Game #1000038

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+12 X
+5 TS

97% | 1500 X | 1552 TS

+62 X
+3 TS

84% | 1321 X | 1436 TS

+33 X
+3 TS

75% | 1205 X | 1436 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

60% | 1079 X | 1406 TS

+21 X
+4 TS

52% | 1072 X | 1319 TS

-47 X
-2 TS

86% | 1323 X | 1437 TS

-6 X
-3 TS

84% | 1224 X | 1455 TS

-11 X
-2 TS

80% | 1224 X | 1400 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

73% | 1216 X | 1380 TS

-45 X
-2 TS

70% | 1156 X | 1393 TS

Chat log

00:00:04eWeresT same team?:D
00:00:12huutopussi 'yep
00:00:16eWeresT why not
00:00:16chodaboy ban bat?
00:00:16dhgf no
00:00:16eWeresT some1 wants to pick ud for me ?
00:00:16dhgf weaver or pl
00:00:16chodaboy pl sucks
00:00:16Rotkiv ma tahan ise ud
00:00:16chodaboy noone picks it
00:00:16chodaboy he will pick bat and its over
00:00:16eWeresT ei saa !
00:00:16eWeresT :D
00:00:16Rotkiv :D
00:00:16dhgf huutopussi?
00:00:16chodaboy y
00:00:16Usires deja vu
00:00:16dhgf bat
00:00:16huutopussi wisp
00:00:16Strom weaver most annoying hero ever though
00:00:21chodaboy take it
00:00:24dhgf weaver?
00:00:27chodaboy y
00:00:30dhgf u want?
00:00:33chodaboy dono
00:00:35dhgf if i get butcher i mby swap
00:00:35Strom doubt it
00:00:36WANKmaster meen pl sit
00:00:39chodaboy played it 2 games ago
00:00:41Usires get aa to someone
00:00:43Usires mazza plays now
00:00:44Usires ?
00:00:47eWeresT i want ud
00:00:47Strom Bat & Wisp - BANNED
00:00:50WANKmaster aa
00:00:53WANKmaster for some1
00:01:08Rotkiv rain pela aad sa hea selles .. ma pelan ud :p
00:01:08dhgf i playiit
00:01:08chodaboy i taek
00:01:16WANKmaster viki rain y
00:01:17chodaboy someone wants enigma?
00:01:20dhgf invo solo top
00:01:23dhgf engima forest
00:01:24h0whigh ye
00:01:25WANKmaster viki
00:01:27eWeresT ma kuradi ei viitsi aa'd :/
00:01:27h0whigh we are in skype
00:01:29WANKmaster sa pelad aa siis
00:01:32Rotkiv mis sa tahad ?
00:01:35WANKmaster võta pl
00:01:35chodaboy someone enigma?
00:01:36Rotkiv wank ..
00:01:37WANKmaster mulle
00:01:37Rotkiv k
00:01:38chodaboy get me dk
00:01:38dhgf .D:D
00:01:40chodaboy dk
00:01:41chodaboy -hhn
00:01:42chodaboy -di
00:01:49chodaboy OMFG
00:01:51h0whigh aögjaöghja
00:01:53h0whigh cent?!??!?!?!
00:01:56chodaboy anotther woodhero
00:01:57h0whigh lane with pduge...
00:01:58chodaboy gj brainiac
00:01:58WANKmaster -swap 5
00:01:59Rotkiv -swap 2
00:02:03h0whigh so fucking stupid
00:02:08eWeresT pl bot?
00:02:13WANKmaster yes
00:02:14Strom cent is better on lane anyway
00:02:18Usires u pull dude
00:02:19WANKmaster but maybe doom top and aa bot ?
00:02:19dhgf ye
00:02:21chodaboy lol
00:02:21h0whigh ye but pudge cent lane :S
00:02:23chodaboy than enigma?
00:02:26h0whigh could pick better
00:02:27Usires i need fast lcls
00:02:28eWeresT no
00:02:28J0te there is only tinker or krob
00:02:28Usires lvsl
00:02:31dhgf well
00:02:32eWeresT muidu vittus liin
00:02:32Usires start ganging
00:02:33eWeresT üleval
00:02:34Usires waeaver
00:02:34J0te others
00:02:34Strom choda, better than in woods
00:02:35Usires with doom
00:02:42WANKmaster u can get lvl
00:02:45WANKmaster i need farm
00:02:45dhgf its a huge tank and aoe stun + nuke
00:02:49WANKmaster you on lane
00:02:50dhgf so cent isnt too bad
00:02:52WANKmaster i wont get farm
00:02:56Strom nobody can harass cent on lane
00:02:58Usires just pull dude
00:03:00WANKmaster kinda pointless lane dont uthink ?
00:04:30WANKmaster that lane is freefarm
00:04:32WANKmaster for me
00:04:54Usires i will pull then
00:04:57dhgf spikes?
00:04:59eWeresT okei
00:05:03eWeresT ma panin räigelt kärna
00:05:05eWeresT :D
00:05:05Strom care cent
00:07:42Strom mis bot doom
00:07:47eWeresT hea
00:07:51Rotkiv .P
00:08:01Strom re
00:08:02dhgf howhigh
00:08:03dhgf kill?
00:08:04dhgf top
00:08:05dhgf got dd
00:08:06huutopussi kmiss mid
00:08:09h0whigh sure
00:08:10huutopussi weaver level 6
00:08:10Usires go pudge
00:08:16Usires level got
00:08:22dhgf nvm
00:08:23dhgf gonna farm
00:08:39J0te add me skype?
00:08:53WANKmaster yes
00:08:58dhgf omni miss mid
00:09:06J0te choda add me skype)
00:09:07h0whigh -invokelist
00:09:21dhgf re mid
00:09:58Rotkiv heali mind kui saad
00:10:04Rotkiv tnx
00:10:38dhgf cent
00:10:38dhgf wait
00:10:49dhgf gogogo
00:11:00J0te to late
00:11:03eWeresT oom
00:11:12huutopussi miss mid
00:11:13huutopussi weaver
00:11:17eWeresT pudge top..
00:11:20dhgf go bot cent
00:11:21WANKmaster 2
00:11:23WANKmaster missing
00:11:23WANKmaster top
00:11:25eWeresT kena miss
00:11:26WANKmaster bot
00:11:26Rotkiv vedas
00:11:30huutopussi weaver re
00:11:31eWeresT mhm
00:11:32huutopussi cent miss mid
00:12:21eWeresT see invoker on õnneks 2 spelli noob
00:13:09huutopussi mid miss
00:13:14eWeresT fck
00:13:47eWeresT cent top
00:13:48chodaboy DONT LET PL FARL
00:13:50eWeresT weaver ss top
00:13:52chodaboy farm
00:13:55Strom tried to kill him
00:13:59Strom but he has that damn doom babysitting
00:14:01chodaboy buy dust?
00:14:04Strom I have dust?
00:14:14Strom like I said, he has doom babysitting
00:14:37WANKmaster miss
00:14:38WANKmaster bot
00:14:40huutopussi mid msis
00:14:52eWeresT cent had dust
00:14:53eWeresT btw
00:15:07dhgf TOP INC
00:15:07dhgf OMNI
00:15:08dhgf b
00:15:08dhgf b
00:15:08dhgf b
00:15:09dhgf b
00:15:12dhgf re nvm
00:15:35dhgf kill
00:15:55eWeresT b
00:16:03eWeresT 4 bot
00:16:04eWeresT top
00:16:05eWeresT gg
00:16:12dhgf THIS CENT
00:16:46J0te weaver why u mention me
00:17:26Rotkiv enigma got dagger
00:17:36dhgf :D
00:17:36eWeresT pf
00:17:37Strom kamoon
00:17:41Strom miks sa ei lasknud tal seda ära tappa
00:17:44huutopussi you should run to tower where i can help
00:17:48eWeresT D:ASD::SDAD:
00:17:50eWeresT kena hook
00:17:53WANKmaster didnt see you :D
00:17:54WANKmaster sru
00:17:55WANKmaster sry
00:18:05eWeresT 3 mid
00:18:07eWeresT 2 now
00:18:10eWeresT pudge ss
00:18:23huutopussi tower
00:18:32h0whigh DENY
00:18:38J0te hahah
00:18:39J0te 3vs1
00:18:46J0te sure i deny xD
00:18:51J0te and die :DDD
00:18:53h0whigh deny8me
00:18:54h0whigh idiot
00:18:56h0whigh hahah
00:19:01Strom why would I deny you
00:19:02h0whigh luci ulti u know
00:19:04Strom you won't die
00:19:04Rotkiv top ss
00:19:06J0te deny ur glue
00:19:12h0whigh though i will
00:20:18WANKmaster .d.DDD:D
00:21:29chodaboy wtf?
00:22:01chodaboy got ulti
00:22:02chodaboy lets go
00:23:38J0te may i ask why all farm same creeps
00:23:47Strom no
00:23:51WANKmaster surnud
00:23:57eWeresT jeps
00:24:19chodaboy ff
00:24:21chodaboy no wards
00:24:26J0te hahah
00:24:27chodaboy and that hook
00:24:28J0te every game
00:24:33J0te u say same thing
00:24:34chodaboy guiniess records
00:24:47eWeresT või siis olen ulmeskilled bait
00:24:48WANKmaster kohe radi ka
00:24:54Strom that hook missed only because his model wasn't as big as the visible one
00:24:57Usires u are the support there
00:24:58Strom I fucking hooked through his arm
00:25:01chodaboy outpicked outplayed outfarmed
00:25:02Usires buy them
00:25:03WANKmaster ill take bot
00:25:06WANKmaster farm
00:25:18WANKmaster rain
00:25:20WANKmaster sa ei saa aru ?
00:25:25WANKmaster mul
00:25:26WANKmaster radi
00:25:27WANKmaster koos
00:25:28eWeresT oleksin pidanud vikile jätna ud, ilget faili panen
00:25:33eWeresT ära pabista tra
00:25:42eWeresT nagu eit
00:25:43eWeresT vingub
00:25:44eWeresT ulme
00:25:45chodaboy hos mate is usires?
00:26:10Strom l
00:26:10J0te )
00:26:29h0whigh THATS DENY
00:26:31h0whigh GLUETARD
00:26:46J0te what u mean
00:26:49h0whigh haha
00:27:02Usires go mid
00:27:05Usires enigma no ulti
00:27:08Usires lancer got radi
00:27:13eWeresT sup
00:27:40J0te )
00:27:57eWeresT tubli :D
00:28:05eWeresT suht kõva panna 1v4 :D
00:28:12eWeresT samal ajal kui teie baas läheb
00:28:44J0te well no team at own base
00:28:48eWeresT mul 1337hp ka
00:28:51eWeresT nuf said
00:29:11J0te nuf said no own team in own base
00:29:25eWeresT cuz u all chased me
00:29:26eWeresT :DDDDDDDDDD
00:29:27eWeresT gg
00:29:33J0te and teled base
00:29:41eWeresT when ur tower was taken
00:29:43eWeresT yes
00:29:44eWeresT yes
00:29:58J0te why i wud go 1x4 defend
00:30:55chodaboy ff
00:31:04J0te ff
00:31:15dhgf ff at 30 min
00:31:23J0te when else
00:31:36dhgf should have ffed when teamed up with u
00:31:42chodaboy yes
00:31:55J0te ¨dude u have no brain.....-pick weaver when doom pool
00:32:02dhgf k
00:32:04chodaboy u suck
00:32:04chodaboy pls
00:32:07chodaboy eat
00:32:10WANKmaster im oom
00:32:59chodaboy hahaha
00:33:00chodaboy CENT
00:33:07chodaboy gg stun
00:33:43h0whigh well cant do moar
00:33:44chodaboy I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:44J0te choda dont write
00:33:47chodaboy eat
00:33:48chodaboy stfu
00:33:57chodaboy can u just ff?
00:34:00J0te I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:34:02J0te can
00:34:45chodaboy FF?
00:34:47chodaboy helllllllllllllo?
00:34:48dhgf I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:34:50Usires go top all
00:35:02J0te ya pls
00:35:15eWeresT omw
00:36:07eWeresT fucking manaburn
00:36:18Strom I surrender! [4/5 of Scourge]
00:36:28J0te laST
00:36:38J0te inVOKER
00:36:38chodaboy just ff strom
00:36:39chodaboy pls
00:36:53dhgf howhigh is yet to ff
00:36:54J0te invoker ff
00:36:56h0whigh RLY
00:36:58dhgf but nvm over already
00:37:03h0whigh cus of noob team
00:37:03J0te glueboy
00:37:55J0te invokeR?
00:37:59h0whigh y
00:38:02h0whigh what
00:38:03h0whigh u
00:38:03h0whigh want
00:38:08J0te fF?
00:38:10h0whigh dont
00:38:10h0whigh like
00:38:11h0whigh that
00:38:12h0whigh word
00:38:44Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:44Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:44Usires [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
00:38:44Usires [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
00:38:44h0whigh I surrender! [5/5 of Scourge]
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