
00:32:01DangerZ :D
00:32:07que2stress void lvl 18
00:32:08que2stress ...
00:32:08Rakett well
00:32:11Rakett we will lose this
00:32:12Rakett :D
00:32:54diGez ff
00:32:56KIH =D
00:32:59Yuriko lolol
00:33:00Rakett U JUST
00:33:00Rakett CANT
00:33:01Rakett BUY
00:33:01Rakett DUS
00:33:06diGez why cant you ?
00:33:11KIH XD
00:33:14Rakett i got no space
00:33:17Rakett even if i sell
00:33:17diGez me neither
00:33:18Rakett null
00:33:19Yuriko well they gettin dust now
00:33:21que2stress widrick
00:33:21KIH y
00:33:22DangerZ prolly
00:33:24que2stress ur job,..
00:33:27wodrock ??
00:33:29wodrock my job?
00:33:30wodrock stfu
00:33:33Rakett LOL
00:33:34diGez qop just buy a gem and replace bottle
00:33:35diGez with a gem
00:33:44DangerZ was fun
00:33:45DangerZ tho
00:33:45Rakett Ok
00:33:46DangerZ :DDD
00:33:46Rakett go mid
00:33:48Rakett ?
00:33:52KIH i can imagine u on vent atm
00:33:53KIH )
00:33:53diGez wd plant obs so qop can destroy theirs
00:33:55diGez and gank easily
00:34:00DangerZ rakett kinda mad
00:34:08DangerZ i promised i make rapier
00:34:10KIH he on vent too?
00:34:12DangerZ but then i trold him
00:34:18DangerZ y
00:34:19que2stress need wards at rosh!
00:34:29KIH was he crying last game
00:34:30KIH :D
00:34:35Rakett can we take roshan
00:34:36Yuriko isnt he always crying?
00:34:37Rakett actually?
00:34:37DangerZ nah
00:34:38Rakett cause
00:34:39Rakett we have gem
00:34:41DangerZ :DDd
00:35:43KIH cya bro
00:35:44Rakett whos lucky now?
00:35:46KIH XD
00:35:47diGez lets just forfeit
00:35:53KIH mad
00:35:53KIH ??
00:36:01KIH i wanna make him mad
00:36:02KIH as fuck
00:36:23Rakett useless purchase
00:36:23Rakett that ge
00:36:24Rakett m
00:36:54DangerZ -ms
00:37:13Rakett d
00:37:15Rakett digez?
00:37:16Yuriko olol
00:37:23Iho rosh?
00:37:23KIH :D
00:37:28KIH sometime he'll use lothar and i still ulti
00:37:29KIH im sure :(
00:37:34diGez why cant we forfeit to prevent prolong
00:37:38DangerZ -il
00:37:47Yuriko void or invo take?
00:37:47KIH dangerz want?
00:38:09Yuriko dropped the branch
00:38:10Yuriko umad?
00:38:32Yuriko dusa is top
00:38:42Yuriko was*
00:38:54KIH i have no tp
00:38:55KIH kk np
00:38:56Rakett ?
00:39:00hibalunt dagger
00:39:15KIH fucking fail
00:39:15KIH =DDD
00:39:22Rakett lol what
00:39:49KIH LOL hibalunt
00:39:59xReaver better leave it
00:40:12KIH gogo rakett
00:40:15KIH u can finish that hex off
00:40:28Rakett id have it ages ago but they were like qop buy gem
00:40:47que2stress but not like lose at immediatly :D
00:40:52Rakett u blinked to emp
00:40:53Rakett newb
00:40:56Rakett couldnt even geta stun off
00:40:56Rakett get
00:40:58Rakett so stfu?
00:41:03KIH is he mad dangerz..
00:41:03DangerZ blink into emp you get free cookies
00:41:12Rakett nobo
00:41:15KIH XD
00:41:20KIH me harass u die
00:41:42Rakett i have hex
00:41:42Rakett ..
00:41:44xReaver tt
00:41:50Rakett well hes illusioned now
00:42:01xReaver b
00:42:01xReaver b
00:42:53xReaver go
00:42:55diGez I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:25xReaver that emp is pretty devastating
00:43:26Yuriko top
00:43:27Yuriko top
00:43:31KIH /time
00:43:31KIH !!
00:43:34Rakett sure if u stand in it
00:43:40xReaver hard to move when tunned
00:43:43xReaver or rooted
00:44:21KIH D:
00:45:04KIH lets kill him
00:45:05KIH XD
00:45:57Rakett WELL GG WP
00:46:03DangerZ kih look meh itenz
00:46:04DangerZ best
00:46:05Rakett reaver i dunno how you couldnt farm up on that lane
00:46:09xReaver :D
00:46:09KIH XD
00:46:12xReaver me neither
00:46:12DangerZ -ms
00:46:24KIH lets look at rakett items
00:46:25KIH and laugh
00:46:31Rakett and also how kih farmed that much
00:46:33Rakett vs wd viper.
00:46:45KIH -ms
00:49:55KIH g
00:49:56KIH g
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