Game #103027

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+4 X
+30 TS

97% | 1362 X | 1317 TS

+42 X
+29 TS

53% | 1086 X | 1146 TS

-7 X
+46 TS

NEW | 1113 X | 1117 TS

+25 X
+51 TS

NEW | 1051 X | 1109 TS

+18 X
+37 TS

33% | 1072 X | 991 TS

-21 X
-22 TS

NEW | 1152 X | 1274 TS

-17 X
-21 TS

83% | 1168 X | 1255 TS

-11 X
-17 TS

50% | 941 X | 1189 TS

+24 X
-15 TS

56% | 1136 X | 1150 TS

-47 X
-26 TS

NEW | 789 X | 900 TS

Chat log

00:00:04aRkker ts centa luna
00:00:04kits axe wd pl
00:00:09DeathScythe lina tiny razor
00:00:10Rakett what are these teams?
00:00:11Rakett arkker
00:00:12NotAHax herer
00:00:13Herre akashashshasa
00:00:13NotAHax saanko
00:00:13Rakett teams ddnt change
00:00:14Rakett -.-
00:00:15Herre et
00:00:19Herre meikä vääntää
00:00:24DangerZ techies
00:00:24Timu naga, lich, ud
00:00:26DangerZ and huskar
00:00:27kits deathschythe swap me tiny?
00:00:28kits for wd
00:00:31DangerZ it's bugged
00:00:34DangerZ don't have agi
00:00:35DangerZ hero
00:00:42DeathScythe what is pl
00:00:45aRkker phantom lancer
00:00:46Rakett heroes+
00:00:50kits wd
00:00:50aRkker TS centa luna
00:00:50DeathScythe i can take that
00:00:51kits is imba
00:00:53nigulas ds sb void
00:00:54aRkker no you cant
00:00:58DeathScythe why
00:00:59Timu chcik mr herre
00:01:03Herre shiiiiit
00:01:06Rakett well
00:01:08Timu no money
00:01:08Herre god damn it
00:01:08Timu np
00:01:09DeathScythe im not good at wd
00:01:10Rakett zeus clockwerk weaver
00:01:10Timu i'll buy
00:01:11Tundmatu it's sd, you always have 1 str, 1 int, 1 agi
00:01:13Herre thx man
00:01:16kits axe then?
00:01:24kits swap tiny
00:01:27kits for axe?
00:01:38kits ?
00:01:39DeathScythe waht
00:01:39kits fast
00:01:40kits 20s
00:01:44aRkker ostan kiinnostuskiikarit
00:01:47Herre :---D
00:01:52Herre nonii mitkä lanet
00:01:52DeathScythe haluuko joku jtn
00:01:55Herre lich magina?
00:01:58NotAHax lich mun kanssa
00:02:00DeathScythe what should i pick
00:02:05NotAHax herre voitko soolota
00:02:10Herre jöö
00:02:10Rakett what u got
00:02:10NotAHax TIDE
00:02:11NotAHax oo tääl
00:02:12NotAHax tide triple
00:02:14kits take tiny again
00:02:17kits u played it lastgame
00:02:17DeathScythe lina tiny rXOR
00:02:19kits others are too hard
00:02:20Rakett lina.
00:02:21Rakett or tiny
00:02:22Rakett y
00:02:31Herre -ma
00:02:55DeathScythe AHA
00:03:04aRkker Mmh. trilane
00:03:15Herre -ma
00:03:16DeathScythe tuun sun kaa
00:03:23aRkker no siit on varmasti valtavasti hyötyä
00:04:14DeathScythe miss
00:04:35DeathScythe vittu
00:04:40Herre :DDD
00:04:48DeathScythe ne on kolmestaa tuol
00:04:55aRkker niinku sanoin
00:05:06DangerZ :DDDDDDDDDD
00:05:08DangerZ FUCK YOU
00:05:30aRkker -3 bot
00:05:42DeathScythe care luna
00:05:49aRkker ei kiinnosta paskan vertaa
00:06:05DeathScythe ne on siel metäs kaikki kolme
00:06:07Tundmatu take
00:06:08aRkker eikä ole
00:06:10aRkker tide on ylhäällä
00:06:14DeathScythe käy kattoo
00:06:19DeathScythe no ne
00:06:20Rakett miss
00:06:26DeathScythe 2
00:06:36aRkker puskekaa plz
00:06:41Herre nvm
00:07:21Tundmatu gj
00:07:24NotAHax hullu herre
00:07:25NotAHax :D
00:07:27Herre !
00:07:56DeathScythe i stun
00:08:01DeathScythe bs
00:08:11nigulas 2ss
00:08:18DeathScythe miss
00:08:42Timu -ii
00:09:08DeathScythe ei oo mana
00:09:18aRkker magina has a vanguard
00:09:44DeathScythe help?
00:09:50aRkker no mitä vittua sä luulet et mä voin tehä?
00:10:07DeathScythe tarkotin et jos joku vois tulla jostain linjalta
00:10:10DeathScythe en sua
00:10:18aRkker ei ketää kiinnosta
00:10:24DeathScythe wd tluli
00:10:56DeathScythe gj
00:11:17DeathScythe miss
00:11:53DangerZ nice miss
00:11:57NotAHax go hepl bs
00:11:58NotAHax tide lich
00:12:01NotAHax go help bs
00:12:03NotAHax im fine here
00:12:11DeathScythe kill akasha'
00:12:30DangerZ every game
00:12:32DangerZ this happens
00:12:33Herre top miss 2
00:12:34DangerZ .............
00:13:00Rakett DEF
00:13:00Rakett MID
00:13:01Rakett ?
00:13:55aRkker pofc
00:14:38Rakett give
00:14:41Rakett ...
00:14:43DeathScythe sry
00:15:04DeathScythe ulri?
00:15:09DeathScythe ulti*
00:15:13Rakett cd oom
00:15:16DeathScythe k
00:15:16Rakett and it wouldnt kill
00:15:27aRkker 169 dmg 1st rank
00:16:07NotAHax go
00:16:08NotAHax ?
00:16:29NotAHax Timuu tints
00:16:31NotAHax we need wards
00:16:34DeathScythe i come void
00:16:38NotAHax plant to runes
00:16:42Herre take it
00:16:42NotAHax take haste
00:16:45Rakett GO
00:17:00NotAHax tele
00:17:02NotAHax lich
00:17:03NotAHax + tide gop
00:17:10Herre GOP
00:17:15NotAHax piti sanoo go
00:17:20NotAHax ulti
00:18:10DeathScythe who used me
00:18:15DeathScythe there wa slow hp bs
00:18:18DeathScythe was*
00:18:44Herre wards plz
00:18:50Rakett phase boots witch doctor?
00:18:50Rakett ...
00:19:12NotAHax herre miten ois et gangisit
00:19:14NotAHax ois aika kova juttu
00:19:51aRkker oliko sen arvosta?
00:19:54NotAHax oli
00:21:23DeathScythe push?
00:21:48DeathScythe void ulti
00:21:57nigulas STFU
00:22:00nigulas u cant hit any spells
00:22:07nigulas 0 use of u
00:22:07aRkker miks vitussa sä mua vainoat?
00:22:11DeathScythe i used
00:22:16DeathScythe 1 skill
00:22:17nigulas what?
00:22:17Herre eka kerran tapoin sut vasta? :D
00:22:18nigulas on who
00:22:19aRkker 3.
00:22:21nigulas trees?
00:22:23aRkker vai 2.
00:22:30Herre korkeintaan 2
00:22:31DeathScythe 1 to magina
00:22:33Rakett well
00:22:38Rakett bloodseeker has relic
00:22:40DeathScythe and you used?
00:22:53Herre _:D_:D
00:23:04Herre shiiit
00:23:19Herre kaikki vähän kokoontu
00:23:19Rakett gj
00:23:21Rakett :D
00:24:24DeathScythe should i do aga?
00:24:28Rakett ur gonna die
00:24:29Rakett i think
00:24:33aRkker I shouldn't be under 40%
00:25:17aRkker mä käytin sua, sori
00:25:23DeathScythe näin
00:25:25aRkker et saatii toi ulti ulos ja tide hengiltä
00:25:28DeathScythe oisin kyl stunninu
00:25:40DeathScythe mut kyl se noiki käy
00:25:42DeathScythe :D
00:26:11DeathScythe oon tottunu et joku kätyttää
00:26:18NotAHax fast nigger
00:26:24DeathScythe käyttää*
00:26:27Herre fast nigger is fast
00:26:30DangerZ niggers are always fast
00:26:30NotAHax indeed
00:26:31DeathScythe what should i buy?
00:26:32NotAHax D::D:
00:26:36Herre u
00:26:37Herre y
00:26:48Herre expect fast niggers
00:26:50DeathScythe what should i buy
00:26:54Herre they are fast
00:26:56kits come bot think later
00:27:06Herre really fast
00:27:29Tundmatu ulti in few secs
00:27:36NotAHax mikä tää hoodi qop on
00:27:36NotAHax D:D
00:27:39DeathScythe what should i
00:27:40Herre ?
00:27:42Herre no miksei
00:27:48NotAHax linken ois ollu paree
00:27:48aRkker HIT THEM?!
00:27:50aRkker ffs
00:27:51Herre teen senkin
00:27:55NotAHax ..
00:27:59NotAHax AAARGHH
00:28:00NotAHax d:D:D:D
00:28:03DangerZ YES
00:28:07DangerZ focus me
00:28:10DangerZ I am best player here
00:28:15DeathScythe what should i buy
00:29:14DeathScythe what should i buy?
00:29:22NotAHax got ulti?
00:29:25aRkker go get a point booster for your agha for example
00:29:38DeathScythe k
00:29:41aRkker that way you get a little more hp and mana too
00:29:46nigulas b
00:29:48nigulas no mana
00:30:02Tundmatu 5
00:30:04Tundmatu 3
00:30:05Tundmatu 2
00:30:05nigulas kk im raedy
00:30:06Tundmatu 1
00:30:07Tundmatu 0
00:30:49Rakett A:DDD
00:30:50NotAHax EI
00:30:50NotAHax : DD
00:30:51aRkker hahah
00:31:01nigulas let me go 1st?
00:31:04nigulas u guys go
00:31:08nigulas 3 dodos just blinked away
00:31:11nigulas i ultied random
00:31:12nigulas sad
00:31:21aRkker you need to get tide in your ulti
00:31:22aRkker thats all
00:31:31nigulas ma ei saa kui ta on 200 km eemal ootab
00:31:41Rakett JUMP
00:31:41Rakett on
00:31:42Rakett sul
00:31:43aRkker see pole minu probleem
00:31:43Rakett kasuta
00:31:47nigulas fogi lampi jumpin?
00:31:50nigulas käepealamehike
00:31:52nigulas ära targuta
00:31:53aRkker kasuta MH
00:31:54aRkker issand jumal
00:31:57DeathScythe -ms
00:32:05Rakett oh ei
00:32:13NotAHax LOOK MY HP
00:32:18NotAHax MUST BE PRO
00:32:22aRkker en näe mutta varmaa 1337 arvaisin
00:32:26NotAHax oikein
00:32:29kits b
00:32:29Herre :--D
00:32:35NotAHax tai sitten MAPHACK
00:32:44Rakett all admins hack in this channel
00:32:47Rakett no news
00:32:48aRkker totally
00:33:13aRkker -cs
00:33:18Herre hood qop owns
00:33:25Tundmatu got ulti
00:33:28Tundmatu we gonna kill?
00:33:33Timu fo sho
00:34:08DeathScythe stun
00:34:19aRkker käi vittu
00:34:34DangerZ ok
00:34:36DangerZ kus kit on
00:34:46Tundmatu kus klit on?
00:34:47aRkker ":D"
00:34:50Tundmatu kit*
00:34:59Herre ::D
00:35:40NotAHax älä käytä mujn kanaa neekeri
00:35:44Herre måste
00:35:48nigulas 10 mana
00:36:05aRkker hold position toimii jne
00:36:20nigulas gut plan
00:36:21nigulas gut plan
00:36:27aRkker would've been if I had my ulti
00:36:29aRkker but I didn't
00:36:41DeathScythe better luck next time
00:36:41Herre imba qop
00:37:10NotAHax my farm nigger
00:38:01Rakett bloodseeker has double radi
00:38:01Rakett :D
00:38:43nigulas !!
00:39:42Rakett zapity zap
00:39:43aRkker pois homo
00:39:48Herre arkkerin reviiriä
00:39:51Herre kukko tunkiolla
00:39:55aRkker sinun sanat, ei minun
00:39:55Herre kananen*
00:40:19aRkker lich seal ak
00:40:20aRkker ka
00:40:43nigulas !!!
00:40:46Rakett stronk
00:41:02NotAHax TADAA
00:41:12Rakett Gosublade ounaa
00:41:29aRkker paska itemi kaikille muille paitsi morphlingille
00:41:35Rakett no en
00:41:38DangerZ SA OOT PASKA
00:41:48aRkker totta tuokin, muttei se silti pointtia muuta
00:41:58Rakett KYLLÄ JOO
00:42:27DeathScythe trap
00:43:12Herre shit
00:43:17Herre what ulti that was :D:D:D
00:43:21Herre ahhah
00:43:26aRkker vuoritaistelu
00:43:31Rakett void oom
00:43:31Rakett :D
00:43:38aRkker lol
00:43:39nigulas :D
00:43:51nigulas tulgu siia üles kes julgeb
00:44:09aRkker 10-10-10
00:44:14Timu 1k
00:44:14aRkker kolmoset
00:44:26Rakett 25 assists :<
00:44:54aRkker sentry? miks?
00:45:00Rakett kohe näed
00:45:26aRkker ah
00:45:26Rakett they
00:45:27Rakett are
00:45:27Rakett roshan
00:45:31Rakett im in vent
00:45:32Rakett with them
00:45:36aRkker cheat
00:45:43Rakett like ur maphack
00:45:44Rakett .9
00:45:54aRkker I don't use maphacks :/
00:45:57Rakett liar
00:47:08DeathScythe GG
00:47:13aRkker BG*
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